Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-1 Man Utd – player ratings

A 1-1 draw with Man Utd could prove a valuable point at the end of the season, although clearly there’s frustration with how we conceded. Here are the player ratings.

Wojciech Szczesny: 7/10 – No chance with the penalty even though he went the right way, made a great save in the first half with his face, looks more solid since his return.

Bacary Sagna: 3/10 – Ghastly for the goal, the pass was bad enough but chopping down the Dutch Skunk was brainless. Could have been sent off in the 2nd half for a reckless lunge on Evra. Above all else it’s sad to see a player who was so consistent play so poorly in what’s likely to be his final season at the club.

Per Mertesacker: 7/10 – Solid and the partnership with Koscielny continues to impress. Obviously did something to annoy van Persie because he was chopped down by the former captain – in a very similar manner to the way van Persie nailed him at Old Trafford too.

Laurent Koscielny: 8/10 – Arsenal’s best player on the day, his aggressive defending complements Mertesacker’s good reading of the game, and bar the penalty van Persie offered little all game.

Kieran Gibbs: 6/10 – A 6 performance if ever there was one. Not sure what else to say.

Mikel Arteta: 6/10 – See above.

Aaron Ramsey: 7/10 – Ran himself into the ground for the team. Some of his passing was a bit wayward but tried to make things happen.

Tomas Rosicky: 7/10 – Faded and replaced on the hour mark, but got the assist for Walcott’s goal and could have scored in the second with a trademark outside of the footer. Like Ramsey, worked his arse off, particularly in the first half.

Santi Cazorla: 7/10 – Stung de Gea’s palms twice with rasping shots from distance, which looked our best chance of scoring another goal. Ostensibly picked on the left side but has a very free role which isn’t always to the benefit of the team’s balance.

Theo Walcott: 6/10 – Scored. That was it.

Lukas Podolski: 5/10 –  We can see why he’s not picked as a centre-forward often. Involved well in the goal but really struggled and it’s hard to know how much of it is form, and how much of it is his lack of fitness.


Jack Wilshere: 6/10 – Replaced Rosicky.

Gervinho: 6/10 – Came on for Podolski.

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain: 6/10 – He took the place of Ramsey. None of the subs did very much.

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Theo scored but was really anonymous for the rest of the game.Surprised he didn’t get subbed.Think its time OX got an opportunity instead of Theo.As much as i love Bac he needs to be dropped too.He actually has not been all that bad defensively this season but really awful going forward. And i guess yesterday showed why Podolski has not played upfront. We definitely need 2 strikers for the next season. Also they played 2 out and out forwards and a standard 4-4-2 formation yesterday except for the first 20 minutes yesterday did not get outplayed. I really hope to… Read more »


I think Sagna struggles when we go forward because of Walcott’s insistence of going and standing behind a defender in the channel. giving Sagna not option but to try and dig out a cross (which he is not very good at). How many times was Sagna playing right wing and right back at the same time? We already struggle for width on the left and now with Theo’s talent for hiding he have none on the right either. Theo thinks he’s being dangerous standing in the channel but lack of movement from him or the striker makes it a poor… Read more »


Jack fucking shut up. Theo this theo that I suppose he’s the reason behind inflation. I suppose this is how you guyz approach matches. “theo in the starting line up. Yes! Time to pick out some shit on him, oh we was standing where? When sagna wanted him where?. There we go, lord theo thinks he’s now a striker!. Oh drifted inside a couple of times leaving his wing, you forget to mention poldi was nowhere to be seen yet he was C.F.” Im sure arsene must have a hand in this. “lad theo, why don’t you hover around 18… Read more »

big dawg

are you Theo in disguise?


