Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Real rule out any Vela return

After protracted negotiations last summer Arsenal sold Carlos Vela to Real Sociedad following a successful loan season.

As is typical in many transfers, the Gunners inserted a buy-back clause (there’s one in the Cesc Fabregas deal too) and a sell-on clause which could see them take up to 50% of any future sale.

Having under-performed in England, it was inevitable that when Vela started scoring in Spain stories would abound about Arsenal exercising the buy-back clause.

However, they are just stories – there’s a reason Vela is playing well and it’s because he feels more comfortable in Spain (as well as applying himself better at his new club) – and today the sporting director of the Basque club has categorically ruled out the Mexican’s departure back to London.

“We have not spoken to Arsenal,” said Lorenzo Juarros, “and Vela doesn’t want to go there. He wants to stay here and play in Europe with Sociedad.”

Real are currently in 4th position in La Liga, and Vela has scored 13 goals for them this season and is their leading scorer as they push for a Champions League place.

Vela’s desire to stay in Spain is not matched by another departure, with suggestions that Alex Song wants to return to the club after moving to Barcelona last summer.

Song’s uncle, Rigobert, laid bare the midfielder’s problems, saying, “This season he has only been a substitute. He is not happy.

“At Arsenal he was a leader on and off the field – he doesn’t feel like this in Spain and it makes him feel bad.”

Leaving aside the dubious claims of leadership, quite how Song thought he was going to play very often in a team with Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Fabregas and Mascherano in it is anyone’s guess.

We suspect he might have caught the rare, but sinister, Hlebovirus, which gives players ideas way above their station and can prove fatal to careers.

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That Song deal was at no benefit for anyone. Barca don’t need him, he is unhappy, we have been crying for a solid DM for the whole season.


To be fair he was a better choice then Arteta, who isn’t a DM to begin with.


Arteta may not fly into tackles but he patrols very well, is disciplined, can hold and has the ability to win a free-kick if the pressure is on him. Coupled with this he has a much better passing ability
Song may have provided some lovely assists last season, certainly made easier by having RVP to smash them in from all angles but he was constantly wondering out of position leaving us exposed.
Good riddance I say.

Gilberto Silva

You can hardly say he was a better DM than Arteta, we’re no worse off defensively than we were last year, Mikel has essentially done Song’s job and his own this season, while Aaron Ramsey has found his niche alongside him


Song’s best attribute, in my eyes, was his versatility. His ability to play centre half meant changing shape in a game was less of an issue than it is now. And yes, at times he could pass a ball.

Unfortunately Song’s worst attribute, again only my opinion, was his lack of discipline, either tactically or positionally.

If you’re talking a midfield enforcer, I’d genuinely rather have kept Flamini: far more mobile, more energetic, more disciplined and better in the tackle.


By the same token however Flamini was also too positionally undisciplined to be a proper DM. He was always careering up field.


Maybe the 2-8 at Manure skews things at bit..


I’m just going to throw it out there – I would rather have Song in my midfield than Arteta, because, quite simply, I think Song offered more. People are entitled to disagree.

Jim Jimminy

I stumbled across an article on talksport suggesting that songs and fabregas’ ‘difficulties’ at barfa were a reflection on how far Arsenal had fallen.

I have no idea how they came to this conclusion, other than the fact that they just wanted to have a pop.


Thierry Henry deserves to be awarded the 40 years of PFA award. Please Vote for him.

Gerrard is ahead of him right now. Those who didn’t vote for him, please do that


Why the hell did Barca buy him? Beeee-wildering!


The epitomy of a panic buy perhaps?

Jim Jimminy

Probably to annoy us.

Jokes on them.


just to insult us… they dont need him. lets see who the want this year


Arsenal mania if you ask me. Their opinion being that if he plays for arsenal then he’s good. The problem is that Ivan could have thrown in the Russian and squillaci to sweeten the deal. Just saying


He was bought as Cover for busquets and as emergency Centre half Cover.

Herold goon

Do people just thumb up arseblog because he is arseblog or do they actually agree with what he’s saying.

Song wasn’t a solid DM, sure we still don’t have a solid one now. Could he do any worse? Doubt it….


I think people weigh up the arguments. Then discount the ones which aren’t consistent with the evidence, regardless of whose they are.


I always ‘thumb up’ Arseblogger because he enjoys it. He always pushes back which is a sure sign of contentment.


