Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger reveals Sagna knee injury

Arsene Wenger has revealed that Bacary Sagna will miss Saturday’s clash with Aston Villa after picking up a knock in Tuesday’s defeat to Bayern Munich.

The French international has picked up a knee injury and will likely be replaced by Carl Jenkinson who is available again after his one-game suspension for the red card picked up at Sunderland.

“Sagna has a problem with his knee,” Wenger told Arsenal.com.

“He will be out for Saturday certainly. I don’t think there are any other knocks really.”

Nacho Monreal is also expected to return to the starting line-up at left-back leaving Arsene Wenger with a decision to make about which pair he partners in the centre of defence.


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Also Gibbs STILL out for “a few weeks”. I guess that’s it for his season…

Gunnersaurus Rex

These mysterious few/couple of week injuries cost us a lot last season.


That’s just what happens when you keep persisting with crock players like Gibbs, Diaby and Rosicky.

Dr Baptiste

Are you going to add RvP onto that list FG because we persisted with him….


That is because our squad doesn’t have depth


Sag’s been much better in the last few games, but he could probably do with the rest, so might not be the worst thing in the world. Provided he comes back quickly (I know! I know! ahahahahaha!)

Chance for Jenks to prove he was worth his new contract.

Parisian Weetabix

If we bought a player such as Mexes, and stuck him at CB with Sagna, am I alone in feeling that that would be a very solid defensive partnership? The sort that could sit deep and soak up pressure, rather than have to push high up like our current stock. Amorebieta has also been touted. Dunno much about him, but he’s 6’4 and left footed. I bought him on FIFA, so he seems legit.


you bought him in a computer game?


You mean the blond one who used to play for Roma, and get a red card every two games? Don`t make me laugh. If you want someone to soak up pressure, look elsewhere mate as that is a saturated sponge.

Parisian Weetabix

I only mention Amorebieta because he’s been linked with us recently. His nickname is ‘the Butcher of Bilbao’, so I believe he does accumulate the odd red card. Yet this team could possibly do with a more aggressive player on the pitch, so that is’t necessarily a bad thing. But if anyone watched Bilbao against United in the Europa League (snigger) last season, Amorebieta was the guy who sprayed perfect long passes all over the pitch. As for Mexes, I’m just hypothesising. I only mention him because he had an excellent game against Barcelona for Milan, and gets stuck in.… Read more »


yeah, last season… have you seen Bilbao this season? They’ve been absolute shite, with their defense basically a distilled version of Arsenal’s. DO NOT WANT.


Guardian just put up an article saying that we’ve offered a 12-month extension but Sagna want longer, so he’d leave.


I’m not usually completely negative about our recent actions, but if true (and the Guardian is one of the more cautious newspapers with rumours), it would be quite a downer.


That’s a problem in this period of the season, every injury is a blow with the FA Cup and the Champions Leag… Oh right.

Cmon Jenko then!


Have we sacked HIM yet?

Lolly pop

And if we haven’t yet, I propose we remove him instead…


Did he resist or otherwise pretended he was doing something while we were trying to get it done? 🙂

Lolly pop

If that was the case, we should’ve used force, if necessary.


Yes, or call the police!


Let’s hope it’s nothing serious and get well soon Sagna, we will miss you as we always do when you’re injured.


Hopefully not another jenkinson cock up.

And if it’s for footballing reasons and not some hidden love for a certain player then Rosicky must start!

Wengers Trench Coat

Sagnas bullshitting the med staff, he just cant be fucked anymore. He wants out, has all season and he’ll be gone in the summer


How thoughtful


that’s a s stupid comment, because he worked really hard on Tuesday though faded in the second half. I wonder when the knee injury happened?


Pretty sure it happened when he got called for a foul going over some Bayern cunt’s back in their box. 1st half. He was grimacing and limping walking back. So he played quite awhile hurt.


Nice name – just like his coat, you can’t zip up eh?




zzzzziiiiinnnnngggg brilliant


Well this is a nice, swift kick in the forbidden speedbag to get my day started at 7:30 in the morning.

It was supposed to be pleasant and sunny in North Carolina today too.

Now it just plain sucks out loud.


the only defenders I have full faith in this season so far are mert,gibbs and sagna…am I being completely unreasonable?


I dont trust Vermaelen at the moment, Captain by title only. Doesnt lead by example anymore, i cant remember the last time i saw him really rally the troops on the pitch. Remember last year? The Fulham game he scored the own goal in, then made up for it, the Newcastle winner… The captain should be vocal at all times. He was very chest pumpy last season. He’s not at his best season, hopefully he can find some form, play out the rest of the season, hand Jack the captaincy and deputize. He knows its the right thing to do,… Read more »

The Grime Raper

Arsene knows?
Don’t make me laugh


What you wrote (NC^) made about as much sense as shitting in a tea pot


hey matt (^), know the reply button? 😛

Bacary's two to three week injury period

I don’t know (kunze^). I feel like (Mat^^) could be on to something here.


