Saturday, July 27, 2024

Denilson thanks ‘fantastic guy’ Wenger

According to Denilson, who had his contract at Arsenal terminated by mutual consent last week, will finally seal a permanent move to Sao Paulo after the club’s sporting director Adalberto Baptista revealed he’s confident of doing a deal in the coming days.

Despite things not working out at Arsenal, a club he joined as a 17-year-old back in 2006, the midfielder believes he’s become a better man and footballer thanks to Arsene Wenger.

“Arsenal was literally my home for five years and it will be in my memory forever,” he said in a statement released by Sao Paulo.

“I had to learn things the hard way, but luckily I improved and matured in England. I always lived alone, without mastering English and had great responsibility placed on me.

“In spite of all the difficulties the experience has made me feel even better as a man. I have more joy than sadness at having played in England and still feel honoured to have played so long for one of the ten biggest clubs in the world.

“I would like to thank all the players and staff during my time at the club, but especially Arsène Wenger, who was arguably the person who trusted and invested the most in me.

“He always treated me like a son and I have no doubt that Wenger was instrumental in my development as an athlete. He’s a fantastic guy.”

A touching farewell from Denilson and best of luck to him in the future.

Elsewhere both Nicklas Bendtner and Sebastien Squillaci also appear to be making progress in their hunt for new clubs.

French publication Le Matin claim that centre-back Squillaci, who will become a free agent in just over 400 hours, is wanted by Swiss side FC Sion although former club Ajaccio are also said to be involved in the ‘chase’ for his signature.

Finally, Bendtner could be heading to Germany. Last week the Dane revealed he had several offers on the table and Bild are now claiming that one potential destination is Borussia Moenchengladbach.

Citing another year spent predominantly on the sidelines due to injury the Greatest Sriker That Ever Lived appears to have accepted that Champions League football is not a deal breaker.

Looking around the interweb there are further mutterings about Zenit and Arshavin holding talks (just get a room guys), Djourou possibly spending another year on loan at Hannover if Arsenal subsidise his wages and Mannone being wanted in Italy.

We’ll follow up those juicy titbits another day…or not.

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He’s a product of the non-existent squad competiton of the late 00’s. Can’t say I miss him.


Can’t say I miss the non-existent squad competition of the late 00’s.


well, apparently he doesn’t miss us too (he didn’t mention the fans in his farewell), so mutual it is!

Ok, 1,2,3 GO! Signings signings SIGNINGS!


chill, woman.


yes indeed. With the signings city have already made you’ll think they need it more than we do.

I am not saying we wont sign anyone but I just hope that by the time we start doing so, the [player X] and [player Y] will still be on the market and not already signed by rivals etc.


I`m tired of these cowards that populate this place. Ptooye! Player X, Player Z, always the same, always the safe option. Put your cards on the table, da!


TGSTEL – Bendtner could learn alot from Denilson. But mostly humility. I’m sure Denilson will have a successful career in Brazil.

Mayowa, a Nigerian gooner

His EGO won’t let him.


Fond memories of denilson twanging his banjo whilst gilberto watched. Not fussed on the rest.

Gd luck in the future


Denilson. The most unbrazillian brazillian that ever lived.

Zorro in the Box


It’s not all “Samba” football.


ehh, lucas leiva?


Not too well versed on Brazilians, right? Denilson is very typically Brazilian. Quiet mannered, loves football and music and is humble.


It was on a footballing point of view sir are generalizing all the brazillians…..


If the joke has to be explained, it’s either because it’s not funny, or… the audience lack the humour or intellect to understand and respond accordingly.

And Paul mate, it was purely on football ability and attitude, no offence meant towards Brazil as a country.


He should thank the fans. We invested the most in him. About 40k a week or so of our hard earned money.

