Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger glad to have Jack back

Arsene Wenger revealed that he only told Jack Wilshere he’d be playing at 10.30 today, and that his performance was a huge encouragement after so long out of the game.

The midfielder shone in a pretty dismal first half, withstood some hefty challenges, and despite being taken off after a little over an hour, the manager is happy with his comeback.

“You could see technically he is there, and he gave everything, and what he is missing he will get through competition. He still misses a bit of the pace of the game, the rhythm of the game, but overall what he did was class.

“I told him he was playing at 10.30am today. Sometimes I think it is better when you don’t have much time to think about it when you have been out for a long time.

“I made the decision without telling him because when you have not played for such a long time it is not always easy to deal with that and there is a high level of expectation when he goes on the pitch.

“I also felt the confidence of the team was a bit jaded and sometimes players with experience and quality give a bit of a lift as well.”

Arsenal had to rely on a late Mikel Arteta goal to take the three points, but Wenger was happy that his side showed improvement after the two previous defeats.

“I am very happy with the result because we lost two big games in our head, and the confidence was a bit jaded. We were serious, we moved the ball quite well and we needed to be patient today. It is a QPR team with quality, I don’t think they will stay at the bottom.

“It was important not to make a mistake, and wait for our chance and take it. We were a bit lucky that they lost a player, because it made it easier for us in the last 20 miniutes. But overall we played a serious game against a good team.”

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apart from other things, which for the time being made me almost disgusted with the Club, selecting Jack today was the best thing that Arsene could do to get us all up, psychologically speaking. i just hope it wasn’t a gamble.


To be fair, he and Sagna was pencilled in to come back mid October. Doubt that it was a gamble.


Make Jack our captain,there I said it.


Definetly a captain for the near future but right now would be asking too much of the lad. No pressure needed. When the time’s right, Jack will step up and lead the team.


Probably the missing key that was needed in the team. Can’t believe how classy he is even though he hasn’t play for a whole season!


he’s the best midfielder in england and it’s great to have him back.

makes me proud as a gooner that he’s one of us

Santi Cazorlas coming to town

The boy’s a bit special. So glad he’s back

big dawg

A bit special?!
Arsenal kinda won today
The sun came out in the morning a wee bit


Was clear to see how much we’ve missed young Jack. More direct and combative. You can see he loves Arsenal too, has that “us against everyone else” attitude. Nobody else really has that same passion for the club, and if they have I’ve not seen it yet.

Was a moment in the first half (I think) where Giroud got fouled and some black guy mouthed off at him on the floor. Jack was straight in there giving him a mouthful back. So happy about his return.


How are u allowed on this forum?


Completely unnecessary to point out the player’s race


‘Black’ isn’t a race. You daft racst.

Gooner T

I like that too, he was almost sticking up for Giroud!

Ps: a mate of mine at work mentioned this & i had never noticed it before!
When we describe people that are non white we always mention their race but we would never say that ‘white guy’ if describing a ‘white guy’!
Don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing to do with racism, just an observantion!!!


Nothing to do with Racism at all, just how white guys talk about the “others”


Err Aaron. The player that mouthed off – was he a QPR player by any chance or can you only remember he was black?


Well I personally thought the fact we were playing QPR meant I wouldn’t have to point that out twice. Kind of goes without saying. I wasn’t being racist at all, I stated the guy was black but seeing as I was watching a stream I couldn’t really make out who it was.

Just sums up what is wrong with this country these days. Too much PC bollocks. The guy is black, get over it. If I’d have seen his number is have stated “their number x” but I didn’t.

As has already been said, it was an observation. Nothing more.


so am i wenger, so am i


Jack is back. What a welcomed breath of fresh air this chap is. You could see he really wanted to establish some kind of a telepathic r/ship with Cazorla. (Exchanged nice one-two’s ) I appreciate that very much.

If we get Rambo to stop thinking he’s some kind of long ball pass-master when he.s obviously not…….um that would be nice too.