Cant stand som fans questioning Sagnas loyalty, been our best and most consistent defender for the past 5 seasons…. Bunch of Bitches 2 broken legs and he aint 100% duh! how could he ever be the same shd hav bn captain after cesc! True gunner!

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

Henry Winter’s “an open letter to Stan Kroenke”:


Although I find parts of it insulting, can’t help but agree with the part about Mertesacker being “a giraffe amongst gazelles”.


Pathetic. How can a sports journalist of a national newspaper be allowed to write this stuff? Would any other club have to put up with this rubbish in the media?


But seriously, how can anybody ask questions of this letter? Who here doesn’t think Arsene (God knows I love him) is having it a little too easy? Won’t the club benefit from asking him more questions? Has Arsene done the best in regards to transfer in the past three years? Isn’t this what the article is saying in many words?

Midfield Corporal

I don’t really find any of it insulting except the Mertersacker jibe, has Gary Cahill proved to be any better? Most of it makes perfect sense in my opinion, hopefully it might stimulate some debate in the boardroom.


That letter was absolutely spot on – balanced, fair and what Wenger and the board need to hear. I hope it reaches them.


Arsene Wenger, 27-02-’13.

‘At first we thought it was a simple knock, nothing a bit of rest would not cure. Unfortunately he’s suffered a minor setback in the shape of a strain. We are working very hard though and expect to have him back, if not this week, then the next.
Gibbs? He is working hard to get better. I think it is still gonna take at least to weaks for him to be back full-strenght.’

Close enough?

The Grime Raper

Strikes me that when our players enter the physio room they come out the other door to a different place and time. Its more like the Bermuda triangle.

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gooner odst

so 3-4 weeks?


after watching wenger’s pre-match interview vs bayern.I feel sorry for him.he needs our support.when is the last time he smiled? stress is eating him up.he’s even lost weight.felt like crying….in Arsene we trust,!!


This is for the best. Bac needs a rest and Jenkinson deserves a run in the side.

Lady Eowyn

Is there no end!!!!!!!!

This is Arsene’s fault. Wenger out!


Sarcasm? Irony? Antithetical gallows humour?

And yes, there is an end. There’s always an end.

Ugandan Gooner

who the fuck writes in chinese here?

Bacary's two to three week injury period

I fucking know, right? Who the fuck do they fucking think they fucking are?
How fucking dare they?

Oh hey

No one, as Chinese is not a language. Mandarin, Cantonese, etc. are languages.

– Arteta’s hair paste


Don’t you know? It’s Fuk You and his mate Long Dong.

alex cutter

Mr Wenger has managed Arsenal to consistently finished in a champions league spot, We play beautiful football & the club is financially stable! He has successfully overseen the stadium move and helped the club eradicate huge debts, while competing at the top with clubs spending £200 million and more. We are lucky to be in this position where many clubs can only dream to be


Imagine Ferguson 8 Years on without a trophy as much as I support what you are saying.


He did go without in his first six or seven years in charge.
Secondly, he didnt have to deal with a new stadium
being built which would have considerably tightened his purse strings


We play beautiful football…. Can you remember the last time we played some nice beautiful football?


far less times this season then last, but anyone old enough on here to remember the george graham days will know what wenger bought to arsenal.


West Ham home and away. City Away. Reading Away in PL. Newcastle Home.

The Grime Raper

It’s arguable whether we still play beautiful football. I for one think not.
And I don’t feel particularly lucky either.


If fans come to watch you play but you don’t listen to them then whats the reason of you asking fans to cheer on. Life is give and take ….. We Cheer you Win ….We pay 62 Pounds you perform. You try to dictate we request you to leave. Gazidis is our main undoing. A very egocentric and myopic being indeed.

the only sam is nelson

Sunderland Derby Southampton Leicester Bolton Middlesborough Arsenal Sroke All premier league clubs who invested in new stadia (Citeh do not count, their ground was paid for by the taxpayer for the C/wealth games). Can you spot the odd club out in terms of avoiding relegation? And maintaining relative success on the field after punting large on a new ground? Yes, that’s right. It’s Stoke City. But seriously if you think we’re fucked then look what happened to the clubs who spent a lot lot less than Arsenal on their new grounds. And people think it’d be appropriate to reward steering… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

Oh sorry, I forgot the mighty blues of Coventry. Their new ground worked out well, too.


