Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Wenger gives background on Monreal signing, backs Santos

Arsene Wenger has revealed the seriousness of the injury to Kieran Gibbs was a factor in the signing of Nacho Monreal from Malaga, but also that the player’s versatility could be beneficial between now and the end of the season.

Speaking at his pre-Orc press conference, the manager explained, “Our scouts have followed his progress for a while and of course we had a blow with the Gibbs injury, which is a bit longer than expected,.

“We expected two to three weeks, but it will be four to six, so we were in a position where we had to make a quick decision. That explains our buy.

“We bought Monreal as a left back but he can play as well as a left-sided midfielder. We bought him as well because we believe he can integrate into our style of play and adapt very quickly to that.

“He has the characteristics to play our game because he is very mobile, has a good left foot and is very good in combination play. That is vital in our style of play.”

The boss also backed under fire Brazilian Andre Santos, who has become something of a lightning rod for criticism of Arsenal’s defence. Although Mertesacker and Vermaelen were clearly more culpable for Arsenal’s concession of goals againt Liverpool, Santos took a lot of the flak and when asked if he felt the criticism was unfair, Wenger replied:

“Yes, because if you watch the game again and you analyse very well his performance, you will be less critical. He is a style of player who needs competition because he is not a nervous type of player, he is a stamina type of player and get sharper through competition.

“Kieran Gibbs will be out for the Champions League because we are only three weeks away from Bayern now. I will not play Monreal,  Santos could have a key role.”

Obviously the Brazilian needs to raise his game, and with the Monreal signing is unlikely to feature that heavily, but when needed let’s hope he can do a job.

Pic via Stuart MacFarlane

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Nacho , Nacho man. I wanna be a Nacho man.


Tiresome already. Shit ad, anyway.

Arty's Art

Does this mean we can follow the Springfield Isotopes and finally introduce Nacho hats at the emirates?!

Merlin's Panini

If we had nacho hats the atmosphere would be amazing, but also there would be a cheesy fug around the emirates. Once our players are used to it that could work in our advantage. The away team would always feel a bit sick.


You’re Overmars, isn’t that enough already? 😀


Caaant wait to see him on the piiitch!

wow, why im so excited eh?


*nom nom

Vic Viniger

Photo taken from the perspective of Per Mertesacker.


Panic buying.

Merlin's Panini

stupid commenting.


clearly not. read the article


“We expected two to three weeks, but it will be four to six, so we were in a position where we had to make a quick decision. That explains our buy.”


Panic, not panic.. buying is all that matters.


We got nacho… More like a picnic buy

Percy Dalton

I’m delighted with this signing. In the last few seasons, for all our losses of key players, it’s been when full backs are out that our season really falls apart. Last season we tried something like 6 players at left back at various points and none of those roped into the unfamiliar role really worked.


The only problem I have with this signing, is that it doesn’t actually make us any better, just stops us from becomming worse.


He should have signed a LB last January. We all knew Gibbs couldn’t play 10 games in a row and needed a back-up for Santos. Signing one now is an admission of that. But lo and behold, Wenger has finally decided to buy a player, let us forget all of that ay? …Until the dust settles and we realise we needed more than an untried LB who at best, will pick-up where GIbbs has left off. It wont improve our first 11 and that’s what we needed.


How do you know it won’t improve the team?



“He can play as a left winger too and he can adapt very quickly”

Please Wenger don’t ruin this player, already thinking about playing him at LW are ya?. Wtf?



“Please Wenger don’t ruin this player, already thinking about playing him at LW are ya?. Wtf?”

Please Frrred don’t play any more Football Manager, already thinking you’re the next Pep Guardiola are ya?. Wtf?


what was your point exactly? :/


It means on the other hand that poldi is freed up as a striker option. This signing is less straightforward, more clever than it seems, although i am still doubting heavily the depth of our squad.


My idea of a left winger is somebody who runs up the left wing then puts in that killer cross when he gets to the box.
So a LB who can also do that is effectively the role that Cashley/Clichy/Gibbs/Santos did/does (albeit in varying levels of competence!!!)

Dave Gooner

Grumple doodle doo


“Kieran Gibbs will be out for the Champions League because we are only three weeks away from Bayern now. I will not play Monreal, Santos could have a key role.”

