Saturday, July 27, 2024

Disappointed Santos has Arsenal regrets

After his move back to Brazil, Andre Santos has expressed regret that his move from Fenerbache to Arsenal didn’t work out, but hasn’t ruled out a return to the Gunners.

Currently on loan at Gremio until at least the end of this season, the left back says his time at the club was hampered by injury and that he was ‘disappointed’ the signing of Nacho Monreal effectively ended his chances of playing after Kieran Gibbs injury.

“I am not going to lie and say I was not disappointed,” he told the Evening Standard. “This was a last-minute deal and a clear message to me that I would not start for the rest of the season.

“Monreal is a good player and he will be able to help Arsenal. However, since I play in the same position as him, yes I was disappointed.

“I thought this was my chance to get back into the team, play some games, and get back to the form that me, the manager and the fans were expecting from me.

“I wish things could have worked out better. I started very well, got injured a couple of times and I have not been able to get back to my best form. Things did not work out as well as I expected. I am not satisfied.

“Hopefully, when I am back, I will be on top of my game and then I will be able to help the team the way I want to.”

The Brazilian also revealed he parted on good terms with Arsene Wenger.

“He gave me a hug and told me Arsenal would always welcome me back with open arms,” and left with a message for supporters.

“I have all my respect to the fans of Arsenal.”

Despite his optimistic outlook, it seems unlikely he’ll wear the red and white again, but you can’t blame a guy for keeping his glass half-full.

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Diaby's ankles

Best wishes to Andre in Brazil. Surely he will be more succesful there.

Norn Iron Gooner

I can see him now, as he blasts through the favelas at 150mph with the top down.

Nice guy, podgy footballer. Good luck m8

Jon Orme

He seems like such a nice guy! I wish him the very best of luck… Can’t say I want to see him back at Arsenal though.


My my, how much difference a year makes. I remember how gutted fans were when he played vs Olympiacos and got injured. Everyone was pissed at Wenger because he didn’t need to play that match.


I think the real reason for annoyance was that Gibbs was also injured at the same time. That’s when our fullback crisis started, remember?


I don’t know, Santos was considered a contender for, if not THE, starting left back at that time.





whatever happens we will never forget your goal against chelsea and your attempt at samba dance aftermath.

Lord Murphy

“Hopefully, when I am back…” Bless him. I’m afraid you’re not coming back Andre. You are going to live on a farm in the country.

Knitted Character

at least he has a farm instead of being a mangy, flatulent farmyard animal like you are, milord


“going to live on a farm in the country.”



A shame things couldn’t work out but it’s probably best for all parties that this departure came sooner rather than later.

why hes not a brazillian at all !

his arsenal career ended the day he took that cunt rvp s top @ the united game IMO
good riddiance ! sub standerd player @ best

Knitted Character

you are a prize knob


I can’t see why everyone is thumbing down this comment, I agree completely with the sentiment that the shirt swap with that cretinous traitor was incredibly disprespectful and unforgivable in my opinion.


Because Andre Santos doesn’t go on Le Grove and listen to all the 12 year olds going “I h8 uuuuuu Robben ven Purrsestrings”.

He just has a professional view of Van Persie leaving, he’s not going to let it bug him, so he just exchanged shirts like they all do in Brazil.

Unlike Van Persie himself who obviously had some personal thing against Sagna, and fouled him in a manner resembling some of Cattermole’s tackles. Unprofessional.


Despite his shortcomings on the field, you have to admit, Andre Santos is a really nice guy. Wish him the very best for his future!


Never our worst player, nor our most mean-hearted. Just not good enough. I also regret that it didn’t work out, but that’s the way football is. Good luck, you Cuddly Maverick!


You couldn’t meet a nicer gay. All the best Andre!




Come on man! We have standards here. Next time please say:


It’s nachoo postion any more


Good guy Andre: Got a lot of stick and boos from the fans, still speaks well of them.

G’luck in Brazil mate!


I really hope he can get the form back that earned him a transfer & call ups to the national team. In some way i always find it sad when it doesn’t work out for a player who no doubts had all the good intentions. Hopefully some samba, sun & just going home in general will recharge his batteries and get him back in form. Having him on the bench either for the attack or 3rd choice lb surely is not the worst option available? Enjoy and take benefits of being in Brazil André! Then maybe, who knows? Man i… Read more »


hes a good left winger defo better then downing hes just not a left back but as a winger he is not bad at all

Arsene's bottle of water

Even the players who didn’t really fit into the team made their contribution. Good luck André, and thank you for that goal against West Brom in last season’s last fixture.
This is often overlooked, but hadn’t Andre scored the winner for us, we would draw that match, finish behind Sp*rs and be out of the CL!
This puts into perspective how close we got.


