Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal v QPR – single word review and player ratings

It’s back to the dictionary for Arseblog News as we decode the cries of joy that come with scoring a late, offside winner against a side managed by toadlicker Mark Hughes.

Please note, we reserve the right to invent our own words at any time. Or, when circumstances dictate, use more than one word which may or may not include words we’ve invented.

Vito Mannone: 6/10 – Edgy

Bacary Sagna: 7/10 – Unyielding

Per Mertesacker: 7/10 – Unruffled

Thomas Vermaelen: 7/10 – Poised

Andre Santos: 6/10 – Stabby

Mikel Arteta: 7/10 – Yippie-Ki-Yay-MotherFucker

Jack Wilshere: 8/10 – Back

Aaron Ramsey: 6/10 – Fretful

Santi Cazorla: 7/10 – Squirt

Lukas Podolski: 6/10 – Vexing

Olivier Giroud: 7/10 – Bolshie


Walcott: 6/10– Skedaddly

Arshavin: 6/10 – Part-time-postman

Gervinho: 5/10 – Incapacitated

Feel free to discuss and post your own ratings, but normal comment policy applies. If you’re not familiar with it, please read.

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where’s vermaelen?


You are never without some kind of witty reply, are you?. Heh.


I liked the look arshavin and carzorla together……..


Me too. atleast the sneaky fucking russian can beat his first man. did it twice in minutes after coming on… hope to see him in the hole for the cup.


Mannone- 7/10
Sagna, TV5, Per- 7/10
Sant- 6/10
Arteta -7.5/10
Cazorla -5.5/10
Lukas Podolski-4.5/10
Giroud -6/10
Gervinho- 3/10
Arshavin -7/10
Walcott- 6/10


arshavin such a good super sub – don’t have to worry about him being fatigued so can’t track back – yeah valencia or nani skipped past him last year, but he’s not the first or last for that to happen to – remember -it was arshavin his cross at sunderland Henry put in last season, and yesterday, he’s experienced on the left or as a no 10. play giroud to get on the end or move podolski to the middle , he’s wasted on the wing , we need pod. in the box, to waiting to pass to overlapping full… Read more »


You forgot Vermaelen.


Agree with all of them bar santos who was a bit worse than a 5 in my opinion. He’s not a bad footballer, but he is a fairly average defender.


Vermaelen- forgotten


Vermaelen – finally remembered


Vermaelen – forgotten

big dawg

Love how you two both posted that at ze same time 🙂 telepathy 🙂


Arteta – Offsidey
Me – Idon’tcarey


Everybody were almost the same? Almost everybody from 6 to 7. I don’t think so.


Mikel Arteta: 7/10 – Yippie-Ki-Yay-MotherFucker ( offside…me don care.( suck my lips). Morning all


Cesar – 10//10. – Obviously


As usual Mannone our unsung hero. Did well to deny mackie, Made himself big enough to deny any chance of the ball squeezing past him… would have ended 1-1 and everyone would all of a sudden get mediocre ratings bar Wilshere.


now what is motherfucker? are you out of your mind? use your common sense

Dr Baptiste

Check out this motherfucker.
Someone needs to watch one of the greatest Christmas films so far

big black clock

Santos must not start against Man Utd. Or, to put it simply, we’re fucked.


yep. Santos will get eaten alive by valencia next week if he starts. We need gibbo… if not i would put carl jenkinson in at left back and baccy baccy on the right. depending who has the better week foot i dont know..


My christmas wish list:
1. A world class striker
2. A fit Diaby who never ever gets injured again
3. A decent left back to cover for Gibbs
4. Julio Cesar
5. Gazidis pay check


Personally, I’d settle for 5 😉


Why do we need Cesar? And we have a descent left back to cover Gibbs. We need a Gibbs that doesn’t get injured.


Too many middle scores. Walcott, Arshavin did nothing really. Ramsey not worth one less than Arteta. Santos really worries me at left back. Team lucky to get a win in the end.


don’t you know that, Arshavin is the man crossed the ball that resulted the goal?

