Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Upbeat Ramsey hails Wenger influence

Aaron Ramsey has hailed Arsene Wenger’s influence on his career claiming the Frenchman has helped him in ‘so many ways’ during his five years at the Emirates

With 39 appearances to his name so far this season the Welshman has firmly consolidated his first team credentials performing not just as a midfield understudy to Abou Diaby, Mikel Arteta and Jack Wilshere but also as an auxiliary full back and winger.

Cutting a much more confident figure both on and off the ball, it would appear the Welshman has finally overcome his horrific leg break, suffered at the studs of Stoke’s swamp creature Shawcross, to get his career in North London back on track.

Reflecting on his recent upturn in form and his relationship with the boss, Ramsey told FourFourTwo:

“He [Wenger] is a very approachable guy who you can go and ask how you did and what you need to do to improve after every game.

“That’s a good thing to have in a relationship. You know where you’re at with him and you know what he thinks you can do to improve.

“He’s helped me in so many ways and that’s why he’s done so well over the years. He’s given youngsters opportunities and developed them into great players.”

“I was shocked when I heard I’ve been at Arsenal five years,” he continued.

“It doesn’t feel that long, but I’ve been through a lot. My career at Arsenal started off really well and then I got injured.

“That was hard and took a lot mentally to overcome. Naturally, that took a while to get over and it really set me back.

“Injury aside, I think it’s gone pretty well for me at Arsenal and now I’m feeling good about myself again.”

Not unfamiliar to hearing groans at the Emirates, not just directed at him but the team as a whole, Ramsey also highlighted that terrace frustration is par for the course given the nature of Arsenal’s passing game and the manner in which opponents set up to throttle matches.

“You’re not going to be at your best in every game and with the way we play it can be frustrating when we struggle to break teams down that just come to defend – and that’s when the criticism starts.

“That’s when you can hear a few groans in the crowd, and that’s difficult, but we’ve learned a lot. As a professional footballer you have to overcome these things.

“The biggest thing we need to change is consistency. We need to start going on lengthy runs and getting results when we’re up against it.

“The team gets behind each other and we all believe in what we do and each other’s qualities.”

It’s great to hear that Ramsey (a figure who arguably polarises opinion like no other out of the current squad) is feeling more confident as there’s no doubting, like many young players, he’s had a tendency to let his head drop during games.

In fairness, he’s never been the type of guy to shirk responsibility – an admirable quality – he’s just had a tendency to try and compensate for a bad touch or misplaced pass by trying something even more complicated rather than keeping things simple.

In recent weeks it looks as though the penny has dropped with his deployment in the centre of the pitch certainly helping. Given that Abou Diaby is sidelined for the rest of the year and question marks hang over Jack Wilshere’s fitness it’s just as well because we’re going to be seeing a lot more of him.

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Parisian Weetabix

I would consider him first choice alongside Arteta now. He does that great thing that Arteta does where you don’t notice him for quite a lot of the game, but when you do it’s because he does something good. Perhaps it would be better if he was an explosive game changer, but great teams are built on such quietly consistent foundations.

Nacho Vermertesagna

Definitely. Ramsey doesn’t quite have the vision that the likes of Fabregas and Wilshere possess, but given that and his willingness to work hard in all areas of the pitch, the ‘box-to-box’ role next to Arteta suits him perfectly. I’d say he’s finally found his niche.

I always felt quite sorry for Ramsey with all the criticism and stick he was getting. He has been hugely frustrating at times in the past but he always gave 100% which is more than many other unpopular players can say. Glad he’s come through it and his potential is showing again.

Mate Kiddleton

I’d take metronomically consistent performances over sporadic flamboyance anyday.

Dr Baptiste

Our best teams have had very good squad players in them. I mean the obvious example to Wiltord. Never was going to be as good as Henry but you could rely on him to do his job and fill a gap. We’ve had too many awful squad players recently, so it’s great we’re starting to get back to something resembling that.


I think he has done really well recently, though he was never as bad as some people suggested. Credit where it’s due.

Bunburylist is a mahchodh

He would be my vote for player of the year based solely on his attitude this year. The kind of attitute and application we need more of and have lacked in recent years. To think we could still get another decade of him. He is well track to be one of the best midfielders around.

Arun Advaid

This Lad will be Grt player…The hardtimes he has faced in the last 3 years has made his nerves more stronger

and Defensively Arteta + Ramsey > Arteta + Jack in holding mid role

IJ Yarison said that in January itself that Jack was not suitable for Box midfield role or else he needs a proper CDM in arteta’s role


I agree that Ramsey is becoming more solid and hopefully will become a great player,


95% of the time, a backheel is the wrong option.


Ramsey complicates things with his back heel. But he has really improved recently, but I don’t think playing wilshere as an attacking mid fielder best out the best in him.


