Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger: no more room to drop points

Arsene Wenger said the draw against Manchester United was a fair result, but admitted there’s no further room for error this season.

With just three games left, Arsenal will most likely need maximum points to secure a top four place, and the Arsenal manager is confident his team can do it.

“There’s no room for dropping points. We are in a position where we cannot drop points, we know that. If we win our other games it will be enough.

“I am convinced we will be there but there is no room for dropping points. But the other teams are in the same position. Overall I can only praise the players for the effort, the dynamic and the desire we put in.

“Let’s keep it going like that and we will have a chance to be where we want to be.”

Bacary Sagna’s error proved costly in the end, but the boss reminded people that he’s a player who has, since he joined, been remarkably consistent until this campaign.

“He is very disappointed tonight, he is a boy who gives absolutely everything in every game. I think he made a bad pass, that can happen, and maybe after he panicked a little bit and maybe wanted to repair too quickly what he did, but he had time to tackle.

“He has saved us so many times that unfortunately it happened today.”

While frustration is understandable, and nobody can deny Sagna has had a poor season overall, perhaps it’s worth bearing in mind before all the vitriol is launched his way.

Remaining fixtures:


QPR (a)
Wigan (h)
Newcastle (a)


Man Utd (a)
Sp*rs (h)
Aston Villa (a)
Everton (h)


Southampton (h)
Chelsea (a)
Stoke (a)
Sunderland (h)

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arsenal win the rest of their games, +9 = 73
spurs and chelsea draw
chelsea draw with man u, win their other 2 games, +8 = 73
spurs win 2 draw 2, +8 = 70

arsenal to finish 3rd on goal difference and spuds out 🙂

Parisian Weetabix

Copy and pasted from the comments in the match report? 😉


If Chelsea somehow manages to win in Old Trafford. they also have to win against the Sp*rs. This would allow us to even draw one game and still end up fourth. The third place, however, would be very unlikely in this case. Sp*rs still out, though.
If they lose or draw (against MUFC): see above.


if chelsea loses to Sp*rs and both win their other 3 then we’re f*cked.
that’s not gonna happen though.


I wont hurl abuse at Sagna, there are plenty of players at this club that will struggle to produce the consistency Bac brought for the first 5 years of his Arsenal career. I will wonder what the hell was going through his mind when he ran back after the dodgy pass, i mean it wasn’t exactly a clear cut opportunity. Ah well UTA


I don’t want to hurl abuse at sagna he has been 1 of our best players over the last few years but this season his heart is not there anymore I think he’s gone at the end of the season and he knows it


You have to ask then, why are we playing him when we have jenkinnson. Arsene clearly believes he is the better player yet we know he will be allowed to leave.
We should be playing jenkinnson, and if arsene a doesn’t believe jenks is ready then between know and when the season starts again and with only pre season games under his belt , will he be more ready. I doubt it. Play him now and give him the games to build his game and confidence.


Qualifying for the champions league comes before one player’s development. If wenger thinks that by playing sagna for these last few games we have a better chance of finishing in the top four than if he played jenks, then he is obligated to do so. There is no margin for error any more and the pressure in these last games will be immense. Is a guy who’s only broken into the team this season, and in his early 20’s, better equipped to deal with these types of games than a seasoned pro who has been arguably the best/most consistent right… Read more »

Telepathic pass

“Ah I just surrendered the ball to Le cunt, what will I do? Lemme run back and do either of this. a) Not get the ball but hopefully put him out for 6 months. Pelanty? Meh
b) fuck it if its a penalty, this cunt is mine!!!

or just a rush of blood that normal footballers week in week out fall victim to.


He had just one thing on his mind: “That cunt is going down”.

Oh well..


Agree with the Sagna comments. Cannot believe some of the shitty comments about him below the match report. Bac always gives 100%.

Matt Senior

I was furious with his overall performance. He doesn’t get back quick enough anymore. He has been great for us but his time has passed. Jenkinson was growing into a great player and should have played more in the last few months.