This bloke is Theo lover what a dick this man is .
Theo is a lazy cunt of a player .
He has made bacery look shit just like him . From one of the best right back in the game to a nervous wreck . Theo u are a liability . We always carry you for 90mins .
Please Arsene give Ox or gnabry a go
Fuck theo off. Please


Ok it was an observation on his general positioning since he signed his contract. He has changed the way we play. When he was scoring goals it would invariably be in the way he scored on Sunday, coming from the wide position at pace. but if you stand still behind the opposition defenders you don’t achieve anything. I could do that. It wasn’t just this game. Its been like that since the end of January. Its why he stopped scoring until yesterday. Yes arsene should probably sort this out. but Walcott’s Ego is so inflated that i doubt he would… Read more »


Agreed with Frrred. When Walcott plays well, we don’t here anything from these guys and as soon as his form drops a little, he’s crap. 19 goals, 14 assists. That isn’t exactly bad, is it?


Theo is that you?!?


Err, hardeep that’s not the proper way to go when raising your arguement. Stay classy.

64 + 9= 73pts = 3rd place?

Dear Theo: Well done on all the goals this season. And well done scoring a massive contract for yourself. Now would you please use all that pace of yours to run yourself into the ground every time you on the pitch ffs would’ya? Look at Ramsey… he’s got half your athleticsm and he never stops moving around. Poor Sagna hustles 60 yards forward up the pitch and all you can do is stand next to him so that the two of you are double-teamed by United defenders. You say you want to be like Thierry Henry one day, but all… Read more »

The ghost of Peter Storey

It was hardly Theo’s fault that nobody passed to him. He was trying to get in behind the defence again all game, but the early ball either wasn’t seen or wasn’t played. He also tracked back lots too. Far from his best game, but not bad either.


18 goals and 15 assist for Theo this season, its not as he’s been crap. Still some people seem to take any chance they get to slag him off. Yes he can be abit frustating but it’s clear that he has been the best player in terms of goals and assist.

Glory Hunter

Well said Lasagna, I personally blame blogs for the animosity shown to Theo on this forum. how can Theo get a 6, yet Poldi gets a 5 & worse of all Wilshere & Gervinho both get 6!!!

If that doesn’t highlight some kind of anger/bitterness towards Theo, then what will?

It’s like he’s damned if he does & damned if he doesn’t.
It’s ridiculous.


Indeed! All the Theo haters should stop. They don’t know what they are talking about. These are the same people who said Ramsey was the worst player ever to wear the shirt and now have to admit he more than deserves his place in the starting eleven. Shame on you to call that support!

Theo bashing remains the biggest negative of Arseblog in general. Minor respect for one of the club’s best players, I can’t believe it…


What I don’t get is how Mikel gets a 6. He was awesome. Pressed hard the entire game and had Rooney in his pocket.

Parisian Weetabix

I think the reason is that Theo doesn’t take responsibility. He either can’t or won’t change games in our favour, he’s rarely a threat constantly throughout a game, and he doesn’t make up for this by tracking back. When watching him on the pitch I see a good player who thinks he’s a great player, and who therefore thinks he can get away with not doing the dirty work. He spends too much time on the periphery, offering nothing anywhere. He isn’t as useless as people say he is, but a six is absolutely spot on.


I agree the Theo hatred on this blog is ridiculous. I don’t know why he hates him so much.


Theo Theo u cunt


Actually I think it is Theos fault people dont pass to him. He is invariably in the wrong pisition, is highly likely to miscontrol it or pass it directly back to Sagna or whoever has passed to him. The score of 6 above is 3-4 too high we were playing for most of thhe game with 10 men. Quite how the Ox doesn’t start ahead of Theo is baffling……


on the three man break with Theo and poldi, Ramsey should have passed to Theo and we put up a chance at 2-0 tbh


Exactly, lockednloaded. Assuming he scored it, what would people be saying here if Ramsey had bothered to look to the right and find Theo for a sitter there? Or the other time in the second half where Theo made a great run in behind, albeit at a tougher angle to finish, and Ramsey fired a meek shot that De Gea scooped off the ground?