As far as Vela goes – best result for both clubs involved and the player imo, which makes a pleasant change. It was never going to work for him here sadly, too much talent infront of him when he was at Arsenal, and going by rumours his dedication off the pitch wasn’t up there with the best either, which is never a good way to inspire trust in Arsene’s book. Not in the habit of thumbing up anyone regardless of who they are personally – and with no disrespect to Arseblog I’m quite happy to call out current and ex-players… Read more »

60 + 15 = 75pts = 3rd place?

Despite Song’s proclivity to forget his defensive duties temporarily in favour of sprinting forward, his decisiveness and boldness have been sorely missed this season. We all respect Arteta’s intelligence and solidness, but when has he even had the vision and boldness to zip an accruate 25-yard forward-pass to the striker? Last year, Dutch skunks volleys vs. Everton and Liverpool, Walcott’s 2nd-goal vs. Spuds, Thierry Henry’s comeback goal vs. Leeds, Andre Santos’ equaliser vs. Chelsea… were all thanks to brilliant assists by Song. Also, part of the DM’s role is to literally physically-intimidate opposition midfielders, and Song was built like an… Read more »

Also there is more than one way to play. In terms of goals conceded, we are doing better than last year.


It’s no surprise that we haven’t conceded as many goals as last year. Given the thrasing at Old trafford and 4 goals at Blackburn.


his forward long passes can do wonders frequently enough only if we have players like dutch skunk and thierry henry whose offensive possitioning skills are the best in the world, and not with poldi, giroud and walcott who are decent enough players in their own right but not THAT brilliant in offensive positioning. Also, making long forward passes all the time and physically intimidating the opposition is not the arsenal way. and that’s probably why wenger won’t buy him again, at least i hope so. we rely more on build up play and technical skills, for which arteta is perfect.… Read more »


I think Song was a good player but never really a great one…we could do a lot better than him. We don’t need him back neither do we need his replacement as Arteta has performed the DM role well this season…what we really need is to replace Diaby..box to box midfielder with a bit of height and physicality…we need a player who plays the role that Yaya Toure is playing for City or the one Vieira used to play for us…


If Barca show interest in any player, you have to say that there is a 90% chance they’ll leave. They are the best club in the world (with Messi, that is). I am a huge fan of Song. He was easily a key player last season and we do miss him –he won the ball a lot, not injury prone, and had an eye for a pass. We should give him credit for not leaving for the Sp*ds or Man City (although it could well happen this summer!). I think Song’s arrogance and stupidity showed (he was key but not… Read more »


@60 + 15 = 75pts = 3rd place? i would probably take song back in the squad but i certainly don’t think he’d be a shoe in for our current 1st XI. also those assists he had last season were fantastic but remember last season we were suffering form losing our 2 most creative midfielders not replacing them and injuries to jack and rosicky (for the 1st half of the season) andthen were forced to chuck rambo in at the deepend. i think in this current team we don’t need song’s vision as much but his lack of defensive awareness?attitude… Read more »


actually Song-Arteta partnership for the second year running from beginning to end would have been wonderful.


The only player who holds the ball better under pressure in this years team is Cazorla, Song was adept at using his body to shield the ball and retain possession. Arteta, not so much so. Ramsey, well, he is getting better and does not get caught out as much, party because he now knows to get rid of the ball.


This crap about Song’s hollywood pass pisses me off on a major scale. Arteta has done it at least 2ce this season (cf: Gervinho against southampton and Westbrom) and no one is making noise, Wilshere did it against swansea and we see Giroud do some variant of it some times, with Carzola giving so many of it that ends up being wasted. You just can’t judge Song’s ability on those passes when he tried 10 and only 2 came off. Also, he was lucky to have strikers that would bury them, compare with Gervinho who wouldn’t. Everyone should take a… Read more »

Garyneville Shagshismum

Forget Song, bring back Cesc!


Dont think hes that unhappy 🙁


Ohh yeah…would love to see him in red and white again!