It was Koscielny who scored the winner, not Santos. Santos scored the equaliser.

But yeah, your point remains pretty much the same either way. We came incredibly close to no CL this season (although nobody really knew HOW close at the time, because everyone thought Bayern would win the CL).


All d best Andre…you sure won’t say you didn’t have your chance for the Gunners. You had and you fluffed it! Its ok, no player is perfect! All the best GAY!


The english media had a field day with him which was completely OTT. And prob undeserved. That cunt Phil McNulty on bbc really had a go at him. But hes always like that with Arsenal.

Big Chief from Antarctica

Cunts that do the Sky Sports commentary tops the list of the cunts that call themselves journalists.

On a sidenote, I hate it when those cunts act like football was invented when the Premier League started in the 90s. Ignoring all history which makes a FC great. ffs


Yeah I remember when we beat Newcastle with that last minute Vermaelen goal and the crowd went bonkers and were waving their Arsenal scarves and Gary Neville had to get a little rub in by saying that ”those sites of the fans waving their scarves is something you dont see at the emirates”. True or not it wasn’t necessary to say it. I look at fans at old trafford and the ethiad during matches and they hardly cheer, or sing. It seems to be acceptable in the media to have sly digs at arsenal , or their fans, even wenger… Read more »


You’re not paranoid brother, the pundits (apart from the majority of Gooner legends) love to hate Arsenal, maybe it’s because they see us as an easy target because we aren’t bullies.

Christiano Ronaldo loves to spunk on skunk

yes one of those cunty journalists summed up our Santos as… “the Leftback who made Jordan Henderson look like Lionel Messi”.

it was an awkward feeling reading that rubbish.. felt it both insulting and hilarious at the same time…


Read some farcical things around the web of late, about him being the worst player to wear red and white. A lot of people seemingly either have very short memories or haven’t been supporting the club for very long at all.

That dubious prize goes to Igors Stepanovs by the way (from the Wenger era).

Merlin's Panini

Pascal Cygan and Kaba Diawara were also much worse.

Knitted Character

gus ceasar was also a lot worse


Squillaci? Chamakh?

Judgement day (once more)

Pascal Cygan! I have completely forgotten about him. The only thing I can remember was ahorrendous own goal and that for some reason he was called Pascal Zidane (why?)..




Amaury Bischoff? Silvestre?


I seem to (not) remember Fabian Caballero or Alberto Mendez Rodríguez..

Merlin's Panini

@Knitted Character- Absolutely, Gus Caesar was awful, but not Wenger era.


Now that you’ve mentioned Stapanovs I have to go to the doctor.
Thanks for nothing!
Probably the worst player in the entire premier league ever.


It’s such a silly thing to say anyway. The worst player to ever wear the Arsenal shirt has probably been forgotten because he was a youth player or nothing signing who made one appearance and left, or something like that.

Merlin's Panini

Thanks for the good times Andre. A likeable guy and good footballer who just didn’t quite cut it as a left back.
If he found form and kept it I’d be happy for him to come back.


He left a sandwich in his locker.

Durham Gooner

He left with better grace than van Persie, at least Andre didn’t patronise us.

Simao Segunda

He was certainly no worse than Cygan, or Jeffers, Malz, Wright, Wreh….


In fairness Wreh got a few goals! Including one in the 98 fa cup semi final. Id put Jeffers before him.


Scored a vital goal away to Wimbledon in ’98 too.

Midfield Corporal

Christopher wreh? He scored two vital goals against Bolton and Wolves I think in the run in to the 98 double, average player but by no means our worst. Google John Hawley, Danny O’Shea or umpteen other crap players from the early 80’s that filled our team while the cunts down the road had Hoddle, Ardiles etc. I used to wonder what I’d done to deserve the football I watched until King George took the helm.

Dr Baptiste

And bored the shit out of us? Only joking. Good manager that found a style that worked for him and the players at his disposal.

Midfield Corporal

It was only from 93 onwards the football got dull though wasn’t it? And then he made up for it with trophies, 1992 when wrighty,Merson, Limpar, smith and Campbell were all knocking in goals was great.

Merlin's Panini

I think the dull thing was nonsense to be honest. We were disciplined but never dull. Certainly not from 93 onwards! How can you be dull with Merson and Wrighty?
I think people just saw us win a lot and in a very solid manner and didn’t like that we were winning so labelled us boring.