This is not to slag Ramsey, by the way, who played very well in the deeper two thirds of the pitch, just to give context to people who are up in arms about Theo’s performance.


You have clearly never played football at a highly competitive level. In the heat of the moment in a game you don’t choose to not pass to someone. You simply play the best pass option available. At a professional like like the Premier League and Arsenal I highly doubt that players are seeing Theo making a run and suddenly thinking “Oh, no, better not pass to him. He messed up a run three games ago..” It’s just simply not how it works.


The OX came on and was poor, got booked straight away. If Ramsey hadn’t messed up Theo would have scored a 2nd goal…then the haters would have really struggled.


You cant be sure of that. Ramsey had put theo in with a brilliant pass in the everton game in a pretty similar position and walcott messed it up.
That being said, walcott had a decent game yesterday and he shouldn’t be criticized so much


I dunno about Arteta’s score, he was pretty solid I thought.


A guess thats the issue for me. Solid for Arteta means largely shutting down the midfield (along with Ramsey) of the league champions.

I don’t think they got any luck through the centre all game. If that is worth a 6, what does the guy have to do to get an 8 or 9 while staying in his role?


Turn a few tricks.


Take it round the whole Man Utd team twice and then stop the ball on the line of the goal and nod it over with his head.


I feel that arterta deserves more than a 6. He hardly gave rooney any space to exploit. Even the usually biased commentators were applauding his performance.


6 = competent


6.5-7, maybe? He pretty much marked Rooney out of the game, or so I felt.


I think Ramsey should get at LEAST an extra point for that sublime hip check on Nani early in the first half. Literally cheered when I saw that..


Then ofcourse bani remained on the floor looking on to his father , red waving his arms, throwing your basic tantrum trying to get rednose to complain to the 4th official.

rednose didn’t disspoint he went on right ahead.


If Ramsey had played the obvious pass to Walcott it would have been 2-0 and 3 points. Funny how Arseblog didn’t mention that in the Ramsey rating.


He did mention though “that he ran himself to the ground” so I guess that makes it okay.
It passes like those that seperate world class players (imagine cazorla in the same situation) from the tom cleverly ones.
Ramse is just not there yet. But he WILL get there….

Hawaii Gooner

Yeah pretty much agree, he’s 22, I think he’ll get there. Other than that pass to Poldi rather Theo think he had a good game, one of our best on the pitch along with Rosicky and Cazorla (MOTM is Kos for me though).


I think it’s worth bearing in mind that Ramsey is a right footed player and maybe he was just more confident about making that pass to Poldi than Walcott? If he’d messed up the pass to Walcott, we’d all have been whining about how he should have gone to Poldi.



Dave Gooner

…or the Theo one. I thought he did okay.

Feel for Bac though.

Wasn’t van Persie upset too? He was really shocked by the reception. After the way he left, how come???


He also didn’t mention the fantastic defence splitting pass from him in the second half which a fitter podolski would have put into the net.
Which of our other midfielders have delivered a pass of that quality of late??
Defending walcott is one thing, criticizing one of our best performers in recent games entirely another
Lastly, Ramsey is a part of a double pivot alongside arterta. His primary role is to recycle possesion and drive the team forward. He did that perfectly yesterday


I’m more disappointed with Poldi for going for goal instead crossing to what could’ve been a tap-in for Walcott.


Probably because he was rating his performance during the entirety of the game. Same as theo. If you want to assess someone based on one action alone then you can make a case for anyone being either excellent or crap. Fact is, ramseys contribution to the game wasn’t restricted to one moment in the way that theo’s was. We will never be a consistent side with consistent results whilst we play inconsistent players.
Ramsey can help us boss a game. Theo can help us win a game but equally be a complete waste and destroy our game.


I know it was only one action but it was the most vital point in the entire match from our point of view. And the pass he didn’t play was such an obvious one.