Could Monreal have played in Champs League anyway?


No, as he is cup tied, which is presumably what Wenger meant.


It is a big worry Santos against Bayern especially after the way Farfan took him apart at the Emirates.

Unyoke The Ox

Wow, he looks tiny in that photo (unless Per took it). No chance against the giant mouth breathing ogres of Stoke.


Well at the very least he’s 178cm

Unyoke The Ox

I was joking due to the perspective of the photo. My fault, maybe next time I should make it clear that I’m joking by being… funny?

Rectum Spectrum

cleary a joke, but for me highlights a point, we have plenty of tiny, technical players, useless in defense of set pieces and corners. he’s 5′ 10” which is decent, should be useful in those situations, it even states somewhere he’s good in the air. great signing, him and gibbs am sure will push each other on to great development.


Apparently just casually stating a fact while understanding you were joking makes me a dunce and stupid. Lighten up mate, I’m not going to stab you over some random joke.


And he looks alot like Crouchy


How big are the Premiership’s best left backs?

Parisian Weetabix

Anyone seen the video on Arsenal.com? He looks absolutely terrified!


He has 4 yellow cards and 1 red this season. The couple times I saw him play, he got stuck in the tackles as well as having good technique on the ball. Exciting


So when Arsene Wenger said that we could expect 2 to 3 top quality signings at the beginning of the window, what he actually meant was ” This is to keep you satisfied and holding hope until January 31st ” The man shows no ambition. Even though Nacho Monreal is a player i like and a player i wanted us to sign (would’ve rather had Filipe Luis but Monreal is still a great player) he is not enough, and he’s going to be getting a negative welcome from some fans because we were told to expect more and promised that… Read more »

Percy Dalton

in all honesty, if any fans do give him a negative welcome they can go and fuck themselves

Santos needs to play

We should put that on a banner!


Hear, hear.


So when georgegooner said that Arsene Wenger told us to expect 2 or 3 top signings at the beginning of the window, what he actually meant was “I am talking out of my ass” The man shows no ambition for credibility. Here are the only notable The Guardian articles that involve Arsene Wenger and transfers in the first 10 days of January: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/arsene-wenger?page=2 “Thierry Henry will not be returning to Arsenal, says Arsène Wenger” “Theo Walcott deal is priority for Arsenal, says Arsène Wenger – video” If Arsene told us to expect 2 or 3 signings, I think the media… Read more »


Wenger says that they made an approach for another player, but couldn’t convince the club to release him.

Rumour suggest it was Fernando Amorebieta from Athletic Bilbao, which would make sense from a positional point of view.

One for the summer?

Johnny Jensen's Bender

We approached Barca for Villa but they’re a bunch of cunts
We signed up Theo LANS Walcott
We signed Monreal

Thats 2 or 3 quality players in Wenger talk. So in fact he did keep to his word, even though what you said is bs.

And who in the name of Dennis would boo a new signing??

H. P. Arsecraft

Dont use that fucking Theo is a new signing. He is not. He is a player that signed a new contract for fuck sake. Are Gibbs, Jack, Ramsey, Jenks and Ox also new signings?

Wenger lied his way through this transfer window and only signed when he saw that he was one injury away from Squid action.

I never heard of any number like two or three but he did say this:

“I will be active [in the January window] yes. We are looking everywhere. We are open-minded. We want to strengthen the squad everywhere. “

Johnny Jensen's Bender

@H. P. Arsecraft If you can actually read, I said the 2 or 3 signings was BS and that Theo being like a new signing is Wenger talk. Did Arsene actually lie about anything? No. You have no idea what he did during the window because he isn’t going to tell the press jack shit. As soon as he mentions any name the press will have their newsgasm and ramp up the price and competition for any player as soon as its mentioned. I suggest you stop reading The Sun and Sky Sports and just read Arseblog, its pretty good…… Read more »


So if Gibbs had got injured this Saturday we would not have made any signings at all.
Scary stuff.
There is Nothing like a bit of forward planning.


We either react to injury, or we look for cheap bargains. Its a complete fucking joke.

Monreal – Only signed due to Gibbs injury
Cazorla – Because he was stupidly cheap
Poldi & Giroud – RVP told Wenger he was off
Santos – Panic
Mertesacker – Panic
Arteta – Wilshere injury
Park – Panic
Gervinho – Nasri made it clear he was leaving

Is their any wonder we are in terminal decline when we dont ever go out with the intention of improving the team?


