Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 3-3 Fulham (inc goal clips)

Arsenal dropped two points after an eventuful 3-3 draw with Fulham at the Emirates this afternoon.

Francis Coquelin replaced Jack Wilshere in midfield, other than that Arsenal were unchanged from midweek in Schalke.

The visitors had the first chance of the game when, after a scramble on the edge of our box, a shot deflected just wide of Mannone’s post. But Arsenal went in front having won a corner, Theo Walcott curled it in and Olivier Giroud thumped home a header to make it 1-0. Schwarzer got a hand but couldn’t keep it out.

It was 2-0 just over 10 minutes later when Arteta, played in by Cazorla, might have shot from a tight angle. Instead he took a touch and drilled a low ball across goal which the onrushing Podolski prodded home with his left foot.

For the second time in a week Arsenal were 2-0 up in a game which they were a long way from dominating, and for the second time in a week we let the lead slip.

In the 29th minute Berbatov, unmarked from close range, headed home a corner to make it 2-1, and the former Sp*rs and United man set up Fulham’s second. Again Arsenal were found wanting in the left back position, Berbatov’s cross found Kacaniklic unmarked on the penalty spot and his header beat Mannone when the Italian probably should have done better. 2-2.

They almost went 3-2 up right at the end of the half, this time a cross from the right was flicked from close range and only a late Mertesacker intervention prevented Berbatov having a tap-in at the back post.

Arsenal started the second half very brightly, with Theo Walcott involved. He crossed for Olivier Giroud but it was just too high, then he cut inside from the right, ran towards goal and curled a left footed shot just wide.

It was a game of to and fro, with both sides looking capable of scoring, and in typical Arsenal fashion it was Fulham who went ahead. Mikel Arteta was caught on the edge of our box,  had a little pull at Ruiz who fell over as you would expect, and Phil Dowd pointed to the spot. Berbatov made no mistake to make it 2-3.

But just two minutes later Arsenal were level. After being put clean through and seeing shot hit the post, Giroud powered home a header from Theo Walcott’s follow up cross and the Gunners were right back in it. 3-3.

Giroud then forced Schwarzer into a fine save having run through midfield before unleashing a powerful shot which was going inside the near post. Arsenal brought on Oxlade-Chamberlain for Podolski and Arshavin for Walcott, and they also had Laurent Koscielny to thank for a couple of last ditch tackles to deny Fulham. One in particuar, on Berbatov, saved a certain goal.

It looked like the game was going to fizzle out to a draw, which neither team could complain about, when an Arshavin cross was deemed to have been handled by Phil Dowd. It seemed harsh but the penalty was given.

Mikel Arteta took responsibility but with the last kick of the game his spot kick was saved by Schwarzer, and the Spaniard slumped to the ground the final whistle went. People may ask why Giroud, on a hat-trick, didn’t take it, but a senior player took responsibility, perhaps keen to atone for his earlier error, and I doubt he’ll sleep well tonight.

Maybe we didn’t deserve the victory but fuck that, I’d have liked it. In the end though a draw was a fair result and Arsenal will rue defensive lapses again. Despite character to come back into it having gone behind, we chucked away a two goal lead and it’s hard to look at today and not think anything other than 2 points dropped.


67 – Penalty, Berbatov scores

69 – Giroud goal

80 – Giroud run/shot


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gooner for life

The last thing we needed was Arteta loosing confidence,


Guys, I don’t even think it’s a matter of confidence (OK, yes, confidence partially) but did you see how ragged tired he looked today? He played with a lot of fight, and I really feel for him, after all is said and done.

gooner for life

after his slip up in our box he never looked the same mate

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

Arteta atleast contributed a good assist. He had a bad game overall. Don’t know why he took the penalty at all..
Ramsey was outstanding. Nearly got sent off within 10 minutes of coming on and made so many errors. What is the point of that boy? I actually thought Coquelin was playing well.

Walcott was our best player btw. If there’s anything we can learn from that it’s this. He’s definitely a goner come January

Van Persie

And our classless fans will boo him and make their 3 year olds abuse him.


What does Van persie have to do with this match? Score a couple of goals ? That’s what Giroud did.


Btw last thing we need is another liverpool from north london and managed by one formerly genius french manager.

