Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Walcott fit for Norwich clash

Theo Walcott has today declared himself fit for Saturday’s clash with Norwich at the Emirates.

The attacker has been sidelined for three weeks since sustaining a pelvis injury in training while on international duty but according to journalist Sarah Shephard, who today interviewed the Arsenal man for Sport Magazine, the player confirmed he’d be fit for the weekend.

It remains to be seen whether Jack Wilshere joins Theo in Arsene Wenger’s squad although given the form of Tomas Rosicky and Aaron Ramsey the boss may feel he has enough options to continue resting his young midfielder.

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Shouldn’t start


Agree. Gervinho’s a confidence player – what’d it say if he was dropped after his best three-game spell with us for someone whose last goal was about 2 months ago? Who else is there to leave out? Giroud – we need his height, abs of steel and smouldering glares to assist with defending the aerial bombardment and fouly shit that the obese ogre that is Grant Holt will inevitably provide during set plays.


Whaddaya mean he Shouldn’t start?
He should!
…….on the bench.

Gooner til I die

Maybe play Gervinho on the left, Walcott on the right, Santi, Rosicky, Arteta in midfield. Bang 5 in within 60 mins and bring on Rambo and Jack.

If only, if only!

Goon Goon Goon



We’ve got a good thing going right now, let us not spoil the shape of our team by bringing on Lord Theo.
If he wants he can conduct the post match interviews about how he’s improved as a player while being injured.

Sound bite:
Reporter: the teams been racking up points in your great absence hasnt it?
Theo: theo, theo, theo, theo, theo , theo, theo and finally theo.


Theo to come off the bench and score the winner….

gooner in manchester

Hope we won’t get ourselves in such edgy situation. When was the last time Walcott scored the winner for us when we desperately needed it?


The hate directed at our own players is getting so old now. What has Theo done wrong exactly? He stayed with us didn’t he? When he could have gone somewhere else on a free and been paid a shit load more. He showed some loyalty. He could have fucked off to manchester like that horrible dutch prick. Gervinho should start, not because Walcott is shit, but because Gervinho is in good form. You don’t need to hate Walcott to think he should start on the bench. There are plenty of players on other teams you can direct your hate towards… Read more »


Hopefully we,LL have a couple of goals under our belt and then give him a run out and hopefully the rest he got might give him back some of that early season form


Everyone should have to fight his way back into the team. Start Gerv, bring Theo on as a sub and see if he does anything to make the boss start him.


Always good to have players back. The current set up is delivering, always helps if the likes of Theo Jack and Poldi are on the bench. Hope Poldi plays, wanna see him power one in from 40 yards!


Seems like forever since Poldi got some playing time!


Podolski requires surgery on his ankle apparently.

Loop A Hole

Why do people like that Poldi requires surgery on his ankle?


people like it that pertinent information, liable to be forgotten, was brought up on the topic


Hopefully more this is true likes, than crocked Poldi is good likes

Gervinho's brow

I predict Theo, you will get a splinter in the left cheek while you ride the bench…THE FOREHEAD has spoken!


declared himself fit huh, thats how it happen now is it?, there was me thinking fitness declarations came from the medical team and thus to arsen

Arsene Wenger

Ah, non, Feo does whatever he likes because of his superior technical quality.


How about he’s declaring himself fit for norwichm? let’s gladly welcome him back to the team and appreciate he wants to get back in the mix and push forward.

I might be overdoin myself but I have a soft spot for theo…..


Great news regardless of who starts. We need as many fit players as possible in the squad these closing stages


as good as Ramsey/Gervinho have been in the recent weeks, i feel the game against Norwich should be looked at with a view of boosting and bettering our goal scoring record on Chelsea…we should be looking to win by at least 3 goals… for that reason i am very much inclined to see Walcott on the right, Podolski up front and Gervinho/The ox on the left with the likes or Santi cazorla/Rosicky/Arteta feeding the front 3. we need to show some intent and make use of our attacking games in such games – also with us playing on tuesday against… Read more »


It won’t be an easy game. Didn’t Norwich beat us earlier in the season? I’m more concerned about points than goal difference right now.

