Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gunners stick 7 past Indonesian ‘Dream Team’

Arsenal won their first pre-season game with a 7-0 win over the Indonesian Dream Team who have now been renamed the ‘Nightmare XI’.

Theo Walcott’s goal sent the Gunners in 1-0 up at half-time, before second half strikes from Chuba Akpom, Lukas Podolski, Kris Olsson, Thomas Eisfeld and a brace from Olivier Giroud made the game safe.

This correspondent didn’t see the whole encouter but did enjoy some excellent Aaron Ramsey skill in the first half as he dragged-back and Cruyff turned his way into the home side’s area.

But it was hot here today, and the choice was a meaningless friendly or barbecued meat, sunshine, beer and gimlets. Booze and food won out.

However, it’s a good beginning to pre-season, start as you mean to go on, we say. And the new away kit looked spankingly good.

Those stripey socks were the difference between the two sides, no doubt about it. Well, that and the fact the opposition was a bit rubbish, but we’re sure a fun time was had by all.

If you want to see the goals, check out this ESPN report, and Arsenal now fly to Vietnam for their next game on Wednesday.

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Just glad to see the boys playing

Aaron Ramses

No doubt. Welcome respite from the tedium of watching Arsenal do nothing in the transfer market.

Aaron Ramses

…that is, unless we’re really bidding for the biting racist–which I find difficult to believe…

It must be agent-planted shop window stuff.


I am not fully convinced that he is a racist. He just hate Evra.
I hate Evra too and I am not a racist. And why should believe the accusations made by Evra?

Aaron Ramses

Sure, we all hate Evra, and you would call him many names, but you wouldn’t call him what Suarez called him, would you?

John Terry is scum of the earth, and Suarez is not far behind.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yep, even it was against a team of 11 sleeping Indonesians.

I have a name?

Here’s the Ramsey skill as a gif:

Thoroughly enjoyed the game.


i love that you get so many “likes” for those 2 words…

I have a name?

Not sure if it’s working now so here, have another!


Anyone know why Wilshere didn’t play?


Hes just returned from injury so I guess his workload would be gradually upped. Same applies to ryo


One report said he had flu


My girlfriend wants more sex than i do

Oh dear

Sounds alarming.

I’d write a letter to Robert Pires at [email protected]
He has answers to everything.

Andy Mack

That’s what her other boyfriends say as well!


My girlfriend wants more sex than i do


Is that why Wilshere wasn’t playing?



She takes after yo’ mama.


Buy her a Range Rover Evoque and a load of designer gear. Then drop her off outside Stamford Bridge.

With a bit of luck, some massive cunt will mistake her for a teammate’s wife and sort your problems out for you while you have a few beers.


Go on lads, stretch those legs!

I was afraid if we win arsene wont sign anyone top class but then I realised even if we lost he still wouldn’t do so. lol


Credit to the indonesian gooners, 80,000 was it that turned up to watch a friendly? Fantastic support, imagine if we won a trophy or two, we’d be even more immense world wide!


fans over there were awesome, they definitely deserve credit for the atmosphere. loved seeing the joy on ~80 thousand faces!


Stadium announcer had a gorgeous accent.

Double Canister

that’s the sort of support the team should be getting at the Ems, every game.


Funny thing is that Man City played their first team pretty much and got a 15000 crowd.


Im also happy they lost along with United. (who just recalled dutch skunk for their preason: Running scared perhaps?) I also wonder how skunks holding up since his 1st love fergie left. lol

Btw Who is Moyes?, lol not many players out there keen to work under him now eh? unlike the fergie era, explains the loss of thiago to bayern under pep (soon rooney)

Arsene and mourinho are the top dogs now in the prem (ARSENE mostly though. 🙂 ) watching Brazil

Funny as in strange they got so many?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It’s good experience for the players, especially the younger guys, performing in front of so many people.

New Arse

Ha ha ha.


Welcome back!


Olivier’s second goal, pure world class!


I am the boss that is all.

Adam, Watford

That’s fine and dandy, Kos, I don’t doubt it . . . but just don’t try THAT tackle, again, this season !!!!!