Tkd ward

Seems like a nice person but sadly wasn’t good enough :/


Sadly, he’ll be back.


Because our brilliant manager decided that he was worth 60k a week. So like TGSTEL we just won’t be able to get rid of this League Two full-back.

Expect to see Santos at the Grove next season. Playing with Bendtner.

Dr Baptiste

WAHEY!! Fats is back in and he hasn’t lost any of his charm. Still negative as hell and will be thumbed down to oblivion due to his never-say-yay attitude but entertaining all the same

Merlin's Panini

It’s really funny. When we were really looking in trouble, you seemed one of the most positive on here FG, now we’re looking more likely to nick a Champions League spot you’re back to your old self! 🙂

petits handbag

Don’t think he was better than Wright,he scored a fair few……sorry who the fuck is Richard Wright?

Dr Baptiste

An ex-arsenal ‘keeper who’s performances have been sadly missing from this current team?


I hope that the loan spell works out for him and that he does come back, albeit playing in a different position and firing on all cylinders. I know that’s not going to be popular, but he’s still our player and you have to want the best for him right?

I really liked the guy…


I am sure he would have/will still improve.
He scores goals and he has a bazooka in his boot..


When I read this, once again I feel real sadness about the level of abuse Andre was subject to. Wish him best of luck, not only because it will raise his possible sell-value, but because I think he deserves it, unlike most other players that left in recent years.


well said


The Brazil league is probobly the best place for him. Fits his style of play way better then the PL.


Wish him the best of luck at Gremio, did love his character but the performance was never really there.
Best wishes to “the cuddly maverick” 🙂


Now you’re just Santos that I used to know


not even the right number of syllables, try a little harder

Judgement day (once more)

Now you´re just some gay dude that I used to know (SOMEBODY!!!!)

not that handsome french bloke

Arsene Wenger hugged him?… I never had Arsene down as a “huggy” sort of person


Ye can see that Wenger is an altogether nicer guy than the likes of Maurinho and Fergie. Im not surprised.

Arsene's bottle of water

I think Santos must have taken the initiative and Arsene was like “yeah, alright, what the hell” and hugged him back.
Andre is, after all, the cuddly maverick!


A likeable guy but a very expensive 12 million plus mistake. Another example of our flawed transfer and pay policy.


Where on earth did you get 12m from?


You do the maths and see what sort of total you come out with.

Midfield Corporal

I’m not sure how you can get thumbs down for that comment? I assume those people think our transfer policy and wage structure to be fine despite mounting evidence to the contrary.


Corp, if you state the obvious or facts you get called negative or accused of being a new fair weather supporter.
We are fighting for our lives to get fourth for a reason and we are more than 20 points behind manure for a reason. We have not won a trophy in 7 years for a reason.
I love it when arsenal win and have down since the the late 70’s but also when things are wrong people should also be allowed to say without the normal abuse or rubbish that are thrown around on here at times.


Hear, hear!

Midfield Corporal

I just thumbs up’d Fatgooner…….what a crazy world we live in. 🙂


Voldemort, I think this is flawed logic really. First, for significantly less than 50k/pw you can get only a very, very limited number of players into top bpl club. The same goes for 5m transfer fee. Hence this is the prize you pay when you make a mistake while playing a game with high stakes. And surely you don’t expect arsene, or anyone else for that matter, get every single decision right, do you?


No I don’t, and no manager does and the same can be said of paying higher wages and transfer fees doesn’t guarantee you quality. Look at Liverpool and carol but having said that there is a reason why we have so many players out on loan that we can’t sell and that’s because we pay them too much in the first place. Santos was never arsenal quality, he was a panic buy its as simple as that. As was park in the same period. No club gets it right every time I agree but of late we seem to have… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

I don’t think the transfer fee is necessarily the issue, more the probable wages. The fact that we have been unable to shift Denilson, Squillachi, Almunia, Bendtner is evidence that we pay mediocre players too much. Armand Traore was on 25k a week and wouldn’t go to benefica as they could only pay him 15k. 25k a week for a player who didn’t look good enough at any of the loan moves he went on!!! It’s no wonder we couldn’t pay RVP or Nasri what they wanted as we waste money. At Man Utd players like Evans are on remarkably… Read more »


