Saturday, July 27, 2024

NY Red Bulls: No Henry loan. Yet.

There is mounting speculation that Thierry Henry could return to Arsenal for a third spell and for a second time on loan from New York Red Bulls.

However, the MLS side have played it down with a club official telling, “No club has made a request for a loan for any of our players.”

It might well be that the formalities have yet to be started by Arsenal, and it’s believed that Arsene Wenger sounded out Henry over the last few weeks over his willingness to repeat his successful cameo of last season.

But while Henry will always have a special place in the heart of all Arsenal fans, perhaps the solutions to Gunners striking issues need to be a bit more permanent and at 36 Henry’s legs are not what they were.

Speaking to, journalist and author of a fantastic new Henry biography, Philippe Auclair, said he hoped any loan deal would not go through.

“I hope that’s not the case,” he said. “The final chapter was written, and beautifully, last year. There’s no way that a Thierry in his 36th year can do better than what he did eleven months ago, especially when the club has more attacking options than was the case in 2011-12. He would in no case represent a ‘solution’; whereas last year, given the van Persie-dependance, he could make a difference at times.

“I genuinely don’t look forward to another ‘return of the King’.”

You get the feeling that perhaps Wenger wants another lieutenant in the dressing room, but maybe an Henry loan, on top of some additional, more long-term, quality would be a fine compromise.

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Dr. Silent

On the condition we purchase another striker permanently, I’d have no problem with Henry returning on loan, although one must wonder if there’s any need if we’re buying a permanent solution anyway.


I have got no conditions for mr. legend thierry henry. He can pop in anytime he feels like it and teach gerv a thing or two about finishing.


I could teach gervinho a thing or two about finishing. And I’m the worst footballer ever.

gooner in Manchester

Gervinho’s finishing is good. His goals against Chelsea and Southampton show that.

It’s just the front three are a bit rigid, lacking understanding and confidence in each other. For this, I’m tempted to blame Walcott’s attitude. Perhaps, they need more time together in training and with some advice, intructions from the boss.

Pong of the OxCoq

Gervinho kicks the ball like a girl… Watch his body shape when he goes to kick… Like watching a female Predator.


I hope he comes back. Always a fuzzy feeling seeing Henry back in red and white.

Fergie the Gooner

Get him back as premanently as a coach. That way we get his influence and drive back in the club and he can also teach a few of our forwards a thing or two about creating and and converting chances.



but when?

remember the invincibles, because we aren't good anymore

HENRY AND BERGKAMP. what legends


Henry as a temporary replacement for gervinho is fine. chamberlain giroud podolski is a decent enough front 3. however for me its all about what is happening to the other 3 walcott chamakh and arshavin. if those 3 all go then 2 replacements minimum will be required.


The scary thing is if he does come back he would probably be our best striker.


He has been, and will always be the best striker under Arsenal #KingHenry 🙂


Really do hope, the rumours of Huntlaar coming to The Arsenal are true. We lost a Dutch Skunk but gain a Dutch.


What do you guys think of Andres Lopez?

Dr Baptiste

It’s a pretty good name but not as good as Have-a-look Dube


I prefer his sister Jennifer.

Dr Baptiste

Huntelaar coming to us is more realistic as we have lost RvP. It’s very public knowledge that they hate each other, so wouldn’t have been in the same league squad.


I only like Huntelaar because he don’t like RVP but otherwise I think he’s too similar to Giroud in stature and style, but better shot, not as good at heading and lacks pace. We need a more versatile and creative striker, given creativity is what we are lacking. Not just a marginally better finisher to feed on scraps of chances.


So in other words, he’s nothing like Giroud? I’m assuming you don’t watch Bundesliga? Great movement, great finisher. Someone who is always around in the box and for me that’s exactly what we need right now to compliment Giroud!


I would have preferred the King to come to arsenal as a coaching staff upon retirement.. our players really need someone to get their heads in the right place.. there isn’t any player who wants to quicken things except for rosicky and koscielny I guess? Well, showing it by gestures and movement.. hopefully the perfect ending isn’t going to be altered.. nonetheless, the King will ALWAYS be welcomed at The Arsenal! COYG!