Moral high ground

Ramsey’s passing in the first half was so poor that he cannot get more than 6. Unforgivably went left to Poldi at 1-0 when David Blunkett could have spotted Theo unmarked to his right. On the other hand he worked so hard that I can only conclude his fitness is better than ever. I think he could be surpriingly good for us next season.


We could all see Walcott open from our perfectly high-end view. Try being on the pitch with a defender causing you to rush.

In a few years time, Ramsey’s vision will undeniably improve.

glory hunter

I disagree HitsMan, Ramsey saw Theo both chose to pass to Podolski instead it was the wrong decision only cos the pass wasn’t perfect and Podolski didn’t score.


Thought Gibbs could have got a 7! Almost no mistakes! Was kinda left open with Carzola drifting all over the pitch! Did well to close higher up the pitch! I thought podolski too was ok! Didn’t do much attacking but really did work his arse off!


You are aware that punctuation other than exclamation marks exists right?




Not a bad result considering the stats


And honestly! Everyone gave they’re 100% Sagna too! Bar the mistake! Looking back wasn’t a bad point at all!


Per should also get 8 like have laurent…if not for the penalty it could have been another clean sheet


Spot on about Kos. Reminded me of the Barca game some years back.

Red Cannon

Kos had a good game yesterday. And he’s my favorite current player by far. But his game yesterday ws not even close to as good as the game he had against Barca. To start with, we were playing far inferior competition yesterday relative to Barca circa 2011. …Regardless, let’s hope Kos continues to tell the world “Get that shit outa my kitchen!” any time the opposition tries to bring the ball near him.


Out with theo and sagna and in with Jenks and Ox, atleast they give 100%


If Theo scores a goal every secong game I am happy with that.


So you want to remove the player who has scored the most goals and had the most assists, what a great manager you would make.


These Knee-jerk reactions really put me off these boards sometimes.

@Lindhe I bet you’re the kind of person who was posting saying Sagna needed to be moved in at centre back and given a new contract after he had a decent game there, or telling Wenger to sign Theo up a few months ago.

Gerald Gonzales

I think Ramsey deserved a 7.5.


On Per: ‘Obviously did something to annoy van Persie’ — he deserves a bonus point for that.


I suspect that Per said that he was keeping the skunk’s bicycle and went on to ask if he was having boiled tulip bulbs for dinner again.

Something like that from a german would cause most dutchmen to go off the deep end.


Anyone else notice how slow our build up play is nowadays? It takes a really long time to get infront of the penalty area and then we just pass and pass and pass around it. Also, what do you guys think about signing a new keeper? I think its a mistake simply because he will take about 3 months to adjust(if he becomes our number one) and i for one dont think we can afford that luxury. Even the really good keepers struggle for a while in the prem.


Yes, the slow build up is why Theo struggles sometimes, it doesn’t suit his game at all. We need to try and play more like we did in the first-half against Sunderland away…or remember that 10 minute spell against West Ham.


I find it goes up pretty slowly for Theo, but then really quickly for Giroud and Arteta.

Gilberto Silva

Sagna made the costly mistake, admittedly, but a 3?? He made some good tackles again, and got forward into the space Theo keeps leaving, I think a 3 is harsh.

As for Santi, I think he has, at times, been terrible since the turn of the year. Apart from his two shots, all he seemed to do was switch it to Walcott, which slowed us down, and was constantly out of position. Only looks comfortable in the middle imo

Moral high ground

agree. Santi has had a very good first season, not a great one. His use of the ball is inferior to Rosicky who shows the other midfielders how to create danger and interject pace into our attack. What a fantastic player he is when fit. Santi has been overplayed this season on the other hand. If anti gets player of the year for us it is only because there are no real candidates vs. previous seasons when a few players were usually outstanding.


Honestly i would prefer Gervinho to poldi upfront. Not being critical of the german but he lacks the movement, the mobility, the runs to put himself one on one with the keeper. A million times better than Gerv as a finisher but he looked too static and at one time killed a good counter attack when the ball came on his right foot and took him four touches to turn and get it on his left.

