Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Club announce teenage ticket initiative

Arsenal have announced that from next season, up to 1000 tickets per home game will be made available to fans between the ages of 12 and 16 for just £10.

The tickets will be for category B and C Premier League games only, but at a time when fears of younger fans being priced out of the game are very real, it’s a positive move from the club.

Based on suggestions made by supporter’s groups, the tickets will be available to members of the Junior Gunners scheme. Chief executive Ivan Gazidis said, “This is an important initiative to encourage young fans to come to games and make a big contribution to the atmosphere at Emirates Stadium. Our young fans represent the future of the club.

“We have a thriving youth membership scheme with over 30,000 enrolled. Those fans want to be part of the club and this initiative, which we have developed in partnership with supporters’ groups, means there will be 14,000 additional tickets for Young Guns to attend Premier League matches across the season for no more than £10 a game.

“This is in addition to the £5 and £10 tickets we offer young supporters for Capital One Cup home games.”

We asked a young fan for his views on the matter but he looked at us in a surly fashion while smoking skunk and sexting on his iPhone before nicking our wallet and BMXing to freedom.

Ah, the youth of today!

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This is a great idea. It gives youngsters the opportunity to watch a team with no ambition as they strive to finish fourth every season.


We were very amibitious in the 80s – we signed Lee Chapman, or as he was more popularly referred to, ‘How did he miss that? What a load of shit, my gran could do better than that fucking useless cunt’.


Fatgooner – are you really a rather embittered John Hawley?


In the Seventies we won the UEFA Cup, the League and FA Cup double and the FA Cup in ’79. In the Eighties we won the League Cup and the old First Division. We won those things because we were a FOOTBALL CLUB. Now we are a business which is only interested in turning a healthy profit at the end of every season. Those of you who just think that I am being cynical for the sake of it just don’t get it. I loathe what our club has become: Kroenke and the Board are simply interested in getting as… Read more »

Parisian Weetabix

Fatgooner: The most irritating thing about your argument is that you just assume that you’re right, dismissing us as imbeciles and proclaiming yourself the one man standing against the mediocre tyranny of Arsenal football club.

Get real. You based your argument on perceptions, opinions, wishful thinking and pessimism. We’re a team playing in a hugely competitive league, we have Champions League football to fight for, and we play some good football. We’re all disappointed that we’re not in Man United’s position, but we’re equally glad that we’re not in Newcastle’s either.


@arseblog: Just why do you think that these cheap tickets are being put on sale? Tell you why: for the same reason that huge numbers of empty seats are beginning to appear in the ground on match days. Instead of focusing on making us the best club side in the world the club are simply trying to maximise revenue. They figure that young fans with no expectancy will just be happy to be there – and will hopefully keep coming. Certain stupid supporters still think that we are in a bit of a rut, just like the late 70s and… Read more »

Double Canister

“Fat” check
UEFA cup vs Parma, Copenhagen 1994. Alan Smith 20 mins. Everyone else here knows that.

Did not even do the research.
You are fat_mick bbc troll and AFC hater. Fuck off.

Olivier Giroud

How can a person not be entitled to their own opinion?.. Fatgooner is a negative fucker but he should be entitled to state his opinion and start a reasonable debate without being told to go fuck himself. I am aware of the hypocrisy of this post btw!..


@fatgooner Maybe you could show some ambition in your ongoing quest to change the fucking record

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Well said.

I’m afraid his only ambition however is to keep eating until he reaches Grant Holt levels of massive dickishness.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Lets play a game of Go Fuck Yourself…

You start.

Midfield Corporal

I like to imagine that Fatgooner is really a bored 85 yr old lady with a twinkle in her eye who just enjoys posting mischievous comments on Arseblog the watching our reactions. She’s been widowed for 5 years but does this in memory to her Spurs supporting husband….saves making the trip down the crematorium. Notice he/she never posts around 16:30, that’s when Countdown is on.


Just as I turn 20, bollocks! Fantastic idea though, good to see the club acknowledging that some of their ticket prices can be prohibitive for certain demographics.

Oh well, back to smoking skunk and sexting.


Only 4 years too late.

Parisian Weetabix

Thanks Arsenal, two years too late for me to benefit from it. Fucking typical.

Still though, I guess it’s a good thing for those who benefit. I feel so old 🙁


excellent, they should also bring back the schollboys enclosure – remember paying 10 pence to see arsenal beat chelsea in around ’73 as well as Chelsea failing to take the north bank at around 1.30pm. Excellent value


You feel old, im 22 doing a postgrad degree, I don’t think im ever gona be out of debt enough to afford a season ticket at this rate. Saying that, im only in £25,000 debt, if I started last year I would be £55,000 in debt doing the same degrees for 4 years, someone in government messed up :/

StAlbans gooner

Mate, while i sympathise I think you are on the wrong forum.


Fair enough, I was just going to say I think there should be student ticket prices as well, but I had an overwhelming feeling to go in depth.