Bould's Eyeliner

And Jenkinson just lost in U21… we have not seen his form in quite awhile in a first league game. Still needs time, in Wenger’s opinion, and that’s good enough for me…


“He doesn’t get back quick anymore” yeah. Like that last minute tackle on johnes or when he recovered to shield evra in the second half.
And how about that time Jenks drove half the field to set up swansea for their second? See, they are both human.

I know he’s been below par but most of the comments are motivated by who he’s ahead of. I like them all and as much as i like Carl, he doesn’t look ready yet. He will do just fine but spend most of the game playing safe (basically pass to the BFG)


“most of
the comments are motivated by who he’s
ahead of.”…’Nough said


fucking should have rested sagna for few games, he is clearly not in great form and also not fit. Jenkinson is good enough to do the job when sagna is struggling.
i just know sagna is not fit, because his comeback game after injury showed when given proper rest there are none better than him.
i am not giving up on him because of rosicky who showed that form can be turned eventually no matter how old you are.

Bould's Eyeliner

Except for that one pass I thought he had an incredible game. Just ending every attack down the right even though he was pretty much handling a 2v1… Also showed tremendous character to continue remaining a force throughout the second half with some great mental recovery, too. Sadly.. that pass. He definitely had time to box out Van Persie as he caught up to him, but who could blame him for panicking there… I nearly kicked over my stool.

Gervinho fan

Disagree, I accept that he was often left 2v1 whilst Walcott practised his disappearing act but so often he had a MU runner in front of him that he did not make enough of an effort to catch up to. Not the first time this season either, his tracking back after going forward has left a lot to be desired. Tired legs maybe but either way, Jenks rarely lacks in the effort department. The main area where we would miss Sagna, and why Wenger can’t drop him this season, is because without Giroud, Sagna is the only guy capable of… Read more »

Bould's Eyeliner

Yeah definitely, Mertesacker lacks strength to win headers despite his height. His venture as a CB was truly great, and considering his slowing pace, I don’t think a shift would be a bad idea…def has plenty for CB… I don’t know if its tired legs or just declining legs… he’s certainly not the player he used to be and we’d have to see next season (if he remains) whether that’s really about recovering form or the fact that he’s aging. He’s still quite fast… but not enough to cover 2v1… It’s kind of ridiculous that everytime Walcott attempts to win… Read more »

Arty's Art

I’m glad the reasonable fans are having their say now. And that Arseblog, as ever, have it spot on!

We can do it.

Jack's Right Foot

Finger’s crossed, I won’t be able to relax until we’ve cemented our place above Sp*rs.


The grover

Arsene was really up for this one. He was so enthusiastic on the touchline there. He and I both felt this match was really ours for the winning shame about the crazy l sagna moment and some bad decision making

[did anyone notice walcott free on the right wing: all alone yet neither of ramsey/poldi not really sure bothered to play him in; that was to be a sure goal 2-1]

We should take 9 points from the remaining games and with the way we’ve been playing that really should be a formality.

Gunner From Another Mother

I have to agree. It’s hard to imagine we wouldn’t have scored if a half decent pass was played Walcott’s way.

And as much as we needed 3 points, it’s hard to be upset after our teams performance. They really fucking went for it and it was just great to watch. Shame about Sagna’s incident, but no point dwelling to much on it I suppose.


Ramsey really should have made that pass but appeared not to notice Walcott. Can’t fault Rambo’s workrate, but his passing in this game was very poor at times.


No one was there in the end of any cross from our right side, we missed Giroud!!