What utter horseshit. If you had been following the team for more than five minutes, you would be aware that Arsenal had been hovering around Mert, Arteta and Gervinho for at least a season before they actually went for them. And those are just the ones I personally can remember.

Do you think scouts just pull names out of a hat or something? Goon.

Santos needs to play

I agree. Anyway aren’t we supposed to be the ‘dithering’ kind? A bit of a wierd name if we are panic buyers.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Your head is so far up your arse, your Adam’s apple is in fact your nose.

"Everything's Gonna Be Alright"

Nacho – got the coolest name in the Premier League.
Cazorla – even the opposition players drool in admiration at his trickery on the pitch
Poldi – Poland’s answer to Jason Bourne
Giroud – sexiest player in the Premier League
Santos – winner of the Premier League hot dog eating contest
Mertesacker – big fucking German, nuff said
Arteta – only footballer in the world with a 110% pass-completion percentage
Park – honest mistake, Wenger thought it was the other Park who played at ManUre
Gervinho – victim of bipolar disorder, hope he starts playing like sh!t for Ivory Coast


I love a 110% pass completion rate. He completes passes he didn’t even make. Awesome!

Jack's Right Foot

Was hoping this would be more along the lines off “backs a lorry into Santos”. Never mind.


I know he’s got a year left after this but it seems Wenger is going out on a wimper. Shame too. Best manager in our history, there’ll be eggs out there who’ve forgotten what he’s done. Nacho a savvy buy mind you, shame we didn’t buy more


I think Nacho is ok for a nickname but as his name is Ignacio, I think we should start calling him Iggy. Also, puts visions into opponents heads of a veiny, drug addled old man going crazy on them.


ooh I don’t know, I like Nacho


The problem is, if he turns out to be a recent decent signing, our best two defenders this season turn out to be left backs..


Hey,we signed a new player.

Shit, that’s actually positive, fuck what do I do.

Fair play to the trolls though you’ve done a great job of trying to be negative fuckwits.

Welcome, Nacho!

Tom Thumb

I can just picture it now robben or ribery bombing down our wings at santos.Not a happy site

Mister Fister

Ribery will ruin Santos if we play him. Yes, he might be triggered by the challenge, but Rib is still world class, while Santos has no defensive fibres what so ever.


One of the best goalkeeping displays that I have ever witnessed was Almunia vs Barcelona, and Almunia could never be accused of being world class, so maybe Wenger will show him the video of that on a loop to inspire him.

Cue Santos getting his fingertips to push a goalbound Ribery shot over the bar, and Wenger facepalming.

Los Polandos

Thank god it’s not Ribery that will keep Santos busy. It’s some mediocre fella called Robben.. D’oh!


Robben will find a way to injure himself!


Ribery will be taking on sagna all game.In form Thomas Muller will be against Santos.

[…] Read More Here: Wenger gives background on Monreal signing, backs Santos […]

Dick Swiveller

I thought Santos would be playing on the left wing more often now rather than Nacho. something which might not be a bad move.

I wanted a new attacker and a new midfielder, Rambo’s performances recently could cover one and budging Santos up gives us extra cover up front. It seems a little too close to rationalising a bit of an underwhelming transfer window but an extra player with plenty of experience is better than nowt.


I’m Nacho sure Santos is feeling happy about this one.
eh? ehhhh?! 😉

Good decent signing really. Didn’t see it coming, but this is a very decent player. Might actually keep Gibbs out the starting XI…Some serious competition i’d say.

Fergie the Gooner

So you’re the one that writes the sporting headlines for The Sun! I always thought you’d be a spud…


Just hope Wenger plays Koscienly left back against Bayern, or Vermaelen, just anyone but Santos. One sprint from Arjen Robben would kill Santos for the whole game.

Santos needs to play

Remember how we forced CB’s to play full back last year?

Didn’t work too well did it? I think having natural player in their positions will give us a better chance, other wise we will be too rigid and will get picked apart.

The team needs to play better at winning the ball back.