A student up before the hours of darkness? Wouldn’t have happened in my day……


It’s so important to make the game more accessible for young supporters from the local area – good on the club for doing this. Hopefully it might even improve the atmosphere in the ground!

Midfield Corporal

Looks like that talk with Uli Hoeness at Bayern ‘s given Ivan Gazidis some ideas.

North Bank Gooner

I personally think they should do this for people born in 1971, who are 5ft 9ish, and live in a town beginning with B. Only then would I say this is an exceptional initiative, but getting the youth to the games is alright I suppose 😉


Think you need to be more specific with the height qualification. Say, 5ft 8″ to 6ft. Otherwise, I thoroughly agree with you on all the other details.


Death to all 1971ists……

North Bank Gooner

Steady, 41 isnt that old FFS 😉

Double Canister

Not many in our team match that!


A great initiative, fair play to the club and the supporters groups that lobbied for this.

The Ox, The Ram, Willy and Wally

Good idea, although I wish they’d done it a few years back…

I know it’s off topic, but it’s looking extremely likely United will win the title at the Emirates if they beat or draw with us…

The Ox, The Ram, Willy and Wally

I guess we’ll just have to make sure we beat ’em.

North Bank Gooner

You know it, want to see a certain Dutch fella disappear down the tunnel sharpish, not walk around the Emirates with a shiny pot!!!

jack jack jack

As far as I’m aware Junior Gunner tickets have always been pretty cheap – I was one until only a few years ago and the average price I paid was around £15. I think the main problem is the rest of it where tickets for some games can cost up to £65 or so – now I’m really being priced out of games. So why, when youth tickets are already cheap and accessible, do they lower the prices further while maintaining astronomical prices for adults, preventing the less well-off among us from watching our team play? It seems to me… Read more »


How about fans living in Ireland get to pay ticket value but in € , so slightly cheaper 🙂 we need all the help we can get.


Teenage angst has paid off well…


Damn i’ 16 now…. a Year too late?


I have probably missed a subtlety here bit isn’t this just an extension of the family enclosure?


Done a bit of looking round and I think I have found the subtlety…
It appears that this section will be on sale solely to the Young Guns whereas the family area is open to adults with JGs.


They can have my seat – I can’t afford to go anymore and I’m 46! Let’s face it, it will only be junior gooners that will be able to afford to go soon anyway, and the prawn sandwich brigade

Johnny Jensen's Bender

I know this is unrelated but the PFA Player of the list just came out and Santi was overlooked, in favour of Carrick and Hazard.



The Great British Meedja have already decided that the Chimpancunt down the road is going to win it anyway, so makes no odds.

Much like they influenced the voting for Giggs the other year when all he did was come on as sub and bang his sister in law (not come on as sub TO bang his sister in law obviously. Unless his brother was into that kind of thing).


I understand Carrick being in there – he has a high pass rate and after all, is going to win the title. But Hazard is a joke. How many times has he single-handedly saved Chelsea?

Cazorla is involved every time we make a meaningful attack and has scored match-changing goals.


Yep me too, can get the carrick bit , by all accounts he’s played brilliant this season although I never watch anyone else other than arsenal, even on tv. Maidstone united apart that is. But hazard is baffling. And as Mooro says. It’s monkey face this year for sure. He’s better than messi , pele best and ronaldo but not as good as tgstel.


Bale will for sure get it just coz he’s special case. A monkey that can juggle a ball and shoot every once in a while……..i’d vote for that!

Cazorla overlooked for asses boy hazard is a disgrace!. The only thing he’s done all season is kick ball boys and perhaps score that one particular cracker otherwise…..meh.

the chosen one

“We asked a young fan for his views on the matter but he looked at us in a surly fashion while smoking skunk and sexting on his iPhone before nicking our wallet and BMXing to freedom.” Hahahahaah love it



I’m 15 and for the last 2 years I’ve been paying £10-23.50 depending on the opposition.

At the moment it’s:

Cat A (Big games) – £23.50
Cat B (Decent games) – £14.50
Cat C (Poor opposition) – £10

So they’re only changing Cat B to £10 aswell? Still that’s great news, now I can go to more games. This could have an affect on the atmosphere though. The Clock End Lower is a great place to be for an atmosphere at the moment.


I realise I shouldn’t be posting on here, I’m only here so I can nick your wallet and BMX to freedom.

Double Canister

‘Youth is wasted on the young’

she said no robin she said no

If youre 16 does it still count?



Double Canister

You missed the 60’s!
We were utterly shit for a decade.
And it was all Wenger’s fault – he went back in time in Austin Power’s time machine to fuck it up and give the spuds their only even decade of glory.
Grow up.

Double Canister

“Greedy board just want to maximise profits”
£10 tickets for teenagers.
Logic is wasted on you.

For once in my life I have to say that Ivan Gazidis has done something right. This move by the club is superb, and some supporters have been asking for this for a while.


I think the maximum wage for pro footballers should be Three thousand pound a week. Then we can reduce ticket prices to a maximum of 30 pound a game.

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