Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss looking for Rosicky impact

Arsene Wenger is hoping Tomas Rosicky can have a similar impact on the team to the one he had in the second half of last season.

The Czech international was instrumental in Arsenal overturning the gap that Sp*rs fans insisted that we mind, but unfortunately picked up a serious Achilles injury during Euro 2012 and has hardly featured this season.

In fact, he’s made just 4 appearances, playing a total of 114 minutes in this season so far, but the midfielder is back in the squad for tomorrow’s FA Cup clash with Brighton and the manager is looking for his return to lift the team.

“He had a great impact last year in our comeback from February until May,” Wenger said. “Hopefully he’ll do that again this season.

“Unfortunately we lost him during the European Championships. He’s just back to full fitness now I believe.

“Hopefully he’ll help us because we have many games coming up and I’m convinced he will be a big help, because he has technical quality and his mobility is important in the way we want to play.”

There’s no question a fit Tomas Rosicky adds something to the squad, and the team, but the words fit and Tomas Rosicky are rarely seen together without the word ‘not’.

Fingers crossed he can stay with us until the end of the season; given the manager’s earlier quotes about transfers we’re probably going to need him.

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I’ve said before, you can no longer blame the players if it goes pear shaped this season. Too many are having to play without a rest others rushed straight into the team from injury due to lack of options and because we won 5. 1 arsene now thinks the squad is good enough. Laughable.


YAWN. Then you’d be pissing and moaning again about deadwood we’re paying for doing “nothing”.


Great all problems solved and forth spot secured:(


He better stay fit now, if we’r not geting any players in we’r gonna need him fit for the rest of the season. Wich is a huge gamble but Wenger surly likes to gamble abit with injury prone players.


LAN before getting injured again


What a shame, he’s been here for 7 years and only played 120 matches… he was one of the reason I started to support Arsenal, such a talentend and nice guy.


Obviously Rosicjy is quality, just like Diaby is. Unfortunately both are unbelievably unlucky with injuries. I do not blame them at all. But Wenger for the love of god, stop putting all your faith in players who cannot play more than 5 games a year. You have money, apparantly, there are players out there, well a few have already been snapped up, but still. No signings, no trophy, 4th place or an actual one. He says the January window should be closed, and buying in the summer is the only time to sign new players, well fair enough, but why… Read more »


We did, they come in the form of Giroud, Cazorla and Podolski.


You keep your head up your arse bearcum your talking shit and making no sense as uaual.


Don’t feed the troll mate. Some of these twats are so blind as to what’s going on that its laughable. I can’t believe some people are happy fighting for fourth place. What a joke.

3 points in the toilet

Now I know Wengers transfer strategy, he makes no NS because we have a lot LANS this time of year… Make sense 😀 Well, not really 🙁


Is wenger finally going to play him now after weeks of him being an unused sub.

And how convenient it is that we only have 6 days until the window shuts.

Arsene Wenger

I’m sure it was a well thought out plan to explain why we don’t need to sign anyone. Right.

Arsene Wenger

I don’t think people got the idea.

Stop moaning. This is good news. Maybe Jack or Santi can get a rest now, even if it means just being subbed off in the 70th minute.


You’ve immensely trivialized the issue. Of course it’s good news *now*, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t be used to justify a risky decision that could hurt us in the near future. It’s ultimately out of their hands, but if it makes people feel better, let them moan about it.


Rosicky is the type of player we need. From defence to attack, he switches it so quickly. Them little bursts past the MID line. Just like jack or a fit Abou really.
So my point is
1- if he stays fit then he can rotate with jack or santi.
2- We defenitely need to strengthen this area in the summer if either/both Rosicky and Diaby brake down again this season.
The position is too important for our game not to have enough, FIT players.

Stan Kroenke

I gave money to wenger, i promise. It’s not my fault he doesn’t buy a jacket.

[…] 来源:[arseblog news] […]


Hope he wil be in Starting XI against Brighton. Santi has to be rested


I wonder what his football age is now?


Even if he do have an impact like last year I m afraid we won t be lucky this time. It is really shamefull that we didn t sign anybody and we won t do it until summer…




Good to have him back, he was our best player (other than he we don’t mention) last season without a doubt.


Does anyone else think he kinda looks like Jared Leto

Parisian Weetabix

Nah, Rosicky looks way better.


Totally unrelated. We should have signed Ki Sun Yeung instead of swansea. Hes a boss in midfield. Against chelsea the other day i didnt see him mias a pass. Id like to see his average pass completion.


We should have signed Ba, Michu, Pablo Hernandez, Vorm, and so many other players that go unnoticed. There is no point in the argument. No need on dwelling now.

[…] Read More Here: Boss looking for Rosicky impact […]


How do fans “know” when players should be rested? It’s the club, not the fans, who monitor their every move with gadgets most people haven’t even heard of. I agree that Arsenal needs to buy, but the notion that fans know better than AW what to do and who to play on the pitch is ridiculous. You want to play fantasy manager? Stick to Playstation. Otherwise, support your team. COYG!


Even if diaby and rosicky were one player they still wouldnt have made enough appearances. between them they are probably earning around £130k a week add to that the likes of fabianski and squillaci who also dont play that is 1/4m a week in wasted wages. i like rosicky and diaby but they cannot be relied upon.

[…] Diaby and Tomas Rosicky are back though [insert Walking Dead joke here] and both could start, with the manager looking to the latter to have the same impact on the team as he did last season. I don’t doubt his quality at all, […]

[…] Diaby and Tomas Rosicky are back though [insert Walking Dead joke here] and both could start, with the manager looking to the latter to have the same impact on the team as he did last season. I don’t doubt his quality at all, […]


Pablo hernandez…do me a favour. Ki could play DM. Plus at the time wenger did say he liked him. I was just saying we could have done worse than signing him, everytime u see him play, most recently against chelsea and ourselves, he looks a solid player. Just an opinion

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