Yeah Right

Can’t we just all support Santos? How can we expect a player to perform when he’s booed at even before he’s touched the ball?
I fucking hate it

Santos needs to play

IT seems ever since Eboue left, all the negative energy is hanging around like a stubborn fart. Trying to stick to something, Eboue, Ramsey now Santos. Its becoming a joke.

Dick Swiveller

No surprise that our home form is worse than our away when you look at the difference in atmospheres, our away fans make me really proud (especially at OT last season, 3/4 goals down and they still carried on singing) but it’s not always a nice atmosphere at the Emirates, which transmits to the players and in turn makes them put in worse performances which makes the atmosphere worse etc.

The Auditor

We have who we have now, so absolutely no help or use to do anything but get behind whoever pulls on the shirt until the end of the season.

Some of them might give us no confidence but we can try to give them some…


Not just Santos with Ribery and Arjen Robben …… Sanga will also be under pressure. Philip Lahm also bombs forward behind Robben at right back so Poldi will have a defensive job. Why not put Sanga) and Jenks Lb


I missed the Sanga signing, is he any good?


@ macro. So are we to assume that you think this squad is strong enough to compete for the title and or the champions league. It’s not about nacho, the guy is clearly a very good player but when Gibbs is fit, the left back position was never our problem this season. Our problem was and is no plan b for when our strikers don’t score like has happened on many occasions this year or our central defenders not having a midfield power house in front of them organising and marshalling them. Or an adequate back up keeper that puts… Read more »

Johnny Jensen's Bender

We struggled at times at the beginning of the season because none of our 5 up top had ever played together. We dont have a problem scoring now and we will continue to improve as they learn each others style of play and movement.

But another striker, decent back up goalie and a big scary mother in the middle wouldn’t go amiss in the summer (When our first choices are available again)


Hopefully your right but I think some of our struggles up front were a bit more recent than just the start of the season. But time will tell I suppose.

Santos needs to play

Well, unless he gets injured, Santos is a shoe in for the Bayern match. Would it not be more Productive to play him as much as possible until then so he can sharpen up and get some confidence back???? Playing Monreal until Bayern and then thrust Santos in would be suicide in my opinion. But Playing Santos and Monreal in front of him could be an option to look at… Or our TEAM can begin to be more responsible defensively and give them both a platform to perform well. “It is hard trying to row a boat when it is… Read more »

Unyoke The Ox

I agree, in theory, but I think playing Santos (at least in his current form) against Bayern would be suicide regardless. The thought of him having to handle the runs of Robben and Lahm down our left, frightens me.

Also playing Monreal in front of Santos would mean dropping Podolski, who has been one of our best players this season.

Bould's Eyeliner

I believe Monreal should play a game as soon as possible, and hopefully, qualm some fans, instill some confidence in our back four sans gibbs, and demonstrate what defensive work is to Santos – training off the pitch with Santos would be nice too. I just don’t see Santos having the agility to ever be a proper left back though.


“We have some aspects of our game that we need to improve and how active we will be in the market in the summer will be decided by how well we do now until the end of the season.” Wtf happens if we grab the 4th trophy?


is there any chance the track could bend?






Does anyone believe that the Nacho signing could reignite the left side of the pitch? I am hoping to see Gibbs/Nacho used left midfield in a 4-4-2 with the Pod and Giroud up top. We have no defensive cover in left midfield with eith Podolski nor Cazorla on that side. Gibbs has been inspirational considering the lack of help on that side… Theo has at least improved a little bit in that defensive side. Ive noticed all to often that Verm’s/Mert’s/Koscielny’s mistakes are caused because they have had to drift into the LB/RB roles on counter attacks… perhaps this new… Read more »

Dick Swiveller

The left flank when the Gibss/Poldi partnership is there is one of the best areas of our team imo, if Nacho can continue a good partnership out there with Poldi/Santos/Ox/Rosicky/whoever then it would merely maintain rather than improve it.

Then again, if it gives our CBs more confidence then it could really help immeasurably.


in an attacking sense Gibbs and Podolski, Yes… no arguement, but defensively I think when Gibbs is caught up front (rare and not so much as previous seasons) a midfielder is missing defending that gap, it ends up either Jack or Verms being dragged wide…
anyhow, I agree that it stabilises and not neccasarily improves… but in terms of squad, then its a definate improvement.


He’s NACHO average Left Back.