Yeah because he’s really been banging them in lately. It’s not giroud we missed today it was a van persie type player. Podolski wasn’t fit, I’m not saying he was injured but just not fit enough. He struggled so many times to keep up with play, we need a real proper goal poacher that can run onto passes and see the opening that our midfield can pass into. Giroud is not that player. Defence was great again, the mistake apart obviously, the midfield worked its Bollox off and tackled and ran all afternoon. It was only when we got near… Read more »

Gunner From Another Mother

I feel Podolski can really be that player for us next season when he’s (hopefully) 100% fit and ready to go. You can’t say that if he was playing up front he’d have had the same chances as Giroud, but you have to think he would have put away many that the Frenchman missed this season.

Bould's Eyeliner

I still think HFB will improve… he’s missed a lot for sure, but why does no one consider that he can improve? His shots are usually just off target. A little adjustment and a little composure – easily attainable with some more acclimation to the game. Maybe this red will give him the chance to cool his head… we shall see his hunger in the final game.


Sorry but the defence was not ‘great’ at all today. We gave them 3 unchallenged headers in our 6 yard box, two of which we would absolutely slate Giroud for missing. Mert was a bit at sea positionally for the crosses but did ok apart from that. Gibs and Bac had a difficult task with no cover and done well defensively. Bac had a bit of a nightmare as far as his standards go though. Cost us the goal with not one, but two mistakes and should have been sent off. Koza was fantastic and nicking the ball back, easily… Read more »

twisted cuntloks

I think we will take 4 points from the last 3 games.

why ? those last 2 are relegation matches for those clubs and may prove too tough for us

Jack's Right Foot

What?! No!

Arty's Art

I can’t see Newcastle pulling that one off on their current form.

The Wigan game is most worrying for me.


I saw on twitter that we get Wigan at home 3 days after the FA Cup final? If true, that fixture should be the least of our worries, though they have played us well the past couple years.

The grover

Newcastle have been woeful for sometime now so you might be right we may well get beat.

Arsene Wenger

Newcastle just lost six nil to a Liverpool who didn’t have the Talented Racist Cannibal.

And don’t let me remind you, they are not the only ones scrapping for their lives; top four for us is like staying up for them.

Gunner From Another Mother

Talented Racist Cannibal, hahaha good lord. Hilarious.


just like reading v qpr earlier right? They truly went for it didn’t they?

twisted cuntloks

heh you guys still think we are a great team !

we are everton/spuds in a red and white shirt, what year are you living in ??


what the hell?


Sagna’s mistakes are as apparent as 1+1=2. Maybe wenger should consder using jenkinson more often. Iam a big sagna fan, but I have to say I have been disappointed in his games in the recent past


He keep saying this for weeks now and we dropped some. I expect a similar thriller at St. James’s like against WBA last year.


How many times was Bac last man wide right, with Theo charging off into the middle and nobody to aim a cross at……hence only option is to drag back n pass….

Adam, Watford

Sorry, I just saw this and posted something similar already. When Theo Walnutt is doing the job he is paid to do then I have no issue and he took his goal well. I’m all for that and ‘ Yay ‘ for Theo and everything. However, the number of times he drifted inside today meant we lacked an option either for Sagna of the midfiled. This has been a problem for most of the season. If Theo had stuck on the wing like he was supposed to, then he might even have scored a few more goals this campaign. A… Read more »


Only matter of time I suppose before someone blamed Walcott for that goal. Jesus fuck I’ve seen and read it all know.

Arsene Wenger

While I disagree with a lot of the anti-Theo comments on here, I don’t think anyone was blaming him for that goal.

The problem is his chemistry with Sagna. United’s wingers were poor but they overlapped effectively with their fullbacks while Lord Theo tried to drift inside throughout the whole game.

Adam, Watford

I wasn’t the first here to do so. I think it is a reasonable assertion given the way lil’ ol’ TJ has gone about his business recently. Yes, the tackle itself was a little hasty as Hasan has said above, the situation wasn’t shit or bust and the BFG and Kos were covering the cross, had it come. Bac could have jockeyed the skunk but it did stem from a pass back that may have been the only option, otherwise why do it ? Anyway, my stream was a little pixelated so I will see if MotD yields a clearer… Read more »


Look at Adams post below. Which was where I meant to post this. I think he’s clearly blaming Walcott. Which frankly is one of the most rediiculas comments I’ve ever seen on this site. And that’s saying something.



