Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Graham backs Suarez to get Arsenal goals

George Graham thinks Luis Suarez would be a hit at Arsenal but admits the Uruguayan’s penchant for bitey-racism does take the shine off his obvious qualities as a striker.

The Gunners have been heavily linked with the Liverpool attacker in recent days and Arsene Wenger did little to downplay speculation at the weekend when questioned about his interest in the 26-year-old while on the club’s pre-season tour in Asia.

Asked whether he’d like to see a player, whose ratio of tw*ttishness to racistness is split pretty much 50:50, Graham told talkSPORT he’d score goals at the Emirates even if his image doesn’t fit with ‘The Arsenal’ way of doing things.

“All the publicity that goes with Suarez takes away from how good a player he is,” said the former manager.

“He’s one of the top strikers in Europe. If he comes to Arsenal, then he will get lots of goals.”

Urging Arsene Wenger to sign the three or four top quality players he thinks the Gunners need to challenge for the title, the Scot pretty much pinpointed a need for additions throughout the spine of the team.

“Over the last few years Arsenal have not won a trophy and have spent a lot of money on the new stadium,” he continued.

“Now is the time to spend money on top quality players. They need three or four quality players that can go straight into the first-team. They have got quite a lot of money so it’s an important summer for Arsenal and Arsene Wenger.

“They need an experienced second choice goalkeeper, a top quality physical centre-half, a holding midfield player and a finisher up front.”

While the comments about needing new players are nothing new from Double-G, it’s obvious he’s as conflicted as other Arsenal fans when it comes to the issue of Suarez.

In other news, Bacary Sagna is pleased to be getting pre-season minutes under his belt having missed the tour of Asia last summer with his broken leg. Hoping to return to the consistency that brought him plaudits, the French right-back told Arsenal.com:

“I’m very happy. Last year I missed pre-season so I was struggling a bit during the season. I’m looking forward to getting back to my best – that’s my aim and after that we’ll see.”

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I never thought I would say this…but I would prefer Rooney…*uhg! pukes*… I just hope Madrid come for their Rabid play and hand over Higuain.


**Player I meant…


Sorry but I dont want this twat at my club.


Sorry but I can’t help but feel that all this talk about Suarez is just a negotiating ploy with Madrid, to say “we have other targets so we’re not that desperate”.


Sorry but I just wanted to say sorry.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Agreed. Not even if we forced him to wear a muzzle every time he put on the Arsenal shirt.


Did you see the bit about Evra saying he didn’t think Suarez was racist? This has confused me even more.


Relax, folks. Wenger may have his faults, but he would never in a million years sign someone as troubled as Suarez. I remember a few years ago hearing him talk about how he looks at a player’s character as well as their ability before he signs them. Now, you may cite Bendtner as an exception, but Bendtner was not an alcoholic when he was signed by the club. Of all the players Wenger has signed over the years, I can only think a tiny handful who had serious disciplinary problems before they arrived, and certainly none as bad as Suarez.… Read more »


[after reading the report that we ACTUALLY bid for him]

I’m speechless.


If Suarez stays fit and out of trouble he gives us a great chance and winning the title, so I couldn’t give a fuck about his past if he signs for us I will back him 100% and if we win something cause of him it will be well worth it


If he were to sign, I’d get behind him and HOPE he can turn a page in his career. Sure IF he stayed fit and kept his head down and helped us win stuff, great. AMAZING! But it’s a BIG if based on his previous behaviour. He’s a loose cannon – pardon the pun.

I’ll get behind anyone with the cannon on their chest. But this seems like it might be a gamble too far.

But it’s all here-say and rumour right now. Lets not allow it to divide us.



Before that biting incident I saw a little change in Suarez. I thought he was starting to act like a professional player but he couldn’t resist Ivanovich’s flesh. May be Wenger can influence his attitude and bring the best out of him as a player as well as an individual. Suarez minus his attitude has the potential of the being the best signing for Arsenal.

