Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arsenal 3-1 Norwich: By the Numbers

1568 – Minutes of League play this season by Aaron Ramsey
49 – Tackles Ramsey has made this season in League play
91 – Percent of Ramsey’s tackles which have been successful this season (pretty sure that leads the league, can’t be certain)
68 – Percent of Arteta’s tackles which have been successful this season (61/90)
32 – On average this season, Ramsey makes a good tackle every 32 minutes
41 – On average this season, Arteta makes a good tackle every 41 minutes but attempts a tackle every 28 minutes
4 – Tackles made by Ramsey v. Norwich (of 6 attempted, led Arsenal)
24 – Percent of Arsenal’s overall tackles attempted which were by Aaron Ramsey (6/25)
4 – Number of tackles attempted and successful by each of Cazorla and Sagna
97 – Successful passes by Arteta (of 102 attempted, 95%)
71 – Successful passes by Ramsey v. Norwich (of 79 attempted, 90%)
93 – Successful passes by Johnson, Howson, Bassong, and Tettey, combined
25 – Successful passes by Ramsey in the Norwich final third (of 30 attempted)
27 – Successful passes by Arteta in the Norwich final third (of 31 attempted)
5 – Of Ramsey’s 8 misplaced passes were in the Norwich final third
4 – Of Arteta’s 5 misplaced passes were in the Norwich final third
42 – Number of Ramsey’s passes that were forward passes (53% of his total)
53 – Number of Arteta’s passes that were forward passes (52% of his total)
17 – Number of Ramsey’s passes that were backward (22%)
20 – Number of Arteta’s passes that were backward (20%)
0 – Chances created by either Ramsey or Arteta

Subs v. Norwich

23 – Minute which Arsenal attempted their first shot (Giroud, header, off target)
60 – Minute in which Wilshere and Gervinho were pulled off
102 – Passes Arsenal attempted in the Norwich final 1/3 from the 61st to 96th minute
44 – That’s 44% of the total (229) passes Arsenal attempted in the Norwich final 1/3 taking place in the last 30 minutes of the game
214 – Passes attempted by Arsenal in the last 30 minutes
47 – If they tried 102 passes in the Norwich final 1/3 in the last 30 minutes, and they tried 214 total passes, then that means 47% of their passes in the last 30 minutes were in the Norwich final third
12 – Chances created by Arsenal in 90 minutes
1 – Chances created in the first 26 minutes
6 – Chances created in the last 30 minutes
4 – Giroud created 4 chances in the game, they all came in the last 30 minutes
2 – Assists for Arsenal in the game
1 – Assist for substitute TheoW alcott
1 – Assist for substitute TheOx Chamberlain
2 – Shots by Podolski
2 – Shots on goal by Podolski
1 – Goals by Podolski that they were saying was “offside”

1593 – League minutes that Wilshere has played for Arsenal this season
1112 – Passes Wilshere has tried for Arsenal this season
0.7 – Passes per minute average by Wilshere
34 – Passes attempted by Wilshere in 60 minutes today
2.7 – Successful dribbles per game average by Wilshere this season (leads Arsenal)
0 – Successful dribbles by Wilshere today, of 3 attempted
2 – Number of times Wilshere was dispossessed (lead Arsenal along with Ramsey and Giroud)
5 – Number of times Snotgrass was dispossessed
80 – Wilshere averages 1 turnover every 80 minutes of play this season
3 – Turnovers by Wilshere in 60 minutes today
4 – Turnovers by Gervinho (led Arsenal)
6 – Turnovers by Grant Holt, who would chase you down the street if you had a bag of carrots. He was also lucky that the injury to his leg wasn’t permanent, Norwich would have had to put him down. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if it turns like a cart horse and it looks like a carthorse, it’s probably Grant Holt.
13 – Number of goals Norwich have scored off headers (of 31 goals scored this season)
40 – Percent of Norwich’s goals that they have scored off headers
3 – Place in the Premier League table occupied by The Arsenal


Some notes on the above data.

First, you need some context. Those 669 passes that Arsenal made against Norwich in October were the most by arsenal in an away game so far this season. Those 218 passes backwards were the most by Arsenal in any game this season and the “33% backward” (meaning the % of overall passes that were aimed backward) is the highest so far this season while the 48% forward is the lowest.

Worse, Arsenal have 4 games in which they only made 9 tackles: Man U, Stoke, Tottenham, and Norwich. Three of those games they lost (Man U, Tottenham, Norwich). The 20/25 tackles that Arsenal made contributed greatly to the overall hustle % for today which was 56%. That is just about the season average of 58% but well above the embarrassing season low of 46% that Arsenal reached the last time they played Norwich.

On the other side, those pass numbers, tackles, and whatnot aren’t the best of the season but they are almost all average or above average. And the three goals off 14 chances? As predicted earlier in the week, that is exactly Arsenal’s average over the last 17 games.