Merlin's Panini

We were kind of on his back for a lot of the time. It probably didn’t help his confidence. I don’t think he was going to quite cut it anyway having said that. I think it’s fair enough he doesn’t thank us. At least he didn’t say anything horrible about us!
I hope he has a good career in Brazil.


I don’t think any player should thank fans who crucified him for years. You think about it for a second, and you realize we were hurling abuse at a young player whose only fault was being thrown to the wolves far too early in his development simply because the club (for reasons of frugality) chose not to replace Gilberto, Flamini, and Diarra, all of whom left in one summer. The blame lies with the club, not with Denilson, and we should be ashamed for how we treated him.

Wish him all the best at Sao Paolo.


And yet, this kind of treatment is repeated every year with several players, this year it was Ramsey, Gervinho, Diaby, Walcott and even Giroud, though Theo is probably the only one who ‘deserved’ it (if there is such a thing) because at times he looked like he doesn’t give a shit. Underperforming never justifies abuse and Arsenal fans should do better. Critique and cries for replacement are ok, but the rest should be reserved for wanking skunks.


Actually with Djourou they talked about Hannover not being able to afford to buy him AND pay wages, but they’d take him another year on loan and paying his full wages. It’s one or the other, it’s also a realistic estimation since they’re a modest club.

Long Dong Silver

Perhaps we could swap Djourou for Adler.

We could offload Djourou for free/small fee instead of loaning him if Wenger does want to get rid of him.

La Grande Saucisse

Quite a tricky swap as Adler plays for Hamburg and Djourou is at Hannover..

Arshavin's Dietician

What’s funny is that 10 people liked his comment

James Abalawiaye

adlere plays for hamborg not hannovor you fucking fucking fuckin idiot learn to football u fucking faggot idiot dumb ass idiot stupid mug face poo sucking fat bastard idiot dumb ass go away oout of arsenal stupid gay person dumb idiot

gay person


James Adebayor? 😉


Thank you for your elucidative comment dear sir; now I hope you know the way…

Dr Baptiste

Are you coming out?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Digital Tourette Syndrome. You are a medical first. Go see a doctor and claim your fame.

Unyoke The Ox

Seems like a good lad that was just never good enough for us.


May be it was best for Arsenal and Denilson but I think Arsenal shd have kept him. He was 17 when he came in, he was a child, he played first team football at that age. These days we ask for too much on kids. At 23 we shd expect him to start taking shape (shd know what his game is about) and ready for a real career but have we done pushed him out. What will happen if he becomes one of d best tomorrow. We will all say ooooooh he once played for Arsenal. For me he is… Read more »


Yeah, I agree with that. The problem probably stems from these kids being put on so much money before they have proven themselves. I’d have nothing against Denilson staying here longer, but not when he’s being paid the salary of a first team player.


He was 20 years old when he was asked to replace Gilberto and Flamini. That’s a huge burden. Then he was asked to play in every single one of our games that season. More pressure.

Sure, there are players who develop early and are ready to play top level football at 20 (Fabregas, Wilshere), but they are the exception, not the rule. Basically, he was asked to fill in because we couldn’t bother to sign a more experienced player for central midfield.


Haha, Denilson hates the fans so much that he didn’t even thank Us! Well, I can understand his feelings! We really gave him hell


I didn’t see him play before he came to Arsenal, but everybody raved about how good he was going to be.


I’d like to have a Brazilian in the squad. Just not the one we still have on the books

Why not

thumbs down? how is that not funny!!!! brilliant reply


Five years in England and he didn’t master the language? That’s a pretty sad state of affairs.


It must of been a nightmare tring to order takeaway and living on his own 🙂


“must of been”


“mung of bean”?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I had years of learning French but I can’t speak it. Learning a new language is not something everybody can manage even with good teachers.

Mongolian Gooner

“juicy titbits” fantastic typo


Typo? Both words are spelt correctly.


