Saturday, July 27, 2024

Campbell: Gunners must follow policeman Jack

Sol Campbell believes that Arsenal’s squad must start policing the quality of their performances citing Jack Wilshere’s passion as a lead to follow.

Speaking on the same day that Arsene Wenger stressed his side need to become more physical, the ‘Invincible’ centre-back, who quit Spurs to become a winner of trophies, underlined his belief in the technical quality of the players at the Emirates before labouring into hackneyed clichés about cold, wet nights in the North of England.

“They’re a great footballing side, Arsenal,” Campbell told The Telegraph.

“They play fantastic football. But it comes down to those final moments where you need leaders. And not just one leader, you need five leaders up and down the pitch. It’s too much for one guy. You need four or five leaders to cement that winning mentality and hopefully make it change.

“People like Jack Wilshere – he’s fantastic, he’s great for the future. He knows what it means to play for Arsenal and what it means to the club to win. He’s grown up seeing Arsenal win things and compete. So you do need a lot more of his kind of calibre, in different positions.

Reflecting on the success achieved during his five year spell at Highbury the ex-England man, who is better placed than most to compare the current status quo with our title-winning sides having returned for sixth month loan two years ago, continued:

“In my era we policed it ourselves. We policed it to make sure no one’s level dropped. You can’t play great in every single game but you don’t want a slump leading on for five, 10 games, a whole season. You’ve got to keep those standards up. You need a lot more guys to help you out. One guy with a lot of passion is not enough.

“It’s about bringing in the right type of players. Players who understand the game here, who understand what it means going up north to a wet, windy Yorkshire night and you’re away from home in the middle of the week and you’ve got to win the game.”

Perhaps aware that we’re no longer the bully-boys we once were (remember when you could see the fear in the faces of opponents in the tunnel?) Arsene Wenger admitted that he too is eager to see his players assert themselves more physically on games.

“Maybe we have to go back a little bit, not less technical but a bit more physical and aggressive,” said Wenger, who was boosted by the confirmation Theo Walcott had finally signed a contract extension.

“I think that when [referees] see Arsenal on the sheet, they say ‘oh fantastic’ [to referee them].

“This side are physical players, but we have to restructure the balance of the team a little bit.

“The players have the character to do it. The [likes of] [Jack] Wilshere are technical players, but they are also physical players.”

Gauntlet thrown down, Arseblog News looks forward to our new nastiness being on show at Stamford Bridge…

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meh..what about me.I will be starting at the striker role against Chelsea just saying.


Yes that may be the case,but do you have a face like mine?


what’s your salary per week?

Big Nosed Zlatan

Dont you wish u had a dick like THE ZLATAN


I am the BEST STRIKER IN THE WORLD … fuck alllll you gits

Arsene's Nose

A physical boot to JTs face won’t go amiss!!


Haven’t we done that already? Once more just to be sure…


At this rate no need for boots to face for terry. Let age take it’s natural cause.

That cringe faced racist ageing cunt. See!

Tottenhams reckoning

It’s why we’re playing Diaby


Terry’s only on the bench but no reason why we can’t still kick him. In fact, Wenger might enjoy a bit of a kick.


Hate to be that guy, but…

“…who quit Spurs to become a winner of trophies,…”

Everyone was thinking about a certain other player here.


Thats why I want City (if we can’t) to win the title for a few years till a certain someone is old enough to not win a fuck.


So smug Nasri can slag us off on a yearly basis. We need a super run to knock smug looks off both there faces


Yes but Spurs were TOTAL SHITE. Sol went to the best team in England.
Van Persie had ONE outstanding season in 8 years and Arsenal were/are still in the Champions League.

I get your point but still. Take RVP out of Manure’s side and compare them to Arsenal. Man for man, we are about the same in terms of quality. It’s just that we aren’t getting the best out of this team. That’s what makes it all even more frustrating.


‘Man for man, we are about the same in terms of quality. It’s just that we aren’t getting the best out of this team.’

And maybe, just maybe (!) you see quality that’s just not there?


I don’t have the authority to take Van Persie out of their squad. He’s there, it’s the reality. We have to deal with that. I get your point though, just don’t think you can use it as an argument 🙂


Just saying what everyone one was thinking. Minuses just confirms it.