Adam, Watford

Voldie, old son, I feel honoured to have reached such a high point or is that a low point on this site. It’s clearly not easy and I appeared to breeze it.

I would have prepared some sort of acceptance speech if I had had any inkling of this achievement . . .



I just don’t understand how people can assume Wenger is so incompetent that he cannot get Theo to follow his tactics. If you think Theo just does whatever he wants you’re pretty dumb.

Loop A Hole

I partly agree with what you said, but it does happen with a lot of quality wingers doesn’t it? Cristiano never stays wide, neither does Ozil, and you dont see Madrid complaining. Not comparing Theo with them, just that there’s very little movement in our frontline this season, and Theo has been showing the way most of the time. Unfortunately, not one of our midfield passers seem interested to pick out a long ball and sent Theo in. Damn I miss Cesc. Don’t understand it all. Most of our guys are very bad crossers, there’s only one guy in all… Read more »


Maybe because podolski was so unfit that he just could not keep up with play and theo had to move inside to give us an option. Maybe you don’t see this on tv but at the game and granted maybe off camera podolski was seriously struggling from early in the first half. A times we broke so fast he was just left floundering in the midfield.
It was not injury or surely wenger would have gone with Gerv in the middle but the bloke just doesn’t look fit enough.

Adam, Watford

I agree Poldi was quite deep and I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in that he was there to hold the ball up but yes, we were left a bit wanting up top. If Theo was compensating for that then why was nobody deployed to cover Theo on the wing ? Have Bac and Jenks on on the flank ? It summed it up for me when Theo got in Poldi’s way on the edge of the box, in the second half, and neither player got a shot away. I’d rather we stuck Carzorla further… Read more »


To be honest Adam there where a few us calling for Gervinho. And I never thought I’d say that. But at least he would have held the ball up a little and maybe given time to bring others into play.
I’m not knocking podolski for the sake of it but we just never had a centre forward for most of the game. Have no idea what his problem is but I’ve never seen a player look so fucked within ten minutes of a game. And I was one of those calling to give him a run at centre forward.

Clock End Mike

I agree. Can’t blame Theo too much for drifting inside when Cazorla does that most of the time, and Podolski was clearly not the potent striker we needed in the centre. The thing is, Theo is still learning the positional aspect of his game, and sometimes just hangs around on the back line hoping for the ball (and too often drifting offside), instead of trying to get into a position where he can either run at the defence, or draw them away to make room for someone else. That said, there was more than one occasion on Sunday when a… Read more »


80% of Arsenal players do not have the team spirit mentality. Sometimes it is good to call a spade; a spade but not like AW who wants to defend everyone. When a soft approach of dealing with the players fails, tray hard one as we need results coz they have been given opportunity to show value for money. In Podolski today i saw no striker could he even run like VP. Finally if AW should remain AFC coach we need players who have the zeal to win trophies unfortunately even the coach now thinks the past 8 years is still… Read more »

Parisian Weetabix

Sky Sports ran Wenger’s comments under the headline “Wenger defends tactics”, and then in the article itself made no reference to Wenger defending tactics, anyone else defending Wenger’s tactics, or tactics. Frigging press manipulation rubs me up the wrong way. This isn’t the US.

Adam, Watford

Why was sagna forced to pass back in the first place ?

Could it be he had no outlet, and not for the first time, on the right wing ?

Hmmm . . .


Adam “i dont like theo that much” watford. We get it now.

Theo got us the goal…….sagna got them the goal. U should really wait for next weekend and look for yet another dubious reason to bash walcott.

