Thursday, December 19, 2024

Club dismiss takeover talk

Arsenal have moved quickly to dismiss the earlier story about a possible takeover.

According to the Director of Communications, Mark Gonnella, “We have had no contact from a supposed consortium. More importantly Stan has no intention of selling.

“He is here for long-term. Has never sold investments in sporting organisations.”

So there you go. Whether that stops talk of investors, takeovers, shareholders, buy-outs or anything else remains to be seen.

There’s also the whole ‘Well, he would say that’ element to it, but given the nature and timing of the Telegraph story, we reckon it can be taken at face value.

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Arteta perfect hair

Fuck that story? Couldn’t give a shit right now it’s all about smashing them dirty cunts down the lane right now!



Tell you why this story is rubbish. There is no so called (consortiums) in the middle east with cash money. The only ones are the ruling families and their sovereign wealth funds. Rich individuals will never risk such an amount from their own pockets even if they had it . The only way for them to get hold of the money is by borrowing it from a bank or multiple banks which is basicly your average Manure Kroenke position. And to suggest that people from different middleast countries coming together puting a bid collectively tells you whoever is spreading this… Read more »


You think Middle East is one word; what do you know?


Of course it won’t stop talk, it will give the insecure somehong to hope for and the press something to spew until the next thing.

Only remedy for this is a win today!!!!! COYG


£400 million profit is a huge huge sum. If Kroenke doesn’t sell (provided there is someone to sell to) it’d be a huge huge mistake. We are not the force we once were, that is insane money.

Glory Hunter

@ Mannock; There’s has been no official approach so there’s no point in speculating!


@Glory Hunter; You don’t know that for sure.


Why would ‘news’ reporters make up a rubbish story like that anyway. Oh well, come on Arsenal lets demolish the ***** today please!

Chocolate Leg Fondue

Totally, I mean, reporters have no history of making news stories up just to stir up trouble, do they? Oh….

Parisian Weetabix

I think I speak for everyone when I say, with regard to this story, “Meh.”

Let’s go mash some spuds.

North Bank Gooner

Roasted chicken and mashed spuds, nice on a Sunday 😉

Come on you Gooners!!!!!!

Goon and tonic

It’s not as if Usmanovs couldn’t stump up that sort of cash if he thought he could take over. Hardly pulling coppers out of the back of the sofa for another can of special brew is he


I honestly dont care, i would rather we be run transparently by a pauper than whats currently going on at the club or what would go on if this bid was true. In short, transparency over sugardaddies any day! With thath being said, someone tell us why we cant compete nowadays…

Big Chief from Antarctica

and people thought Wenger overreacted when he felt that “journalists” were out to hurt Arsenal..

if it wasn’t obvious then, it is now, not that it matters though, ffs.


If there’s one thing this board does do its allow stability ie… the boss is allowed to keep doing his thing without pressure of the sack. Which would achieve little that’s good whatever we think of the current situation. Its better than being like chelski or sheik man shitty


We have traditions. Selling to some rich cunt would lose it all. With that, fuck spurs COME ON YOU GUNNERS


??? You do realise that Stan Kroenke is a billionaire?


Obviously im sure Asdf does, but he is not the billionaire that avts like thet citys and chelseas.


Fuck the telegrafh
No truth in a story that comes from “source” might as well be coming from a sauce

It’s a fuckin spud infested uk football media who’s trying to blow some air up bales ass

Only thing that matters today is that we beat these cunts and that piers Morgan gets diarrea from his fake arsenal fan syndrome that he shows week after a week.

A spud in a suit pretending to be a gunnr


Johnny Jensen's Bender

Apparently its sauces close to the club….


This story seems to have taken all the attention away from the Spurs game.

Might work to our advantage takes the preasure off or it might be a distraction whos to say.


For gods sake. Just read the original telegraph story. All the hallmarks of a made up, bullshit piece of “journalism”. It’s like a box ticking exercise in mischief making, dumb Arsenal fan baiting nonsense. Immediately and predictably then repeated by all the other sh*trags and blogs. But of course, the football media doesn’t have an anti-arsenal agenda. Hmmm.