Yes, you know the one I mean. THAT one !



nw plz dnt say, we hav enuf quality to win d pl, bcoz we still need 2-3 top players..


+o, +ease, -z, +e, +o, -f +gh, -d, +the, +e, -oz, +ause


You missed the +o for “dnt”


haha cheers


Only 7-0! Wenger AHHHHT!!!!


Rosicky was just such a pleasure to watch. Excited to see what he can do with a good pre season.


That bondage harness he was wearing under his shirt was unexpected. He may have stopped off in Berlin on the way through.

jack jack jack

Dat outside of the boot cross for Olsson.


Rosicky is one of a kind. its amazing how fit he is and when on the pitch he could easily pass for a teenager starting his career, just so damn angry. Enterprising, quick and very agile.

Some say he needs to retire with us but looks like one to play on and on and on and on! …..okay, until well eventually….




He wasn’t wearing his signature wrist band. There should be some sort of narrative there…


he did have a sports bra though


eisfeld, gnabry, akpom and olsson were great today but frankly zelalem was superb – he geniunely excites me and displayed what looked like a mix of yaya and cesc out there (against a selct XI, granted, but professionals nonetheless). our youth system is so exciting at the moment and so it’s quite depressing to think that it’s very unlikely that all the above (also bellerin, ryo, toral) will make it at AFC

Pacific Gooner

Did ya see his through ball for Eisfield, with the outside of his right foot through 4 defenders… Class that was

Pacific Gooner

How many did Higuain, Suarez and Rooney score?


One clap-ridden bikini model, one raw Serbian steak and one line of toot respectively.

gooner odst

you combo whore!

Double Canister

Your point seems misinterpreted by some.
Thumbs up for saying we have a good fucking team as it stands.


I just know if giroud can improve on his finishing, then no matter how good any stricker we sign is, giroud will still remain undropable


Indeed, and unlike the second “p” in “undroppable”

Edu's Braces

It obviously means very little but last seasons pre season had some stinking results which was really unpleasant. Best part of this summers clearout is we’ll see these guys in the league cup rather than the chamakh arshavin bendtner trifecta


Ramsey really impressed me today, he played with such confidence and Zelalem is a baller, he’s the black Cesc. Anyways what worries me is the lack of centreback options, Aneke had to play as a centreback in the second half, hopefully we buy a young cb.

Viva TR7

Watching Rambo run the midfield today was such a pleasure. I can’t wait to see what he does this season, he’s on the cusp of something fantastic. Rosicky was his usual charismatic self going forward as were Ox and Theo. Giroud’s finishing was pure class, especially for the second. He’s responded well to the Higuain rumors I guess.

Where was Wilshere today? Every one of the Brit Core played except him?


Jacky’s down with a flu


It don’t mean that much may be because its some pre season friendly against a weak opponent but after the two Manchester’s losing may be the who thing of stability may come into play in the for thought


Aneke is the new centerback signing, haven’t you heard? played the game for free “as live” on Arsenal Player right after the game ended, so they might do that with the other games. No need to mess around with shite streams apparently.

The goals were all decent. Given the other friendly results this week you’d say the title is ours.

Adam, Watford

ESPN in the UK have all the tour games live.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Absolutely!!! The first friendly of pre-season really does determine who will win the league. It’s great to know we have the PL in the bag, and that Giroud is a cert for the Golden Boot. If we get Higuain we are guaranteed to take out the Champions League too. If we win on Wednesday we could be looking at the World Club Championship.


I suppose that this means that we don’t need to make any signings.

jack jack jack

Good one Fats!


Yes, indeed. As always you’ve hit just about everything splat on the head with a single swipe of a very, very, small hammer.

No signings it is. Though I rather think it prudent to wait until after the TW shuts before supposing anything.

Double Canister

His fingers can’t hold a small hammer.


That must be why he’s so frustrated all the time

jack jack jack

I find a light snack usually cheers him right up.


Top quality striker, top quality AM, top Quality DM, CB, Senior keeper. 70 million . 5 players needed.


No one’s listening.

I used to post, e-mail, text, write, phone, telex, telegraph, semaphore, and telegram. I even sent a pigeon once. And still no one gave a snot.