Ashburton Groover

I’d rather Wenger used his fabled powers of player rejuvenation on Rooney.


Maybe Wenger would include a contract clause that would mean any further biting incident would cause him to lose his contract and have to pay back his earnings.


There are very few things that would make me question my allegiance to Arsenal. Hiring Suarez is one of them.

If supporters are happy to tell Wenger to “spend some fucking money”, then they can also add “but not on a cunt like Suarez”.

DL Gooner

Maybe Arsene thinks he can tame him, and that he will only get better in the next few years.

There is a good chance that he will be worth a lot more than 35 million in the coming years if someone can train him not to be such a scumbag.


training suarez not to be a scumbag is the job of his father(and it should have been done well 10-15 years ago), it can’t be done now by a manager………


agreed. Van Persie, Rooney and a lot of other players weren’t gentlemen at the start of their careers either. they still have the tendency to snap. what Suarez did with the biting was stupid. but it was more childish than cannibal-ish. nothing that cannot be put right with a bit of mature guidance. also, think of what this would mean, in the bigger picture – we would be seen as a club who CAN sign top quality players. and this would be evidence. hence, other players who previously would’ve avoided coming to Arsenal as a result of not getting enough… Read more »

jack jack jack

Signing any player would never make me question my allegiance to the club – the club is over and above and bigger than any player we happen to sign. I would, however, have serious problems getting behind a vomitous little toad like Suarez. Don’t put the divey cheatey scumbag in the great red and white! He’s not worth it.


Nothing can make you question your allegiance to the Arsenal.
I don’t want Suarez at the Arsenal.
We’ll probably win the league on his diving alone.


And then what? He suarez his way out of emirate again?


He isn’t coming to arsenal, its a simple as that.
It’s bid designed to be turned down by Liverpool and then the club will say as they have before that we put in valid high bids for players but if the clubs don’t want to sell what can we do.


If it is a ‘valid high bid’ and the club dont want to sell then what CAN we do? Put in an over-the-top bid then get slagged off by the Arsene-Out faction for spending that much money if/when he turns out to be a dud ?!


What we can do is offer a realistic bid. A valid high bid is 30 to 35 million a realistic bid is what Liverpool have stated and will only listen to offers of 40 million plus. We will see if arsenal are serious if they offer that price. I could go to Christies and bid for a Rembrandt in the full knowledge that I can bid a low price knowing that it won’t be accepted. And as for the chances of him being a flop, I doubt that would happen, the guy is proven scorer and will provide goals at… Read more »


Not sure why this is getting thumbed down. It’s basic logic.

glory hunter

People on this blog cant accept any kind of criticism of the club its very strange.

For instance if i state “if we don’t strengthen the squad, i will lose all faith in our current board”.

That imo should be the general consensus, but the numerous thumbs down clearly proves me wrong .


It’s getting thumbs down because you have to go in under the stated price, 30 to 35m for a plyer (and Suarez) is what you bid when they say we want 40m, it is a reasonable bid.


I’d prefer higuain but it looks like Wenger is planning on keeping faith with giroud. Suarez and Giroud can play together, so i wouldnt mind. We still need a playmaker like cesc; its just as important as getting a dm imho.


Maybe there is some background shenanigans going on here. One possible scenario is that RM would sell Higuain to the scouse and chuck in 15-20 for Suarez the other way? So maybe Wenger is playing pocket billiards with RM management while they in turn mime self fellatio? I’m just going to put it out there that if we have 40 plus to spend on a striker, why not bid for another cunty bastard by the name of Ibrahimovich? Or try for Chicarito for much less? My dodgy work mate would never let it go us having bitey after I spent… Read more »




Epic fail, i meant gonzalo. I hate these type of errors. I’ll be on my way now..


Here is your coat….


God punished you for your use of caps.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That’s exactly why it’s so horrible living “up north”.

pauly bear

Sign the man with a bit of luck he will get 30 goals and maybe bite van persie . Wat a season that would be


Fuckiing poor because he would be suspended for 20 games?