Really hoping for tmrw’s game to be convincingly good.. there is no reason for the players to be tired.hopefully they show sme heart into the game, for the club and and us fans..


Love Henry, I wore a shirt with his name on to my final exam in materials science this morning. I also love how Frank Lampard plays football. Can we get them both in January?


Lampard. I just hurled a little. Would be inbetween the usefulness of Silvestre and Gallas, but just as appalling to see.

Dr Baptiste

Lampard?!? Why don’t we get Harry Redknapp in, buy John Terry, Joe Cole and get Ashley Cole back while we’re at it….. Maybe that’s going a bit far but still


Have you guys even seen him play?


Loads and I hate him

Dr Baptiste

@Armann; you do know which team we are right? I mean, to say we should have a soon-to-be ex-Chelsea player is ridiculous. They are one of the worsts team in the Premier League (in terms of just being a horrible club) and deserve all the bad press that they get. They are also our biggest rivals in London (I’d say Spurs but we are clearly better than them) due to the position they finish in the league due to having the unlimited funds cheat activated. I have watched Lampard play. I’ve watched him during his West Ham days (my Dad… Read more »


I’d like us to sign Montpellier’s captain Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa.

gooner odst

that lad seems to have a bit of steel about him when he’s on the ball or retrieving it. Are they gonna give him over to us too?


They are. Then Arsene will promptly convert him to a winger and he will be shit.


I like him (but id prefer fellaini) but i love henry who will always be our best ever player


I have got all the time in the world for the king. Especially after his high flying season in the MLS. Those many goals, those assists?. I say bring him on. After he calls time on his extraordinary career, a coaching role would suit him and us perfectly……and under Wengers again watchful eye he’ll one day become our manager and perhaps replicate Wengers successes. Tiory honry!


I seriously second that.. I would love to see him take over Wenger.. Hopefully things go smooth till then.And we will have another top class manager who not only knows de club inside out, but loves the club, its history and most importantly fans!


He can just come and train with the guys, uplift the place and give some of the guys motivation and confidence.


Right time to sell walcott and give the #14 jersey to whom it actually belongs.


Yeah for a month or so then what ? Happy to have him back as long as its with a top class permanent forward.

King Henry

Enough of the speculations folks, the King will be back…Stronger & better 😀


I dont care whether he wil contribute or not, the way the season is playing out his presence is a great mood lift

robbie kahlow

He can come back next year as one of the coaches. It would be an embarrassment to have him back as a player now. We not that low! I know he truly is a legend but dont forget he was itching to leave us a couple of years before he went


Considering Wenger’s recent Walcott comments, a little bit of me wants Henry to come back and wear the #14 one last time.

ramseys back pass

He is a true Arsenal man, Henry. A legend.

This is a bit off topic but you guys read about fabregas talk about how he’ld love to face The Arsenal at the emirates? I thought you were a fan cesc? Go to your fifa13, use barca and face the arsenal there. You can even make fabianski captain there. No arsenal fan wants to face you (and those cunts you play with) any time soon. That’s the reason we tried to finish top.


No, please, no. Henry is our best-ever player and quite rightly a legend, but I don’t want him back. This cynical attempt to placate us makes me want to throw up. What we needed last summer was a quality, young striker who could step in for and play with Giroud. Instead, Wenger decided that ‘we have enough already’. Yet again, he was hopelessly wrong. So now they want to butter us up with this French has-been. Fuck off. We should go out and get Huntelaar, LLorete or some other top goalscorer, or not bother. But I don’t expect to see… Read more »


Totally agree FG, he’s been a great player and has the respect of all arsenal fans but we need something for the whole of the season not just a few months or a few games. We tried it once and it came off to some extent but would hate to see him struggle and have him pilloried in the press and by other fans if he was to struggle. Some things are best left in the past and this is one of them. And I agree it would be all about appeasing the fans, if arsene was serious then maybe… Read more »


Do you rate him as our best ever player?


No mate, for me the best player was Dennis bergkamp but the greatest gunner was Tony Adams. He was loyal a one club player.
Henry was brilliant but even he left us for money after spending a season sulking in the team. People forget that.


I agree, to me bergkamp was the best. Henry was a close second. What says you fatgooner?