Thrilled to see Arteta, Cazorla and Wilshere playing together… tons of promise. Now to strengthen our squad elsewhere…


Do you imagine Arsene’s headeache when Abou and Little Mozart come back?


He got more than he asked for


After that outrageous kick by Mbia on vermaelen, i thought verminator would have unleashed his shaolin moves on him. Bouldy’s death stare prevented this I think.


Wilshere was my MOTM. His 67 mins on the pitch taught the team all about guile, tenacity, vision, precision and passion. A true legend in the making.


As great as it is to have him back, the man of the match has to be Julio Cesar. We had some quality shots that were turned away by some world class keeping. Scoreline could have easily been 4-0 in Arsenal’s favor.


With jake back, diaby on the way and Thomas am so happy that it would take awhile for Ramsey to get back into the team, someone needs to tell him he is not cese replacement and should pls stop does long passes, he short passes to the defenders is ok won’t complain as long as its not misplaced like his long balls


Quite an emotional moment in the stadium today when his name was read out, and a lot of breath holding when he went down a couple of times.

All things considered he played a blinder.

And a word for Bac – as though he’d never been away. Wot a tackle it was on some cunt in the box in the 2nd half. Proper goal saver.


While today clearly wasn’t our day (victory aside), I am excited about having Sagna and Jack back. In the long run, I think we will be able to achieve some decent results. Our defense wasn’t so bad today… Really, a lack of productivity from our strikers hurt us a bit.

weeDy Dewey

I think Jacks return will benefit Santi as well. Norwich managed to nullify us by shutting him out of that game completely. Wilshere with his defence bursting runs will mean opponents trying to use that tactic will have 2 motherfudging midfield beasts to try and shackle. Cant wait til hes a solid fixture in the line up.

If tomorrows results go our way we could stay 4th, hopefully teams ahead of us will drop points and Jacky boy and Santi will spur us on and produce a run of results. Saying that, United next in the league! *fingers crossed*


Loved seeing Wilshere back… so much spark! And was glad to see Arteta go forward and go for it… seems like he realized no one else was gonna do it… Arteta + Cazorla + Wilshere = thrilling possibilities.

(If only our forwards could get it together… sorry Gervinho’s hurt, but thinking we’re best off without him at the moment, given his terrible play during his brief time on the pitch.)

Stewie griffin

Oh yes, yes, what a player you’ve got there gunners. Dog, dog!, please wipe my fanny. Gotta lool supee for my next play date.

89 Anfield... It's up for grabs now!!!


Andrew Maher



A shout out also has to go out to Bac, not that Jenkinson didn’t do a fantastic job filling in for him but Bac is just class and he showed that today on a number of chances and his crosses are just jizztastic

Sagna the Magna

Jack is class and composure, and having Bac back in the back (sorry, couldn’t resist) gives us an undeniable addition of clinical professionalism.


Off Topic. I think this is how Arsenal should line up against Reading:


Since Reading is a Premier League team, we should go with a strong team. Jussayin’


Lol that is your strong team?
With the way were playing right now and considering its an away fixture. I say todays team perhaps two three changes will scrap for a result.

But if we do want to let this cup go then your line up definetly works!


Considering it’s Capital One Cup, and we can’t play the team we played today, this is as strong as it gets!


Switch Chammy w/ Walcott and you got yourself a deal!


I would, but I suppose we’ll need Walcott against the ManUtd scums, so don’t want him to be fatigued and stuff. Maybe a sub appearance from him?


Definitely Eisfeld and Arshavin – and Chamakh needs to play as our only other proper CF. We need to see how these players are going atm and who can find a bit of form. A lot of them are still internationals. Only change I would make is perhaps to give Santos another run. He needs to find some defensive form and fitness fast.


Stan fucking kroenke was in the stand for a second consecutive time!. Something must be keeping him in London. I doubt it’s the fucking beautiful scenery.