Sometimes a backheel is needed! Its good he has the balls to try it, you just got to make sure your 90% sure of it when attempting.

I am so happy Ramsey has overcome the mental and physical hurdles of his injury, and the criticism he received when we were playing like shite. We can all see he has the quality to become a big player for us. All he has to do now is keep his confidence, keep the consistency, and start becoming more influential in the final 3rd. He will prove to be an important player for us.


Ah yes backheels.

The famous cesc fabregas one that had barcelona on their way. >_< Painful

Bryan Thomson

I’ve read recently about Ramsey to be a great “bit-part” player and, arguably, that is precisely what he’s been doing this year. Not necessarily in terms of game-time, but in that of being the piece that fits in where it’s needed. However, I can’t help but feel that 2 seasons from now the plaudits will abound around this man and his ability, consistency and integrity both in the way we play and our philosophy. His determination to never shirk responsibility is going to be such an asset, especially if one or two others can learn a thing or two from… Read more »

pauly bear

I think ramsey get under rated as much as jack gets over rated. Two great players that are on there way back from bad injurys. Please note im not having a pop at jack here!

Big Dave

What you say about my man Jack…!!?


Oh pauly bear go suck a lemon!

pauly bear

You sir are my internet rival. I challenge you to a duel


Just keep your game simple…eliminate the temptation for those fancy flicks and backheels (another failed attempt last sat nearly caused us to concede one … you know that). Continue to work hard and i’m sure you’ll silence those anti-ramsey brigade if your recent performamce have not already done so


Initially he reminded me of Cesc. These days he has lost the confidence but I feel he is most likely to develop into a Cesc. He has the ability and works very hard he needs a few goals to start feeling he belongs because he arrives in the box a lot of the times.


I actually think he has that more Gerarrd-esque about him than Cesc. His engine and commitment is what resembles Gerarrd for me, plus he does have a brilliant shot in him and can pass. I keep telling all my mates, Ramsey and Wilshere will dominate the midfield in the next 3-5 years because of their passion, drive and commitment.

North Bank Ned

More Ray Parlour-ish than Gerrard-esque, to me.

Arsene Wenger

More Ramsey-like than Parlour-sh to me. I am the manager for 16 years, I am right.


I think that people tend to forget that Cesc had a great engine and great commitment. Sure, he has more class and flair to his game than Gerrard, but he was definitely a bad motherfucker when he needed to be.


His goal from the kickoff against 5pur2 is one of my favorite. Class and commitment.


His comparison to Cesc is understandable because of the lad’s technique. There ain’t many Welsh or British players around who can pull off the flicks and tricks – Bale doesn’t count as his main trick is to hit the deck.

The fact we are comparing him to Gerrard, Cesc is promising. There is a definite and substantial amount of talent that is blossoming. Credit to the guy and the boss for sticking with him.

Dan! Dan! Dan! ......Dan! .........Dan!!

Squad man….we need a top class player in his position for next season. He doesn’t score, can’t pass more than 10 yards and can’t tackle. Players like Ramsey, Gervinho and Diaby are a big reason why we are 5th. If we are going to challenge we need better players than these….while Ramsey is improving, he wouldn’t start for any other top side.


What a load of bollocks mate. A squad player is Denilson, Anderson, Mikel and that lot, not Ramsey. Yeah it took him some time to bounce back from his leg break mentally, but the lad broke his leg, I mean I don’t think some realise how much of a set back that is when you’re a footballer…your entire life depends on being able to kick a ball. Anyway nice to see Ramsey finding some form finally, he does every role he’s given without complaint and puts in 100% into everything he does. Can’t ask for anymore. Hoping those early flashes… Read more »


Not only did Ramsey break his leg either, he broke it at the age of 19 DOING WHAT HE GETS PAID FOR. Imagine you come to realise that the place where you work can cause an injury so great it can stop you from doing the job you love. What fear would any normal man feel with the thought that any man running towards you can take you out of the game from months to a year at a time. Now imagine learning that just as you start doing this work on a more regular basis. There aren’t many options… Read more »


I remember him scoring a screamer at the Emirates against Manchester United a couple of seasons back to win the game for us. He may not score often but he’s got some good ones in him.

Jim Jimminy

Yes. He would.


Agree with this. For player development this is good for him. He’s definitely improving. But if we want to challenge for trophies, relying on him and the others you mentioned is not the way to go. This really is the frustration. The talent is there but we need more than that to win things.


Not get into any top team? His form speaks otherwise you wannabe gooner. The likes of Carrick, Lucas, Mikel are starters at top teams, I would say Ramsey is equal or better than all 3. Supporters like yourself need to wake up and forget about the invincible’s, we building a new team.