Dr Baptiste

Hence why he’s a part-time-postman, only delivers goods sometimes


It was Arshavin’s cross that wreck havoc in the QPR box !


After Ramseys header hit the post I suspect somebody famous somewhere got a mild heart-attack……


Re: Santos, worth having a look at his numbers –

I didn’t think he was anywhere near as bad as some people are saying yesterday.

Pat rices shorts

Key words: “against qpr”.

Also shawn shit phillips made it too easy for him.


Right. So the tackles he made were because SWP made it easy. Good.

big black clock

His numbers are too skewed. Most of his heroic tackles were a result of his own wrongdoings. He got dispossessed in midfield a lot and had to run back to make a tackle. If it wasn’t for Arteta/Vermaelen covering him whenever he went forward (and QPR focusing more on murdering our players instead of scoring) we might have been really punished. I’m not surprised that those 3 late chances that QPR had all came from the left flank. Playing Arshavin and Santos both in the same flank is suicidal imo. Arshavin doesn’t offer much support and Santos looks like a… Read more »


From the north bank Santos looked easily our worst player. Kept getting caught out of position. Even Mannone was berating him for it!

Dog Eat Arse

You can`t always trust the stats and we were watching different games if you think he had a good game blogs.
Santos positional play is just ridiculous and he gave the ball away in dangerous areas. The tackles are always “luck” and agains better opposition he will get crucified. If he plays against United we are in for another humiliation. United will exploit him.


I don’t think anything could ever be “always luck”. If its always, it’s the norm. He wasn’t that bad. In out system, we rely on our fullbacks getting up the pitch quickly to provide width. That’s because our “wingers” aren’t wingers and they spend the entire match “cutting in”. Hence, our attack looked better and wider against QPR because bac was getting forward much more threateningly than Jenks was, thus stretching the defense. Same goes for santos on the left. we rely on our dm, arteta to cover when they’re exposed. He does that very well, much better than song… Read more »


I think Santos is good at gambling for tackles. He isn’t very quick though so his positioning looks poor. I see him as a Per clone at left back. One of Per’s strengths is gambling for tackles too.


watch him run back when he loses possession, reminds me of Denilson at his worst; can’t be arsed. not good enough.

steve boulds hairdresser

can we buy another left back and just let the cuddly maverick compete for a position further upfield? it would be better for all involved…


A better answer to the question which requires a solution. Well done. So many folks are negative and never offer a workable solution. Bravo

Dog Eat Arse

Great solution.


Gervinho – 5/10. How?

Dr Baptiste

Because he wasn’t bad and he wasn’t good, so the default position would be in the middle

Red Cannon

That’s fine. But personally I think a N/A would be more appropriate.

Dog Eat Arse

But he was bad the short time he was on the pitch so 5/10 is way to high.

Rad Carrot

I actually thought Santos has an okay game yesterday, and Ramsey was reasonably effective too. Giroud still impresses me with his work rate, he seems to be always there harassing. His goal tally might not be where we’d like it to be but he’s a definite threat and I’d like him to start more. Player I’m concerned with most at the moment is Podolski, he started so well but just seems to be playing out of position and seems a little tired already. Would like to put him up front for a game or two as well, see what he… Read more »


I think Poldi plays better on the break, too often recently Arsenal has been trying to play through a crowded penalty area, and he is ineffective in that role.

I’ll give him some more time, last year most attacking went down the right because there was no settled player on the left, maybe Poldi can grow into the position.

Rad Carrot

Don’t get me wrong mate, I wouldn’t write any of our players off so soon. I really like Poldi and I rate him very highly, I just know he’s better than he’s shown in the last few games.

His attitude is brilliant and I’m happy to have him in the team!


Poldi is at his best when we go forward, he often finds himself in the final third all alone. Our midfielders offer less support in-field (when counterattacking) and then ofcourse has to slow down play for the others to come into the fold. His crosses are too hot to handle imo but he rarely does this as no one is actually willing to be at the end of em.