He could go round his house and bit him there away from the referee.


Do we really need a massive trouble maker? As undoubtedly talented as he is, I would much rather Higuain. A hard worker is massively underrated.


Epic fail, i meant gonzalo.. I’ll be on my way now..


There is only one word needed when discussing Suarez to arsenal: no.

gnarly charlie

what a cunt


C’mon. If Frimpong did that in AVB’s face we’d be be trying to get him knighted. The fact that the gamesmanship of a local derby is not lost on a lad from the other side of the world shows he loves and understands the passion of Prem.

This may sound a little fickle but cunts are never so cunty when they chuck an Arsenal shirt on. If Pol Pot scored 30 goals a season, I’d overlook the killing fields. And the fact he’s dead.

Merlin's Panini

If we could take that bit out of his brain that makes him like a mental dog then I’d take Suarez but I doubt the medical team quite have that capability so I’d rather we stay well clear of the crazy racist bitey bastard.
I just hope we can get a deal for Higuain sorted this week.

There must be other good alternatives other than Suarez and Rooney, one that’s not a mentalist or a dirty granny porker, if it all goes to pot though, right? Right?


I seriously hope we’re just sounding out a price for Real. We’re getting close to the figure that would see Liverpool sell, then Real can come in and say, “Sell him to us, he won’t be playing for a rival in direct competition for Champs Lg places…” Then that might grease the wheels for Higuain to come to Arsenal. Not forgetting we need another CB, we only have 3 first team there. And some steel/creativity for MF too. With those 3 additions and the obvious skill of many of our young players coming through, I recon we’d shock the league.… Read more »

Merde Bag



Hahahaha nice one pauly bear…for that alone…WENGER GET SUAREZ NOWWW!!!. Nothing would give me greater joy than seeing cannibal bite off a chunk of the rapist nose or something.


Suarez is a horrible cunt.

But if he signs for us, stays out of trouble, bangs in 35 goals and we win something next year, at least he’ll be our horrible cunt then.

Getting Higuain instead saves all this mindfucking stuff.


It ain’t gonna happen. LFC will not sell to another English club, to even consider it the offer would have to be £50M+, so just stop getting so excited, get over it and move on

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Chelsea will be in for him in a day or two then.

I just love Arsenal

Bite me!!! When are we actually signing someone? I’m tire of all these “Arsenal linked with so ans so talks!”

Goatee of Robert Pires

Seriously I don’t get it why people would prefer Shrek over Suarez. Probably they have been easily manipulated by the British press. Suarez is in the top 6-7 players of the world right now. Rooney isn’t in the top 20. Both Suarez and Rooney dive. Suarez is a much more hard worker than Rooney and he plays football for the game and not for searching for a pay hike every 2 years. Suarez wants to leave Liverpool now because of all the shit the media has given him. Rooney wanted to leave ManU twice (even to Man City the first… Read more »


“Suarez wants to leave Liverpool now because of all the shit the media has given him.”

Bull shit.


I don’t buy that media shit either.

If you offered him the chance to play in the Champions League, he’d bite your arm off.


Quality Mooro.


Ta mate


and i wonder why they gave him shit…

Goatee of Robert Pires

Pool not being n the CL does add, but its not the main reason me thinks.

gooner in Manchester

Liverpool has become vulnerable.

We would not want to be in that situation anymore. This season is vital, because teams around us have added number to their squads. More than ever, we face a stronger competition for a top-4 place, let alone the title.

I have feeling that AW is going to spend pretty big (compared to recent signings) on a midfielder and a striker.

jack jack jack

“But its the media at fault here, not Suarez.” Yeah yeah poor little innocent Suarez…Give me a break.


Am I the only one that genuinely wants him?

Of course he isn’t an ‘Arsenal’ player. He doesn’t have the class to wear our shirt but it’s not like we’ve always had perfect characters. I’d relish the chance to have Arsenal take the league with our very own pantomime villain.