Glory Hunter

I understand your point clearly!
But how has this new caused any mischief?!?
I’m not annoyed or pissed off by it, it hasnt make me any happier, sadder, angrier or optimistic.
It’s like being linked to a new signing in a newspaper, until it actually happens, it’s just speculation 🙂


But when it inevitably doesn’t happen, fans are all like “bloody Wenger, missed out on anotherrr player, wenger out etc”, when we we’re never in for the player, and the player is usually a bit crap so wouldn’t be that useful (but fans just want a signing, any signing!).

North Bank Gooner

if you type ” arsenal takeover ” the earliest story comes from the ever accurate Sun, not like that shower to stir up shit at Arsenal.

Shaun Custis, purveyor of bollocks since I cant remember when………..


According to David Ornstein (a reliable source
on Arsenal affairs) this story is complete nonsense. Qatar and UAE groups very unlikely to make a joint bid. Any such bids are usually kept secret for some time. Valuation well over the top. Sounds like a nonsense story to me after doing 20 mins of research.


Just read some of the comments on here.

As you can see the stories just stirring sh*t – lot’s of people seem to be using it as a way of attacking Stan Kroenke, Gazidis, even Wenger. More complete rubbish just to create further unease around our football club.

Glory Hunter

Fair enough! But it only has this effect cos majority of fans are genuinely unhappy with a lot of things @ our beloved club. And if we can be honest with ourselves, our current board are not exactly the most ambitious. Think about the amount of debt we took on to move to the Emirates cos the board saw the bigger picture. If it was this current board, we would still be at Highbury(not entirely sure, if that would have been a good or bad thing) but my point is we took a risk with moving from Highbury! And I… Read more »

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I would like to know, genuinely and this is not a rant against anybody. Please explain, how is it harmful to the team, if the gunners get an investor who will wipe out the debt and give enough money to attract the absolute top players again and generally get the team more competitive without generating any debt.

What is the problem here?

Glory Hunter

My only explanation is people are afraid of the unknown.
If Tony Adams or another famous fan or ex-player, who we all believed had Arsenals best interest at heart & also happened to be a billionaire(or part of a consortium) was the interested party, I think most would be happy about it!


For the fear of becoming a soul-less team like Man City and Chelsea. Having a ridiculous amount of turmoil in the background and very talented but dislicable players who are here for the paycheck first and then trophies.

Thats just based on my observations into other teams with similar set ups. I will be happy if it turns out not to be the case… though I doubt it.

Also by not trying to rant against an oppostie opinion but I just can’t see how it can happen without sacrificing the identity and heritage of the club.


If someone said that they wanted to buy the club, pay off the debts and run it in a self sufficient manner, then I personally would be okay with it. What I am not okay with is for the club’s future to depend on the continued benevolence of one person, or a few people. Nor do I want Arsenal to be the equivalent of a 17 year old gloating about the Ferrari daddy bought him – see Chelsea fans. Take Malaga’s situation; they got bought out, brought in loads of players that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford,… Read more »

g clarke

Made up by sky’s rag the sun to unsettle team before spuds match


Die Kronke Die!


It’s classic media bollocks lads: 1) Report that something amazing is going to happen. 2) Wait for it to be denied. 2) Watch fans shit themselves and turn on the team (so much money, gone!). 3) Gain clicks and hits – Profit 😉 Either that or our man Usmanov is up to his old tricks again. Arsenal deny that there is a billionare takeover, short termist fans get a little upset at no money and no trophies, along comes white knight Usmanov with his billions – and oh look! He already owns almost 30% of the club but the poor… Read more »


Considering the Telegraph has been dripping pro-Usamov stories all season I don’t think you’re being too paranoid. I’m not saying I’m averse to a slightly less silent owner but this is just mischief making


More importantly Stan has no intention of selling.

“He is here for long-term. Has never sold investments in sporting organisations.”



Strange one, I don’t understand why they make up stories like that, if what the club stated is true.