Voldemort, generaly I agree with you bar few issues: Santos, and the same goes for Gervinho, may be perfectly well ‘of arsenal quality’ in a slightly different circumstances. E.g. when fans were tearing Santos apart for games where for the whole time he was targeted by two wingers without any help. Maybe I’m wrong here, but I think no LB would have played significantly better. For me “he’s not arsenal quality” is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Risky buy: yes, perhaps too risky, but that’s it. Second issue where I disagree is that in the last say 3 years arsenal had that… Read more »

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Voldy, You always insult our transfer policy but I’d like to see you try and keep us in the top 4 and decent contention in the cups every season with a transfer budget of £0. The only resources being Arsenes savvy transfer skills whilst we pay off the stadium. Your short sighted views stop you from seeing how incredibly well we have actually done and are doing so. Think from a different perspective if you possibly can. Some signings haven’t been the best, agreed, but I don’t see any other clubs moving into a world class stadium and remaining in… Read more »


I am a humble London black cabbie not a football manager mate, and why keyboard warriors like yourself have to call people cunts for having a different opinion from yourself is beyond me. I never insulted you mr bender. I can assure you I’m no cunt but am happy to meet you for a drink against Blackburn on Saturday somewhere of your choosing over the grove and I’m sure I could change your opinion of me over a glass of shandy. And the reason I mentioned from the seventies was to prove that it’s not about being a glory hunter.… Read more »


Meant cunts not counts, but sure you worked that our mr bender.

Midfield Corporal

JJ Bender – do you really believe Arsene has a transfer budget of £0??? The board give him a budget which I understand is around £120m a year, how he spends it is his decision. He then get a further sum which is for transfer fees and the first years salary for the player. I admire what AW has done and continues to do for the club, but I think a fan must be blissfully ignorant to think things can’t be improved. I know Voldermort can fight his own battles but as a long term match going supporter he’s entitled… Read more »

Arsene's therapist

He may no longer have a berth in our starting XI – but he’s still on our books. Shouldn’t imagine his new ’employers’ are making much of a contribution to his £50-60K a week pay packet – so we’re still lumbered.

Nice bit of work that, Arsene.

Renan Romeo

He is a good lad, I’m convinced about that, but he’s not a good professional.


Worst player Arsenal ever had was Silvestre. We lost 65% of games when he was on the field


And he was a fucking United cunt


Yes and above all a :ercenary sent by Lord Fergus


6 million transfer fee plus wages. 12 million is on the low side it’s probably a lot more than that if the guy really is on 60 k a week like some think. And I doubt very much his new new club is paying his whole wage. So 12 million is a very conservative estimate.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Ok so then you cant be one of these people that think our transfer budget of ‘£70m’ is all just fees paid to the selling club?

£70m means 2 x £20m players on a £70k a week, 4 year deal? Quite a modest outlay..

– Not to mention agents etc


Who mentioned 70 million ? But if it was that much then maybe your right but you also have to factor in that the wages are an ongoing expense and are therefore covered over that four year period and not just from the seventy million that you mentioned.
In that time some players will leave some will arrive and some will be sold for large sums and new sponsorship deals will come in and ticket prices may have risen. All these factors have to be taken into account when assessing the wages.


Off topic here.
Can anybody tell me if The Corporal Jenkinson is available for the FA Coop game against the Venky’s Chickens on Saturday?
I know that suspensions incurred in the League Cup hold for league games, what about FA Cup?


No Jenky’s against Venky’s saturday Pearson banned.


Wish you the best Santos…

Omasi WC

I feel 4 Andre, His moves
were supérsonic when he came newly, hopé 2 c U return


“He gave me a hug and told me Arsenal would always welcome me back with open arms”

…as long as I’m not on the field during a game.


Some of you need your heads examined. You criticise Van Persie even though he singularly got us into the Champions League and stayed year after year while Wenger decimated the team, yet treat that fat waste of space Santos like he’s Tony Adams. The bloke was FAT. Unprofessional. Paid £50k a week and couldn’t even be arsed to keep himself in shape. Wow, what a sportsman! And he tried to swap shirts with one of our ex players at half time while we were getting smashed. Fuck me, talk about getting your priorities wrong. You pro-Wenger sycophants have COMPLETELY lost… Read more »

Tony Pulis

Difference is judas called us and the club shit and started mouthing off about hwo brilliant manure was after being there two days. on the other hand, Santos on the other hand left with his dignity and said he regretted not being able to do more for the club. p.s. he isn’t fat.


The truth is he said neither of those things. He said we lacked ambition and are really trying to say that this club has any ambition to win the league.