He’s a great footballer and the biting stuff is just hilarious.

Cyril Washbrook

There’s a difference between “not being perfect” and “being Suarez”.

Cyril Washbrook

By the way, this isn’t to say that there is no case to be made for signing Suarez, enormous character flaws notwithstanding.

But the fans out there who favour his purchase ought to go in with their eyes open and confront the full magnitude of his unsavoury personality and atrocious behaviour, instead of just trying to sweep his baggage under the rug with off-hand remarks that he “isn’t perfect”.


I really disliked Saurez for his handball in the WC against Ghana, The biting is just weird but no worse than horror tackles from some players and the racism was always a bit questionable, maybe he knew better but those players are saying all kinds of nasty stuff to each other. Anyhow, what about Henry and his handball against Ireland? I doubt very many arsenal fans were questioning his character. Henry was a nasty fellow on the pitch, he even claimed that he played best when angry and used his anger to up his game. I dislike Suarez, really I… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

neutral, while you don’t think biting is all that bad I think that the punishment against Arsenal if he did it again, or did anything else really, would be very bad for us. He is already going to miss 1/6th of the season, and if he had another stupid brainfart then he would lose another half of a season. He is an absolutely stupid risk for any Premier League club. That is why I want to see him stay with Liverpool next season. The Scousers deserve him. Not to mention that I like being able to take the high moral… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

neutral. A handball is not great, sure. However, Henry was hugely remorseful in the aftermath and wanted a replay to settle things fairly. I t doesn’t excuse it but it shows a lot about his character. Suarez does everything he does very callously and unashamedly. He was proud of handling the ball in the World Cup and said so himself. I don’t know in what world biting someone like a weird animal is worse than an ill timed tackle, sure it probably won’t take someone out of the game for a year but it’s a totally animalistic thing to do… Read more »


how people are so agaisnt suraez is beyond me hes a better player/striker then rooney and higuain and hes proven to be a goalscorer in this league higauain is not, people talking about suraez off feild antics seem to forget rooney shags old ladies and drinks and smokes like a weekend warrior and seem to forget that rvp had alot off feild issues before wenger worked his magic, suraez would take us to the next level for sure


No one can honestly think that Rooney would be of any value to Arsenal, Higuain yes, he is quality, but Suarez is a liability. we need a bloke that stands a chance of playing the whole season and not being banned for half of it. That’s why Suarez should stay put or yes and 40m is way too much but wouldn’t put it past AW and IG


So how does it work that he is carrying a 10 match ban – we spend 40m (if it is too be believed that is what Liverpool will take for him) and then he sits on the bench for the first 3rd of the season. cant see how that can be a good thing – I am sure some one will enlighten me if I have missed something here

Dr Baptiste

‘The 26-year-old striker will miss Liverpool’s final Premier League games of this season – against Newcastle, Everton, Fulham and QPR – and the first six domestic matches of the 2013-14 campaign’ from the BBC Sport website.

Basically, we’d sign him and he’d miss our first 6 domestic games as he’s already missed 4 with Liverpool


He’d be an amazing signing. Joining Arsenal is quite different in class and stature than joining a small scummy scouse club.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yes, you are right, and in exactly the same way as buying a man eating tiger for your kids is quite different in class to getting them a puppy.

…and trust me on this, Suarez would definitely eat your kids.

Ashburton Groover



Suarez over Rooney any day. Come to think of it. Rooney is running away from reality/competition. He wants to play where that cunt is playing so he wants out because they won’t drop the better player. All his sulking doesn’t get factored in! Bad behavior with goals vs big ego with, well not so many goals?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Suarez is a better choice over Rooney because of Rooney’s bad attitude and behaviour????? The choice between Suarez and Rooney is like a choice between being stabbed to death with a knife, or stabbed to death with a dagger. You aren’t going to benefit from either one. The ONLY reason we are hearing this shit about Rooney and Suarez is because the English Press have no fucking idea what goes on outside England. You know how their thinking goes… Arsenal need a striker Chelsea and City only have strikers that are too expensive for Arsenal Spurs will not sell Bale… Read more »


Suarez has been quoted saying that he wants to go to a bigger club and challenge for trophies, how does this translate to Arsenal??

