Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ramsey excited by new look Arsenal

Despite not starting any of our games yet this season, Aaron Ramsey says he’s excited by the players the club brought in this summer and the way the team have tightened up defensively.

The Welshman has been used as a sub in every game thus far and playing with a little less pressure looks to have given him a bit more freedom and form. Being asked to fill the boots of Cesc Fabregas last season was very much a case of too much, too soon, but his impressive cameos this season have shown there’s more to the player than he’s given credit for.

Speaking to Arsenal Player, Ramsey waxed lyrical about the new boys, the newly found defensive focus we have and the fact he’s more experienced as player mow.

“We have had a couple of signings who are experienced, and who are mature as players and people and they have brought that into the team,” he said.

“Then there are players such as myself who have had a season of playing in the Premier League and know what it is all about. That helps massively as well.

“We have definitely learned from last season: we got off to a bad start and finished really strongly. But this time we have started off well so hopefully we can keep that going.

“It is important that everyone gets on, and that we know exactly on the pitch and we are confident. That is showing in the performances and results we are getting lately.

“We have tightened up at the back, and as a team defensively we are getting into better positions and I think that has shown so far. Everyone is confident and all looking forward to the next game.”

Ramsey is unlikely to start tomorrow at City but having been sent on in various scenarios this season, and contributed well in all of them, we’re bound to see him at some stage.

And if he’s building confidence and form from his appearances, then all the better for us.

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What’s the long term prospect for Ramsey in terms of position? Last year he was tasked with replacing Cesc (sort of), while this year he’s only been a super sub. Do Gooners think he’ll eventually be sold in a few years’ time or is he still considered a diamond in the rough?


honestly, for the long term, i see him as a very capable understudy to wilshere and cazorla in midfield

Dick Swiveller

He’s substantially younger than Arteta and Rosicky, along with Diaby and Cazorla not being youngsters; I’d say he’s in a good position to claim a first team squad position, if not a starting place.


I see him as part of a midfield duo with Arteta behind him, but with the midfield looking as promising as it is he’s going to have to be patient and take his chance when it comes in the cup and CL group games.

american gooner

Seeing as how the trend is, naive of us Gooners to look to far ahead in terms of players. He will fuck off as soon as he has a brilliant season. Had enough, no thank you. I’ll support the team we have this season and currently Aaron is doing a good job as an impact sub.


I thinkmwalcott want to do a flamini. Fucking cunt


Rambo to score the winner on Sunday COYG

Brian Mendoza

Why would you condemn a celebrity to death like that?


no.. to score the 4th goal as a sub in the 70th min. Tommorow arteta is going to be the main man.


I want to see Giroud finally scoring for us!


I just realised the other day how packed our midfield is…with quality too, musn’t forget that bit!


He has looked good this season , really good.

George Obi-Azubuike

He’ll still be an Arsenal player in the coming years,but for this season,i see Wenger using him mostly in our FAcup and Capital one games


Post injury, he’s still learning the game. It was unfair to expect too much of him last season, but we simply didn’t have the strength in depth to rotate him out as much as he and we needed.

Consequently he seemed to be trying too hard, he became jaded, and his lost form over the course, becoming the target for some ridiculous levels of abuse.

Pleased he’s now got the chance to develop his game at a bit more of a reasonable pace, and that’s gonna pay dividends for us both this season and in the future in my opinion.


Yeah, I don’t think he benefitted from all of those starts last season at all. Wasn’t ready. Am glad to see him making his mark as a sub for now. (Don’t think anyone’s going to be displacing Cazorla and Arteta as starters — bar injury, heaven forbid — but I’m glad we have a strong group of four-five capable midfielders jostling for that third spot.)


Am one of his biggest critic , dont get me wrong I want him to succeed, but no point in misplaced loyalties (this forum dont allow critisism of players)

Players like Rosicky, Arteta, Cazorla shouldnt be seen as threatening his place, how else is he going to learn if not from great players, a benefit that alot of the young ones during this barren run didnt have,

I think Fabregas benefited alot from this. For now I think he should play along side these players rather that substituting them. (play on the flank and interchange with the central attacking players)


Rambo’s gona cum bk stronger & fans easily 4get so soon wat a player he’s bin b4 that ludicrous tackle by (a dont wana rememba hs name) still remains a mystery 2 me .this was a player who was quik,lethal & ambidextrous, so much so that we thougth he’s beta dn cesc,he’s dt gud.