While i welcome this signing, it only makes sense if either Gibbs is 6 months out, or Santos does not have Wenger’s backing. So AW is lying again either way.

Dick Swiveller

Or Santos is going to be playing a more attacking role, suitable to his talents.

Lady Eowyn

Nacho is like a new signing


This is an astute signing in terms of quality, I watch quite a bit of Spanish football and Monreal has always been solid & impressive in games I have seen Malaga play, their league position does not lie, they are a very good team. People had been complaining about Wenger saying we had two players for each position, well now at left back we certainly do. Competition is a great thing and even though Gibbs has been excellent as of late he should fight for his place if he has competition. I would have preferred another signing, forward or physical… Read more »


Am I the only one that thinks that we would do better if we played a 5-3-2?.. 3 CBs, 2 WBs(Lets face it we have no traditional LBs or RBs), 3 CMs and 2 strikers. #JustAthought


Unreal listen to the muppets slagging of santos the same muppets that were shouting for months I love that gay……

he messed up the last match was rubbish but so have many other players in the past and they still put in decent shifts before leaving eboue to name one.

If you cant be happy and support the new signing then fuck off and you can have your 3 new signings every year supporting mancity ….


If Santos was any other team he wouldnt get as much stick as he is off the media. That cocksucker Robbie Savage was laying into him on bbc last night. Santos is dodgy but its fashionable to jump on an Arsenal player and give him grief. If it was United or Liverpool they would be praying for him to do better and get behind him.


has anyone else seen the photos on Arsenal.com? he looks a bit like a blonde gary neville


dont insult the man please!

Arsenal Rising

A blonde gary neville? Ohhh.. U mean phil neville! Hahaha


Does anyone else think he looks like Peter crouch?


I’ll be slagged off and called negative for saying this (so what’s new?) but there’s no point in buying a quality full-back if he is not properly coached. There is clearly a deep problem with they way in which our back four are being coached. In the first half against Liverpool we were especially shocking.

I don’t know whether the problem is with Wenger or Bould, but the organisation at the back is horrendous.

H. P. Arsecraft

That’s exactly what I’ve been saying and writing. Our games usually ends Arsenals offence 4 – Arsenals defence 4.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Its confidence and dare I say it, the crowd at the Emirates.

5pur2 dr00L

So… might we, at some point, see an all-Spanish midfield? (Not saying Jack shouldn’t be a starter, but if we need to give the guy some rest…)


Wenger ‘(Santos) is a stamina type player’


nacho= crouch+gary neville

Merlin's Panini

Croucho Moneville. I hope he’s not a cock like those two.


Fans tend to forget that we actually made TWO signings this transfer window. The other is of course the extension of Theo’s contract,mwhich is also very important, especially with the scheme of things where he go anyhwere in summer for free. Overall it wasnt bad by a long way. We kept an important player & also got another international defender of quality!! So lets together focus on the remaining season ahead….FA Cup, top 4 in the league & try to go as far in CL!! Not many fans of other twams can state what I just stated!! So be happy… Read more »


I read somewhere that barca are behined on payments for Cesc and song, when I didn’t want to pay my phone bill they tried to take my car why didn’t we just take messi ?


Anyone who wants to know what big money signings are about? Lets see what happens to QPR now that the cheque book has well been thrown at them – As for Nachos, don’t know that much about the man however, if he coming from the same stable a Santi he must be good, but I bet he can’t drive faster than Santos

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Have said before [Arseblogs passim] LB is the toughest position in the modern game. All full backs expected to get forward as extra attackers and cross. So their work rate and yardage can be the highest of anyone. As they are positional specialists they rarely get subbed ( most managers make subs with an alternate attacking threat in mind or to bolster defences with an extra body, not to replace a specialist if they can help it). Inferior teams often employ big strikers and attackers try to hit them with crosses. Up to 90% of footballers may be right footed,… Read more »


Wengers comments about summer signings being dependent on how the rest of this season pans out can mean many things .If we finish outside the top 4,will we strengthen in order to regain our “rightful” place,or will we not sign anyone because of the loss of CL income.? On the other hand ,if we finish top 4 will we strengthen in order to reach the next level,or will we think the squads fine and sign noone? Who knows with Wenger,though i suspect that wherever we finish in the league will be used as an excuse NOT to spend,given his legendary… Read more »

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