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

Welcome to THE ARSENAL HORROR SHOW: Let’s play a game; a game of mistakes.
We’ll start with the Board.
The the manager can make a few.
Then the players can make a few( if the board hasn’t sold them all except Chu Young Park- pretty sure he’ll still be around.We did pay 4 million for him after all)

Robin Van Persie who? Robin Van Persie who would’ve taken the penalty and scored.

Your last comment is pointless considering he missed them for Arsenal and has already missed one for the vermin this season, but I understand your frustration and the rest of what you say is spot on. But theres no point whinging about the players we sold, because the players we had on the pitch today should have beaten Fulham at home, especially gifted a 2 goal start. They dont look like they are playing for the manager.

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

Certainly remember him cracking one into the back of the net against Liverpool at home in extra time. Of course, Eboue had to give away a penalty at the other end the very next minute,

Anyway, point was we have a striker who only seems to be able to score with his head,

Yes I agree if I could have picked anyone to place that ball it would have been CUNT

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

really don’t understand what you’re abusing him for. WE ARE 7TH in the table. United are FIRST!. How can so many fans begrudge a player of that quality a move to a better team? He’s with a team that has quality players around him. Something he didn’t have last season at Arsenal. Atleast United have found a way to stay competitive.
Sometimes I wished fans like you would think and not just randomly abuse people

It was the way he went about it. I never abused other players I idolised who left like Brady, Rocky, Mickey Thomas, Vieira, Henry. I did call Frank Stapleton a cunt to his face one day though

big black clock

Are we now the world’s best midtable club?


No, but we are the world’s richest mid table Club, with the world’s best paid Chief Executive, most insulting Chairman and most dis interested (except for the share price) majority share holder.

That is some hat trick right there. And it’s about the only hat-trick we’ll score this season.


oh mate. The way things are looking, we’ll be scoring that hat-trick for a while,
New stadium they said. 60,000 they said. Pay for attractive football they said.
if they had said we’ll be reduced to a state where we don’t trust out 6.5 mill left back to play and instead opt for Vermaelen to throw in long balls we wouldn’t have believed it.

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

We are going to create a midtable trophy. And don’t worry the FFP coming soon and we will go above WBA, Everton, Spuds and the likes to get OUR top 4 trophy back.

Hey you forgot the world best paid midtable manager too. He told us he doesn’t need any signing as Diaby is a LANS.


typical arsenal game….and throwing the lead away again uggggh


get used to it mate…I think this season we’re gonna see more and more of this as opposed to last season when we fought back to win coming from behind.


why was i 95% sure we wouldn’t score that penalty
this is getting unbelievably frustrating

Matt Jarvis' Uncle

On the bright side, we finally got a penalty at home.


I like the way you think


You’d think the man on a hat trick would take the pen. But it’s never that simple with Arsenal


Nope. youd think it would be our best penalty taker who would take it. Unfortunately nobody seems to know who that is


Agreed, but considering that the man on a hattrick in this case was our striker and not some centre back who headed in set piece goals, common sense dictates him taking it.


And how may penalties have you seen Giroud taking?


Giroud took one for us against Coventry and missed it!

Podolski would have been the obvious choice…


Exactly my point


It’s very hard to score penalties with a header.

Le sausage

I was in the car keeping up with text commentary with a couple of fellow Gooners, the first thing I said was “we’re going to miss.”


What’s concerning is that we’ve been quite lucky in the last 3 games yet haven’t won any of them…imagine what’s going to happen when we run out of luck.


Yeah me too. I actually thought Giroud would take it and miss.
But the worst player of the game (except Ramsey, of course) went to take it!

Im fed up with this team, i dunno why we have the shakiest confidence in the whole league.
They will not win shit for a long time, unless some changes are to be made!


Great entertainment .
But thats not what we want how can we screw up so bad why cant we just win a fucking game.


Yuckety Yuck

jim chiminy

i learnt many things today. The main thing, however, is the difference a decent keeper makes.

I am baffled by this team. Why can’t we defend?!!


Poor game by Mannone, but Fulham were firing on all cylinders today. Our defenders were shockingly bad, especially Vermaelen.

jim chiminy

because we let them. First goal was a soft header, second one podolski didnt follow the his man, and i think vermaelen and podolski tracked the wrong ones anyway, then its headed at mannone and he lets it in. I dont know what arteta was doing for the third.

In summary we, once again, gift wrapped the oppositions goals.