1) Arsenal is not a bigger club than Liverpool.

2) Have Arsenal looked like winning trophies lately? The last trophy Arsenal won was in 2005 (FA Cup), the same year LFC won their 5th European Cup (Arsenal have never won one of these).

At least Suarez has won a trophy with Liverpool, and played in 2 finals.

So for him to chose Arsenal makes no sense what so ever.


first off all he said he wants to play for a team in champions league you idiot and second of all liverpool are not a big club no more what big club cant get in to the best european comp for 3 years in a row finishing below the rivals and last but not least arsenal have been competing and finishing top 4 even though we spend like a middle placed team now that we can spend like the bigger teams watch us compete and win trophies


“watch us compete and win trophies”. Really? All you Goons have been calling for Arsene Winger’s head because you haven’t won anything for sooo long, Teletext was still cutting edge tech when you last won a trophy. It’s one thing being in the CL, it’s another thing winning it, or even reaching the QF’s for that matter. Just get off your high horses, and look forward to another season in one of the biggest yet quietest stadiums in the country (The library as it’s known). You may have got 4th last season, but let’s be honest Spurs lost it (again).… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

How did your title challenge and participation in the Champions league go last year… Oh, wait…

How about the year before. No?

The year before that?

gnarly charlie

Over 20 years since you had a sniff at the league and you languish mid-table. Soiya later scouser

Double Canister

How’s the Premier League working out for you Scallies?

Steve Dunn

We ain’t buying no 1 another great season of overpriced tickets and fake promises

Dr Baptiste

Please can you let me have your source for the information we “ain’t buying no 1”. A name, date, place, etc…

Also, we aren’t buying anyone. Is it really that difficult? You don’t need to write the same way you talk you know.


If we do indeed sign him then Ivanovic should come with. Don’t wanna separate a man from his food….


This can’t actually be happening can it? I’d rather sign no one and finish fourth again than sign suarez and win the league through divey cheaty racist antics.


No it’s not happening, so you’re OK.


it will happen, I want it to happen. go away.


No it won’t.

jack jack jack

Can’t we just sign someone who isn’t a complete bastard?

I am a Goon

Can’t doubt Suarez as a footballer, nothing but quality. He makes trouble for himself. He does stupid shit and thinks he should forgiven. Some of my fellow Gooners have echoed this already that if we can isolate that part of his brain that makes him a blithering ejeet, we could be lifting the title come May 2014. But its too much effort to have someone as controversial as him. So lets get Higuain and Liverpool can keep their bucked tooth cannibal.

Ashburton Groover

Did you read the stats on arseblog the other day? Stats apparently don’t lie ( yeah right) but if stats are to believed then Higuain is a better bet than Suarez.


So no one is talking about Sagna? you know the arsenal player here and now.

I’ll start. what shit hair this man has…

and what was that about …..”after that we’ll see” telling us something bac?

Ryo Fan

Looking at the stats, Suarez doesn’t even compare to the top strikers available this window. I hope that other teams don’t realise and pay the aburd amount for him while letting us get Higuain. Suarez is a ball hog that makes hopeful shots at goal and losing lots of posession.


Liverpool Arsenal
League Champions 18 13

European Cup Winners 5 0

FA Cup Winners 7 10

League Cup Winners 8 2

UEFA Cup Winners 3 0

Cup Winners Cup 0 1

European Super Cup 3 0

FA Community Shield 15 12

Total: 59 38


Figures you’re a mugmasher. thing is Aspas, alberto wont win you the league not now, not ever. Suarez would though but as you can see he wants out. sorry, bye.


He wants to leave yes, but not to Arsenal. The only clubs that have a chance of signing him are Real Madrid, Bayern & PSG. So don’t get your hopes up too much.

