Sunday, September 8, 2024

Szczesny: Defence is making my life easier

Wojciech Szczesny has praised Arsenal’s defensive unit for their improvement in the last couple of months and admitted that playing behind in-form players makes his life as a goalkeeper much easier.

Unbeaten in seven consecutive Premier League matches, the Gunners haven’t conceded more than one goal in a game since the 3-1 humbling by Bayern Munich at the Emirates in mid-February and have kept four clean sheets in their last eight games; the last two of which have involved a revitalised Szczesny.

Reflecting on the increased solidity at the back, which has been built on the foundations of a Per Mertesacker-Laurent Koscielny centre-back partnership, Szczesny told

“I think they’ve been terrific – not only defending very well but also creating goals for us at the other end like they did last week against Fulham.

“They’re getting the credit they deserve because they work very hard and they’re very honest lads. I’m very happy for them and it’s much easier to play behind them when they are in that kind of form.”

With only three games left to seal a spot in the top four the Pole also spoke of the need for focus against opponents fighting survival and playing for pride.

“Wigan are fighting relegation, QPR will play for their pride and Newcastle on the last day of the season is not exactly an easy game as well.

“I don’t think it matters who we play but we’ve sent a message by not losing [to Man United] which makes our unbeaten run a little bit longer. We’ve sent a message to the teams around us that we are up for a fight.

“I believe if we get nine points, we should be in a good position to finish in the top four, hopefully in third position.”

Echoing the sentiments of his keeper, Kieran Gibbs spoke similarly bullishly about keeping the foot on the gas (handbrake need not be applied!) with the prospect of ending the season on a ten game unbeaten run a real possibility.

“The team have responded to the position that we were in a few months ago,” he told

“No one thought that we were capable of making that spot and now, with three games left, it’s well within our grasp. We have to show what we’ve been doing in the last few months and take that into the last three games.”

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Arseblog hates Walcott

Love Szczesny. I would hate to see someone taking no 1 jersey off him next season. I hope that Szczesny’s got what it takes to be a top keeper


loved his clowning around before the penalty although it would probably never work on pen takers as clinical as le skunk..


It makes our lives easier too! Am no longer soiling my pants every time the opposition has possession in our territory. Long may the solid defensive partnership live


I really do not want to hear that players are satisfied with the result yesterday. It has taken it out of our hands again and they should be upset that they could not win.

a gooner in Manchester

it’ll be a long week before we play the next match so it’s unhealthy for the team to dwell on the disappointment from yesterday’s game. The more you think and talk about it, the more energy will be wasted and it would not help lift Sagna’s mood. However bad his mistake was, we still need him as a member, if not a key one, of the squad for the final three games of the season.

Forget about the game yesterday, look forward to winning the next game.

A N Other

Exactly.. They are too many players who are congratulating themselves on a draw. We should have won the game yesterday.

Bould's Eyeliner

But we didn’t. And it’s over now. It’s foolish to think that the press conference is really any way to judge the players. Did you see their faces after the match? Did you watch them play? They are the most disappointed people of all.

A N Other

Not good enough.. We hardly troubled de gea in 2nd half except that Cazrola save. I am happy that we are in decent form in last few weeks. But, I didn’t, see that hunger to win yesterday like had in Bayern. Everton worked really hard at emirates last week and there were fair amount of challenges as well but I didn’t think Man U played that well yesterday. Just ask yourself a question – what exactly was walcott doing throughout the game (after that goal was scored) Sagna was struggling but he got absolutely no protection from him. Neither did… Read more »

Naija Gunner

Just keep on keeping the ball out of our goal line, we are all behind you. COYG!!!


Better late then never, but can we please start the next season as we have played the whole spring.

Arty's Art

He is the one and only

Oh my Bergkamp

All the young players are talking about finishing in the top four instead of winning the league. This is what Wenger has done to them.

Oh my Bergkamp

Do you honestly expect it to be any different the next season? Was it any different the last few seasons?

Big Chief from Antarctica

In case you don’t know, unlike the last few seasons we finally have the prospect of keeping a team together and release some deadwood at the same time.