Podolski is useless

Ramsey is useless. Always turning in circles and then getting caught out. Needing to make silly fouls to cover for it. ffs Ramsey its time you improved.
Podolski is equally useless. Scored a goal but ffs he should’ve made that run as soon as Arteta faked the shot. Lacks intelligence in movement. His movement and skill( or lack off) on the ball is amongst the worst.


Why pick out mannone. What did ge do wrong. Maybe i was too caught up with the shambles outfield

Jim Jimminy

because he’s a GK. i expect most GK’s to save tame shots or headers that hit their hands.

you are right about outfield players though. bar giroud, nothing to feel positive about.


It’s also become obvious that Arshavin has still got something to offer. 7 minutes on the pitch and he won us a penalty.


Arshavin has a heart! And I am not sure about many others…

Gooner Al

Spot on! If he and Theo go in Jan I’m generally worried. I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes but keeping these 2 is a must in my eyes.

Everton are looking strong right now. We’re 4 points off them and playing the Spuds next week. No disrespect to Fulham but I used to think this was certain 3 points at home. In realty they gave us a good game and it shows where we’re at.


He should get a shot in carzorla s position. A little rotation might be a good thing


yet we were booing him last season. we should be ashamed.




Giroud or Santi should have taken that penalty. Not that i’m blaming Arteta but there was just too much pressure for him to take it, bearing in mind he had given one earlier.

Today has been yet another “need my heart medicine” arsenal day.

Giroud for MOTM. And Arteta for (BHIH) –> Bury head in hands.


I seriously bet Arteta won’t sleep a wink all week. The guy was on the ground at the end looking devastated.


I don t care how he feels now! He had to score things like this! He had to!


I agree with you, but after hearing that Cazorla and Giroud didn’t want to take it, that just makes me angry, because they should have taken some responsibility and known better.


thought Theo was our best player. Worked hard and was desperate to show his qualities. We’re so obviously selling him though.


I down thumbed you only because Giroud was MoTM – very easy to see that. He was the ruler of the skies today – 2 headed goals, heading out from the defense, headers and flick-on’s in the midfield, great runs.
Walcott was great today also, but just not as much as Giroud.


this is getting real painfull and annoying.

Big Chief from Antarctica

I’m not sure if my health insurance will cover everything if they found out that I’m a gooner.. The amount of heart attacks I had. Just absurd.

Unlucky performance. 🙁


Unlucky is once or twice, this continuous poor performance is a flaw, nothing less.


Once again, not good enough. Even if we won 4-3
today, it isn’t good enough. Terrible, absolutely
terrible defending. Costs us time and time again.
Giroud had his best game yet for us. Played very
well, and scored twice in the game. Good to see
Podolski scoring again. It’s laughable how Wenger states ”we can win the league” He must be off his head, because a lot of this team are no where near title winning players. We may get used to it, because if we dont spend in January, we will struggle to get top 4.


Thanks for that comment, my words exactly. This is not good enough! The defense is terrible, I do get it that players make efforts and try but the last 5% are missing, this absolute will to win the game. And this was a decent but not terrific Fulham side, Berbatov aside. By the way, I haven’t read anything on the Bould effect here for quite some time now on this blog. I’m his biggest fan, but the coordination defense-midfield is still suboptimal. Conceding 3 at home against Fulham, not that’s not a challenging top team. When did we last have… Read more »


At last a positive comment!
Let’s hope the team improve.
Up The Arsenal!




There is none. The world is dead to me!

Matt Jarvis' Uncle

Arteta had a stinker.


Giroud impressed me today, was definitely in the mood. Don’t really know what else to say. Can’t quite get my head around the game.

Wenger's Glasses

If after this display we’re still going to sell Walcott.. I don’t know, man.. I don’t know.


At this rate we cant even afford to let go of arshavin!!!. He seems special this lad, Enters the field of play and suddenly something positive is happening for us. Keep him, perhaps play him infront of Ramsey who has arshavin has proven is way better than him.

Sometimes I tend to think Arsene keeps playing him not coz of his ability but maybe because he has a soft spot for him.

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

please don’t suggest playing Ramsey. Please. Please. Never. I’ve seen enough of Ramsey. sell him. please sell him. But no.


I think arsene forgot to tell Fulham that we have the best defence in the premiership.

