Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger hails Poldi’s ‘Vorsprung Durch Technik’

Arsene Wenger paid tribute to Lukas Podolski’s German efficiency after the left-sided attacker scored one and made three goals in Arsenal’s impressive 5-1 tonking of West Ham.

The summer signing hammered home a fabulous equaliser from long range before the break then assisted Santi Cazorla, Theo Walcott and Olivier Giroud in a stunning ten minute spell after the break which also included a further goal for the HFB.

Speaking after the game about the former-Cologne hitman, Wenger admitted to the press that he had been impressed by what he’d seen.

“He [Podolski] had an outstanding game tonight. He scored a very important goal. He has an unbelievable shot because the keeper had no chance. After he gave of course two great balls as well.

“He had a very strong game [away] at West Ham as well. Certainly today it was his most efficient game because I felt he took responsibility at the moment when we needed him.

“With a player of his experience you expect him to do that. I have plenty of candidates [to play through the centre] but I believe still this is his best position [on the left].”

Speaking about the game as a whole, the boss put in context his side’s performance by reflecting on Sunday’s frustrating defeat away at Chelsea; a game which saw the Gunners put in a decent shift in the second period but leave without a reward.

“Yes, we got a good response. I felt that having watched the game again against Chelsea that our second half was very interesting.

“In the continuity we played alright tonight. In the first half we controlled the game but West Ham were dangerous on the counter-attack and from set-pieces. We got punished.

“In the second half from the start on we created chance after chance and played at a very high pace. From there on it was great movement, great quality in our final balls and in our combination play. Until Potts got injured of course, after that it was a bit the end of the game because we played 11 against 10 and it was 5-1. The end was a bit less entertaining.”

All in all a very pleasing night for Gooners everywhere, not least those players who got on the score sheet. Both Podolski and Giroud took their scoring total to 11 goals each, Cazorla grabbed his eighth while Theo Walcott was rewarded for a polished performance with his 16th of the season.

It would be lovely to think that the penny has dropped with our players and that they’ve realised high tempo attacking play and quick pressing of opponents are a pretty decent combination…but, well…we’ve played like this before and then returned to the type of turgid showing that makes you want to scoop your eyes out with a spoon.

We’ll just have to see what happens against Brighton.

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Come on guys…time to go on an unbeaten run now


Wenger on signings: ‘No [I have nothing to tell you]. That is why I have to shorten the press conference, because I have to do some work!’

as much as there’s been little movement, i’m sure there’s a lot of effort behind the scenes. fingers crossed, but no holding of breaths, on this.

jack jack jack

It’s amazing how much a positive result can do for fans’ morale. Comparing the comments tonight to the one’s after the Chelsea game is mental. Anyway, I for one am fucking delighted. Long may it continue!

Scott P

He seems positive about the subject now, fingers crossed he has something up his sleeve!

The Loving Hands of Wenger

Dude, I suggest to ignore everything Wenger says re: transfers.

Nothing he says points towards what’s really going on when it comes to transfers.

Which is why people get worked up.


We play our best football when we play at the fast pace. Our style of footballing is known for such a style. This type of ruthless attacking football on a weekly basis is what many of us Gooners have missed. I still want to see more aggressive, penetrating run from our midfielders–how Jack Wilshere does–into the box behind the opponent’s back line instead of passing around, when the ball is near the box, and of course someone has to make the effort to cover the space to prevent counterattack. (See: Gary Neville’s analysis regarding Arsenal’s midfield composition and attack.) Victory… Read more »

LANS calendar

The third has to be a contender for goal of the season

HRH Queen Elizabeth II

Deutschland uber allez

89 Anfield..... It's up for grabs now

Fuck off Betty!!!

Dave Gooner

Lukas is a brilliant footballer. But I am somewhat puzzled to see him substituted so often this season? Anyone got any ideas…?

I am glad not to have been in the way of that shot last night. Fuck.


Built like an Ox

Hopefully this is the confidence boost the players need to get out of this first-half sluggishness. Against Brighton we should be able to keep up the good form (knock on wood, this season has been very unpredictable). Congratulations to Poldi, what a game.