It’s ironic that after watching him play for barca in the champions league, I honestly don’t think he’d get in our squad right now. Just my opinion though, I’d still have him back.


song may not be a dm as such, but we could use his presence to be fair

Alex Song

You are some ungreateful sons of bithces


I actually thought that song really improved towards the end of his career at arsenal . No one will forget those 2 incredible balls he delivered to RVP . And I always saw vela as a Reyes kind of guy – small and quick. Not surprised at all that’s it working out for him in another league

Glory Hunter

Our lack of recent success seems to have affected our mentality! Barca have 1 of the best teams in the world yet decide to buy Song just to sit on the bench, if he turned out to be incredible he would displaced Busquets, unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. We sell Song, don’t replace him with anyone & people think its ok!!!!! Saying he wasn’t very good anyway. Bullshit. I don’t know about you guys but for once I would like us to buy a player who proves to be better than our current 1st team player before selling said… Read more »


But that would cause the player you are going to sell to lose value, economics, stupid!

I’m joking, but for sure that plays into Arsenals transfer dealings


I don’t think comparing goals conceded last season compared to this season is useful when talking about Song. There are too many other factors – the 8-2 game versus ManU distorts the numbers, plus we went a stretch with no fullbacks last season. This season we have excellent competition for fullback starting berths, a slightly more disciplined approach to defence from Bould… and most significantly, Mertesacker is now fully acclimatised to the league and first-choice CB, with the error-prone Vermaelen now having to fight for his place.
Song’s performance is but one factor amidst all that.

Loop A Hole

I believe that in Coq, we have a future midfield enforcer. Aggressive, flexible, dedicated, enthusiastic (even if sometimes a bit too much so) and an excellent tackler and passer of the ball.


During a game you rarely spend any attention to the DMs.
The DMs “job” is – if exhibited correctly – anything but spectacular. Neither interceptions and tacklings in the midfield nor the game openings are something you would usually remember after a game. They are very important, though.
Now you can imagine how well Song has done his job, when you still remember his flick passes and stuff..
In my opinion he misinterpreted this position totally.


If you look at players like Busquets, Javi Martinez or Khedira then this totally proves your point.
Song was very undisciplined and hardly cared about his defensive duties. We are better off without him.


On the contrary – good tackles and interceptions are real crowd-pleasers, second only to goals for getting the crowd going.


Big, strong or spectacular tackles – yes. Interceptions – no. Normal or efficient tackles – no.


your assuming he was actually asked by wenger to be a typical dm, if he was merely played as a mc with a bit of strength he did fine, for squad depth and freeing up arteta alone id take him back


Look at carrick he isn’t physically intimidating, rarely does anything exciting and isn’t blessed with the best technical ability but has been in a successfull team holding that role down for quite a while he is quite similar to what we’ve turned arteta into ie good vision and positioning, accurate long passes and calm on the ball, it shows that you don’t have to be “built like a bull” or a “hack n slasher” or an “enforcer” .I think we should stick down the route of someone whose technically good, isn’t tiny, has passion and fight and more than anything… Read more »


Your idea of what a DM’s job is, is too simplistic; we could easily say that C. Ronaldo is not a very good winger because he doesn’t put enough crosses. There is no law of the game stating each team must have one player who only sits deep and makes tackles. Only since Makelele did people start thinking this was set in stone. When our midfield consisted of Vieira and Petit, for example, neither was a convential DM. Song assumed a more attacking role in the team last season most likely because Arsene asked him to, and because we were… Read more »


Song was a liability. We needed him to be a DM and he insisted on ignoring his defensive responsibilities in favor of attacking. He wasn’t really the greatest defender anyway, (often committing lazy needless fouls in dangerous areas) but if he respected his positional duties better, he could have been much better. Perhaps Barca believe(d) they could get him to do so. Song’s former coach said it all really when he admitted “Song is a much better player in attack than he is defensively, though.” That’s the bottom line, Song went out, and Cazolra came in, we pushed Mikel back.… Read more »


I love all the armchair pundits who purport to know that Song/Walcott/ect failed to follow their orders and just did whatever they wanted, just don’t turn around and say Wenger knows, because if his players cannot follow his orders all season long, I doubt that he does, either that or you’re full of shit.


I don’t recall ever mentioning anything about Arsene’s instructions. When I refer to what we needed it is more of a matter of my personal perception and opinion. In a midfield trio of Arteta, Wilshire, and Song, it is my opinion (and I feel a quite obvious observance) that Song is expected to be the “defensive” player of the trio. I think everyone refering to him as a DM seems to suggest as much as well. I’m simply pointing out that if we counted on Song to be the defensive player, his mentality and actions dont support it as he… Read more »


Ah, the Hlebovirus. Such a tragic affliction – just ask Flamini, Reyes, Adebayor, Nasri, and of course Alexander himself. The grass is greenest as a Gunner, boys!