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

Arsene needs to shut up and let the football do the talking

Chris Wreh

Arsenal is bigger than it’s manager…

big black clock

From what I saw today, the fans were no better. 2-0 up at there was no support at all, but they could boo the team in full voice at HT.

Disgraceful. The first real support chant came in the 52ND MINUTE.

If our own home crowd can’t be bothered to support our team, why should we expect our foreign owner to do so?


And where were you?

big black clock

What’s the purpose of that question?

I live in Asia, can probably afford to go to a match only once a year. I guess that makes me less of a fan and unworthy of criticizing the “support” of the crowd today.


Nope it does not make you less of a fan. I myself had to leave London for work commitments so I understand the frustration, but, you need to start watching the game in stereo mate if you think the first real support chant came in the 52nd minute. And writing in capitals to make yourself heard is so fucking annoying


And besides, when I cannot be there myself I do not criticise the people who gave up their Saturday to support the team and paid the entrance fee that pays the players wages

Merlin's Panini

what the fuck is going on? This team is weird. They look like they’ll rip someone a new arsehole one minute and then they flake out like a bunch of pansies. We need a shouter, an enforcer. Someone who will really scare the shit out of the opposition and get the others going. There seems to be a real lack of motivation in some of the team. Also, I hate people singling him out and think people are usually a bit too harsh but Ramsey really was poor today. He kept on getting brushed off the ball.


Placing Ramsey on the pitch only intensified the workload Arteta was tasked with. Backbreaking work, and spirit-crushing today.


Ramsey was shocking today. His passes were just awful, time and again caught in possesion and in turn pulling down the player that robbed him off the ball. Some say he’s an impact sub but today some points have been removed off that.

So worried at the moment, so damn worried!


Couldnt agree more. No leadership at the club, none, from owner to the pitch where our silent captain is

Jim Jimminy

Nail. Head.


Giroud What a fighter never stops trying Three great goals in a week 10/10


And a super long range effort too.


Thank god, we have one fan who says as he sees it. Giroud has been really good for us. He works tirelessly up front. He comes back to defend corners. He scored two great goals. Why the continuous whinge by people here. Does anyone remember how many chances RVP missed over the years? Giroud has just started to play for us and already it is clear that he can score. I know Arteta gave away the penalty but lot of the blame should be on Santi as well who passed the ball to him in a dangerous area with Ruiz… Read more »


Giroud was amazing, really proud of him and even the most pessimistic dickheads like Piers Morgan seems to see how good Giroud is. Despite the draw there were some positives, Giroud and Walcott are great together, Coquelin can play box to box and Walcott can actually cross despite the bullshit that the media throws at us. But I think we missed Diaby, he’s the only player with the quality to free up space for Arteta, I mean Arteta was hassled throughout the game and even though he’s great, today was a poor game by his standards but I won’t throw… Read more »


P.S squad rotation is a must, Cazorla looked lethargic and Podolski drifts in and out of games far too much.


And did you see how tired Arteta was? Who else is tasked with so much responsibility out there? THEY NEED REST, WENGER! That’s why you shouldn’t have sold Song.


Good of you to mention Piers cunt Morgan, now my misery is complete.

Gooner Al



Speaking of cunts , the commentator on espn was an absolute anti-arsenal dickwad. The whole match was ruined by him.


what a stupid stupid comment. The whole match was ruined by the ineptitude of the team, not some meaningless twat who supports manure


walcott can cross, but the number of times in recent weeks he has tried to shoot from ridiculous places instead of laying it off, or the number of times he has drifted into a central position when sagna has been running down the right, probably just to prove he can be a striker is really starting to piss me off! even if Walcott leaves, we’ll get by he is definitely one player that is not bigger than the Arsenal (i’d still prefer if he stayed)


We need a DM and an LB, for sure. And a better backup striker.
Etienne Capoue seems to be a good option for DM.
For LB i have no idea.
Striker…Falcao would be something…but will never happen.
Llorente maybe…maybe just get Bendtner back from loan, hes decent enough.


Just one sentence sums it all: We are not able to beat Fulham!


After this performance I’ll have to consult my doctor for more heart medicines. The ones I have been all taken up by only Arteta today.

Dee Michael

Giroud performance is the only positive to take from this game. Very worrying that we are leaking goals in at the rate that we do, and we look very physically weak in midfield.

