Saturday, July 27, 2024

Miquel linked with Owls loan

Ignasi Miquel is reportedly a loan target for Sheffield Wednesday having had limited first team opportunities at the Emirates this season.

The Spaniard, who made nine appearances last term and has a lovely head of hair, has featured only twice in the League Cup this time around and could certainly do with a run of regular football with Arsene Wenger seemingly intent on fielding his strongest options in the FA Cup.

A ball playing centre-back with the versatility to operate as an auxiliary left-back, Miquel impressed early in the season with a goal-scoring performance against Coventry before picking up a knock which sidelined him for a few weeks.

Regional publication The Star claims that the relationship between Wednesday boss Dave Jones and his former assistant Terry Burton, now heading up our Reserves, could facilitate a deal although it remains to be seen whether the boss sanctions a loan given Johan Djourou’s recent departure and the prospect of Sebastien Squillaci returning to France.

Indeed, were the latter to move on in January it would leave the Gunners with only Thomas Vermaelen, Laurent Koscielny and Per Mertesacker as defensive options. Given both Kyle Bartley and Alex Song were also on the books during the summer we’ve a dearth of options at the back.

Arsenal have been speculatively tipped to make a move for West Brom’s Jonas Olsson but that seems pretty unlikely if you ask us and unlikely to appeal to Jack Wilshere. That being said Arseblog News wouldn’t be surprised if a new face were to bolster the heart of defence if Miquel shuffled out for a few months.

If anybody knows any Linighan-Pates hybrids let us know…

UPDATE – According to, Spanish second tier outfit Elche CF are also interested in taking Miquel on loan. Thanks to @RYO_cleverfish for the heads up.

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The Dude

Having backup defenders is overrated!


Mbiwa would be nice


Mbiwa would prefer Man U, therefore we shouldn’t prefer him


Atm Anyone would prefer manu..
Arsenal -shambles. Manu atop of league….


6th in the table with 17 games to go, in the last 16 of the Champions League and still in the FA Cup, I wouldn’t go so far as to call us a ‘shambles’. And when you read “My dream is to play with the shirt of Manchester United in a match in Old Trafford. My favourite club is United without doubt. “When I sleep I dream of scoring a decisive goal with my head at a corner. That would be very beautiful.” and if you have as much hatred for United like i do, you’d rather we signed someone… Read more »


“6th with 17 games to go”…..haha that’s that then, only you and arsene believe we can catch united. Are you guys sharing the same dream? Anyway the real reason we wont sign mbiwa is because his price of Only £3.5 million will prove to be a stumbling block. Shame….


Hangeland?..Apparently his contract ends this summer.


A certain dutch striker used to wax lyrical about Arsenal fairly regularly… the United fans don’t seem to have minded


Mbiwa? I barely know ‘er, guv!


Not sure if this suggests we’re bringing in a new defender, with Djorou out and Squalaci on his way, now Miquel.

I hope so. Back up is never a bad thing.

Santi's Class

Don’t understand the point of this loan, if it’s true. A couple of injuries and a suspension would leave us fucked. Anyone fancy a Squid-Coquelin combo? Any takers? No..? Anyway, Miquel needs game time, yes, but it’s not worth the risk of being so shorthanded in the back.


Miquel needs game time. Unless 2 out of Mert,Verm or Kos are injured Miquel won’t get a chance. You can be sure of that. He will be just wasting his time.Even if he stayed i don’t think he is ready to step in yet.Loan move would be the best option.


Add a recall option. Problem solved.


He may need game time but there’s no guarantee he’ll get it on loan – look at how little some of our loanees got last season – or that he’ll benefit much from their coaching and style. Truth is, most of our players look tired already and we haven’t yet reached the hard bit of the season. Vermaelen has said he is tired and that his performances are below par as a result; Wilshere looks dead on his feet; so do Cazorla and Arteta. Tired players get injured, and Gibbs with his record is especially at risk. It’s asking for… Read more »


Its probably so someone else can pay part of his wages and the club will save £2.50 a week. Foe 5 months thats £50 you know. Stan and Dick will be well pleased with Arsene and Ivan


Still no one coming in heh?