At half time i joked with a friend how we could have been discussing the missed one on one(s) gervinho had screwed .

Sebabo the Jewabo

The Churchman is fast becoming my favorite Gunner. Koscielny is showing some serious steel and determination and I wouldn’t be disappointed if he replaced TV5 as skipper.

Sebabo the Jewabo

wtf at the chick in my dp?


Hey, we’re not complaining.


Pod’s perfomance suprised me, maybe wenger trully knows why giroud starts all the time..


Per got 10/10 from me for that stuff involving cuntface.


Manure are a class above everyone else so a point is a good sign for us. The top 20 players in our squad are now playing tight, tough professional football . The team is on a long unbeaten run and we have teams 19 , 18 and 16 to play. QPR has now become the most important game for this club in years. Win at QPR and we are almost there. Lose and Thursday night football beckons and perhaps other big changes. QPR a huge game. COYG?


Poldi should stay as our 2nd half Shock Cannon – from the left. He has always been very effective there and the goals+assist tally he delivered proved that. I loved the dread the opposition have to go through when Poldi was brought in, he’s always stinging in that scenario


Huff and puff – not winning trophies never the end of the world but entertainment reaching new lows. Theo frankly a disgrace – and lets face it it his goal was very lucky to have gone in. WTF does Theo think he is doing in the match – makes runs where even God could not give him the ball. He simply has no brain. 7 bloody years of this idiot. Theo epitomizes the fall from grace of Wenger – brainless drivel. There seems no plan or tactics or methodology – its all fingers crossed stuff. And again there is no… Read more »


Can I have your Season Ticket?

Arsene Wenger

So you’ll happily lap up the entertainment the club produces and you’ll give nothing back? If you think the club is so bad, stop watching Arsenal’s games and go and support United. I’m sure you’ll find something to moan about (I’ve seen Manc fans on the net calling for Baconface’s head for not doing the triple).


“Hidden due to low comment rating”

I’ve read loads of those. Can’t you people write sth yourself? Always a couple of these appear here. Boring

mach iii

I understand about the whole, “making ramsey comments is not in fashion.” He’s had some good games, and defensively he played well yesterday, but he was a major part of our attacking problem yesterday. Wayward ball to walcott that went out, you could see the dissatisfaction in walcotts face. A wayward pass to walcott with the ball ending up behind him. Another opportunity we were all up there, Ramsey running at the defense, he could’ve passed it left, right, through the middle, and he scuffed it – setting united in the counter attack. There was another chance, strike, pass to… Read more »


Actually, Poldi came into a game a few weeks ago to play as the CF, replacing Giroud.


Walcott put in 2 or 3 really dangerous balls, we just chose to play without a striker so they didn’t matter. He also had very good movement first half and would have been in a couple more times if not for our passing in the final third being poor again. The calls for all these other options to start ahead of him are a bit lame when others HAVE started ahead of him, or replaced him in games and most of the time produce less. Fact really. He wasn’t outstanding, nobody claiming that, but the comments as ever are those… Read more »


Well fucking said.


I get fans don’t like him for the whole wage issue. But surely there must be more than that? I don’t read the celebrity news shit, did he do some John Terry-esque stuff that I haven’t heard of?

Arsene Wenger

No, he is the victim of Arseblog’s bullies (and no, that’s not everyone on here) who now think it is out of fashion to tear into Ramsey so they do it to Lord Theo instead. The moment he fixes a couple of his issues, they will be the same people who thumb down anything said against him and criticise anyone who says anything negative about him.