Gunsen gunner

A lot of people seem to be mentioning Podolski up front but i don’t really think he can play there for us on his own.He doesn’t really have great hold up play and is more suited to playing for a deep-lying counterattacking team i.e not us.Giroud’s form may not be great but i think he’s really missing podolski,theo not so much.Podolski is the only player in our squad who is extremely direct in his play,alway looking for an opening to take a shot or put someone through.Giroud isn’t exactly the best type of striker in our system but he’s the… Read more »


He can’t do it on his own in the middle? This is what people said about Robin van Persie, that he should be in the left flank and if not then be used as a second striker. Nobody really predicted he would do so well in this position. Now I see people writing off Podolski the same way, I say if he is given a chance(by chance I mean a run of games not an odd game in the middle) he would prove all doubters wrong


Wenger tried that pre-season. He wasn’t mightily impressed with Poldolski’s movement as striker, thus Gervinho was chosen to play CF for a bit.


Let me guess. You play a lot of Football Manager don’t you?

El Dave

Thanks Skins you made me laugh !!!


Rest Jack for this game. Play him the next. There’s two others coming up in a hurry so Rosicky will need to be rested as well at some point.

Get real

We need him. Soon people will remember how rubbish Gervinho is!

i like trains

why the dislikes?? lets be honest people, who remembers bradford? but still he should be given a chance i suppose.

Get real

People are very forgetful. Same thing with Bendtner and a few more. Deadwood. We need quality not rubbish.

Parisian Weetabix

It’s a promising sign of the times that no-one’s dragged up the word “deadwood” recently. Deadwood = Park, Chamakh, Bendtner, Denilson, none of whom are currently anywhere near playing for Arsenal, and rightly so. In terms of the players who’ve been playing in the squad since January, I haven’t seen any deadwood. The deadwood is slowly drifting away.




Whats with all the Walcott hating? Hes been arguably our best player this season. So hes said hes fit…..BOOOOOO!!!
What?!? Some of you fans make me laugh. Although i agree with the point that he should have to compete and win his place back rather than just reclaim it. H hasnt had a good month but hopefully he will come back a bit fresher and with more mental strength…..

Touched Your Mother

The Theo hating should really stop… He is quality, and signing him to a new contract was a must in terms of the club’s public image. People tend to forget that he is still very young, and has blistering pace, which with maturity will come good in the next couple of years, and in my opinion he has become a lot more consistent these past two years.

Bergkamp's Baldnesss

Theo is going to be critical for us in the run in. He’s got loads of pace, is probably one of our best finishers and makes pretty much any left back think twice about joining in on the attack. I think we bring him on with about 30 minutes left if we need to a goal or save him and give him a run out against Everton. He could go a long way in keeping Baines from being a factor on the left flank. Just my opinion.

Proud Gooner NK

yh … “consistent”ly shit…! Jkjk, we need as many players fit and ready to be called upon at this crucial stage of the season. COYG




Bring him on for Gervinho in the 65 minutes (unless the latter is on his way to a hatrick which only seems likely in a parralell universe), he gains some bit of match fitness then compare the two players’ performance to see who will start for everton monday fucking night coz that’s the big one.

Or simply sub him on when a free kick is on the cards, lord theo needs those.

Arsene Wenger

I was going to thumb you down for having no mental strength, but I didn’t because it is fitting that you got 3 thumbs down for your hat-trick comment. If anything, this is when Gervinho is most likely to score a hat-trick.


Booo! We want Gervinho!


Walcott is a player we really have 2 patient with. You can’t just start hating him bcos he is out of form but remember he has been a real asset for us this season and we really need him durin these closing stages of the season. I really don’t want him to start but he should always come in as a “super sub” who wil wit his pace run at defenders and make assisst 4 goals or score goals by himself. I wil also lyk 2 c him play a ful 9+ minutes against everton cos 2 b sincere we… Read more »




silly little boy with a keyboard which alas! has a caps lock button…..i should get mine one of those.


Having arguments and headaches on whom should start!Oh all my wet dreams came true!

Just roll back a couple of months ago and you’ll see how lucky we are

And when the wheels are falling offf!!!


Don’t care who plays as long as we get 3 points an put more pressure on the chavs and spuds I’m happy.