Rambo my man


Wenger did him no favours playing him on the wing, even though its usefull experience for him. The wing players are rather forced/expected to create something special when on the ball and when not 100% confident, they might just be a bit painful to watch. (Also true for Gerv, but he has more wingerish qualities in my oppinion). This role alongside Arteta suits him well and id be kinda sad to see him benched for Jack right away. But then id also be sad to see Tommy benched for Jack. And just as sad not to see Jack play… darn.… Read more »


Wenger puts players on the wing to develop and hone some particular skills. It’s happened time and again with various players to varying levels of success. But more often than not I think a better player comes out the other side.

He ain’t stupid, he knows that Ramsey is a central midfielder.

Pensive Gooner

I completely agree with you. I really like Jack but having Rosicky in the CAM role gives us more attacking option on the right hand side channel – as opposed to Jack – where most of our attacks are down the left / center. But Jack is pure quality, and not having him will be a huge loss. Wenger could play him instead of Ramsey but I feel that would be extremely harsh on Ramsey – who I feel is the best partner for Arteta in the middle. In addition I love how he has been moving the ball along… Read more »


We can rotate them all… that way we see all of them! 🙂 My preferred trio in midfield though would be: – – – – – – – Rosicky – – – – – – – Ramsey – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Jack – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Arteta has a great engine and is playing great for us, I just think having them 3 in midfield is far too much energy for most… Read more »


Jeez people. He’s one year older than Wilshere and yet people have a go at him as if he’s 28. The guy has bags of potential and will become a fantastic player. His passing abilities on both feet are better than that of Wilshere’s imo.

North Bank Ned

Ramsey shows quite how long it takes for a young player to get over a serious injury. They don’t only have to get back to where they were, but also to where they should have developed to.


Okay folks – we got the Ox – and the Ram (bo) cmon you lads – go for it – want it!!


Don’t just defend him for the sake of it. Ramsey, whilst a good player is (for now) not first choice.
Look at it – cazorla,arteta,wilshere,rosicky,diaby(when not injured). All these guys will start before him if fully fit. I’m not saying he can’t overturn this, I’m simply talking about the current situation.


Though I still can’t understand where the Ramsey who carved up Chelsea in last year’s 5-3 triumph has disappeared to, I really like how he’s re-invented himself as an effort guy playing mostly at defensive midfielder, where he was poor last season. He’s obviously benefited from being asked to make only simple passes and he doesn’t hesitate on the ball as much. His versatility is also a plus, I like him as a makeshift right back when we need to sub on attackers to chase games. That said, I would like to be able to criticize him when it’s warranted… Read more »


Got a lot of time for Ramsey, true best not to complicate things, nice to see him back in the centre. Even in the time’s when he was struggling during games, he would never hide. I really did not understand the bad abuse he was getting.


To be fair, even when Ramsey was struggling last season, he’s always worked his nuts off (first player to run 100 miles in the league last year I believe), which is why I’ve always been open to giving him chances. It was a big ask to expect him to fill the creative void of Fabregas and Nasri and that’s without the injury. Credit to him for sticking at it and coming through the other side and he can only get better now. Also, credit to Wenger, who constantly gets a hard time for picking a player who needed games to… Read more »


Ramo has improved – he bossed midfield against us poor jocks at hampden. Kept it short and simple, and above all kept it.


It’s very good to see that his confidence is high. His maturity level has increased significantly it seems. Great future ahead.

Save 75 cents

I will admit that I was prone to throw abuse in his direction. Honestly, he deserved it at the time. About 4 months ago though I said meh fuck it and decided to get behind every player on our team and especially Ramsey. Fast forward to the Reading game and shit he played some amazing passes..and one not so good. I think hes on the up and I look forward to his progress.

Jim Jimminy

Wow. You decided to support the team. Thats so good of you. Have a medal.

Dr Baptiste

What player, in the team you supposedly support, actually deserves abuse? That’s the most ridiculous thing I think I’ve heard on this blog in recent memory (and this is a blog that has fatgooner). No player deserves abuse. A minority of fans like to think they’re entitled to shout obscenities and abuse at certain players but they’re not and to then decide you’re going to support the team…. Bravo sir, let’s give a nice slow clap to that.


You lot remind me of Mark Twain who told this story – when I was 18 I thought my father was stupid, but when I turned 25 I thought he was the smartest man in the world or words to this effect. To rephrase: you all thought you knew better than the manager about Ramsey, only to find out he was right all along. So to hide your stupidity, you argue that Rambo has improved dramatically. How glad we are that wenger ignored you and that arch-idiot morgan. Stop following the empty barrels and trust the pro’s.


Wow really a changed group of fans here! Singing nothing but praises for our rambo and deservedly so. I think that’s what we all should do, learn to give credit where it’s due and when its absolutely necessary to critisize do it only from what you actually see and not a fast one from outya fucking arse eh?

Also fond on another thing here. To give praise to one player you must then have a go at another (common with ramsey gervinho and walcott). Not cool coyg on saturday. Foys.