The only thing you can discern from that list is that unless your one of the top 10 richest clubs in the world, you’ve a good chance of being relegated when you build a new stadium in the PL. Those clubs were either likely to go down anyway or the stadium funding was just enough to make the difference to a club who’s turnover is a fraction of what Arsenal’s is. There is no excuse for the club hoarding £60m+ surplus cash in the bank while we struggle to compete for trophies. Nice try though and at least you cite… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

wrong. man utd, spurs, chelsea, liverpool, everton, villa, city – none have had to deal with the costs involved in such a major project. liverpool can pretend all they like that they want to build a new stadium but every time it’s come close they’ve stared into the financial abyss and pulled back. the cost to arsenal of building the new stadium has been that we’ve sold our best players and replaced them with inferior replicas. given you can hardly expect the board or manager to explicity state that as a cost of having a new home, we’ve done more… Read more »


This worries me. Sagna hasn’t been himself, but that’s partly form and partly having to run the whole of the right side on his own.

Theo (assuming we’re not going to have to suffer long balls up to him as CF against Villa) must give Jenks support. But if he can stand there gawping at Coq who’s 2 on 1, like last week, it’s worrying.

If it’s not beneath Frankenribery to track back and defend, it’s certainly not beneath Theo.


When did tracking back become an option? When you play wing you tract back, end of


IMO, when theo has played right flank, his defensive side of his game has improved and ive seen him countless times get back and help.
Also, theos game is about his ATTACKING, pace and explosiveness. I dont think you can ask him to be great at both………otherwise hed need a reat every 4 games from being fucked!


I’ve also seen him countless times drift inside from wide, leaving the right back on his todd.

It’s not just him though – Santi was also guilty the other night of leaving Verm exposed on the other wing, resulting in another 2 on 1 and another goal.


Arsenal play beautiful football . Turn over the tv your watching Swansea . We all love the arsenal but we are not good enough any more and we don’t compete the 200 million pound teams any more .come the end of the season I pray we get cm place .

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pauly bear

I like to press the thumbs up button .


Hope this injury isn’t used as an excuse to bump him off in the summer! I really like Sagna as a player and he has been an epitome of professionalism unlike few other cunts.

He did admit that he isn’t at his best of late, now that does take some bollocks! Corporal Jenks is an upcoming talent but we need someone like Sagna to mentor him still else even he might go Szcz’s way wherein the talent is there without a doubt but no direction unfortunately from some senior guy. Here’s to a Villa thrashing on Sat.



I’d rather have both fighting for the position and back up in case of injury… We seem to get those a lot


Okay have any of you seen the support from fans on BBC articles that question Wengers posistion?

I was amazed by the support i quote a comment one of the highest rated.

Good. It’s ridiculous! Mr Wenger has managed Arsenal to consistently finished in a champions league spot, We play beautiful football & the club is financially stable! He has successfully overseen the stadium move and helped the club eradicate huge debts, while competing at the top with clubs spending £200 million and more. We are lucky to be in this position where many clubs can only dream to be.


I like to add. its been a few days after the defeat of tuesday, and realistically our team is not strong enough to beat the likes of Bayern Munich imo tactics have nothing to do with it, the problem is selling our best players for 5 years and competing against the best teams in europe who have not been selling but spending big money on good players.

Thats the only difference.


Quite often I watch the real Madrid press conferences (my girlfriend is Spanish) and Mourinho’s performance in them is almost always spiky and pissed off and filled with with contempt for the journalists that are asking the questions. Wenger on the other hand is always very polite when he speaks to the press, so it’s something of a shock to hear him react like he did.I for one am delighted that he did what he did.he was angry and he expressed it. Nothing wrong with that, in fact I wish he’d do it more often. Take a leaf out of… Read more »

Glasgow Gunner

I think wenger should have asked the journo looking at him who gave the story and when the inevitable answer of not disclosing a source. Wenger should have said that the name makes no difference as I say publicly your source is a liar. Put the pressure back on the media hacks

Glasgow Gunner

I don’t see the pretence of mourinho as a darling of the british media. I think it’s fantasy and will soon unravel. on another note I thought the numbered points in todays blog was laugh out loud funny


A lot of chat about, IF wenger goes, who is going to be an improvement? when have we ever replaced departing quality with similar? I expect a change similar to rvp out giroud in. like wenger out, moyes in.

Arsenal Rising

For fuck sake! Is this some kind of sick fuckin joke? It doesn’t rain it pours!


Jenko to play then. Hope he can have a good game after his lackluster performance last time out.

Yankee Gooner

Beginning of the transition to post-Sagna Arsenal. I love Sagna, but I think he’s done here; he’ll get a good multi year deal elsewhere.



El Dave

Cant believe we wont extend this guys contract for more than a year !!!

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