That said, this teams need to be strengthen badly if we’r gonna get anyway near United next season

Jim Jimminy

Just a thought but, maybe, that has something to do with the fact that at this stage of the season it is mathematically impossible to win the league.

the only sam is nelson

Errrrr I hate to break it to you, but the Glazerhawks won this year’s title. Last Monday. It’s mathematically impossible for us to win the league, and has been for some time. You’ll need to bear with me on this, but next season see if you can spot a correlation between the ambitions the players speak about and reality. Whenever we’re there or thereabouts, all our players talk about winning titles. What you’re doing is conflating a realistic objective (top four finish when all else is off the table) with our over-arching objective (to win trophies, including the league title).… Read more »

Oh my Bergkamp

I know positivity and blind faith in the manager flows in abundance here. But before every one becomes an Einstein by pointing to me an obvious fact, I was talking in general and not just THIS season. These are young, enthusiastic players with the potential to be great players. How would they feel being told every season by their manager that look son, for whatever screwed reason, we’re not going to challenge for the league or trophies. All we aim for is to be the fourth best in the country.

the only sam is nelson

I imagine they’d feel pretty awful if that’s what they were told.

Only thing being, nobody – apart from apparently yourself – thinks that this is the case.

And cherry picking Szczesny’s comments about finishing in the top four – at a time when this is the only credible objective the squad has – to illustrate your crack-pipe induced theory is laughable. Hence the LOLS in all your replies.

Happy to help.


this is the kind of retarded stuff i knew some fans must be thinking .. but never really believed it .. :/


It certainly wouldnt be different next season with wenger in charge.


In case you haven’t noticed, the league has been won and finishing in the top four (three) is the best we can do right now. Do you prefer the players talking about the league next season now, or work hard to finish the season??

Arseblog hates Walcott

Well, they would look like a bunch of idiots if they start talking about winning the league when it’s already won by manyoo. Keep the faith mate.


I was chatting with a couple of friends in the pub last night, one a Chelsea fan (I’m sorry) and one a Fulham fan (I’m sorry for him) and I seemed to keep bringing up press conferences and club statements to back up my arguments. I was called up on it. I just assumed that all clubs talk about themselves as much but I was interested to hear my friends telling me that neither of their clubs players or managers have these regular, almost hourly, statements. It seems something of a propaganda machine, a constant Orwellian barrage of positive statements,… Read more »


For the love of god, use paragraphs please!

Arty's Art

Are you trying to suggest Giggs, Cleverly and Ansderson are better options than Gervinho, Vermaelen, Wilshere and the Ox? What we are lacking is points. At the start of this season nobody knew who Arsenal were anymore. Last season our entire game was, feed the dutch wanker. We had to invent a new Arsenal and its just coming together. Next season that Arsenal will know itself so much more. Nobody is saying we don’t need a few recruits, but its the TEAM, rather than with better individuals, that win points. How many points are won with individual brilliance? Manchester United… Read more »


Firstly, quite the opposite. I think our bench was far stronger than Manchester’s yesterday. There is a lot of talent in the team, a lot of players I am very fond of and I’m not advocating a full scale shake up in terms of personnel or ethos, but I do feel that the perspective of our club needs to change. I’ve been defending this team and previous teams so adamantly when faced with snide opposition fans, as I’m sure so many gooners have, year after year and will continue to do so. But this is Arsenal space, written by Arsenal… Read more »

Bacary's right leg

Just talking on your point of players being cherry picked.. It used to happen to ajax year on year.. and It looks like ti could be happening to BVB so we aren’t the only club who have their top players taken.

James Goontown

Your anecdotal rant was nullified by the fact you said ‘Tommy’ was on our bench yesterday. I assume you mean Tomas Rosicky. Do you even watch our matches. He started yesterday. He was one of our more effective players. He set up our goal. I’m done.




Thumbs down for the wordy mess… but thumbs up for the excellent name!


The goalkeepers are performing well only because the defence and the team all together have got more cautious in recent weeks. I guess this is down to change in keepers who are getting rotated maybe due to an injury or form who knows , but yeah liking this phase similar to one at start of the season where there was this confidence maybe among everygooner we wont be conceding no matter who the opposition is.only difference is at the start it was bould effect now its wenger, i just think its Arsenal Collective effort.


our lives too

easy tiger

Well isn`t this just typical of Arsene Fawlty .