Also the patnership he had created with Gibbo really brought out the best in him. The liverpool game I remember absolute gold stuff from those two. I miss that attacking combo.


I thin Poldi may be carrying an ankle injury or something similar which is affecting his pay. I was on “Poldi” watch at the Emirates yesterday and he stopped after each burst of enthusiasm and winced.


I got the typing all wrong on the above comment. I’m sorry ( I pressed the button before a spell check)


I did hear the commentators mention when he got taken off against Norwich, or possibly the game before, that he’s been carrying an ankle injury. Hence why wenger keeps subbing him off nearly every game. Can’t believe they’d take him off before gervinho if it wasnt true


“burst of enthusiasm” – loved that phrase, Maddo. Never wrong with a bit of poetic expression. Lots of fine folk here at Arseblog!


I actually like Giroud’s work rate and movement overall, and to be fair he hasn’t had many full-length games so I plan to give him the benefit of the doubt for the season, but at some point soon (latest, December – if he’s nearly playing regular enough) he will need to really starting hitting the back of the net on the regular. One thing I really hate about him however is if he misses he’ll stand in his spot, hamds on his face for a good minute and waste returned opportunities. The HFB needs to bloody sort this right out… Read more »


Sorry, this was meant to be a reply to Rad Carrot


I do agree with rad carrot here. Not only does it affect Lukas, I see the same fatigue in Santi also….A break can do wonders for both players

Rad Carrot

Yeah, it just seems a little early in the season for them to be getting tired. Would be nice to be able to rely more on our back-ups, Freddie was right that our depth is still a little shaky. We should be able to rest a few key players against some of the ‘lesser’ teams (if they still exist in the Premiership) and not notice a significant decline in the performance, but unfortunately if we play with Gnabry, Coquelin, Frimpong and Chamakh I think our attack would be severely stunted no matter who we played. The first three will of… Read more »

North Bank Gooner

somewhere above, someone made the point that Poldi has been doing some serious mileage covering our flank, maybe this role is blunting him a bit offensively. I have to admit to thinking the same thing over the last 3 games, as he’s not been hugely involved. hopefully as his fitness improves he will come into things more in the attack.


that’s a wonderful pic!


Why is the Pod being subbed off so often? So typically cold and emotionless, the German… I hope he doesn’t get miffed at le Boss. Would love to see him play striker off Giroud against man u but Wenger will probably never change formation for two strikers 🙁


Personally, purely due to Utd being a predominantly Wing-attack-minded side, and with their history of diving twats, I’d go for vermaelen or le coq at LB in place of our cuddly Brazilian (I don’t think he’s as suspect as some make him out to be) and put kos with BFG in middle (time to kick messi out of his back pocket and add Rooney and TCSTEL). So, I’d go for:

Bac BFG kos Verm/coq

Arteta Jack

Walcott Podolski


United have started playing with a diamond in midfield now so their wings aren’t their greatest threat. They play with Fletcher/Carrick , Cleverly, Kagawa, and Rooney in midfield and rely on their fullbacks for width. The biggest thing in the next game will be making sure Podolski and whoever’s playing on the right cover their men so the midfield can concentrate on stopping their most dangerous players.


Spot on. the best 4 defenders at the club need to play sagna mertesacker koscielny vermaelen for me that should be our 1st chpice back 4 with jenkinson djourou miquel gibbs as the back up. santos should be sold he is clearly not good enough to play in the epl certainly not as a left back ahead of vermaelen or gibbs. out during the next window fabianski squillaci santos denilson arshavin chamakh park bendtner and walcott if he doesnt sign a new contract, though personally i would give him a chance at forward over the next few weeks. i honestly… Read more »


If vermaelin plays lb, Valencia will eat him alive.


Santos 4 at most! with the ball at his feet or near him he’s fine, positional sense -1 which would’ve be a vast improvement from Weds.