I would even start having Gnabry on the bench and maybe bring him on if we have a comfortable lead, just to see what he can offer

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That’s a reasonable plan if, and only if, we get a comfortable lead. There is a very strong likelihood that it will not be that easy. If we are at 70 minutes and a goal behind or level then I would rather see Walcott coming on than Gnabry. There are only a few seats on the bench and we have to have our best available experienced non-starters filling them at such a crucial stage of the season. The first 15 games of the season is the time for trying out the youngsters.


I have a feeling that he might play well now that he has realised that he is no longer a guaranteed starter. Should bring him on on 65′ for rosisky or gervinho.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

But he hasn’t really been dropped, so how would he realise that he is not a guaranteed starter? Bringing him straight back in as a starter on the top of an injury that followed a barren spell would send him the wrong message. Much better that he starts on the bench, IMHO. That way he gets his lesson about humility and the need for hard work in EVERY game, AND he still gets a chance to make an impact. Also Gervinho gets a message that his efforts are appreciated and that he is not just an emergency backup to be… Read more »


Great news for Theo, hope Le Professor makes him earn his place back in the starting XI.

Here’s a Na$ri joke:

Me: Very well, how much do you bench?
Na$ri: 90 minutes.

Ba dum ts.


Walcott definitely shouldn’t start. After an excellent performance and a win at West Brom the team shouldn’t be changed. The balance at The Hawthornes looked just about right.

Impact sub – if we need him.


With Everton in midweek do you really think we should play the strongest team now?, we’ll need rotation this week.

All the bandwagon cunts are piling on Theo, for fucks sake he just came back from injury and all you guys have is hate for the guy, some fans arsenal has…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

A good point followed by a needless insult aimed at your fellow Gooners.


Theo is an excellent option from the bench. But if he starts thats great too. Competition for places can only be good. Jacks long term injury situation remains are serious concern.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It doesn’t really look like competition if he comes straight back into the starting line-up as it’s quite a while since he last put in a really good performance. He needs to be given a chance to earn a starting place. A run on from the bench to show he is really over his injury and has the hunger to do well is exactly what he needs and would also ensure that Gervinho is sent the right message. Ideally Walcott would replace somebody else rather than Gervinho, especially if Gervinho is giving another solid performance. It doesn’t help Arsenal if… Read more »


He was in poor form before he got injured and he’s going to be off the pace now – start him on the bench and have him as an impact sub. Leave the team unchanged (except from Verm/Mert)
If he starts, I hope it’s in place of Giroud.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I was with you right up to the last sentence. Mind you, if he does start then some poor deserving soul will have to make way, and to tell the truth I think it would be a little unfair on any of them if they were replaced “just like that”. I hope Wenger has the brains to start Walcott on the bench. He can put him in the starting line-up against Everton then, if he looks ready and nobody will be too upset as it would then be all about rotation rather than favouritism.


Is it only me who reads “pelvis injury” as “penis injury” and silently giggle?

Ah, okay …


Yes, it is only you.


Theo should start on the bench and come on if we need an impact.
If we are a goal up, Theo should keep the opposition defence occupied in their defensive left area and he can pin them back there a bit. When we play on a bigger pitch like the Emirates this effect becomes more apparent. Theo is less effective on smaller pitches IMO.
Clear the ball out of defence, long ball to Wallcott.



I found this quite interesting, if all correct. We have an identical pitch to Norwich, significantly smaller than the two Manchester clulbs and far bigger than Sp*rs (small club, small pitch).
I was surprised to see Stoke’s pitch is bigger than ours! Perhaps that’s something they tried out in the last few months. It would explain their recent, and hilarious, tour of 15th place.


How is the Ox ever going to get a start?


Run down his contract and decide to be a striker?

[…] and in terms of early team news there’s the suggestion Jack Wilshere will be back while Theo Walcott has declared himself fit and available for selection. Here’s the thing though, would you bring him back into the […]


Theo is a good impact sub, and that’s the best way to use him. I’d start podolski too, gerv on the right. Ramsey, Caz, ros. Arteta. Giroud needs a rest.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


I like the picture.
Give him 100 grand a week and he thinks he’s bloody Superman.


Gervinho needs to start, much improved finding his feet, he earned his spot on the team,


where has Podolski been? Walcott is still our sharpest foreman, dont vex him. play him aw

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