Merlin's Panini

If we were just going on the first half everyone deserved an extra point. The second half was a bit flat for us bar a few long rangers. Lots of commitment and workrate but not much end product. Sagna, though, was consistently awful all game. Poor decision making near their box and sluggish defending. A 3 is incredibly generous. Podolski just didn’t really look fit. He seemed to get stuck in midfield and just trundle forward. There was often not enough options actually in the box. Theo showed good movement in the first half and that was it. Had Ramsey… Read more »


Piss poor performance all round. This coach and team would struggle to make 4th in the championship. 🙁


Were you replaying Man Utd-Arsenal at OT from earlier in the season (or the season before)


Oh I dunno. I thought red nose and the red scum looked a bit off their game, but not *that* bad.

Merlin's Panini

Ramsey had another good game, it’s just his final decision making in really critical areas in attack that is still lacking. His tackling and workrate was superb as was is dribbling and distribution and he always tried to get forward. Rosicky was sparky and I thought a little unlucky to come off. He was still looking to get forward and didn’t fade at all in my opinion.

mach iii

I agree with that, just that final part does hold us back… Then again, our midfield trio do need to have that taste for goal. I really wonder how we are going to replace Rosicky when he hangs up his boots…

Red Cannon

Much as I love Rosicky, I’ll gladly replace him with a healthy Jack. Let’s hope that comes to fruition, and Jack can remain healthy!


Wilshere is far from ready to fill Rosicky’s boots. Not that he cannot do it but currently Rosicky’s influence on the team is almost irreplaceable…


I agree that that’s the part of his game he needs to work on, hopefully over the summer he can improve that aspect, especially his finishing in front of goal. But let’s also remember that he does help us going forward in his pressing; over the past few weeks he won us the FK at Tottenham and Fulham that resulted in goals, he won the corner that resulted in the penalty against Norwich and assisted at Swansea. But yeah yesterday he had a couple of wayward passes to Walcott that might have been better on another day. But am happy… Read more »

mach iii

Off topic, but I miss Vermaelen in the team. The big problem with him is that he’s an attacking player trapped in a defenders body.

He’s got all the ingredients to succeed, he’s fast, agile, has vision for a pass, can strike it like Poldi, can make combination passing. Has some skills, has the passion. He was an outrageously good defender too until RVP left. If its not working in CB, why doesn’t Wenger plug him into his soccer matrix and convert him to another position?


Worth trying.

mach iii

Off topic, but I miss Vermaelen in the team. The big problem with him is that he’s an attacking player trapped in a defenders body. He wants to get forward, and in this seasons new defensive changes, he can’t go forward at all. He’s got all the ingredients to succeed, he’s fast, agile, has vision for a pass, can strike it like Poldi, can make combination passing. Has some skills, has the passion. He was an outrageously good defender too until RVP left. If its not working in CB, why doesn’t Wenger plug him into his soccer matrix and convert… Read more »


In the first 20 minutes, quite alot of Arsenals passing was passes into open space, instead of stragiht into someone’s feet.. and we looked much more fluid and unpredictable for it.

If Wenger can manage to root out this ridicilous stand around passing the ball straight into eachothers feet style of play.. which leaves us vulnerable on the breaks and doesn’t really create anything I think this Arsenal-team could really be something special.. there’s enough talent in there certainly.

Santhosh Gopal

Is there a reason Cazorla gets more points than Walcott? I thought he was pretty poor except for the shot, and also there were two more good opportunites for him to shoot which he missed and played the ball into a congested area. Cazorla doesnt do any of the defending work as well when he plays on the wings, cant believe that he and Rosicky have got the same points.


Sagna is not the only fullback that has struggled at Arsenal since we changed formation from 4-4-2, the new 4-2-3-1 puts a lot of pressure on full backs and the wide forwards and i think was the reason players like Clichy and Arshavin failed to set the world a light. The fact that Sagna had previously been one of our most consistent players despite basically having no one playing in front of him shows how good he really has been for us


Rosicky is the fucking man. Come the end of the season I hope wenger also recognises what a difference it is to just have him available for selection and keeps hold of our little mozart. I would genuinely like to see a banner for this guy go up at the emirates. Last season was my first time to the emirates.. 0-0 draw with chelsea. But I was mesmerised with the way he was running, turning and makin space for himself. I envy all of you season ticket holders!