Paulos, if this is deliberate. I salute you

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It was a form of pun based on the strange photo of Denilson, and “Juicy titbits” is a well-used and correctly spelt phrase and totally appropriate in this usage. Titbits is sometimes spelt as tidbits, but I suspect that that is the result of the overprotection of our young by people who fear the PC brigade (or maybe it’s just an American spelling or something).

Move along. No typos to see here.


In the last week players like Rooney, Higuain, Jovetic, Grenier, Cezar, Bender and Fellaini have all been strongly linked with Arsenal, some to such an extent that the bookies have slashed their odds dramatically, just a few days later, Arsenal’s chances of signing any of these have vanished quicker than Lord Lucan. Just look at Juventus, they are apparently scraping the barrel for money yet are looking like out bidding Arsenal for Higuain, come the end of August I think We all know where this club will be, struggling to find what garbage is left over to appease the fans… Read more »

Long Dong Silver

The bookies and media speak so much bullshit it is unreal. You do not even know who is bidding for Higuain and how much so stop acting like you do. Monreal was meant to be coming in the summer but instead came in January due to Gibbs’ injury, what the fuck did you know about that until it happened? Wenger denied knowing who Cazorla was just before he signed him, what the fuck did you know about that? You may be right, you may be wrong, but you (like me) don’t know anything about what is happening behind closed doors… Read more »


Juventus are definitely bidding for Higuain and will get him. Arsenal have an offer on the table, but it will stay there. Higuain is not stupid. Scrape 4th place with Wenger or go to champions Juventus? Duh!


To me Higuain is not that good any ways. …in fact most of those we are linked (why do they LINK any ways??? I don’t believe most of that crap) with are not That good, not even on YouTube. At times I even wish they could LINK us with better options.

Dr Baptiste

So you are either Guiseppe Marotta, Antonio Conte, the agent of Higuain or Higuain himself (although I’m not sure why you’d call yourself peach as considering your nickname is Pipa)

Surely we need to sign these players to not scrape 4th place, which would be part of the sales pitch.


well we like it or not juventus is bigger than us ,they are very rich and can outbid us easily.and for an argentinian italy is probably better than england

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

The Juventus interest consists of phrases such as “believed to be” and “reportedly preparing”, and the only quote I have seen is supposedly from Florentino Perez “If Juventus are thinking about offering 30 million euros for him then it would be better if they don’t even turn up, because that will not be enough. “But we have not yet received any offers for Gonzalo and that is including Juventus.” Meanwhile the so-called Arsenal bid was almost identical: “Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has told Arsenal it would be a waste of time bidding £25.5million for Gonzalo Higuain” Nobody has bid… Read more »


Orange, higuain scored 96 goals in 144 league matches in the last 5 seasons at madrid, half of the time having a better goal-to-min ratio than a certain dutch striker…


We dont really want to know anything happening ‘behind the closed doors’, neither do we care/give a damn/shit anymore. we just want to see some outstanding signings this summer. Period.

Unyoke The Ox

Shut up John


Never liked him, I remember when he went public to the media the end of the season we lost the carling cup. He used the negativty surrounding the club to his advantage, he spoke to the media saying he ranted at Wenger to leave and didnt want to play for the club no more saying he was to good to be a sub. He then arrigently said publically he wouldnt join any big club in England such as Chelsea but a foreign club. He actually thought he was good enough to play for Chelsea at the time then he quicly… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

arrogantly. publicly. But yeah, I kind of agree.

Arshavin's Dietician


I often wonder why on this website, why many people are so quick to post about someone who can’t spell or use commas correctly rather than post something about football.


I hate grammar nazi’s.

I come from a free country im not from a police state if i want to give my fucking opinion then i will.

And this is about football. 🙂


aha sorry some of what i wrote was directed at you for reason.