We need a leader/captain that will pick up morale and confidence, right now their is NO real leader that will take the game by the scruff of the neck and lead by example, we havent had such a leader in donkey years.

At the end of the day 16 points out of a possible 33 is abysmal for a team of Arsenal stature.

Disheartened Gooner

I agree. There was no leadership on the pitch.

Why was Vermaelen hiding? I thought he’d shout at players to get the best out of them. But he himself didn’t seem very confident.

Dancing Cannon

I think Koscielny looked sharper than he has previously, so that might be a positive.. and no own goals.. the back to back games have helped him. I wouldn’t mind him seeing a run of games, which could help him regain form like Giroud because it is clear he has talent and is more disciplined right now then Vermaelen

Dial Square

Oh do you know what,,,,,,i just can’t be arsed. same old shit, ok going forward but fucking hopeless at the back AGAIN….and for fuck sake stop playing Ramsey…..




This hating on Ramsey thing is getting old now. He wasn’t the issue at all today. I was happy to see he didn’t start because I can’t trust him with a whole game lately and it’s good for him to have competition. But I think he did ok today.
Still gutted about the game though.


He did ok??
It was the worst ive ever seen him play!
and talking about Ramsey, thats really saying something!


Two positives for me, today — we looked like we gave a shit at least about winning; gone was that lackadaisical nonchalance, replaced with fight. And we just didn’t have it in us today. (And of course the other positive was Giroud showing once and for all what he’s made of.) I feel bad for Arteta; he had a poor game today, the worst he’s ever had for us. But I don’t blame him entirely, because we ask for the most out of him out of ALL of our players, and he always gives it 100-percent. Shouldn’t have taken the… Read more »


Some how am not really pissed today because it did look like the team was giving it a go. at least trying.
Was screaming for Arshavin to be brought on earlier for Cazorla though.


Arshavin is buzzin a bit for some reason I think he could fit right in and give Santi a rest maybe play them both sometimes and set some new problems

Oregon Gooner

I will never ever, ever, ever stop supporting/loving Arsenal…

But seriously I don’t know what to think anymore… especially if Theo leaves in January. What is wrong with our beloved Arsenal?! We are incapable of holding even a 2 goal lead..

And I knew knew we were going to miss that penalty, just had this irking feeling. *Sigh*

Pele of Romford

Result aside Fulham played us off the park in all fairness.
Everyone can speculate about the how far and wide the problems are but the most obvious is that the team is not good enough and the league knows it and within 10 games they’ve worked us out.
Fulham had the two best players on the park and however loyal AW is to the lads who play, if he doesn’t add to this team with better players them he’s part of that problem unfortunately.


BIG PROBLEM: No bench (= tired starting lineup) AND still major gaping holes in our defense.


Are you trying to tell us that the team put out today are not better. more talented players than the players Fulham had out today? Bullshit. English, Spanish, French, German internationals. The club is in trouble. What type of message does selling our best players year after year send to the others?


Amen. We are shit from the top down. The leadership at the club sets an indifferent example towards winning and being the best. If all they care about is cashing the check, why should we expect the players to care?

Winters not even here yet and it’s time for some major spring cleaning. We’ve been saying for years it’s time to ship out the “deadwood”. Unfortunately we were referring to the wrong deadwood. It’s not the players that need shipping out, it’s the club leadership. Sack them all.


I waa really wondering during the match, why we didnt get Berbatov for VP (plus cash of course).
And right now im wondering why we didnt get Hernandez for the dutch cunt…


Honestly Welbeck would have been the best swap option. He’s got a good physical presence and think we need that over Hernandez’ poching abilities. Berba has never convinced me. Not consistent enough. Like Ibrahimovic. Only plays when he feels like it. Like the African cunt we had.


did anyone else realise that Arshavin still managed to make an impact in the 10mins he had, why doesn’t he start for once? Also, the number of times players got caught in possession, does nobody know the word “man-on”. This should have been a routine win.

gooner odst

My fellow gonners and I have slagged off Arshavin in the past, and rightly so in my humble opinion. We have no choice but to try new things with the personnel that we have got right now. I will gratefully eat my words and eat my own beard if Arshavin turns his career around however long he has left at Arsenal.

Giroud must have military background because he brought along the fucking airforce today. I suggest we start playing the type of football that suits Giroud’s aerial superiority. Arshavin usually crosses well for Giroud.