BR has so far bought players to add depth to the squad, he has admitted that. Now expect 3 or 4 more quality signings to follow.


You’re good with numbers mate, so have a guess at the combined number of fucks we give about how many players Brendan fucking Rodgers will be signing?

We’ve got enough to worry about thanks.

Dr Baptiste

Are these signings going to be the same “quality” as Borini and Allen?


I’m sure the quality will be much better, the players you mentioned will be squad players at best this season. Although you can’t really talk; Gervinho, Chu-Yung, Santos, Giroud oh and of course Bendtner….Not exactly set the world alight, have they?

Ashburton Groover

setting things alight? could we do that to Bendtner?

El Blondo

I think you’ve missed the Emirates Cup off…we’re the most succesful club in the history of the competition.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Mr “I live in the past when Liverpool were a big successful club”…


In the past, what have Arsenal won since 2005….Nothing?

El Blondo

More to the point why are you on an Arsenal FC Blog?

Dr Baptiste

He got lost on his way to the Liverpool FC unnatural history museum…


I was browsing Liverpool related news web sites on “News Now”, and this article was listed, so I thought I’d have a look and couldn’t believe so many of you really think Suarez going to Arsenal is a possibility, so I thought I would try and convince you otherwise. For obvious reasons IT AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We want you to keep Suarez. You deserve Suarez.


And Suarez deserves them. Cunts.


History Xile is what it is.


Never won the Prem. That is all.


Never won the Prem. That is all.


I think you’re manager would prefer CL to prem.

Double Canister

Your manager couldn’t get into the Uefa cup.
Everton > Liverpool theses days, lad.


LFC are in a transitional period, the 2nd half of last season shown a significant improvement over the first, this season is the true test.

You’ve had the same manager forever, yes qualified the CL every season but never won it??

Interesting fact, did you know last season LFC created more goal scoring opportunities (545) than any other team in Europe. It wasn’t until January when Coutinho & Sturridge were signed that they started to bang them in, looking forward to the new season.

Midfield Corporal

I’m getting the distinct feeling of déjà vu and I’m starting to feel like a mug. Yet again I’ve fallen for Arsenes line about signing players. Then we get the quality not quantity sound bite, which we’ve heard before and is usually a pre-cursor to maybe 1 or 2 underwhelming signings. If Arsene came in as the new manager of Arsenal today, would he really look at this squad and think they are good enough to challenge for the title? If he is seriously looking at either Rooney or Suarez then Gazidis needs to reign him in immediately. Arsenes gambled… Read more »


I do hope you, Voldermort, Fatgooner and the rest are wrong mate. Surely they can’t pull off the old 3 card trick again. Can they? We pretty much all know fuck all about fuck all when it comes to the financial restrictions we’ve faced, how difficult these multi-million pound transfers are to do, blah, blah, blah……BUT. We know we’ve got the money (as does every other fucker, which can’t help), we know the team needs strengthening, but to this point, haven’t/can’t/won’t get it done. I’m hanging in there, but fuck me that panic button ain’t half looking tempting – big… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

I never understood why some fans were always wanting clarification on how much money we had to spend. First rule of poker is you never show your hand.

I’m afraid mate I think I’ve already pressed the panic button, hopefully I’ll look foolish with egg on my face when we sign Higuain, Cesc, Fellaini and Pele.


Interesting point about the Director of Football position. I just feel that Arsene is doing too much at Arsenal and he has (in my opinion) too much influence, what with all of the other suits in the boardroom seemingly knowing nothing about football.

Gooner sickunt

Xile like many other Liverpool sadcunts dwell on history which they did not even experience. Carry on taking about how many league championships you’ve won, it’s called the premier league now and you ain’t won one of those and never will.

Arsenal are the bigger club now by consistently competing in the champions league and having one of the best stadiums in the world we are a world wide brand.

Why don’t you show trophies won over the last 20 years? That might be more relevant in deciding who is the bigger club.


Why not the last 8 years, that much more recent?