I always thought podolski and miroslav klose are some of the world’s best finishers . yet they are severely under rated compared to the hype given to some of the other strikers in the world

Giroud's perfectly chiseled face

Goldi poldi hallelujah! \o/


this is what i’ve been used to seeing from poldi when he plays for germany and was hoping he could recreate that here at arsenal. i hope he keeps this going.


Please Wenger, in the future let the fine man have his hatrick. He deserves it.

Ramsey – wonderful, won this game and he played a huge part, I so eat my words.

jack jack jack

“Giroud can’t hit a barn door with a banjo it’s not even funny. Once again theo giving giroud a lesson in finishing.”

Nom nom nom.


Ramsey belongs in the central midfield. He’s a CM, not a winger material.


The most important thing now is the team find consistency. We really need to go on an unbeaten run. 3 decent games ahead of us now with brighton then liverpool and stoke home. Should be able to get 3 wins out of that.

the only sam is nelson

” After he gave of course two great balls as well.” Finbarr Wenger? Whatever next? “I will of course tell you when I pull off our new signing, hnurr hnurr”


Poldi puts those crosses exactly where they should point! Bullet strike too. Get in.


Theo could learn a thing or two from him about how to pass

HRH Queen Elizabeth II

Just hoping that going one down to West Ham was this season’s “f*ck that” moment. In the same way as going two down at home to the enemy last season, prior to Sagna’s header.

K. Soze

Almost makes me want to come out of hiding to watch podolski play. Yep I exist and Im an Arsenal fan.

K. Soze

Dont tell anyone -_-

the only sam is nelson

i don’t believe kronke soze exists

he is just a folk legend invented to scare fat uzbeki children

A N Other

I think this games might just be the springboard podolski needed… He could be goal scoring machine from now on..

New Guy

Plenty of candidates to play through the centre… *groan*

But Poldi was great tonight, and I thought Ramsey had a very solid match with many forward passes. Sagna also played better than in previous matches.


I knew Poldi would be fired up in the second half. Walking into the tunnel at half time he looked like a man on a mission, having stern words to cazorla about the front lines runs. (or so it seemed on tv)

About time someone fucking fired up whose name is not jack. Well done poldi, great performance.


On another note podikski is topping the league for assists after today. Not bad for the most substituted player in the league!

And to be fair… If santi can hit a free kick like that with his left… Then why isnt he on all set piece duty? Except long ranged.. which is Lego hairs all day


To be fair, Santi was taking corners (both sides, due to his ambifootstrousness!) earlier in the season.
That was before Walcott decided that he wasn’t signing anything unless he got first refusal on every dead ball.

Merlin's Panini

That was Podolski’s best game in an Arsenal shirt. Delighted!

I think i’d have taken Cazorla off after the 5th goal went in though just to give him a bit of rest. He’s needed it recently. Looked pretty decent today though.
Its also great to see people giving Ramsey credit where it’s due.


“Handsome French bloke backs Handsome French bloke to do handsomely”

This arseblog heading was justified today,
Question: So is R.pires the new god?


He is THE GOD! swoons*

North Bank Gooner

he cant be, Dennis bagsied that job, and he said vaynites.


Long dark hair, little beard, it is obvious who he is…Jesus.

Gearoid Kelly

This may seem simplistic, but I feel a large contribution to our improved performances was our changes and thus we weren’t as easy to predict.

Playing the same team week in, week out is not only easy for opponents to scout, but our own players subconsciously do the exact same things week after week and get complacent, even lazy.

Pride of London

Watched the game 2 hours ago on sky sports replay. Im still smiling. magnificent


I don’t want to be negative (and I am not one of those fans that keep moaning about everything), but even though all credit must be given to our front line tonight (Podolski, Walcott, Cazorla, Wilshere, Giroud), I feel really pissed off about a few players like Ramsey, Santos and Oxlade-Chamberlain. Especially with the later, who the crowd always fancies, it screws my mind how can he come on with more than 20 minutes to go, the team is winning 5-1 playing at home against 10, yet they can’t score a goal. If they can’t do it in these circumstances,… Read more »


come off it Miquel i’ve Ramsey bashed a couple of times this season especially when on the wing. But the lad played well tonight. Santos just a squad player and hasnt played for a bit. The ox came on well the lad potts was down injured for a while after that they all seemed less interested. It was 5-1 i was just praying for a win tonight.


they stood around for 12 minutes watching the medics tend to cox already up 5-1. sure the subs pressed on but it was really hard for me to keep interest after that, i could just imagine what it was like for the players. the game was won, we were up against 10 men thanks to a freak injury, west ham having already used all their subs. a 0-0 scoreline late on and the lads trying to press for a winner isn’t even close to being in the same universe as this situation was.