North Bank Gooner

hard work watching that on the blog! bit gutted really, but we at least seemed back at the races in spells. our left is really causing problems at the moment, but at least the forwards are getting it together.


to all the ‘wise ones’ that were hating, and writing the poor bloke off before we’d even got to haloween, HAVE THAT!!!!


4-4-2 please.


A REAL LEFT BACK, PLEASE. Also, a midfielder who we can sub in every now and again. I guess having Wilshere out there today would have been nice, right?

North Bank Gooner

been a lot of 4-4-2 talk this week, but eveyone responds that it doesnt work, its soooo 80s.

can someone please tell red nose that 4-4-2 doesnt work, its getting a bit irritating watching man u win titles with such an outdated formation.





cheer up dude, was a fun match. we’ll win a match someday hopefully


Arsenal have lost it’s aura. When teams meet the big three they hope for a draw. These days when they meet Arsenal they feel they can actually win it and have no fear taking the game to us. Positives, Giroud is scoring almost when he wants to, and I can’t remember when we’ve gotten bodies into the box teed up for the cross to come in as much as we did today. Unfortunately the delivery was as always not quite there… Individual errors and the lack of that incisive ball in the final third cost us yet again. Win the… Read more »

big black clock

Anyone who thinks replacing Wenger now would solve our problems is fucking deluded. Leave any other manager with this deluded fuckwit board and we will fall apart.


You are right about the board but Wenger has a great deal to do with this he picks the team makes the subs coaches the team and gives the team talk. Manages the team. I wish to be deluded at the moment I am just disillusioned


True. There are at least 16 other managers in the PL who would love to have our squad


I actually agree with you both. The board is shit first and foremost, but motivating the team, choosing the right players and tactics et al is all down to Wenger. And he’s been pretty poor at that. However you can also argue that he’s just not motivated anymore for the job, losing his best players every year to make a profit the board told him to. When he was really close to having a title winning team. If I was him I’m sure I’d be pissed. So all in all, the board is shit. Wengers pretty bad too but I… Read more »


Manager picks the team and buys the players. Don’t know if you can blame the board entirely, by some accounts Wenger has money to spend but does not.


Another game, another “remarkable match” (i.e. a farce). I half expected Sir Brian Rix to come on as one of our substitutes – with his shorts around his ankles. We are now officially a laughing stock. At 2-0 up and cruising we showed all the defensive skill and composure of the Southampton side that we hammered earlier this season. Yet again our forwards, especially the excellent Giroud,worked their arses off, only to see us throw away a match because of incompetence at the back. Enough is enough: fuck off Wenger. You can’t seem to coach even the basics of defending.… Read more »


So 3 clean sheets in a row and Steve Bould is the messiah and now when we concede a few goals, Wenger can’t coach the basics of defending? Not saying it’s Bould’s fault but some people will go to extreme lengths to justify their agendas. We won’t finish in the top 6? Giroud is not a top 4 striker?! Have you ever got any of your predictions right? And we are definitely not a laughing stock. A matter of opinions maybe but we were much much worse in the 80s as you probably know and nobody laughed at us then,… Read more »


Bollocks. We ARE a laughing stock. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but football has changed massively since the eighties. Today, money is God. A Club with our huge resources should expect to be challenging for the title. Right now we are already ELEVEN points off the top after just eleven games HAVING MADE OUR WORST START IN SIXTEEN YEARS. WEST BROM, Spurs and Everton are above us. And we can’t defend. FIVE goals conceded against Reading, who haven’t won a PL game all season, two rubbish goals conceded in Germany, and three more today. And the goals are all… Read more »

Graham Gooch

Well said, fat gooner

Wenger’ overstayed his welcome


The result is ok considering we played dangerously after the 68th minute. We were attacking more, creating chances and the game was nothing like the first half. While the rest of the football world might deride us for this, genuine gooners we’ll be glad at our spark of what we’re capable of displayed today(2nd half).

One/two things though. We need to stop passing the ball back! It could have cost us today and its not the first time they’ve done this.
Theo needs to be a bit generous with the ball. When the team wins, we all win!!