Adam, Watford

I’m not sure it’s a dubious reason but well, we all see things the way we do. I will say, for balance, that Theo at full pace on the wing and good delivery is a fantastic sight and I have been one of his supporters for a long time, just not recently. I just call it as I see it and use whatever I see to back up what I think. I am as prone to being wrong or right as anyone so I am not going to argue. His goal today was really neatly taken and we got the… Read more »


Do you think Theo runs around doing whatever he wants and Wenger just shrugs and figures he can’t do anything about it? You are dense, it’s Wenger’s teams and Wenger’s tactics, if Theo is drifting inside it’s because Wenger wants him to, or the alternative, Wenger cannot control his team.

Telepathic pass

Nothing prevented sagna from stroking the ball out seeing as there was no outlet in the form of walcott. That back pass by sagna was those one off situations and this time Sagna got caught. Attempting to recover it was just a matter of instinct (put things right, the tackle?; perhaps a rush of blood) To blame walcott for such is lame really.

Adam, Watford

Neutral, you may not agree with me but . . . I am tempted to say Yes. Walcott does just run around doing what he wants and Wenger just shrugs but that would be just petulant. What I actually think is that Wenger lets Theo run around and trusts him to make the right runs at the right time in the process of learning the role he so desperately wants but often fails to achieve. Wenger seems to trust thar Walcott will make the transition. In Wenger I Trust and so, ergo, I shouldn’t complain, right ? In this case… Read more »


Why the fuck didn’t he kick the ball forward clear your lines we wouldn,t be having this discussion now if he did that wallcot is not the only player on the pitch

Adam, Watford

Maybe he wanted to keep possession rather than hoof it from the half way line. It’s a cruel irony of course but we don’t hoof the ball from the half way line, we look for a pass !

I’m not saying you are necessarily wrong, though !


Sagna got the ball with his studs… Watch it in slow mo from the camera behind the goal that is zoomed in and you will clearly see Van Persie touches the ball towards goal, and it changes direction towards the byline when it comes off Sagna’s studs!

Adam, Watford

It was still a large slice of the skunk though, and frankly it looked a penalty and it was a penalty. Phil dowd could not possibly have seen it differently and I thought he had a very good game.
None of the usual Howard Webb bollocks.

Incidentally, was he changed from reffing this one and if so why or was that just internet chat I got that wrong info from ?

Jim Jimminy

Now why didnt phil dowd do that.


Glad 2 out of 3 ramaing matches are away. Could possibly fuck it up if at Emirates.

64 + 9= 73pts = 3rd place?

The one remaining home-fixture at the Emirates is Wigan. This fixture last season was a nightmare. And the season before Flappy gifted Wigan with two goals in the dying seconds at the DW to save them from relegation.

As much as Arsenal are experienced at “saving” ourselves from the Europe League, Wigan are equally experienced at “saving” themselves from relegation.

Let’s make the atsmosphere better at the Emirates and sing the entire 90 minutes against Wigan, like those fucking bastards from Manchester did our our turf yesterday.


If we win our remaining games not only will we get top 4, but we’ll probably relegate qpr, Wigan and Newcastle in the process


Yea, I can see why it was given, but he did get the ball… It balances out with the Theo offside decision anyway.

He was rash and reckless all game in any case and should’ve been withdrawn. Wenger wasn’t thinking straight leaving him on, very nearly got sent off.


Very big point today. Well done Arsenal. The unbeaten surge continues. 71 and goal difference will be enough. Chelsea has a huge fixture list. Spurs are up and down. We will will beat Wigan at home and will need a point at Newcastle. QPR is the Key game now. I just can’t see Chelsea beating Manure and Spurs beating Chelsea. Spurs has to go to Stoke and Everton will fight all the way against Chelsea. Arsenal has by far the easier fixture list. But QPR is now the most important game this club has played for years.

Little Dutch

Sagna’s poor performances all come when Walcott plays in front of him. Think there might be a connection.