Glory Hunter

Yeah Arsene knows indeed!
Knows how to play with our fucking heads.

wengers furrowed brows

Every fucking transfer window, arsenal becomes hopeless. I mean EVERY FUCKING TRANSFER WINDOW without fail. We know where our team is weak and which department needs to be strengthened. But why are we always crawling in transfer windows and waiting till the last few days. What are those fucking scouts doing all this time, if those lousy fucks still can’t properly identify any real player till now. I’d say fire them. Our supporting staff in this club is pathetic. A complete joke. In real world these lousy fucks would be fired every month from the big ambitious company. Wenger has… Read more »


For all his faults, at least Arsene isn’t a mouthy manager.


@ Pyrrho- He used to be, back when we were beating the Mancs at Old Trafford…


“And the mother of all audacity”

Haha makes me think he’s behind the scenes looking after diaby with kindness and a face that says we just want to win something, anything. ;-(


My thoughts exactly!!!!


Arsene will sign someone without doubt, but it needs to be 2 proven world class players to make a difference. Anything less and i just can’t see it working. We are so poor at times that 2 average signings like we normally make will just blend into the mediocritie that we suffer now.

wengers furrowed brows

2 proven world class player??? by arsenal?? really?wow!! hope your wishes comes true my friend, I really wish from the bottom of my heart.


I think it is not a wish, it is the only thing right. 2 world class + 1 very good.
DM, CF,… othervise Miquel will stay with the team. I think he will be very good very soon. We have to rotate but keep the highest level possible.

wengers furrowed brows

@lapidarij you think I dont want to see, 2 proven top top top world class player in our ranks supported by some very good players.but what we want to see in the arsenal ranks and what board and the manager wants to see is totally different. Its almost polar difference. We want top strikers like Cavani banging in goals, top DM choking life out of opponents, Top wingers blazing the wings, but we been wanting such players for years now. Have we actually ever come even near to fulfilling those wishes. I don’t think so. What are we asking this… Read more »


@ Wengers brows . More in hope than expectation mate, what we need and what we get are totally different things.


You keep telling the truth and the mongoloid sheep cant see it!


@Lapidarij..Youre right it is the right thing to do, but it wont be done. Remember when we were a top class CB short and it took years for the penny to drop with Wenger. And this was while we had world class players. Now we have no world class players. Jack, Gibbs and Szch could be in time, the rest are average. Spuds are better than us now. I dont blame Wenger solely, the board are as worse. Silent Stan will be happy as long as there is profit as his American franchises prove.


Spuds are a much better team than us this season (in truth), hope they finish ahead of arsenal, then MAYBE wenger will be compelled by fans to make good signings!

Merlin's Panini

Oh! By the article title I thought it was going to be something about Miquel helping move Arshavin on loan.
I hate Sheffield Wednesday. I’d rather he didn’t go there. They always used to be a bogey team for us. I’m glad they’re not in the Prem any more.

i want to boff giroud and im not even gay

Bring back Colin pates I say!!!


So we’re shipping out every defender EXCEPT the one who should be booted first.

Oh Arsenal…


More like we’re shipping out the ones someone in their right mind would take.


Offtopic, but I just love how Gibbs responded after the soton game which clearly left him frustrated. He said that the Swansea game was the most important of the season yet, and he went out there and did extremely well. He seemed to give a fuck, which is encouraging.


I think the Kroenke’s have got their businesses arse upwards.

We appear to be involved in some kind of Walmart ‘Everything Must Go’ January event.

Watch out for Falcao turning up somewhere this month, stacking shelves, at your local Walmart/ASDA.


I just want us to sign anyone quality. Is that too much to ask?, 🙁


Yes, this is the real issue here, u can loan even gunnesaurus but please sign someone, anyone that’s quality.

chamakh's barber

What if our tall german gets diabyed? We’ll have no option but to deploy steve bould for godsake.

Rectum Spectrum

um……wasn’t he meant to be back up in place of johan? meaning one of the ‘two’ signings wenger said we’d get would be a back up defender. which we wouldn’t need if we had miquel. hahahahaha. i’m crying.