I often post on here drunk 😛


some reason*

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

My opinion is that drunk people often talk shit and don’t care if they are wasting people’s time with their drunken rubbish. I will try to remember you are drunk and ignore your posts in future. However, if you begin one with the phrase “I am not drunk” I will believe you. However however, if you begin one with the phrase “I am not drunk, honest” I will not believe you after all. Hope that is clear. (Yes, I am a bullshitter and a bullshit Nazi too, and I do it all sober. Complex, eh?) (Oh, and it’s negativity) Finally,… Read more »


Never really liked the guy but I did like the stupid faces he pulled and his silly dancing when he scored.

glory hunter

Im the opposite, i liked the guy but hated his stupid face & dancing when he scored 🙂

Arsene's stylist

I used to be in the I trust Arsene camp once upon a time, but if we look at all the “deadwood” that he recruited, gave little competition to and and still believed in even after it became apprent that they were not up to the standards this great manager once created for us, well, it’s safe to say they were all big mistakes. The fact that they all go on the record saying what a “nice man” and a “father figure” he has been for them only makes me regret he hasn’t been more ruthless with them.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It’s sad that so many Gooners seem to have become so vocal about giving up on Wenger a couple of months before he finally gets the chance to prove (or disprove, as many predict) his worth to us. It’s strange that so many fans have chosen the news that we are finally starting to see the benefits of all the belt tightening as the catalyst to declare their loss of trust in Wenger. What are you all really afraid of? You all seem to me to be like the guy who takes years plucking up the courage to speak to… Read more »


The stadium and new sponsorship deals for me has secured our place in the top 4 for a long time to come, iv said it before Tottenham missed their last chance to finish above us and im afriad Liverpools glory days are over.

But even with more funds closing the gap with City, Chelsea and Man U wont be easy thats the real challenge. Even with more funds how do we compete with a club that can spend whatever sum they want?

Is there any hope for Finacial Fair Play or is it just talk?

Long Dong Silver

In general, the more money you spend, the better you get. However, once you get past a certain point surely it doesn’t matter (why does Cavani cost >20 million more than Lewwandowski?). Arsenal will be able to pay big transfer fees if we tie up these commercial deals; big enough that an Arsenal manager can get high quality players in for 20-30 million each, combined with good scouting. I think FFP is a crock of pigshit. I personally feel that spending is not Arsene’s forte though. I feel that he is the type who finds gems and builds players to… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

there are no managers who have only experienced success with big-money buys, ever

this simple fact eludes people again and again and again when they froth over the transfer bullshit that disfigures the back pages.

wenger’s track record with big money buys is on a par with any manager’s. His relative success at picking up bargains and honing them into world class players when compared with his peers is what makes his top end buying look anything less than normal.


Bollocks. Wenger’s buying in the first half of his Arsenal career was brilliant. Henry, Petit, Vieira, Overmars and Pires were truly sensational buys. But his purchases over the last seven years have been, on the whole, lamentable. Only Cazorla and Koseliny stand out as great signings. Garbage like Bendtner, Denilson, Park, Almunia, Fabianski and Santos have been disastrous. These awful signings are indicative of just how far that Wenger has fallen in his abilities as a top-level manager. Right now we are all waiting for him to make three or four important signings which will make the club competitive again.… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

Has it ever occurred that the reason we were able to sign those players was due to the fact that no team had the spending powers of Man City, Chelsea, PSG, Monaco (to name but a few) except us, Utd, Madrid and, to a slightly less extent in those days, Barcelona. Cavani/Falcao/Robert Lewandowski are the Henry’s of today but with far more money rich suitors than before. Do you really think we could have competed with the sugar daddy teams if Henry had been around today (as a young man)? Yes we need to sign big players, but we have… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

You specify the last 7 years as “awful” so let’s have a look, shall we? Rosicky Walcott Sagna Ramsey Vermaelen Kos Mertesacker Arteta Jenks The Ox Cazorla Monreal Giroud Podolski That’s not a bad side. Clearly we’ve seen better but the circumstances of those sides were that we were on a more level footing in terms of competing for contracts, both in terms of wages and transfer fees, as opposed to the time since moving stadium. Charactersised by having less money because of a £380m debt. Now let’s look at some other “awful” buys Wenger made in those 7 years… Read more »