We don’t press the ball. Way too many slide tackles in our 3rd of the pitch for me to be comfortable win. I was content midweek, because Shalke is a good team. Fulham is a midtable team. A team we should be beating, so this wasn’t kosher at all. Giroud and Kos were immense today. Podolski showed a spark of life after 3 weeks. Good to Chambo back on the field and more Arshavin involvement. Those were my only positives of the game. Oh, and we’re getting chances again (Never thought I’d say that was one of the positives of… Read more »


Wow, the game is practically gifted to us in stoppage time. WHY is Arteta taking the penalty? He had a poor second half and was low in confidence. Should have let Giroud take it to get his hattrick.

big black clock

Yo Ivan, your £2 million salary is safe don’t worry.

Hey Stan, wanna be more involved in the club?…Maybe help Wenger in some player negotiations? No? Okay you stay in America then

Oops sorry PHW I promise we won’t take an ‘interest in your affairs’ anymore


Does anyone actually know when our stadium debt and all debt will be cleared off completely? I mean seriously. Money helps.


Can someone explain to me the sub of Coq with Ramsey…this is very baffling to say the least!!!


I think by bringing Ramsey, we would be more attacking. It would be three midfield with attacking mentality in Arteta, Ramsey, Cazorla. It’s just that Ramsey didn’t back it up with application. He constantly dwell on the ball and lose the momentum of the attack. Really disappointing from him.


Maybe we are getting money from the Football Association of Wales to play him every bloody game? 🙂


Seems like it. Can’t be any other reason, can there?


I’m in two minds about Arteta spot kick. It may well be the case that he want to take responsibility, but is he the really our number one spot kick takers? I would not argue if there’s no one want to take the spot kick, than Arteta come forwards. But it may well have been Giroud want to take but sacrifice it for Arteta.
Anyway, this match make me want the Spurs match to come faster. At least, our enthusiasm for attack is slowly coming back. It’s just our defensive side which come to haunt us like usual.


Guys…are we the new Liverpool? I hope not.

Remember the invincibles. Because we aren't good anymore

I think the board are slowly but surely taking us down that route

Matt Jarvis' Uncle

Looks like it at the moment. The only way to stop us becoming Liverpool is by buying some midfield reinforcement in January. Ramsey and Coquelin are good lads but they are not of Arsenal quality.


Atleast Liverpool board is willing to spend money on players( even though most of them are overrated)


Are you talking about the Liverpool board that refused to pay 4 million pounds for Clint Dempsey? Or are you talking about the Liverpool board that left the club with one real striker after loaning out Carroll and was too cheap to pick up a replacement?


defence crisis again!! again our captain
to b blamed somewhere :'(
giroud showd wat damage he can do and
just loved him today!!


Wonder who Wenger will blame tonight. He got the luck as well, was never a pen.. but Arsenal bottled it again. Why didn’t Giroud take the penalty? You give it to a confident player , not one who has had a poor game up piling even more pressure on him. Wenger and his stupid premeditated shite. Quite frankly, this form is abysmal and Wenger should be sacked – not good enough. Money has nothing to do with the shocking defending and mental weaknesses. The squad is full of players playing in the wrong position and being pushed to their physical… Read more »


Agree totally all in all Wenger is presiding over a shambles trying to bend everyone to his will.


Arteta for post match interview?.

Let Giroud at it.


All I can say is that…sorry mrs.Arseblog…for unsuscribed from all your daily mail…it happened because I can no longer hold on my breath to this inconsistancy of our current off until January if we made any progress!


Poor performance and we’re in a rut, albeit much of it is self inflicted. I thought the penalty could have been that little luck to turn it around but that didn’t go to plan….seems like we’re going to need another ‘ze enemy’ moment next week to get going. In the grand scheme of things however, we’re a top 4 club and just can’t seem to push on for one reason or another. We play half the season as a mediocre side and the rest as a fantastic unit and scrape through in 3rd/4th. Sometimes the poor spell comes pre November… Read more »


Look forward to see Scz back in goal next week

Ronaldo's Neck

As long as Emirates is filled with 60,000 loyal supporters every weekend, and money keeps on rolling in, not a fucking thing will change. Once fans stop paying for the priciest fucking ticket in Europe (WTF!!!!????) maybe that will send a message. I would be ashamed if I were Gazidis right about…….. now.


I agree so disregard my thumbs down mishap


This is HORRIBLE: Heard Arteta only took the late PK because no one else would. He’s the only one who takes responsibility out there, and it’s devastating. Says a lot about what’s wrong with us right now.

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