Have we tied down bac and walcott yet?.


his NFL team is playing at wembley tomorrow


I think our midfield will be awesome with wilshere. Arteta and santi – but I do worry about our quality on the wings and upfront – not the kind of quality thats gonna make us win titles – would be pleased to be proven wrong.

Also I hope gervihnos injury will free up some game time for arshavin. He’s a top quality player who holds himself back through lack of defensive cover – but he was the difference today


I can’t think of another EPL team’s midfield that looks more solid, at the moment. (Of course, you can’t say that about our strike force or our defense, so it’s understandable that fans are a bit worried.)


Wenger said. “What is good is that he got kicked today and had no problem. The rest will come with the games.”

Toughening him up and all that. Good.
Happy for him, he improves our midfield should scare teams abit.

Eric Irish gunner

Wilshire is class, future captain and arsenal legend

Eric Irish gunner



We dont need a king, we’ve got jack!!!


Does Arsenal ever practice set pieces. I really didnt see what was done on those Carzola’s & Giroud’s setpieces. We have so many free kick takers in the team yet no actually turns up when needed. I find myself not in the slightest bothered when we have a setpiece coz hardly anything comes of them.

We should also trying shooting from range abit more often but I guess we don’t want to disrupt our “walk it into the net” routine.


Arteta should be taking more of them, I think. (And no way Giroud should be allowed, at the moment.) Cazorla’s looking a bit tired by the end of the games…

Eric Irish gunner

Ye set pieces were bad today but the players should complain more if the wall is not back far enough like it was’ent today, other teams would wait and point this out rather then accept and rush the advantage, were over loaded with takers aswell with arteta,carzorla, podolski and vermaelem all looking for the chance so hopefully a few start hitting the net


When does Abou Diablo Diaby come back? He can make Tom Dumberley and Crabman Carrick look shite.


We play the united fucks next week at there shit stadium infront of their shit fans and cunty players. That said tomorrow I’ll do a ferguson and watch the united vs chelsa game tomorrow and see who is who coz I dont fucking know anyone in that shit team expect for booer skunk. and fatrooney The rest are irrelevant and full of wannabes. Team… Szcz/mannone Sagna…..mert…..verm…..gibbo Wilshere…..arteta…..cazorla…. Walcottt…..giroud…..poldi/chambo. I’m alittle bit concerned with arteta as they ( I still dont know who they are?) could exploit him for pace in centre of the pack but he has the brains to… Read more »

Arsenal Rising

Here’s Jackie!!!


What I really loved about Wilshere’s performance today was his willingness to actual run forward with the ball and play forward ball into the feet of cazorla, podolski, Giroud. Too often in the last few weeks Arteta and Ramsey have been lacking creativity and just passing back to Mertesacker. I personally think we’ve being trying to hold onto the ball for too long. Let our opponents get onto the ball and then counter attack when their ‘parking of the bus’ organisation/system is temporarily out of order. We’ve simply been holding onto the ball for too long allowing them all to… Read more »


That midfield 3 of Arteta/Wilshere/Santi will benefit Arsenal in the long run. It’s hard not to get excited when you see Wilshere at 70% from where he was before he got injured and still able to drag the team offensively. He still lack match pace and fitness but that will come as he gets more matches. And if anyone ever thinks he might be afraid to go in the challenges he surely wasn’t showing it. As for the rest of the team, we still look deflated, hopefully a week’s rest will bring back our attacking guile. I do hope to… Read more »


Jack is Bac!

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David O'Leary's Dad

Great to see Jack back. Looking forward I still think we need a world class forward – van Huntellar would be good. Imagine a real goal scorer in front of Diaby, Arteta, Jack, Cazorla and Podolski.

[…] main talking point though was the return of Jack Wilshere. Not informed of his inclusion until 10.30am on the morning of the match, it was almost like he’d never been away. His quality is obvious and with more games and more […]

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