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Lost count – Number of Giroud turnovers

Midfield Corporal

1 – the number of cunts Tony gale is!

Midfield Corporal

Just wikipediad Tony Gale to see if there is any event which fuelled his dislike of The Arsenal, someone has already added ‘He is famed for his low quality, biased commentary and has a rabid hatred of Arsenal F.C.’ Excellent!
People often ask the question ‘do mad people know they’re insane?’….I ask the question ‘Does Tony Gale know he’s a cunt?’


Strange though, many Chelsea fans complain that he is biased against them as well.

Loop A Hole

I’m sorry, but that little stat right there, 50% or so forward passing by two midfielders in one team, that’s what’s I call the Handbrake. Why bother? Isn’t this defensive caution excersisable by employing a pure defensive midfielder? And not wasting the creative talents of Mikel and Aaron?


Unfortunately Wikipedia have removed that comment – so I put it back on! We need to ensure the world knows tony gale is a biased cunt


Correct. What a bastard.


nope, he’s worth atleast 7 on the cuntometer, a distinctly fishy smell from a distinctly classless cretin


0- what this has to do with giroud turnovers, attention slut

Runcorn Gooner

0. Idea Gervinho has what to do with the ball today


Tbf tho, If no one knows what Gervinho’s gona do next, then how do the opposition know how to counter him…


People so harsh on Gervinho even when we win.. First half he was the one who was trying the most, switching wings, going at the defence, making the runs, giving 100%.. What more do you want? Yeah he’s frustrating, but there’s a lot of good in his game too. More he plays, better he’ll get.


He’ll be benched now though with poldi, wally and ox returning to form. He got his 15 minutes of fame, did pretty well….. But now sorry, Podolski z back!


He won us the game by being in the right place at the right time. Header off the crossbar. Could’ve had another one at the end if he took a shot.. Gotta be happy when we win fellas!


I think the commentator should be fired. He is a dim witted cunt who makes chavs like me look educated.


No offense to u my friend as I enjoy your posts. But your name can be re- abbreviated for use towards annoying commetators.…
Commentators Have Anal Viruses
Commentators Hate Arsenal Victories

Ill stop now.


Still not clear whether our second is officially a Giroud goal or a Bassong OG.

big dawg

Giroud claimed it on facebook as his own- not an og.
Bless him.

Tenacious Defence

Watching a slow mo of a slow motion replay, it appears he did actually get his foot to it in between Bassong’s.


think Giroud whacked the chap’s leg from the inside to make him score. the effort therefore was Giroud’s, but the leg was Bassong’s.


In other words Ramsey was a bit of hero today. So glad he got to play the full 90 for once – fully deserved.


he’s been my hero this season for growing up


He’s been my hero because he has the fight of a tiger and the heart of gooner

Parisian Weetabix

In the dazed stupor that Gale’s horrifically ill-informed dronings battered me into, I distinctly remember saying that I would rather it were Piers Morgan on the commentary.

Too far? I never thought I’d say it, but I’m not so sure…


carefull what you wish for dude.!!!

tony gale



Just watched MOTD. Hateful shit. The fact that Snodgrass tripped over his own feet was conveniently ignored whilst a debatable corner in favour of Arsenal is pored over and treated as if it is match defining.
Hanson’s pompous waffling as if he is the voice of truth-hood gets very tiresome. Maybe he doesn’t like Arsenal because there are ‘coloured’ players…

Jim Jimminy

Not sure its racially motivated. I think he’s just a cock. No doubt still bitter about anfield ’89.


Yeah, I KNOW it’s not racially motivated, I just don’t like Hanson, so wanted to bring up his previous bad choice of words!


EXPOSED!!! Hansen is the Grandmaster of Cunitds ( cunt pundits). They have yearly meetings at a secret lodge hidden under the pitch at White Heart Lane.


Xxxk ’em all, esp those on their fat BBC contracts!


Let’s hope (for us in the US at least) that NBC doesn’t just run out and hire all the same people FOX will let go because they lost the rights of broadcast.
I could do with a commentator that actually LIKES or is at least indifferent towards the Gunners.

I could turn them off (mute) but like a comment on the LiveBlog: I’d just be a guy in a silent dark room watching football.


Its completely anfiele 89 relaxed with hansen


The linesman should be investigated. He is either an imposter or he put his house on Arsenal winning. Clearly not a corner. Penalty extremely dubious as referee didn’t see it from 10 yds. 3rd goal was brought about by an obvious foul by Giroud who flicked the ball on to an offside player (can’t remember who). Mind you he was only 2 yds offside and the linesman had a clear view from just a few feet away! Its a disgrace.


Come back later coz right now I couldn’t ve more arsed. Several match defining moments were missed by the ref for arsenal dubious free kick for norwich goal, walcott penalty, Girouds tag was indeed that. A TAG, in the friggin box (see: koscienly vs city).