Thanks for proving my point, Sam. The above squad (“not a bad side”) have just struggled to finish fourth (again) this season. While up the road at WHL, AVB on FIFTY MILLION QUID A YEAR LESS IN WAGES has managed to produce a side that took us to the last game of the season for fourth. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Wenger is not a terrible manager, but he is nowhere near the best any more. And what we need right now is the best. As for you, Dr Baptise, rumours have it that Lewandoski is… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

FG, the fact that you refer to a cult proves your lack of thinking. instead of attepting to come up with a rationalisation for your feelings, you only focus on the negative. there are plenty of valid criticisms of wenger. he appears to be willfully blind to obvious flaws in the squad (most damagingly the fragility that sees us lose games we should close out and go on costly runs of poor results in my opinion) and even if his public pronouncements mask his private awareness of these problems, it’s true that he’s not fixed the most glaring problem/s we… Read more »

Why not

but they didnt finish 4th we did

indo arse

Fatgooner @ even with bad player like you said we still beat AVB, whatever team he managed (chelshit and spud)

Midfield Corporal

Jason- I can’t see FFP having any effect, how can Monaco, PSG and Man City comply. I think Platini’s son is some big cheese at PSG now, so that probably tells us how serious FFP will be monitored. Good bye Denilson, good luck. I too would think Wenger was fantastic if he paid me £40K a week and not demand I speak English after 5 years. Football really is in a world of its own, can you imagine some international blue chip company employing you abroad and not expecting you to learn the native language in order to communicate with… Read more »


‘poohta’, apparently.


“Anda logo meu filho, que até o juíz tá te passando!”

But “poohta” works as well.


Wenger didnt seem confident when talking about it.

And fergie basically came out and said it how it was.

All good in theory but to regulate it is another story.

Happy Dave

Best of luck to him and I like the gracious way he has said goodbye now lets hope we reinvest in some quality players.


Don’t let the door smack you on the ass as you leave


And may the door swing back and whack you on the head.


Never mind all this flannel.

What’s with the ads all over Arseblog this morning! Bad enough at first that the Qatar foundation and Barcelona had banners plastered all over the site, now I’m getting fucking BT Sport with images of the combined cunterage of RVP and Bale burning my eyes.

Where’s the booby t-shirt lady gone?!


Sell all Deadwoods!

Mikel Artekkers
Goodbye and good luck.

The Ox, The Ram, Willy and Wally

Jesus, he’s twenty five already?


Squilacci, Ashavin, Denilson, Chamak, Bendtner Park, Miyaichi, Djourou, Santos, Girvinho, Diaby, Rosicky Vella, Merida, Bischoff, Silvestre, Gallas, Senderos and co have cost the club hundreds of millions of pounds. We could have bought half a dozen world class players rather than collect the mega pile of deadwood. Last season the club relied on a bare minimum squad of 14 including the fans whipping boys Walcott and Ramsey to scrape fourth place. Fair play is a good idea. I think fair pay is even better. Players should be paid by their performances. Play well get paid well, play crap get paid… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