Hefty Dave

I cant believe everyone is on Bac’s back he has been one of the best players that Arsenal for ages he makes 1 mistake and we are ready to sell him down the river. How many times have others around him screwed up and caused us to drop points 1 game does now make a season.

We just have to win the games now and we should not be in the bloody position end of story.

Jim Jimminy

As ive got older ive tried to avoid saying i hate things or people. And as Arsenal have slipped further away from our past rivals (not spuds) its been easier in becoming too angry about other teams. However… after the past week and having to listen to the media and the so called experts crowing on about how wonderful the traitor is and how brilliant ferguson is, despite the fact he is a huge delusional hypocrite, ive had enough. I hate manchester utd. I hate robin van persie. I hope the players feel the same. I hope that for the… Read more »

64 + 9= 73pts = 3rd place?

Thanks Jim for getting that off all “our” chests.

A couple of drunk Mancs harrassed me and my son on the bus on the way to Emirates yesterday, singing “Gooooo… Ro-bin… Van Per—–sie….” in our face, repeatedly.

My son is 8, he shouldn’t have to ride on the same bus with these in-bred, illiterate wankers.


I’m not too disappointed about today. Like I’ve said before, there is a creeping inevitability about us finishing at least fourth. The way that Spurs botttled a very winnable game at Wigan, combined with that 97th minute goal at Anfield last week has convinced me even more. And we could have easily lost today but didn’t. That point could make all the difference. The luck is with us. The side which loses the Chelsea v Spurs game will probably finish fifth. What was so frustrating about today is just how ordinary we looked. This has to be the worst side… Read more »

Dick Swiveller

Did I imagine the half of utter domination against the champions elect? Any striker of any note up front (even Giroud) and we’d have had a second goal, I was encouraged by how close to them we were and but for a moment of madness might have got all 3 points, Poldi obviously ain’t fit but get another striker in over the summer and another midfielder and we’re good to go.


Skunk trying to walk into the home team dressing room. O_o

Would have made more sense had he walked into the Arsenal physio room.


Guys am I the only one or were the commentators openly biased (They were criticizing Arsenal for no reason at all) ?? I had to eventually mute my TV set.. :/

Gunsen gunner

They always do.Those cunts like bashing us.

I can’t believe Savage reckoned we were wrong to boo RVC though.Out of all the “pundits” i’d have expected him with his “if you can’t beat them,break them” outlook o understand.


Wrong to boo van Persie, wrong to boo Shawcross, defending all wrong, attacking all wrong, club all wrong. The media is just trying to produce a message of hate against us. A message that “it is unacceptable to bite people, but a leg-breaking tackle is honourable”, “it is expected to respect and sing the praises Sir/King/Emperor Alex Ferguson, but Wenger should fuck off back to France”. The only answer is to not listen to them. People like Tony Gale, Garth Crooks and Adrian Durham should be sterilised and prevented from having children. And if they dare set a foot upon… Read more »

Double Canister

Kill Off all the children they already have, for the sake of humanity’s gene pool.


Sagna had a bad game. After the Sunderland game he was world-class and now many are calling for him to be dropped. Jenkinson has been guilty of giving the ball away or playing dangerous passes earlier this season.

Let’s support every player now.



Anyone know do Chelsea get a spot in champions league next season if they win Europa league?

Jim Jimminy

Winners of the europa lg do not qualify for the champions league.




Sp*rs could quite easily drop points in all their remaining games.

damien joyce

I though at time of losing to spuds our best chance of top 4 was to overtake a chelsea team that still flatters to deceive. I really think they have toughest run in, a loss to man u will be followed by a huge game v spuds which they could easily lose too, i hate the cunt but bale is quality and could win it on his own, then they have villa who will hopefully still need couple of points to be sure of staying up, and finishing at home to Everton who never lie down on their belly’s to… Read more »

God Theo

How many times did I, God Theo, touch the ball in the second half?

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is it heretical to say i’d rather spuds got in CL than chavs? there i did it now anyway.

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