Abit curious you missed all that, you’re a sp*r me thinks.


Quality by numbers today.


The top section of this article made me laugh out loud! There has long been an attempt to cover up Aaron Ramsey’s incompetence. I don’t get it. Certainly doesn’t happen with Gervinho or Cygan or Squiacci or the other notable clueless clowns we’ve signed. It’s utterly shocking that this player continuously gets as much time on the pitch as he does, and continuously produces as little as he does. The tacit implicaton of this stupid article is that Ramsey is somehow as important to the side as Arteta. Ramsey is barely competent enough to play for this club, and Arteta… Read more »

Tenacious Defence

You have absolutely no idea. Ramsey has come on leaps and bounds this season.



I acknowledge he’s improved. But what does that say about his skill level then. He’s still a “hard-working” roll player at best. But even the hard-workers in other teams (Milner, Carrick, Ramires) are far, far better players.

Ramsey’s fine for mid-table aspiring clubs, but he’s not good enough for us if we want to be champions. When he plays at that level. I will acknowledge. He’s improved yes. But he ain’t good enough, sorry!

Tenacious Defence

I think he’ll keep improving and be a useful member of the squad. You must realise by now that Arsenal mostly develop young players, rather than being able to splash on finished articles. Be a little more patient.


Rambo puts in a man of the match performance and yet you still slate him, how odd. To be honest yesterday he was much better than our lord and savior Jack, who can do no wrong. So in short shut the hell up for fuck’s sake support the team.

Dr Baptiste

“Ramsey’s fine for mid-table aspiring clubs, but he’s not good enough for us if we want to be champions.” I think some fans said the same about Ray Parlour….
Also, those other hard working players you mentioned:
Ramsey is 22
Milner is 27
Carrick is 31
Ramirez is 26
Considering Ramsey is better than at least 2 of them at the same age, lets see how good he when he gets to their current ages.


slating ramsey after one of his best performances.. did you even watch the game?

if we’re comparing to other players, how about anderson, young, barry, nasri, javi garcia, obi mikel, henderson, parker, etc… are they good enough for their respective “top 6” clubs?

ramsey is on the pitch cus hes quality. hes a young lad whose recovered over a horrific injury and is finally finding the form we all hoped he would. hoping more of the same from rambo in the coming games!

It Is What It Is

Every stat is relevant. Stats are a true account and numbers don’t lie.

The Shawcross assault just slowed his progress, that’s all. He could be a future anchor.


The numbers were just interesting, that’s all. I thought that Ramsey played a perfect “double pivot” as they say and his comparison to Arteta shows that.


I do sometimes wonder what Ramsey has to do these days to get more appreciation from some of the fans who still give him stick. Apart from maybe score more goals and get more assists which im sure will happen over time if he gets to play every week in this role, I don’t think he does any less that any other top club holding midfielder does. I think my only bone to pick with him is he can dwell on the ball abit long in attacking situations than if the ball were played to rosicky or wilshere, but I… Read more »


Also someone above wrote that Ramesy “was a bit of a hero” today.

Also comical!

The heros were Poldi, Ox, and Walcott (yet another assist today). They came off the bench and completely invigorated the team.

Let’s face it…it was a terrible performance up to that point against a relegation threatened team that hadn’t won in 15 Prem matches. The 3 subs came on with pace, life, and passion…something the starters couldn’t muster for much of the previous 85 minutes.

The Men of the Match were clearly Ox, Poldi, and Walcott!

Piers Morgan

My long-lost son, cod that be you?
Wait, there’s only way to make sure- is your dong also comically small?


Isnt there a bridge you can crawl back under, troll..
You have no clue mate


KC, I think I can openly express that you’re a know nothing cnut,and people would agree.

Tacitly implying, my arse.

Enrique Vasquez

He’s not a cunt. Just very, very very blind. *eyeroll*



Ha! Hate away, mate. It’s a free world.

Fact remains, Ramsey’s an over-rated player who adds nothing to the side. We must look replace him with higher quality this summer.

And I stand by my 2nd post…Ox, Poldi, and Walcott changed that match today and won it for us. We were listless and lifeless before they came on. Anyone who thinks it was Ramsey that won that match for us with his “work-rate (laughable!) is a prize jack-ass!


Not sure if you watched the first 85 minutes pal, which you don’t seem to be so concerned about, but Ramsey was the guy running around the pitch like a mad man getting stuck in winning us posession, making good runs up top and getting back to defend. The subs obviously added to our attack but that was about it, shouldn’t let that put Ramseys performance in the shadows. Credit due where credit deserved, stop p*ssing on his bonfire.


Next you will be telling us Parker is better than Ramsey


I made the point about TheOx and TheoW in the post above. Clearly.