OK, let’s try your plan. We play a team of 11, with 3 subs in each game. Nobody else gets paid that week. Pick your 14 players you want to keep. Don’t forget to tell them that if they are picked as a sub but don’t get on the pitch they won’t get any pay. Sack the rest of our players, if they don’t leave first as we will not be needing them. When you’ve done that why don’t you go out and convince Cavani to join us on those terms. If he accepts then tell one of the 14… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Davonz, there no doubt AW has signed some poor players, but some of the names on your list belittle your argument. Gallas, Diaby and Rosicky have all contributed during their Arsenal Careers, Miyaichi??? He’s about 14, Merida was a youth player, Bischoff was a punt for very little money.
The worry thing for me is why Arshavin, Bendtner, Squillachi, Chamakh, Denilson and Vela weren’t able to excell under our set up. They all had varying degrees of talent but didn’t seem interested in fighting for a first team place.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Some people are capable of greater dedication to their job than others. Not all professional footballers believe they can win the World Cup. Some are simply very good but essentially satisfied with their lot. They are only people, and many people coast through their lives even when doing a job they enjoy. Footballers are people and people have flaws as well as skills. Denilson didn’t manage to learn English in 5 years, which is hardly unusual. Arshavin eventually gave up trying (we think, after he saw his probable last chance of International Glory slip away), he wasn’t given up on… Read more »


Good bye Denny, wish you the best, loved some of your goals! Your high pass completion to aid possession football. Sad that some Arsenal fans got on your back, while support paying a deadweight like Diaby for years to do nothing but lose the ball for the average of 3 mins he played.


I hope we do buy some top class player this season who adapt to our season. Goodbye Deni. Hope you do good at your next club 🙂


This is my favourite bit of news this week. Mostly because it has removed that ugly two fingers up at us Tw*t Bendtner from the main part of the news section…

Think I may go and read this article


ha ha ha! remember Denison, Baptista and Gilberto.


Hi guys.

I’m now on the titty terrace pouring honey over two pairs of gigantic fake titicacas.

I didn’t want to thank you in that press conference. I wanted to do it on the platform that counts: Arseblog.

I couldn’t adapt to English football because I had to be friends with Adebarndoor.

PS I can speak English. Cheers gays!!!


I said higuain and cesc earlier and people in here were all blah blah tabloids said that, so you gonna say that too. e.t.c so yeah, the [x] and [y] version works better.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Huh? You are using English but there is no meaning coming through.


I was only joking 🙂


Very genuine and kind departing words. Upmost respect for that.


Obviously it is better to have the little boy on the outside.


Real top class manager this Arsene. everyones from new signings to the ones who leave/left speak highly of Arsene. unlike Fergie with Pogba, bebe all shitting on his redface after their departure.


Completely agree.

I still highly rate Wenger he put us on the map with the success he brought us and then kept us competing during a transition period where we had one arm tied behind his back from a move to a new stadium, realistically im not sure how many managers could of done this if any or how many would of bothered to stay through the tough times.

No doubt Arsenal wouldnt be in such a good posistion if he never joined us.

But still i have to wonder where do we go from here?

Merlin's Panini

could have. would have. position…


God I’m bored!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Wherever we go from here I think we have more reason to be cautiously optimistic than we had over the last eight years. There is a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel, and whatever anybody may think of him, Arsene Wenger will be the one to decide how we use it. he chose to shoulder the responsibility when he knew he would have to struggle so it would be rather churlish of the club or the fans to push him out just as we start to come out of the tunnel. I still trust him.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]

[…] for today, Denilson yesterday thanked the club and Arsene Wenger for the wonderful five years he had here. He’s a nice guy Denilson, isn’t he? He even […]

Merlin's Panini

can we have some news now? Anything!
Just make something up, I don’t mind!


Everyone who I have shown this article to has agreed with it.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Fabregas says “Barcelona was not how I remembered it. The club has let me down. I wish I had stayed at Arsenal, and now want to return there to play alongside Arteta, Cazorla, Wilshire, Ramsey and Walcott. I miss Arsene, my football father.”

There you go, I made that up for you. I would like to think it is what he is thinking.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

The bit that worries me is “I had to learn things the hard way, but luckily I improved and matured in England. I always lived alone, without mastering English and had great responsibility placed on me.” We are renowned for taking care of our younger players. So I am surprised to hear him say that, although he didn’t sound like he blamed the club at all. My understanding was that we placed our younger signings in carefully selected places where they would be well looked after by motherly landladies. Perhaps he found it hard to learn the language and could… Read more »

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