Dial Square

For what it’s worth, for me Bergkamp is head and shoulders above anyone, problem is players of that quality don’t come along that often, and when they do-would they sign for us now? Thumbs up to BR for signing him..


Henry was our best-ever player for me. I’m a massive fan of Bergkamp too, but Henry could practically win a game on his own sometimes.

As a club legend I agree that Adams has to be right up there, alongside O’Leary, who played about four million games for us.


I don’t feel anyone has a real say here, it’s king Henry’s club so its soley his choice, if he wants to come back then we should all kneel before his magnificence and rejoice in having a player who wants to win for the badge!!! if he doesn’t then simply we must say once more… Thank you Thierry!


How much it would it fuckin’ cost?!?….£100,000 a week? For two months?…£1m!! Fuckin’ insane Wenger….and they haggle over ten grand with Walcott who could be a fabulous asset for ten years. Proof our manager is as mad as a box of frogs and should be removed from his position and replaced with a sane forward thinking modern young manager. Just unbelievable bollox.


£10,000 extra a week for 5 years + his already beefy contract which varies, dependant on which site you look at £55,000 PW or £60,000 PW

£2.6 Mil extra +

£16.9 Mil for 5 years Theo Walcott running off the pitch with the ball complaining that Arsene isnt playing him as a striker yet…. pffft


£1m for half a dozen sub appearances is complete madness, Im sorry. If Theo turns out to be as shite as you think he will at least he’ll be under contract so we can recoup £15m….THAT is how you manage it.

Dr Baptiste

If he turns out to be shite, why would another club spend £15m on him? So no, that’s not how you manage it


Step 1: Go out and sign Huntelaar from Schalke or Llorente from Bilbao
Step 2: Sign Henry and let him retire as an Arsenal player while teaching this group of players what it means to play for and love Arsenal. Then have him start earning his coaching badges and move on his way to becoming an Arsenal manager.
Step 3: Buy decent backup for Gibbs
Step 4: Stare at all the trophies we won due to steps 1-3!


Sounds like a plan. I’d be tempted to make an offer for Darren Bent as well and throw in Chamakh and Gervinho to sweeten the deal.


Huntelaar or Llorente? They are both near 30, they would be cheap to buy. Llorente goes for free next summer. But i think Liverpool will offer a much better contract then our board will..


– llorente is an older version of Giroud ,i prefer Huntelaar – get the Montpellier cpt Mbiwa (why not loan them Le Coq in deal) – sell/give away Djourou,Squid,Arshavin,Theo(if not sign ,then get Zaha)Chamak,one of sceszny back up mannone or fabiansky to free some space on wage budget -a new LB (sell santos) and a DM would be in my christmass wish too – henry on loan – give the best right back the salary he deserve.sagna deserve it In real world arsenal should be busy selling our unwanted high wage reserves player and buying what the club is in… Read more »


i agree.. But those players will be hard to sell

Dial Square

I don’t want him back, yes sure the guy’s a complete legend and one of the best players i’ll see in my lifetime, but, if it all goes wrong, if his legs have gone, if we are drawing 0-0 at home and he comes on and can’t make a difference, how fucking sad and depressing would that be, let’s remember him at his best. And i certainly don’t want him back instead of us signing a top quality CF perminately.


Don’t destroy the memories arsene. Put your hand in your pocket and snap up a defensive midfield meathead. Play 442 and stick santi up front with giroud

Large Dave

Love the bloke lets have him back but please lets buy a striker as well



this makes you miss him… Makes Giroud and Podolski looks like shit..

Dial Square

Just watched that link, the good old days, when teams used to fear us, long gone now i’m afraid…


If the board would start to spend some money and keep our best player we would be top 5 in the world…

[…] Right, some transfer news before we get into the teams. Despite the untrusted reporting that Thierry Henry has agreed to sign for Arsenal, a third time on a short term basis, New York Red Bulls have quashed the rumors instantly. […]

[…] Right, some transfer news before we get into the teams. Despite the untrusted reporting that Thierry Henry has agreed to sign for Arsenal, a third time on a short term basis, New York Red Bulls have quashed the rumors instantly. […]

[…] 12月7日 […]

[…] 7 December […]

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