Ahmed N. Ibra

I have to say, Arshavin’s cross was pure class. Such a shame he’s an unmotivated lazy fuck, as he’s technically very close to Santi and Arteta, and way ahead of Walcott and Gervinho. If only he had their work rate. Please god, make a new Arshavin that actually cares.


offside goal?
QPR had a player off behind the goal line (without Ref’s permission) therefore it is not offside.

Id hate for The Arsenal to get a gammy win….wtf! I take any win, gammy or not.

Up The Arsenal


I’d like to try this for our next week starting squad against ManUre: Mannone Sagna-Mert-Verm-Santos/Gibbs (if fit) Arteta-Wilshere Walcott-Cazorla-Arshavin/Ox (if fit) Podolski Subs: O’Shea, Koscielny, Santos/Djourou, Coquelin/Frimpong (if fit), Ramsey, Gervinho, Arsharvin/Gnabry, Giroud I want the game to be rock ManUre some, at this point they wouldn’t expect Podolski as the point man nd he’s natural to the role so I am confident it would pay off. Arsharvin would be a gamble on the left but on a good day his quality is for all to see, and it is again unexpected , of course we COULD just as easily… Read more »


To strenghthen the left for th Man Utd game, we can sacrifice Santos and have Verm at LB while having AA23 at the left wing with Lukasz to the center. I would not want to have the headache Le Boss is gonna have in choosing Giroud or Lukas to start up front…


I meant strengthen…..Damn these tiny keyboards!

Dog Eat Arse

Santos and Arsh is suicidal against better opposition. All teams exploit our left side when Santos plays and with Arsh to give him support it will be mayhem on the left. I would prefer Verm at left with Kosh in the centre. Then as CM I would have Arteta and Ramsey. Ramsey gets a lot of stick but he is good in CM and he`s not Diabyed (injured) all the time so lets give him time in his preferred position . Wenger plays him way out of position on the right wing/forward and thats just stupid. Walcott, as hes fit,… Read more »


These ratings a shad too high for yesterdays performance. The performance as a whole was dry. It was a pain to watch.


Manone is my only worry for the next game.


Mannone will do alright.

Martin Keown is my hero

Only seen the game on a poor stream with hardly any replays. It seemded that for their offisde goal…..Verm was running out with his back to goal, leaving a QPR cunt free behind him. Seemed to be the same as what happened against Schalke. Can anyone confirm this?


I think that’s what I remember, too.


Arshavin: part-time-postman. LOL, epic!

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Can someone please explain to me why the goal’s offside ?

When Giroud heads it, it looks like Arteta’s still onside. And even the one after, its a 50/50 b/w Ramsey and the defender so how on Earth can it be offside, regardless of where Arteta is ?!


every time I remember who we scored that late, offside goal against i do a little fist pump


Wenger rating (for past seven years)

2 out of 10. Mule


Your comment.
1/10- Ungrateful.

Wenger rating past 7 years.
7/10- Restricted.


you must be one of the deluded “in Arsene we trust” twats.
What is there to be grateful for?
Seven years of relative failure? Promising year after year and failing to deliver?
Oh vey!

One other thing is becoming obvious. It now looks as though a certain Dutchman made the right move in the summer. And that Sir A F made the buy of the season.
Van P just might fulfil his ambitions to win trophies at Man U, as well as filling his pockets. Yes, it’ll break your juvenille hearts to read it, but it’s true.


not being an english gooner. i am grateful to Arsene for my love of arsenal.
The one thing i’ll have with me all my life.

Good enough answer?


Don’t feed the troll. The oh vey comment should have been enough to tell you he’s a spud. Notice I refrained from calling him a y^#.


Giroud has been unfairly represented, he gets no service at all. A player like him needs fast balls into the box where he makes good space. We don’t get that with Ramsey and Podolski. Id like a game with Arteta & Wilshire, Cazrola and then any two of Walcott/The Ox/Arshavin wide of Giroud.

All this slow build up that Ramsey brings is shit.

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