Gilberto Silva

What is it that makes these players think they can just take AW’s guidance in making them the players they are then throw it back in his face when the going gets tough?


are you sure the hlebovirus got him? i mean, maybe he just realised that his style of play wasn’t the arsenal way or maybe wenger told him so himself?


He asked for a pay rise. The club thought he wasn’t worth that much and sold him. And got a very nice chunk of money for him as well.

Arsenal and Song’s agent are the only winners in this.


Tell me more about, how we havent missed a fighter with killer passes in tight matchs


You can hardly blame a player for trying to better themselves. Song would probably never had a chance to play for a top team where he could win the Champions League. That day may come for Arsenal in a few years but is far less likely than for Barcelona. Unfortunately, Arsenal are a rung below Barcelona. In many cases moving up to a big big club will not work (Scott Parker to Chelsea; Diarra to Real Madrid; Podolski to Bayern) but you have to take the chance and not wonder ‘what if’ by staying in the comfort zone for your… Read more »


agreed but there also things like loyalty and faithfulness. he owed it to wenger and arsenal that he make some significant contributions to the club that spotted his talent, groomed him and made him recognisable at the international stage. The gooners dont hold it against cesc or henry because they spent several successful seasons here when the top clubs were dying for their signatures before finally going to barcelona…….


@Harsh: Song had a long-term contract and didn’t make a lot of noise about wanting to leave. If Arsenal really wanted to keep him, they would have. It’s not so much a question of loyalty, it’s a question of whether the club thought Alex Song was more valuable to the team than 19 million euros. They chose the 19 million euros. Personally, I think Song is more mobile and tougher in the tackle than Arteta and wouldn’t mind seeing him (Song) in the base of our midfield triangle along with the hard-working, more disciplined Aaron Ramsey. This isn’t to discount… Read more »


@Harsh, in a perfect world then yes loyalty and faithfulness would count but this is football. It doesn’t really exist. 90% of Arsenal players would go to Barcelona if they had a chance and if they thought it would further their career. Probably not Jack or Jenkinson; maybe not Gibbs or Szczesny but that is very rare. Song was around 24. Barcelona were in for him. I do not blame him one bit for leaving. It’s a short career and you need to make the most of it to try to reach the very top. If he waited until he… Read more »


witoldo: you just don’t know how much noise he was making about a pay rise or how unwilling he was to work hard. You can guess he kept his attitude, but I disagree as I think in recent years Arsenal is selling mostly players that are not interested anymore. 49er: yes, they should try to make most of their careers, but tell me how on earth he could expect he will be playing? You can try to step up, but you need to step up your game, not your club. Otherwise you will be just a bench-warmer, possibly with a… Read more »


Chances are it isn’t going to work out with Barca. He is probably not at that level but he has to take the chance. Test himself. He was bought as back up for defence and midfield so he knew he wouldn’t be an automatic starter but he would get a decent amount of games as he could play 2 positions. He has 28 games this season. That’s about what was expected. If he is a failure he is still young enough to get his career back on track and play for a Champions League team again. See Huntelaar, Van Der… Read more »


We dont need song, haven’t missed him and cashed in on an error prone player.
Prefer Ramsey or the coq any day

17 mil, not bad, now lets go and spend it.

Song is welcome to come and watch a game in the stands if he wants to


But he better buy a ticket, no freebies!

Fergie the Gooner

Spot on, we’ve moved on and I don’t think he’d get back in the team considering for the last couple of games we’ve had Rosicky, Ox and Poldi on the bench. He made a bad decision to mug us off for Barca and now he has to live with it.


Shock horror Song can’t make the team.

The grass may be greener sometimes but you won’t be anywhere near it. You’ll be stuck inside the house making lemonade for Cesc, Xavi and Iniesta.
Good riddance.

pauly bear

Wow 13 goals. . . Na ur grand vela stay were ye are! But I would take song back for half way barca paid us of course.

I have a name?