El Blondo

You’re boring, please go away.


don’t feed the bin dipper


I just had to share this with you. I just saw an article in the daily mail with the headline: “Wenger reassures fans a ‘spectacular’ signing is on the way (but is it Suarez?)”. And when I read the article to try and find some quotes, I saw this one from Arsene: ‘You want me to announce a spectacular signing but I can’t,’ admitted Wenger.”
The nerve of some “journalists”


So in other words you’d rather quantity over quality. ….huh huh! get it?


rooney (quantity) and (quality) suarez. this is a reply gone wrong.
*destroys laptop.

Rad Carrot

So, we’re now favourites to land the bitey racist, and meanwhile, the salford lot are front-runners to bring Cesc back to the PL.

So much for a summer filled with optimism. Fuck me, can we not have a nice summer for once?


Yeah apparently a £35 million bid same as we are apparently offering for Suarez. Know which one id have. Just make me feel sick seeing them both in manure strips.

Dick Swiveller

Fuck me, it was 25m this morning, at this rate it’ll be too big for Barca to turn down by Wednesday…


It is a nice summer. Alright, it might not be a nice Arsenal summer, but it’s nice all the same.

Not many summers see a British bloke winning Wimbledon, do they now?

And he was so much better than that Scottish twat who lost in the final last year.


I can see the headlines now:
“Arsenal exercise buy-back clause to hijack Moyes’ Fabregas purchase.”

If they can force a deal through, I’m sure we’ll happily pick up the bill.

Dr Baptiste

Hahaha, front runners.

Arsenal will have one of the following a) a first refusal clause or b) a massive sell-on fee percentage. The numbers being bandied about are a percentage of 50%. That means Barcelona will only get, at the moment, 12.5m. Do you really think, having sold Thiago Alcântara, they’ll settle for £12.5m for a midfielder to replace Xavi?


The predictable response now in from FC Cuntalonia means that Moyes won’t be sitting down for a while, due to having 35m quid shoved up his tradesman’s entrance.


Dirty filthy bastards have just made a bid. Come on Arsenal don’t allow this to happen.


That makes me feel fucking sick.

Honestly would be 10x worse than skunky going there.


If Arsenal let that happen, that would seriously make me think about my relationship with the club, to the extent of probably jacking my season tickets in. We’ve a buy-back option and sell on clause (I believe anyway), which makes it in Barca’s interest to sell to us. If we pass that opportunity up, with a player just coming into his prime, who has expressed his desire to only play for us or his hometown club, and allow him to join that lot, then we are seriously fucking retarded and I’m not sure I could continue to financially support a… Read more »


If he were even to consider joining them then he would deserve the combination of the vitriol directed individually at Cole, Adebayor, Nasri and RVP. It would also confirm him as a weak character who damaged the team with the manner in which he forced his move to Barca. He also announced after he left, in response to media comments that Arsenal had not replaced him, that his replacement was already at the club and that it was JW.


Cesc to ManU is even less likely than Suarez to Arsenal. And seeing as Suarez has about a .00000000001% chance of happening, basically Cesc to ManU is not going to fucking happen ever. Why? Regardless of any loyalty to Arsenal he might have, the agreement Arsenal got when he was sold means that Barca either sell him back to us or they take a huge bath on him… period.

Turn off your computer and go outside, man.


Cesc to ManU is even less likely than Suarez to Arsenal. And seeing as Suarez has about a .00000000001% chance of happening, basically Cesc to ManU is not going to fucking happen ever. Why? Regardless of any loyalty to Arsenal he might have, the agreement Arsenal got when he was sold means that Barca either sell him back to us or they take a huge bath on him… period.

Turn off your computer and go outside, man.

A N Other

Can’t believe some arsenal fans would welcome Suarez.. I think he represents a value system completely opposite to that of Arsenal’s.. I am not sure i would be able to support Arsenal if we signed him up.. He is Racist, Loyal, Selfish, Disrepectful and everything you don’t want from a model professional.