When m’villa is £12 million we were so close to tying up the deal, now he’s £8 million and we’re pondering still.

When Ba is £7.5 million we dont buy him instead we are going for villa £16 milli and older and perhaps meet his £110k week wages. Yet we left a younger dutchman go who was on £70-80k and warranted atleast as much as villa earns. Does this make sense? . Am I making sense?


Nope. not one bit.

Gunsen Gunner

I very much doubt we are in for Villa. I’m sure Arsene will have contacted Barcelona to see if he can get him at a low price given his age and recent broken leg but it obviously looks like its not going to happen. Also, Ba had FIVE agents, each of whom wanted a £1 million agents fee so that was never going to happen not even considering the fact he is exactly the type of striker we don’t need.We need someone smaller and more mobile like Aquero or Hernandez who can give us better movement up front for when… Read more »


Ba’s movement is fine, for a big guy he’s swift and has tremendous speed. Because he’s gone to chelsea we will now say he was never what we needed. I mean come on we’ve done this with alot of players we’ve missed out on.Vertonghen, is a good example. “It’s obvious he had zero respect for the badge” the badge issue can suck ass it’s 2013.1930 you’d find alot of those who played for the badge. Now it’s a whole other story. Players play for the badge then after a while they realise they’s bigger better things out there, like trophies… Read more »

Sir Lochner

What a brilliant comment!


No. You aren’t.

Giroud is better than Ba. Ba has been in the Prem League for 3+ seasons.

I bet you anything, my life even, if Giroud gets 3 season in the Prem, he’ll be netting 20+ goals a season.

Now, as for David Villa; the guy is pure class. 31 years old, but he has speed, precision, lethal shot, and impressive footballing mind meaning his positioning is on point. Worth £16 million? Hell yes.


Never in a million years is giroud going to give us 20+goals a season, not with this team, our strength has always been a sharp forward under wenger, rvp,Henry anelka, giroud is a decent player but is just not mobile enough for the way we play. Trouble is arsene is trying to play our usual way with what is an old fashioned orthodox forward, it just won’t work. Love to be proven wrong but have seen him play so many times this year and while the bloke is good he’s definitely is not the answers to our goal scoring problems.… Read more »


Trimi….. I realise you got your own head far up your own arse to understand what I’m going to write so I ‘ll keep it simple.

At the moment. BA is better than GIROUD.


@Voldermort, If Adebayor can get 24…


M’Vila story is, and always has been, a load of bollocks.

Placements by agents and the like to try and get his value up. Going to Arsenal for £25m in the Summer, then it was Sp*rs, now it’s Arsenal for £8m. Biggest pile of shite ever.


Guess we’ll find out if the £8 million is shit or true coz there’s no way he’s staying in rennes beyond January, he’s had a falling out with the coach and fans aswell. If a club other than arsenal sign him for £8mill then please eat your fucking heart out.


No, because we never actually wanted M’Villa or Ba.


What are you on?

It seems to have erased your recent memory of Arsene saying he was interested in BA……….last summer though.


No your not, because unless you have responsibility for Arsenals transfer dealings you’re just repeating what you’re reading in the Tabloids, which is nothing short of fucking ignorant. Does that make sense?


Its not to everybody’s taste but if he is actually available, I think lescott would be a steal. Not to go in to too much detail but last season I thought himself and kompany were instrumental to the title.


I know Man City released a statement on ‘behalf’ of him stating his desire to stay but with both Verm and Koza’s form shot to shit this season he would be silly not to fancy a regular first team place here. Especially as Mancini clearly doesn’t fancy him anymore.

Potential great bit of business for anyone who can prize him away without over-paying for him. He was probably 2nd best CB in the country last season behind Kompany.

Rectum Spectrum

could explain this loan deal……


So would bringing in Hangalaand, Mbiwa, or Stoppila Sunzu, right? I have no clue what Arsenal will do…


Don’t worry if we have a shortage of centre backs. We have Squillaci, and if we have anymore injuries we can always move Arteta or even Wilshere to the back because that’s what Wenger does best.


I think a loan move would be good for him, although it does leave us short in that area should we get injuries.