Willy Shakes

You must be a linguistic visionary, jaded with the English language as it is and fearlessly pushing it on past new boundaries to new heights.

I salute you my good man.

50 Shades of Ramsey

it’s like reading Finnegan’s Wake


What did he say?

Eric Irish gunner

Fuck knows frog, numbers and half words is all I could make out


you managed to spell the one letter pronoun ‘I’ wrong and yet somehow you got ambidextrous right

Fairly recent Gooner

I’d like to see all the people who thumbed down NigerianGunner for his written English do half as well with their Nigerian.


I really don’t see how that correlates to typing “lyk ds”.


It says here that the official language of Nigeria is, er, English…..

Yeah right

That’s the thing that was annoying me the most last season: supporters hating on our own players, especially Ramsey. Everyone’s understading it now, when our midfield is great. Last season we had no Diaby, no Wilshere, no Cazorla. Ramsey did his best and worked hard at every game after a major injury. He just wasn’t better, but was that his fault? No! Our midfield just wasn’t good enough. Same with Chamakh, he did his best, it wasn’t his fault that we had no better strikers behind RvP. Hating on our own players only makes them worse. Nobody except our opponents… Read more »


Hating on our own players? Of course we shouldn’t!
Being critical when Arsenal standards arent met, and expecting better of the players? Maybe that is only normal and can help some players progress and cut on the mistakes, which is good both for the club and the players themselves.

Yeah right

But could we honestly expect better from Ramsey last season? Many supporters hated, not saying you did. Still don’t think it was Ramsey’s fault. Wenger and the board relied to much on a player that wasn’t ready. Agree?


Bloggs’s words were in vain.
Here’s another outrageous trollish post if the thumb downs are to be believed.


sorry to be talking about the past, but I remember that besides the initial stage of last season, AW was very reluctanct to play rosicky going for Rambo instead till he burnt out. When asked about the rediscovery of Rosicky’s form late on, he replied he finally managed a run of games together. I believe he could have been rested even sooner. Again just my take on it.

whats so wrong with what McBain said below? Im beginning to think Im not in the same wavelength with my fellow gooners.


He believes criticising players can help them cut out mistakes. I’m not sure that’s in the teaching/coaching for dummies guide.


Well done Ramsey. He’s impressed me so far.


good to have level headed lads like him in the team. Keep the good attitute learn from the rest and work harder Rambo you will be great.


If you don’t mind be saying, I think our new style suits Rambo a bit more. There’s a lot of condition, but I think he could really excel being the secondary creative force in midfield with the opponent’s attention being mostly taken up by Cazorla.


I’m afraid I *do* mind you saying. Ho ho ho.

But Diaby in before Rambo for me. Wilshere v Diaby however, tough one. On form Diaby has surprised me so far this year. Far higher standards than I expected.


Ine of the worst players for arsenal. Ramsy is over rated, below average and has never ever played a good game. Tolerated for his leg injury and welsh passport, a player no single proper quality club will ever want. Captain of a national team ranked 79 in the world and always humiliating loses. Always a sub, never as good as cesc, Nasri or Cazorla on any level. His presence is felt on a negative scale and his absence brings out the best of arsenal ! Always passes side ways or backwards, never keeps the ball, has no idea what defensive… Read more »


Given you can’t spell the lads’ name I’m not sure how much credence to give your opinion. Furthermore you rip on Frimpong and then say due to Frimpong Ramsey won’t play?

The club doesn’t need your kind of support to be fair!

The Erotic Hands of Wenger

You calling Arsene Wenger “a master of stupidity” is like The Elephant Man calling David Beckham “the ugliest man in the world”.


Or Cm-punk calling himself the best in the world. Ridiculous!


Ahahhaa, I forgot about cmpunk. I don’t do Suckernet much since I got banned for calling Spurs fans a bad word once and had to change my name.


taxi for the troll

Sol Goodman

It sounds like your a hoot to be around. Everything is coming up roses for the team at the moment and your are this negative. Yeah fuck all these failing youth cunts like Wilshere Chamberlain Gibbs Szczesny and Ramsey. Wenger, what a fool you are.