Keep it up, Rambo.It’s good to see how players like Jenkinson,Gibbs and Ramsey are improving but improving alone is not enough,with consistency it is.Take your time and chance,mate.


Ramsey is always something of a scapegoat when we aren’t playing well – I’ll be the first to admit that he’s had some patches of poor form over the past two seasons, but some of the criticism has been over the top. I like Ramsey and I don’t think we’ve seen his best yet. He’s had to adapt as a player since the injury and that’s never easy, but I think that he is shaping into a Mikel Arteta type player now – a mix between the Arsenal and Everton Artetas.


I think that Ramsey was the scapegoat for much of Arsenal’s problems in recent seasons and I was often caught in the cross hairs of angry gooners when I would defend his case, that’s why I pray his recent for continues. I honestly think he could become a Xavi and Arteta type player and not to mention in combination with his recent defensive and physical maturity, he can be damn near unstoppable in the future. I can’t wait to see him and Wilshere in midfield together, it would be like another Xavi and Iniesta.

[…] week, the only things going on are Theo Walcott calling for more consistency (I know, right!), and Aaron Ramsey hailing Arsene Wenger’s influence on his career. I like the Welshman, I have to say, I think there’s something lurking under […]


I think he’s been given plenty of playing time this season to warrant some improvement. Abusing our players is wrong, but I dont see anything wrong in criticising them if you FEEL they arent playing well. I hope he keeps getting better and doesnt stop. All the recent awareness by our team, i.e. playing with handbrakes on in the 1st half, having a go only when its too late, realizing they should be pressing higher up if the wanna play this formation, AW actually dropping players that are not performing….fans have been screaming for these changes for a long time… Read more »


I think he’s getting back to the standard he was at before getting Lenny’d. I still think he occasionally takes too many touches but he’s definately getting there. let’s not forget either that the lad is still only 22 and will, injuries permitting, continue to improve.
When he keeps it simple, he looks like a really class act but he’s still learning and I for one, look forward to him being around for some time to come.

'desi'gner gooner

Ramsey is a great talent. Last season when we found ourselves bereft of the services of Cesc and Nasri, it was Rambo who played in the attacking midfielder’s role until Rosicky found his mojo back towards the later half of the season. His bad form co-incided with the mozart’s return….He found it tough to find his form back but the best part about the lad is his tireless running….He has the best engine of all our players and he runs at the same pace even on 90 minutes….His performance as a make-shift right back away against Sunderland was mind boggling… Read more »

booing helps

great to read so much support for ramsey. I’ve always rated him and been mystified as to why he got so much stick from fans. He doesn’t catch the eye in the same way an explosive midfielder does but his all round game is varied and has real quality to it. i used to also see him as a cesc style player too…can’t help thinking he’s benefitted from playing with the lego haired one.


A lot of respect for him. Think a lot of our downfalls in recent seasons have been due to having too many technically sound players who don’t posses the consistency or the attitude. Some said it’s inexperience which is part of it, but a lot of it boils down to just having completely the wrong attitude. Have to say that pretty much every successful team Fergie has put together at United has been built on a core of players who may not be the most technically gifted but will work hard for 90 minutes, won’t hide and will produce a… Read more »


Is it only our club who give our own players SUCH a hard time? And has it only been since we moved to the Emirates? I am a bit young to remember but don’t recall anyone calling for Glenn Helder to be decpitated, or for Steve Morrrow to be dropped from a donkey……oh But seriously. Eboue, Gervinho, Ramsey, Santos, Cygan, Arshavin and many others have all suffered the wrath of some Gooners and in some cases it has effectively ended their careers with us. Ok, so Arshavin is an overweight lazy fucker, and Cygan was very much out of his… Read more »

Zorro in the box

I’ve always been a big fan and if he’s to be compared to anyone, it’d be Ray Parlour and Pirlo. Parlour, for the role he plays, the needed squad member who works for the team and gets the job done with 100% committment.

Pirlo for the game he’s trying to play – he may never be as good as him but his precision passing is something that shows a lot of talent. Add to that his understanding of the game and posititioning, there’s a great player in there.

[…] 早上好,各位!又是安静的一周里的宁静的一天。我们能听到的也就是沃尔科特号召球队保持状态,以及拉姆塞称赞温格在他职业生涯中起到的重要影响。赞赏威尔士小伙之余我不禁要说,大家要感觉到他潜在的正能量。我们是否最终能看到他的潜力转化成实力尚未可知,但是就最近这些个月来说,他在比赛中的状态保持了很好的连贯性,用自己的方式战胜了绊脚石。 […]


I have supported ramsey all along and some of you arsenal fans don’t know how much you have knocked his confidence, when you support a team you have to support the whole squad and those who criticize individual players obviously arent true supporters, ramsey has his whole career ahead of him and he has great potential

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