I’ve always thought that Rosicky is the dog’s bollocks and now his knee troubles are over, I reckon there’s a few years of that quality left in him.

One player where the offer of a decent length new contract would be well making an exception to the usual age policy for.


Spot on mate, love the intensity he brings to the side, like Ramsey, always closing the opposition defenders down, making it hard for them to play out from the back. Top effort, not surprised he was knackered after an hour.


The team desperately needs game changers/lock pickers up front. Well, that *or* a different tactical brief. The opposition is starting to park the bus again and so we’re slowly but surely reverting to the old habit of toothlessly massaging the ball from one side of the pitch to the other. As the two Spanish giants very clearly displayed during las week, possession for possession’s sake isn’t necessarily any good and, as such, I’m not entirely convinced that what the team need is *just* a better striker. The space left for the lone striker in the current 433-sysetm is very confined… Read more »

Jennifer Toh

One of the best comment posts I’ve seen on here in a while, all of which I agree wholeheartedly.

(PS Rambo does have good friends at the club, best of whom are Gibbs, Walcott and Vermaelen, said so himself and it shows in those weekly training photos the club releases)


Cheers, Jen.

That’s good to hear. I happen to know he used to be fairly good chums with Bendtner as well (maybe still is).


Give ramsey a couple (maybe 3) years and he’ll be dribbling past players like he did before he snapped his leg in two.

With the time it’s taken to heal and the actual injury itself he needs to re-find his balance again, which seems to be steadily improving. Once he starts doing things he didn’t think he could, his confidence will grow more and more, and doing things you didn’t think you could do comes from playing more games.

He has the potential to become a complete midfielder, and he’s much better than fucking cleverley overrated shit.


I very much like your thinking.

A N Other

Well said.. Our attacking does look very predictable and without Giroud we don’t have the option of crossing into box for someone to score. I am not sure the players are suiting the system.

Also, 2 central defensive midfielders are good for defence but stifle the creativity going forward. I think AW would address that next season.

Big Dave

Verm for DM? Probably too late in the season to risk it.


I think one of the problems we have is that we sometimes run outta ideas on the right n yesterday, there was a point where Sagna n I don’t remember who were exchanging passes between themselves on the same spot. It’s really frustrating. That hardly happens on the right




Not signing another quality striker could really bite us in the Arse. Why take such a massive gamble when it’s glaringly obvious that once Giroud is out of the side there is no one to take his place?

Why not

Ramsey was easily my man of the match. Read the by the numbers piece for further details. This guy will be immense. Glad to see the fans give him a proper round of applause…….fully deserved and should have equalled Kocielny’s rating if not beat it by 0.5

Arsenic FC

If we can’t beat Utd when they’ve nothing to play for, we never will!


You forgot to mention at our place!

We’re doomed!


Free Kicks Around the Box – loads Threat on Goal – ZERO Corners – more than loads Threats on goal – ZERO HOW CAN THAT BE?


I can’t agree with all you lads creaming youselves ove rour defence. Yes, its improving. Yes, it was pretty solid yesterday. But also….Yes……it looked vulnerable when the jizzbuckets decided to attack. Yes, but for poor finishing and a face save we’d have conceded at least a couple of goals. Dutch Skunk, Jones, Rooney, Giggs all had very scorable chances. Look how easy old man Giggs took two of our players out of the game before the Ox got a knee on his shot. Our players sold themselves like schoolboy footballers…… I guess what I’m saying is that our defence can… Read more »

Why not

does a face safe not count as defending???


Technically, I guess yes it does. But it indicates that the keeper didn’t know much about it and that the attacker headed straight at the keeper.

So it was defended more by chance than conscious action.