I also think we improved significantly over the dross we played in the first meeting, but was very clear that this was an average numerical performance by Arsenal.


The fact that you don’t seem to understand that players can have a net positive contribution to a game without having scored or assisted shows just how shallow and dim your understanding of the game is. Fact is Ramsey was one of our best on the field yesterday, and the stats back it, end of.


Ha Ramsey is overated!? If anything he’s underated. He’s developing into quite the player. Regardless, people like you will always find a reason to hate him, despite him donning the Arsenal colours.


You can still bet that Ferguson is going red in the face at missing out on him. He is shaping up to be a top reliable player. Id say more like Gilberto as he too suffered from having more ‘spectacular’ played around him but he jus performed and when he did his back in we struggled. So keep it up Ramsey, he has definitely stepped up now and you have to admire his grit as he was getting (unjustly) slated not too ling ago. We hae been crying out for players like him and he is delivering. Also he is… Read more »


Ramsey is NOT overrated. It’s just that he hadn’t been played in his best position until that game where he played as Arteta’s replacement (which I’ll call DM). Yesterday he played in the same position alongside Arteta and it’s obvious that he’s quickly developing into a player like Arteta. Couldn’t imagine a better mentor-understudy pairing in those 2 midfield positions.

People are quick to laud Carrick’s role in ManUre; which Arteta actually does better (look at the stats). Just watch, by next season Ramsey will be one of the best DMs in the league.

just guest

Kc are you Shawcross in disguise??? if so, just suck tony pubis cunt for fuck shake


Lies, damned lies and statistics, but your 3 goals from 14 shots call was spot on. Just.


Excellent prediction Tim. I didn’t get to see Arsenal at Norwich earlier this season, after reading the reports, I didn’t bother to watch the highlights. Seems like the first 70 minutes today were just like the reverse fixture. Oh well, we won. Come on Arsenal, 3rd place will be ours


To be fair,Ramsey worked his socks off chasing lost causes. Whether that invigorated the team is another matter entirely. For sure,the inclusion of Poldi,Theo and Ox created the urgency we needed desperately. But my word,Lukas Podolski has the sweetest left foot in the league. Cazorla a close second. Aaron Ramsey is still a work in progress surely. But I wonder how he’d fare around the likes of Mario Gotze,Reus or even Lars Bender. One positive though,he outshined Jack Wilshere today.


He would probably slow their moves down. I think he’s improved a lot and does well in his new role but watched a lot of BVB games this season and the last two. Those guys rely on quick thinking, stick passing and clever movement off the ball. It’s like watching four Rosickys(with goals) in midfield.
That aside i think Rambo has developed nicely into a typical british miffielder, full of running and tackling.


Jack was not at all 100%, the turnovers that norwich got off him were too many. Also nice to see chambo, poldi staking a claim for the starting xi. Gervinho needs to be quick with his decision making as he is with his feet.

Norwich has always caused us problems so take nothing away from the scoreline.


One other thing, Cazorla IS our number 10. He can see a pass unlike anyone else in the team. What a guy!


I thought that the Ox should have started the game instead of Wilshere. He’s been in good form and Wilsh is just coming back.

On another note, Aaron Ramsey played a hell of a game today, what we’ve been lacking in past years was passion and that’s what he showed today.


84- number of minutes i thought we had blown our chance to go into the top 3.

12- number of minutes in which somes up why i fucking live my life for this club. COYG!!

[…] report – By the numbers – Player ratings – […]


No one played particularly well throughout the match, so why should Ramsey be singled out for praise in a particularly poor team performance. All this “hard work” people are sighting contributed to nothing but a one-goal deficit, before Wenger sent on the Men of the Match. I’m not singling out Ramsey particularly, in this case, as all the players were ineffective. But he was no different. None of them deserve particular praise for their performance up to the 85 minute mark. We were listless, we were uncreative, and we were losing. How people contrive to conger praise for one player… Read more »

Johnny Jensen's Bender

I’m just going to ignore this guy, because he’s clearly a buffoon, and make a different point.. Isn’t it about time the 4th officials actually do some intuitive time keeping. I mean Norwich clearly time wasted and 6 minutes were awarded. Now if 3 subs and 1 goal equates to about 3.5mins injury time that means they added 2.5mins of time accrued through time wasting. Surely they should take this into account after we had taken the lead??? By giving the full 6 minutes Norwich benefit from their own cheating? Am I mad or is this just dumb?! And just… Read more »


K C —–> ‘Kindly Cock-off’

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We were losing for 29 minutes of the game, not 85 as you imply (and you complain about 7amkickoff’s use of stats!). You can try to paint 0-0 as losing if you want but your rewrite of history isn’t going to convince the rest of us. You are coming across like the little boy with the chocolate covered face who denies he ate all the chocolate biscuits. Without the cuteness.

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