Vela has played on the right of a 3 man attack (mainly) and has been excellent, he also has around 8 assists. He is one of the main reasons why they are 4th in La Liga. For his own benefit I would like him to stay in Spain, I don’t think a move would be best for the club or him. Don’t judge a player on goals when you obviously don’t even watch him play.

pauly bear

Ha ha dont judge a striker on goals scored! A good point well made sir.Theo plays on the right and frustrates us but has 18 goals and 15 assist.podolski on the left has 14 goals 10 assist. Vela can stay were he is for me thanks.

Herold goon

I am Alexander song, I give robin chipped passes, he score. I go barcelona, I play.

Barcelona: hold on now.

Gilberto Silva

Regarding Song, I think he’s a better player than Busquets and Mascherano, but he was always going to be Keita’s replacement. Anyways, I like Ramsey and Arteta in the base of midfield now, Song reaps what he sow, he was a fan favourite here and he made the choice that too many others did.


Probably was promised to be played in a more forward role in that whinny lil team i guess. No secret the way he used to go galavanting into the oppos 3rd while neglecting he’s duties, a problem that afflicted quite a few of our players. All these critism of Arteta just dont make sense to me, he’s a deep lying midfilder or pivot or double pivot, he’s doing what he’s tasked to do, something he’s adapted to real well. I like it that this blog has finally highlighted Lord theo of NOT doing he’s job as a right midfielder. All… Read more »


Busquets is MILES better than Song. He has a bad reputation because of that dive vs Inter and the fact that he’s a completely unsexy defensive midfielder, even though he’s the best in the world at his job.


Puyol or Pique injured- Mascharano plays. Next option-Adriano is slotted at Centre back. Next, some Bartra guy comes on. Forget about playing in Barca’s midfield, Alex Song is not even the 5th choice at Centre Back!!!

I think we got Santi for the same money!!!

Why is my name required

Song got what he deserved. He wants out, we let him out. and now he wants to come back? No thanks son we don’t need someone who thinks he is a superstar


Nobody said he even wants to come back lol


Good luck to Vela. I always wished he made it here but it wasn’t to be. We’ll always have those goals against Sheffield Utd and Wigan.


Not to mention all those final chipped goals when we were already 3 or 4 up. Thanks for the memories, Carlos, but the days of carrying passengers are drawing to a close and we have no desire to bring them back…..


The Sheffield goal is one of my all-time favorites. Amazing skill.


Lets not speak ill of Arteta his hair alone deserves our praise. And unlike song he……what’s the word? Oh year WORKS HARD

Moral high ground

Works hard? Hmmmm. He has to. He suffers in physical battles, especially later in games when he gives away lots of free kicks, not through aggression but because he is not athletic enough to win back the ball. He is a fine player but I wonder if he has a future next year as first choice midfielder for us. Personally I’d rather have Song even with his smelly attitude.


Barca can keep Song, call it a forfeit for taking Cesc. I will stand by my initial impression of Song which was that he should have never worn the shirt. Not enough skill to make up for his lack of commitment and loyalty


By the way, Song has played cb a few times. Just because he didn’t one game doesn’t mean he’s fifth choice. They choose him normally right after Macherano. Adriano does not slide over before Song.

Tony Montana

Vela ,Song ,forget the cocroaches,they wanted to leave ,forget about them ,it’s History ,only look for time and the future ,what was, will never be .


henry came back for us!!!


dont compare the king with the ugly duckling!!!
But song-Arteta double with a seasons experience under the belt would have been something


I want us to buy Fabregas back. Fabregas, a solid DM like Capoue, and a striker. That would be perfect for Arsenal


We could also try keeping Cazorla this summer, aka our only world class player. Other clubs manage it, and I know circumstances have varied from cunt to cunt. When the top clubs sit down and have their annual browse through our team photo, they might find it more difficult to pick one this time.


we still have jack you know


yes, cesc is multi-talented – he can play in any central position from dm to cf. but he can only play one position in one match. look at ramsey he keeps running up and down the pitch because its his job but the role of solid dm is bieng performed by arteta and how many times we have seen him take a shot in recent times except penalties? besides it would be a waste playing cesc as a dm…… he is a genuine playmaker and among the best…… and we already have rosicky and cazorla besides wilshere who wenger wants… Read more »


Song should sack his agent for messing up his career. Will always be pretty decent, but hopefully not at Arsenal. Far too greedy , like most young guys. Could have gad a great career with us.. Arteta is class. A real pro


well he can come to arsenal on free. we can wait fr a couple of years, change his name and hair style. then sell him back to barca for another 15 mill.