Just when I thought we where about to ship Denilson, Chamack, Park, Arshavin, Squill, Djoroue, Santos, Bendtner, Diaby, Podolski, Gervinho and Frimpong to united Arsene spring this news straight in my face. ONE season late you mug!!!!!!


I believe we have scored one less goal in the league than at the same point last season.

easy tiger

Yes and I believe utd has scored far more than at this point last season. So to sum up I believe we are standing still and united are going forward, well that is just terrific….

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Considering the Spudistas have to play a Southampton side [which has won against Liverpool, Chavistas and Citeh]; On saturday and relegetion threatned Stoke at the Britttania followed by the Chavistas and Di canio’s Sunderland on the last day. And The Chavistas going to Old Traford to battle it out with a Man ure side determined to end their UCL hopes and avoid their Weapon of Mass Spending in the Summer It’s pretty safe to say Our Top Four Hopes are entireley in our hands. Sure they have a game in hand but all the More Room for them to fuck… Read more »


Change of subject chaps… Have heard that barca may be selling cesc…. Anyone got an update…? What chance us getting him back…? Other than none….!

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Apparently Cesc has bought a house in london for 4.5mil £ and Despite Guardiola being an Admirer of Cesc new manager Tito Vilanova doesn’t feel the same way. And rumours are he feel’s a little unwanted.


That was bought because it was his girlfriends house she owned with her ex. They went to court and they had to sell, of which she got 1.5 mil settlement or whatever. Cesc then bought the apartment so now she still has it. Something along those lines anyway. So as much as I’d love him back, don’t get too excited about this London apartment news.


I posted this once before but I guess no one read it since the thread was quite old by then. Here goes. Theo defense…so don’t say I did not warn you. It’s the last time I post this on here so anyone who’s read this already, please ignore and bear with me. ————– It’s a little off topic but I’d like to make this comment. I’m a big AKB (going by the acronyms online). There..that’s out of the way. Now for my comment. I’ve been a longtime Arseblog reader; going back ..maybe 4-5 years or more but I have never… Read more »


Probably took you 10 minutes to write this. In that time Theodore Walcott has made 100 quid. None of which is going to you


@ click her to cancel reply…. Thanks got that… House in London eh….? Guess the trouble is, if he does become available, every oil backed, Russian owned, shiek funded guckin club will be after him.,,. Am sure arsene would have him back but would we pay the money….? Isn’t there some £90 million clause or something…? Prob wouldn’t go for that but reckon out of our league… Manure would have him like a shot….

easy tiger

Apparantly we have a first option clause of the same amount as he left. But I suspect as well that he`ll replace scholes at utd, than I will just give up. Also we are due 50% of any transfer deal, so I expect it will be some sort of swap deal with no money involved. Can see Rooney heading the other way…. Man that would realy be a bad turn of events.

How about that Lowton to relace Sagna? Great prospect…

Click her to cancel reply

How about Micah Richards
– Very Young
– Extremely Strong
– English
– oh! and it takes sagna 7.5 seconds to get from the half way line to the opposition line, The Second best in the league guess who is the first with 6.0 Seconds[Extremeley fast]
– Dissappointed with Mancini for Replacing him with Zabaleta

easy tiger

Yes even better, but tactically he is unawawre, but would stil be a good signing. I think he is also an arsenal fan


It’s amazing how vulnerable we look everytime a simple cross is played in. Take the face_save by Szczesny for example. Rvp was all alone in the box, and we had 5 bodies 5! in there yet somehow rvp got a clean head to the ball. I guess the players need to be more aware in those kind of situations.

Koss and mert are a good fit, one is a ball attacker (koss) and one is a cool head and positionally astute. Reads the game well and compliments his lack of speed with all the above. Steady on.


We do have some good players no question about that.

Walcott, Wilshere, Ox, Kos, Cazorla etc.

So 2 world class players with a good start to the season can make all the difference but ofc a top 4 finish for this to happen is crucial.


Just great, after the villa sunderland result , we’re smack right in the middle of a relegation dogfight.

Chesney..whatever dude, 3 matches left , just dont fuck up.

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