I won’t lie, I fell asleep on the couch after the injury delay. I can’t fault the players if I’m having a bit of a snooze.


The game was done and dusted, the sting taken out by the horrible injury and as much as i was egging everyone on to get more goals as well i’m not gonna sit here and slate the subs for not turning the knife in.

Great game lads, well played and a special shout out to RAMSEY for a great all round performance and that goal line clearance.



Great result tonight top performance especially from Prince Poldi. Couple more victories within the next week then hopefully we can get on a good solid run of wins.

Mr. Montenegro

Second half was excellent! The team looked like old Arsenal! Everyone did just fine. Watched the game twice and loved it!


podolski was fabulous. he scores the most crucial goals for us this season and deserves more praise.




Argh can’t believe Wenger substituted the HFB, I stuck a fiver for him to get a hat trick..could have won £130 🙁


Since last two days on my way to work i have been listening to goldi poldi hallelujah didnt knew why but i guess i knew something big was coming up from poldi and it did.
Now can we all sing that song it will be awesome to hear it at emirates.

[…] Read More Here: Wenger hails Poldi’s ‘Vorsprung Durch Technik’ […]


wow! poldi & Giroud 22 goals between them, walcott.and cazorla 24 goals. That’s 46 goals from our front 4 yet we are 6th in the league!!!


that may be because you are adding up the overall goals tall .
here’s the league goals tally
Poldy: 7
Giroud: 8
Walcott: 10
Caz: 8

so 33 goals among them in the league.


No one’s talkin bout gibbs. Cant think of a better LB in d league @ d moment. CASHley wld rot on d bench even if he was still here with gibbs’ current form…imo


Learn to spell.


Prince Poldi looked energetic.
Whatever he did in the week off, he should keep doing.
Best night…. in quite a while it feels.


N yet when I brought it up last time.
‘Sell kos and per.’
I checked it again, the comment is hidden due to low rating.
Come on mates, we cant turn a blind eye to the problems we have.
Supporting our players is one thing, but I think deep down everyone knows we have a problem at the back.
One cb please Wenger!!!
5-0 Sounds about right, right???


Maybe if we’re talking top, top, top, top, exquisite quality, and not just top, top, top. We have good defenders, and I’m happy with them, but yeah they have been costly. However, they’re improving (how many games have we let in more than 2? Compare it to last season then compare it to other Premier League teams this season) and in this day and age it’s hard to get low amounts of goals let in within the Premier League, unless you defend with 9+ men. We have good defenders. Not the best, but good, and unless we went premium I’d… Read more »


Ok, my last comment was supposed to be a reply to nelson. Don’t know what happened. Lol.


I remember back in the better years hearing you cannot expect too much of a player in their 1st season at a club. That they’d be broken in gradually with expectations for the next season. I haven’t heard that for a while, probably as we kept on selling our best players so he couldn’t say that as he needed them straight away, but maybe, just maybe, if we don’t sell anyone, apart from the well documented crap ones, get in a couple & we may have a chance next season if it is indeed considered the case players need a… Read more »


I remember when God turned up, he looked a bit jaded at first. When asked in interview he said something like; “I’m not used to playing at the pace of the Premiership, I should be better next season”.
That last bit qualifies as one of the greatest understatements of all time.


Sorry,, meant to thumb up don’t down here!


7 games to be specific, on the 7th day… of it was History

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Steve John

Vorsprung Durch Technik scans to ‘he scores when he wants’… tried to get it going other day but all around ignored me…. I thought it was good, guess it was jsut me 🙁


let’s not getting carried away.

I want to see some consistency…I remember everyone getting excited when Gervinho scored a few goals early on the season!

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