A N Other

I meant disloyal not loyal..


Only worth it if we win everything, he scores 50 and he eats Van Persie’s and Mourinho’s livers with – or without (I’m not picky) – some Fava beans.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

None of those things would compensate for the dirty feeling I would get from knowing my club had bought that cunt.


No chianti!?


Questions y’all 1./ Think of this as a prison rules type question….. If you had to say a racist thing, on a football pitch, wouldnt you want to say it to Patrice Evra 2./ If you had to bite a Chelsea Player – wouldn’t you be safer biting Ivanovic than say John Terry. As he is maybe joining Arsenal, isn’t it possible, just a tiny bit, that Suarez had some Uruguayan Mafia Wise Guy demanding racism and cannibalism to pay off the debts of some small town of farmers in rural Montevideo. In which case isnt he a hero in… Read more »


Double-G.. Funny


I’d take Cesc back any day of the week over Suarez, Santi can play further forward and hopefully we can still bring in Higuain to compete with Giroud. Can’t let Cesc go united!!!!


All of you just like birds of the same feather, in terms of quality is the right man, if you loose him i bet all of you will shift blame to wenger, go for quality ..suarez is the man, forget about racist, bite, till now, no fear factor in our team, we need that and suarez is the man.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yep, he’d bring the fear factor all right. Every game I’d be scared the cunt was going to bite or racially abuse somebody and drag Arsenal through the same shit Liverpool have wallowed in for the last two seasons.

You cannot ignore the man’s natural behaviour. He is not “the man”, he is an animal. He racially taunts and he bites. He won’t change because he doesn’t see anything wrong in doing it.


A good player but not the kind of person I would want at such a great club. It would damage the club’s image greatly. Winning the title is important but not at the expense of our club.

A N Other

My thoughts exactly.


SUAREZ, SUAREZ,SUAREZ,SUAREZ,SUAREZ,SUAREZ Please wenger go for SUAREZ, anyone who hate suarez please go out there and be another club fan, am sure if suarez join us ,gunners will be a fear factor team in epl, nothing like quality


Can anyone clear up this Cesc to United stuff that won’t seem to go away? 1) Didn’t we have first refusal inbuilt as the sale went through at way below the market value? 2) If the fees discussed are correct, could we not land Cesc for a similar fee to what we are offering the mug smashers? 3) Could anyone imagine watching RVP and Cesc teaming up without a cannon on their shirt? After such optimistic early factors, this transfer window is starting to make me want to adopt the foetal position and wait for Bentdner and Chamakh to kick… Read more »


*Bendtner (Even though that mis-type was quite apt)

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Never thought in a million years I’d say, “I would rather have Rooney” Think it was a huge PR stunt/failure from Ivan for telling the whole world we have money now… Did he consult Wenger before he came out and said this? But the question is does he need to consult Wenger to say these kind of things anyway? Shouldn’t he just be able to say it whenever he wants to? Was he forcing trying to force Wengers hand? You see those are questions you end up asking yourself because of the inactiveness of our dealings in the transfer market…… Read more »


If Cesc joins MU I would then be compelled to deem him a member of the Iscariot family.This would give me the profoundest pain but wiith same measure that VP was judged so must Cesc.You don’t directly or indirectly join them & expect loyalty but should be prepared for the fullest ignmony that treachery deserves.Having said that Wenger must be aware of the enormity of allowing this to happen.The consequences of this nightmare occurring will be far reaching. If it does AFC will ge guilty of the unpardonable sin, which has no forgiveness in this world or the one to… Read more »


Cesc to united? My heart can’t take that. But the day he leaves Barca, it’s to wear an Arsenal shirt again. (Hopefully)


don’t worry. he’s not going anywhere just yet. Barca don’t want to sell him, having sold Thiago and Xavi being 34. Cesc has already said he doesn’t want to leave.

and if and when he did, it would never be to ManUtd. he respects Arsenal fans more than that ‘little boy’ Van Persie.

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