With that said, what I saw against Swansea was very encouriging. Jack is looking solid as a rock and hopefully Diaby will return just like a certain someone did after his injurie spell. With a win today, we could be back on track and hopefully have some momentum and consistency.

Come on Gunners, make John Terry slip once again! COYG!

Pride of London

Sol is an icon


His chant inspired my username.


C’mon arsenal c’mon arsenal c’mon arsenal.. And u know qat we should be chanting up wenger.. Supporting him in song.. Because while the chelski fans ridicule their manager.. We should support ours.. Really turn up the volume.. Coz no matter hia flaws.. He is still our manager.. He still wears the badge.. Like every player on that field wearing the cannon.. Give them love.. Cos we are the arsenal.. So C.O.Y.G!!!!!

H. P. Arsecraft

Hell yeah!


My girlfriend is not replying my texts. 🙁
Coyg though.

Simao Segunda

Sorry dude, she had her hands full.

Dial Square

Is it cause she’s not a real person????


The love of my life is not replying my texts and you choose this time to be funny?. I’m gonna watch the game now, maybe she’s busy doing good things, I hope. Coyg again.

R18's girlfriend

Sorry babes, Simao forgot his wallet and had to go to the cashpoint. Will call you later hun.



See that. She is real.

Captain Hindsight

In all fairness, if you don’t want to get trolled, the internet is the wrong place to share this kind of thing.
Captain Hindsight AWAY!

R18's boyfriend

What the hell is this?


I know you think im crazy but i had a dream Arsenal win 2-1. The last time i had a dream like this was when chelsea were at the time, great under mourinho. I dreamt the night before they lost 1-0 to everton at home.and james beattie scored he winner. I won 120 on that game. So im just sharing the love. Put a fiver on! Come on the gunners…… heard it here first!!

Dial Square

I had a dream we won 10-0, but it ain’t gonna happen..(and i scored five)!!!!!


Bendtner? Is that you?

Eric Irish gunner

Agree mate 2-1 to the gunners, Walcott and giroud, and jack to rule the midfield

Eric Irish gunner

What a poxy prediction


Giroud to score? He missed one glorious chance. The striker put in to lift off our lack of goals?. It’s really sad. Buy higuain. He’s £25million and sick of playing second fiddle to Benzema, surely worth a punt.


Sagna looks like he doesnt give a fuck. Theos all at sea. Giroud out muscled. Fuck them.

Monkey nuts

Fuck them indeed.

They are either shit as in not good enough for this great club or good enough but lacking any professionalism to play for this great club.



Arsenal arsenal Arsenal. What is wrong with our arsenal.
I’m sad 🙁


Last season we had RvP who helped us come back twice to beat the Chavs.

Now we have Theo who seems uninterested.

This team is ruinned, by Arsene and the board.

Poor transfer decisions, poor tactics, poor 1st halves.

Monkey nuts

Poor players ultimately.


Poor man-management!


2-1: Game on.

It’s about time. C’mon Arsenal.


When we took out the coq, we just faded and dozed off again….


Coq was the one that gave us thrust during the second half. Never stopped pushing and pushing until we scored. Too bad our players are made of glass tho’.

ickenham gooner

If we wanted physical, why did we not put Frimpong on with 5 mins to go to just do Ramieres.

That would have sent a message – “if you nastily foul all game long and the ref doesn’t do anything about it we will”.


When that fuck wenger said giroud is the same as demba ba, i thought “fuck u wenger u fucking cunt”….. We could see the difference today. Giroud looked like a second rate striker out there. Not his fault tho’…


At least theo tried hahahaha…. Did i just see jack gesturing to the bench in the first half asking “what the fuck do we do now?….someone help!”


Bring on dench? Naaahhh we dont foul people…. Thats Not the wenger way…. We play nice and be pansies for 90 mins. Pulling out of tackles, afraid to go on 50/50s, stopping when any player is faking injury, switching off at set pieces…. Yeah thats us…. Fuck….


It quite clear that if any arsenal player has any trophy yambition




This team has no spine. This didn’t just happen overnight. It happened in the course of a seven years trophy rot!

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