Barcelona likes DMs who can play center half, they have a collection of such players and use them whenever their first choice pair is out; Song was just an addition to that lot. Team hires squad player and now he is not so happy to be on bench. Nothing interesting here, lets move on


A lot of Song stick but if you listen to Arsene Wenger’s interviews regarding his midfield he never gave anyone the DM title, so i think this is due to formation and tactics more than Songs ‘indiscipline’. If he was told to solely protect the back four I guarantee you, he would be regarded as a good DM

A N Other

I reckon Arsenal did well to make £17m by selling him. Maybe part of the payment was the extra few million they wanted to pay for Fabregas once they realised how good he is.

Bould's Eyeliner

This press is irrelevant.. people have been crying striker striker since Tues, and I still think striker is the first purchase we need to make. Forget Alex Song…


Wouldn’t mind having Song back, but only if 1) we get him for no more than 10 mil, 2) he takes the same pay he took the last time he was at Arsenal, 3) he never ever gets huggy-touchy-feely with ‘enemies’ again, in fact put that into the contract as well.

Any less and we could get a better player elsewhere.

Kyle D

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, Song was good but he wasn’t anywhere near what veira was. I honestly believe that Ramsey is only beginning to show what he can do and will be a vital part of our midfield next season. A couple of new world class additions like Mario gotze and we can be real title challengers next year. UP THE ARSENAL!!!!!


gotze will be at Dortmund next year then barca year after next. why does everyone keep that false story going about another cam when we need a striker, gk to give comp, a bruising dm and if bac is gone a backup rb.

Kyle D

Like I said before, “A couple of new world class additions like Mario gotze”. I wasn’t stating that we would sign Mario but more that we should be aiming for these sorts of players given our solid financial position.


Arteta is doing a fine job in replacement of Song, if at times we really want to sure it up at the back then I feel that Vermalen would be well deployed in the DM position too.


You can all say that Song was never a soild DM. But it doesn’t change the fact that Arteta is not getting any younger and so is Rosicky (but he’s still 29). I think that trio of Song, Ramsey and Wilshere in midfield could achieve great things. And I still remember his magic in Borussia Dortmund match or the assist against Everton. So would I like him back? Of course. Will he come back? Not likely.


yeah but there is a catch……… doesn’t wenger keeps saying our ox has his his future in midfield?……. i think five years from now wenger wants ramsey to play arteta’s current role, wilshere to play ramsey’s current role and ox to play the playmaker……..


wenger confirms no buy back clause for song and he should stay at barca


the fact is song wanted out. arteta loves been here. id rather have arteta any day because of.this…



damien joyce

I will actually never forgive Song for being a complete twat!!! before u thumb me down I shall explain. 13th August 2011, St. James Park (sports direct…whatever) Newcastle 0 – Arsenal 0 Gervinho sent off on debut, due to ref Walton being a Webb/Poll/Clattenburg type cunt and falling for Wank Barton being a wanker. Alex Song eventually does to Barton what every normal fella would fucking love to do, a fucking glorious stamp on an inglorious bastard resulting in a retrospective 3 game ban we could ill afford after losing cesc and na$ri days around same time. (retro ban coming… Read more »

Double Canister

The only logical reason barca would have tapped him up ( not bought properly as he was in mid contract mind) is for CB cover as they do have a policy of using football playing midfielders in that position. But seriously Alex, when did you think you would get on the pitch with ‘that’ midfield when Cesc can’t even get a start for most games? Remember Song started out as a CB for us in the youth teams, didn’t he? Anyway Barca just bough him out of a fit of spite and thinking they were doing a number on us,… Read more »

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I used the buy-back clause on Football Manager to get Vela back to Arsenal for £4M. He was great for a week and then broke his leg. And was out for 9 months “Oh yeah, THAT Carlos Vela!” i said in a totally relaxed manner.


i think ELLY here(look for the longest comment in sub-comment replies of the first comment by LASAGNA) has made the most sensible comment in the whole article……. i think we all have to stop guessing why song was sold and whether that was a mistake or whether he should be broght back or why should he be brought back……. the truth is wenger is a wise man and his moves are very subtle….. how many times have we heard his squad changes be pondered on in vain by pundits in the pre-match show and appreciated in the post-match show……. the… Read more »


i am NOT criticizing the people…..

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