Few times I’ve seen him play he’s done ok.

wengers furrowed brow

Mascherano mould player, who can easily fit in DM or CB role. but fourth choice defender and a TOP quality DM in one must be Capoue or Bender or Diame.
I hope M’Villa is never even taken into consideration.He is the cocktail of Adebuyer & Balotelli. He may be talented but he is a walking talking circus. We already have too many erratic jokers in our team and last thing we need is M’villa to throw his toys around the pitch.
I dont think Miquel should be loaned out, he might go Bartley in the next season.


Big booty bitches . That is all.


Fuck this. Just play the boy. Rotate him in.

I don’t see us buying a CB this January so this would leave us egregiously exposed.

the only sam is nelson

top use of egregiously

anyone know where sylvestre is plying his trade these days? i miss him*

*this is not actually true. I don’t

Merlin's Panini

Last thing I saw he was getting his giant lightbulb head stuck in the doorways of Old Trafford. Just training there. He’s not on the books at a club at the moment, and nor should he be.


Judging by our luck, I won’t be surprised if Vermaelen gets sent off, Merte and Kos get injured and we’re forced to play Squid and Arteta at CB the second we ship Miquel off to Wednesday.


If you had ask me last season I say yes he needs a loan. Especially to lower division to gain strength and robustness. From minimal I have seen he seems abit lightweight, other than that he looks to have ingredients to be a good CB. But this January, we have loaned off Djourou, I think we didnt even register squid, with this boy off on loan, who would we have as 4th choice CB? I’d rather have him than squid to be honest. At least he has pace to recover from errors. Is it just me or am I the… Read more »


Nice. Maybe next we can loan cazorla to PNE and then jack to dag and red.

Dial Square

Well said, in at the deep end, if you’re good enough you’ll cope!!!!


I actually had high hopes for this transfer window again……silly me. ( Gets coat…….once again……)

Dial Square

Bring back big Willie Young, “we’ve got the biggest willie in the world” oh how we laughed, great days…


Fuck sake Peter Pan if you can remember that Id have thought youd have grown up by now


Apologies dial there was no need for that. I just cant get any joy from us nowadays as I can see where we are going, and its the same direction as Liverpool. And with the cash 3 or 4 others will spend we are fucked. We wont even finish top 4 this season


Arsene `wenger at the end of 2009 season :
“We want to run the club by respecting the financial balance and by developing the players who have been at the club for five years. If we do not get there next year, or the year after, then I will be responsible and stand up for it, don’t worry.”

Now Arsene, time to stand up


I read that here
Dont agree with a lot in the article but its clear its a fucking shambles.

Dial square

TOMJ. Hey I’m feeling you, a year ago I was where you are now, devastated every time we lost and moping about with the hump till we played again. But do you know what, there is only so much of Arsene’s bullshit one person can take, now I just laugh at it, either that or I’d be sitting in the corner crying.
Don’t get me wrong I still love the club and apart from David Moyes I can’t see anyone better than Arsene to lead us out of this shitty situation we’re in.


I hear ya dial, Ive stuck up for Wenger for 16 years but this season is a watershed. Its not even the quality of the squad, I am beginning to think anybody could get better performances out of this squad than Wenger. How can the players take him seriously? His transfer policy and wage policy is a joke, sickening. And no other manager in the world would have sold Fabregas and Song with 3 years left on their contracts.I dont think the players are playing for him or each other. Did you see Van Persies quote about Man U last… Read more »

Bitter Pill

Well said TomJ, well said.

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This sort of shit makes songs sale to barcelona all the more puzzling.

Eric Irish gunner

I think song was starting to act the cunt and wenger just said fuck off in the end

[…] At Arsenal, Marouane Chamakh has been shipped out to West Ham, and Johan Djourou has revealed that Mertesacker advised him to join Hannover 96 (via Elsewhere, the Gunners have rejected Everton’s inquiry for Tomas Rosicky (via Gooner Talk), Sao Paulo wants to make Denilson’s deal permanent (via Fanatix) and Ignasi Miquel is odds on to make a loan switch to the Owls, Sheffield Wednesday (via Arseblog News). […]

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