Do you really think Santos was fat? Did he look particularly tired in games? Cos I never noticed that. “You criticise Van Persie even though he singularly got us into the Champions League” Well no, he didn’t do it all on his own. Signings like Arteta, Mertesacker and (YES) Santos made a huge difference. And I personally criticise him purely because he chose to go to our biggest enemies of the past 15years or so, to play alongside the guy who dived to break the Invincibles run. I wouldn’t have cared half as much had he just gone to join… Read more »

Die Hard Gunner

@ Adrian, I can see you are a really frustrated fan who really needs someone or something to lay his anger on, I guess you just started supporting the Arsenal in 2007, Arsene Wenger has really done a lot for this club and he deserves all the respect he can get from we fans, we are not Tottenham “Cunt-spot” fans nor “Chel-Shi”, we are THE ARSENAL, let’s show some unity and support the team and everyone as long as they wear the Red and White, you can visit the Arsenal site;, check out the glory days video and you… Read more »


Actually, I’ve supported Arsenal for 35 years. Wenger has done a lot for the club, but so has Dennis Bergkamp and we don’t keep him. When you’re past it, you’re past it and Wenger is past it. The proof is irrefutable. I believe Arsenal’s problem is fundamentally tactical not financial. For example, Arsenal have good defenders but the coaching abysmal so they only operate at 50% most of the time. I believe the following managers would only need to buy a couple of players and work with the team for 6 months and Arsenal would soon be title contenders: Ancelotti,… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Aidrian, I find myself agreeing and completely disagreeing with you, I’m confused. As a coach I think AW has proved to be very good, he’s made players look good at our club who have moved on and then looked average. However tactically I agree he has shortcomings. I don’t think it’s sensible to go into every game with the attitude ‘we play our game, it’s up to them to stop us’ however honourable it sounds. The only match I recall us changing our game for was the 2005 FA cup final, but it worked, however he doesn’t seem to acknowledge… Read more »


“Stayed”?? As if he had any other choice with his injury record and 8-goals-per-season statistics. And fyi, there is no need to read your post beyond the word stayed, because right there you’ve showed your level of competence. Cheers.

Tony Pulis

I didn’t even notice he said that, I thought only manure fans and the media looked at Satan as if he was world class his entire career and he was held back by Arsenal. I just hope he gets an injury and loses all form, so United can experience the first seven years of his Arsenal career for themselves.


Sorry for the late reply but David moyes 0 win record against top 4 they last beat Manure in 2012

Die Hard Gunner

Goodluck to you, wish you the very best…He was such a lad to have around the dressing room, just didn’t live up to expectation on the pitch…feel sorry for him. Up Gunners for life.

[…] Read More Here: Disappointed Santos has Arsenal regrets […]

A N Other

Saw his video on player.. Such a nice guy. Good luck to him whatever he does.


Thanks for getting us into the Champions League Santos. Good luck and maybe you can play a few more games for us next year..


You never know what the future holds in football as in life. He and Wenger do no harm by leaving the door open, and we can’t fault the player for believing in his own ability. Good luck to him.


it’s a real pity as i though he looked like a really useful player in his early appearances for us. hopefully he can get his career back on track now but i’m worried that we are now very short at left back in the champs league with gibbs injured and monreal cup tied. who is going to play there against bayern? i guess the best option would be jenkinson on the right and sagna on the left. even if TV is fit i don’t really fancy him at left back…


hope there is not more to this story. This is a player that is known for large swings in his form, even midgame, that came from a club that has a recent scandal and then is moved out around the same time that news is breaking regarding matches being fixed. i’m sure there is no connection. just a crazy thought that came to me. unfortunately sports have reached a point where you can’t watch them with the same ignorant bliss and hope as you did as a child.


How fickle some fans are? How quick they forget?! At the end of last season everyone was praising Santos. His defending had improved dramatically, he was scrapping – literally – with anyone that tried to rough us up and he was scoring goals. Yet he’s written off? Remember this is a guy who pretty much had to learn a new position after joining us. Yet Gibbs who was equally poor if not worse for a time gets chance after chance. Ramsey, the same. I’m not saying they shouldn’t have either but I do think it’s tragic that people forget so… Read more »


Good Riddance—lost me when he completely disrespected the club and fans
with that shirt swapping –later lard ass


A while ago I checked out these forums and there were some rotten comments about Sagna–a superb defender who had a few uncharacteristic, bad games. Gibbs gets a lot of crap too and it’s totally unwarranted. It’s tough to be a fullback at Arsenal. Wenger’s system asks a lot of them.

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