Why not

I hear positioning is a vital part of goal keeping.


Let us cream man! Let us have something at least! The way our team has become the poster boy of bad defending then this improvement and change in the winds of how we defend as a team is something to be happy about – or at least a case of, ‘you took your time’!


Can we have a suspended special rating.As in terms of the happiness some of you manifested when Giroud was suspended is it still 20 out of 10?!

Tom Mildmay

I thought we played pretty well. My main complaint (other than conceding the penalty) was with the substitutions. My first sub would have been Podolski (possibly at half time). I would have moved Walcott to the centre and brought on the Ox on the right. Rosicky looked like our most dangerous player at that point, whereas whenever Podolski got the ball he slowed things down. If Rosicky needed to come off, I would have then moved Cazorla to the centre and brought on Gerv. As good as we all know Jack is, he wasn’t really able to offer much yesterday.… Read more »


A season where: -a monkey wins both the individual awards. -Champions who have been the most average team to ever win it. – Traitorous Cunts have reigned supreme. -An Arsenal side with one of the better squads it has ever had since the Invincible’s not being able to challenge again. -Arsenal fans have never been more divided. – One of our best performers ever (Sagna) has been viciously slated. – There is not a lot to be jovial about just plenty of what if’s. I just want this season to be over! Get the points in the bag and let’s… Read more »


A forgettable season in the bigger scheme of things, yes. But this current team, the core 13-14 of whom will be together next season (not to be underestimated given the past few years), bolstered by the clearing out of the long time deadwood and the introduction of 2-3 key players next season (a clinical finisher top priority among them) make me believe we’ll have the best platform we’ve had for some time to challenge for some silverware.


Shouldn’t be too hard on Bac. His performance yesterday was crying out for a substitution. the mistake awful but he has been an absolute warrior for the club over the past years.


I posted this once before but I guess no one read it since the thread was quite old by then. Here goes. Theo defense…so don’t say I did not warn you. ————– It’s a little off topic but I’d like to make this comment. I’m a big AKB (going by the acronyms online). There..that’s out of the way. Now for my comment. I’ve been a longtime Arseblog reader; going back ..maybe 4-5 years or more but I have never commented. I’ve dropped off following numerous blogs as the rubbish they post increases day by day and I have just Arseblog,… Read more »


“All I’m asking/requesting him to do, is to forget the fact that Theo signed a contract much to his surprise and treat him by the same yardstick as all the other players.” I’m glad he took his chance, since we tend to overcook our passes, overcomplicate things. He is our best finisher in my opinion, very calm in front of goal. But I think this short summary of his performance is about adequate. Overall he played quite average. And you don’t get more than one or two sentences on arseblog, unless you received 7 out of 10 or more or… Read more »

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Theo is better than more than half of the Arsenal current players. The mistake he made is signing that contract.
He is a much better player. Theo take a walk and we will move behind you, its high time after 8 years and no cups.


Hahahahahahahahahhaahahahahaha I really can’t stop with this comment. And the best part is that I rate Theo as a player and member of this team! But this comment is just too much wow maybe Theo’s agent patrols these parts 🙂 Oh man I still can’t stop laughing.


The main reason people dont like Theo imo is because hes talks to much rubbish. example he goes on about playing CF and has to literally talk about it all season and literally write a a book about it and his struggles, im not even joking here for Fifa 13 advertising with Wilshere he even played the game and changed his posistion to CF then talked about how its his natural posistion for 15 min, back to real life then he has to take all the set pieces instead of Cazorla. Did i mention how he has to give a… Read more »


I love that Theo changed his position on Fifa:D I don’t blame him for going on about it because he had been waiting years just to get a chance to play CF. To say that he takes all the set pieices is a lie, different players take free kicks and corners, our goals against Fulham and Spurs were from Theo free kicks. Also Theo might not take the best corners in the world but they are still better than Cazorla’s.

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