I don’t understand why Kroneke would be here for long term. He doesn’t care at all about European football, he doesn’t care at all about Arsenal, and under him we only have regressed, if we continue like this he will only lose value. We cannot sell our assets forever for good money, and that’s what we seem to be living on under him.

Eric Irish gunner

Hope the away support is as good as always today, lets smash these fuckers

Eric Irish gunner

Don’t let Dembele gets shots in he’s a danger more then monkey boy

North Bank Gooner

Is it true that ‘Arry is suing his wife for divorce due to infidelity.

Jamie is so obviously the spawn of Satan…………………. 😉

[…] Read More Here: Club dismiss takeover talk […]


Why for the love of GOD is giroud our striker? He’s completely useless!!!. Why exactly are we paying bould? How can you play offside against the likes of bale and lennon? Which classless arsenal fans are throwing bananas on the field? Where the fuck is walcott playing?

Eric Irish gunner

Your Spot on Giroud has to come off bring on podolski up front and rosicky aswell, defence was fucking joke again for there two chances


Having a live hate thing going on at the moment and that’s to many questions


Love even


Pleaseeeeee you arabs come and buy us ouuuuutttttt!!!!!!!!!


Parker has monkey spunk on his hair

He's got no hair but we don't care...

Again, please tell my why The Ox isn’t starting or coming on in games.

Apart from Nacho, our defence is a joke, so we need to be as attacking as possible to try and get more goals than them.

Giroud off. The Ox on.


Nacho looks as bad as the rest


Yeeeeseessssss come on


New those monkey ears would be good for something

Eric Irish gunner

How the fuck has giroud played the full game


No champions league for us then


Can we have that 1.5 billion now please?


Our “top striker” did not have a single shot on goal for 96min. Wow!!!. Sure he’ll score some goals, but any fool will score @ arsenal (adebayor, chamakh,…). He’s not an arsenal calibre stiker in any way. How can he be our first choice nt to talk of our only choice.


The press are out to cash in on our troubles. This is a major issue as we are not strong enough to respond. A team of men would take the “us against the world” thing, make it out to be even worse; and then fuel their internal fires with it. We are weak-willed euro kids, with a deluded manager living on his record. Euro kids are en-route to the Europa!


Read this and my heart sank. Pease oh please will a billionaire by the club, and fire Wenger. We’re fast approaching a decade with no silverware. If a top player lost form for 8 years he lose his place at the club, why does this not apply to Wenger when his managerial form has got progressively worse, yet he has all the tools at his disposal to do better? Fire him. New manager. Change. #inwengerwerust


Look at Sagna; two broken legs in two seasons and slightly dropping form. What’s happened to him? A one year contract extension offer that he’ll likely reject (if he hasn’t already).

Eight years of decline under Wenger? A two year contract extension that he’ll probably accept.


I’m sure the story is true. About a week ago I was reading on another website (sorry, Arseblog!) an interview with David Dein. In the interview he said that ‘some amazing news’ about the club would break very soon. This must be it. I hope this is true, because Kroenke has been an unmitigated disaster for our club. It’s not just his failure to invest any of his own cash into the club; it’s his refusal to do anything about the creeping disintegration of the club under Wenger’s management. He has left an ageing, past-it manger alone to destroy our… Read more »


Ha ha,muppets who twitter on about our heritage and traditions! We sold our soul when we sold to Kroenke you idiots! We sold our heritage down the river when we built the Emirates,which left the club with crippling debts.What for?So the “custodians2 could increase the value of their shares and then sell them,making fortunes for their families.The only thing the fans have got out of the move is higher ticket prices to watch a declining team, in a stadium with no atmosphere.Arsenal has turned into a Disney club,run by Yanks for profit.History and traditions?Pleeeze,don’t make me laugh.


Spot on.


Lets just sell our arses some more, all the shit clubs are doing it, Chelsea, Man u, Man city…
And they are reaping the silverware, ok so probably in their private moments they feel that the success is hollow, like they haven’t earned it, like they’re an athlete that had to take steroids to win, but fuck it, at least we’ll be able to strut around like all knowing smug cunts for a while.

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