Dial Square

Zaidovski……you cock !!!!!!


We love you, Ramsey!

It was hard at first adjusting to the hate and bitterness some fans spew on blogs because I love reading blogs, sharing other fans’ views and disappointment in defeat. But to get used to it, I just remember that we are all fans and mentally add the ‘COYG’ at the end of each post, and that takes the edge off and helps me understand. But for such negative idiotic rhetoric as Zaidovski above, no choice but to blame it on inbreeding and move on.

Declan O, Donovan

Fecking spuds fans again they,re obsessed with us! Go to your own blog and troll.


He’s okay, always undermined but everyone has his faults. We never really look at his positives and there are quite abudant. This midfield will reach heights no one imagine. we’ll be subbing a superstar for a superstar. No catching a break.

arsenal Freak

Ramsey is a great Lad, and i’m proud to see competitions for places in the Arsenal Midfield. That will bring out the best in our players as we have already seen this far in the season. One love my gonners..


Actually, I watched the video and thought Ramsey seemed rather depressed. Did say loads of nice things, but seemed rather depressed. Cheer up, Rambo, you’re having a good season so far, and having more of an impact in your limited appearances.

(My boyfriend disagrees about Ramsey being depressed — says the guy just has zero charisma, and just has a flat, expression-less way of speaking.)


The guy just needs a goal, of course not as much as our no 12 needs 😉


If i was ramsey and made 38 league appearances all as sub us started every game in one of the domestic cups and may be 10 sub apps in the champions league i would be happy. people forget he is the youngest player in arsenals 25 man squad younger than the likes of szcesney gibbs walcott and even eastmond!!


Meh. Not to concerned with Ramsey. I’m afraid he’s for quite a number of midfielders in front of him if they’re all healthy. Carzola, arteta


….diaby, rosicky, wilshere, coq and ox. I don’t see him ever truly being first choice for the arse. He should make a decent squad player. Ok, bring on the thumbs, but this is how I see it.


I think we need to bring on the fists and high five yo face!



Goon Goon Goon

To think that Ramsey can’t make it into the starting 11 and still plays awesome is a good sign of things to come. Just gotta hope now that the lads who don’t get so many games do not get disheartened and realise they are one cog in the greater scheme of goondom. CYFG!!!


Park chu young scores.

Rocket Diary

Took him just two minutes after coming on as a sub.


So bendtner being t-g-s-t-e-l will take 30 seconds on his juve debut. Yes!.


Park took two minutes to get off the mark.
Giroud has 2 home games and nothing yet?

I think a balance in nature has to be restored here.


he was close to getting a second.the shot was little off the mark.he’s definitley a favourate at celta vigo.

O Death

Before he was crocked by that manc bastard I used to call him the welsh zidane. Last season was too much for him and he couldn’t get his head right, but I’ve seen what he is capable of and I’d love to see him reach his potential and turn into a mature, skilful, athletic player who will be an important member of the squad for many years to come.


Guys, make easy dollars simply by clicking

I’ve already made 600$ in two months!! Its like picking money off the street


Haha van persie that you?. Eh?
Or walcott trying to fund for his new and lucrative contract?. Adebaywhore?, nasri?, unhappy ronaldo?…..i give up.


I have a better idea, fuck off.


I think some people have forgotten the glimpse of the future we had against Man Utd in the home game after he’d come back from the injury (01/05/2011). Jack (then 19) and Aaron (then 20) bossed that midfield and we thoroughly outplayed Utd passing circles round them. Thankfully Arsene doesn’t employ the amateur scouts that pervade football forums. There evident short-sightedness perhaps explains why they’re still amateurs.

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Pascal Cygan

Shawcross got the ball, was a fair tackle. If you look closely you can see ramsey dived




Yes of course, Shawcross is Not That Sort Of Player. In fact he’s the most Not That Sort Of Player there is, having been described as Not That Sort Of Player more often than anyone else. Many of us keep thinking he might be That Sort Of Player as he keeps doing the sort of things that only someone who is That Sort Of Player would do, so it’s a good thing that there’s always someone saying that he is Not That Sort Of Player to set us straight whenever he does something that makes him look like That Sort… Read more »

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