They’re in their own little world. We, apparently, a parallel one.

PS. Nice place NZ.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Cloudy though.

Manchester Gooner

Nowadays, £70m won’t get you that many top quality players, unless you borrowed the tag “top quality” from AW.

Bould's Eyeliner

u don’t need that many ‘top quality’ players. one player like higuain is reasonably enough. What we need are consistent, good players who will coordinate and work together. of course if every1 is top quality that’s ideal, but 2 quality signings this summer is probably al that’s feasible, and more than enough. Not to mention top investments bought cheap will pay off later in the season even, if not a year or two down the road.


nowadays loads of people confuse top quality with media hype.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That’s why the media raised the bar to top, top quality.


Terima kasih Arsenal. COYG!

-love from the ‘bit rubbish’ opposition- :E

The best transfer window time for me, no doubt about it.


what transfer window?


If the 39th game got rolled out, I know where we’d be playing…

gooner odst

T*ttenham would play in Atlantis where Bale can really show his diving skills. 😉


Why are Walcott taking set pieces?!

Double Canister

Errr, Arsecrew,
‘Cause he likes to, but it’s not a strong suite of his especially free kicks which are usually poor.
Corners aren’t bad, if we committed more people to the far far side of the box to be on the end of the way over hit ones.

Hey, maybe if we sent Santi out there? It could be a new tactic.
7 nil, we look good, happy days.
Transfer window angst gone until Monday.


Walcott is taking setpieces…….wait who died and you manager?

Get off his back you bunch of deluded fuckwits even in a meaningless match you still find reason to hate. When the season starts and he takes them all and you still have a problem please find time to drop a complaint at colney.

Pacific Gooner

Eisfield took the corners well


A letter or recommendation to Arsene then.

Dial square

Because he fucking thinks he’s Pele, I don’t know why Wenger sticks with it, while Theo has many attributes (he can run fast) taking set pieces is most definately not one of them.

Manchester Gooner

Keep cool.

He finishes well. Therefore he’ll definitely be more efficient on taking set pieces with more training and trying.


Agree with Manchester Gooner, in Theo’s credit, he usually works hard to fix things he thinks are useful (such as finishing). If he’s going to be taking set pieces, he will probably train hard to perfect them.

Bould's Eyeliner

It’s hard to understand progress when each and every set piece feels like a game changer, to the credit of all the frustrated peoples. There are times to practice set pieces, now is one of them. 4th bad set piece in a 0-0 or a losing situation from Walcott though… I’ve had my fair share of frustration towards him, more than once.


So Fats can’t call Wenger but you’re allowed to call Theo? Seems fair. Especially when Theo at least perform.


It’s not about calling someone out, it’s about the same recycled turd of a ‘joke.’

We’ve all had our little cry about transfers and ambition on the Perez article but posting something generally shit like that on this article is obviously going to get thumbed down.


highlights lads

in case that doesnt show up


harry rednapp

Gnarby looks a player. Pace power and can pick a pass, it wont be long before pep will be talking about his german dna


*Gnabry. Get your dog to type for you Harry.

Sorry, I don’t usually correct people but Gnarby, Wiltshire, Eisfield, Mertesaker, Montreal and Carzola seem to get under my skin for some reason.

Agree about Pep. The guy honestly doesn’t care who he takes players from (look at the Goetze signing he sanctioned).


although it was a friendly and indonesian dream team is no better than acrington but a win contributes to the positive momentum for the start of the season and surely losing on tour isn’t a good PR stunt.

Easy Big Boy

I must say Higuain was a big disappointment today he was invisible that lad.

Piers Morgan's punchable face

Do you read the Guardian? I read the same post on their comments board :-S


Something about seeing Wenger suppressing a smile just makes me feel all warm inside (his reaction to Giroud’s second I believe).

Jason L

Obviously its against an Indonesian dream team, but if we had the same results as the Manchester clubs against their equally weak opposition we would have never heard the end of it. A 7-0 thrashing is always nice, and the boys gave the 80,000 fans that showed up a good show.


We should win like this all season!!!!

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I earn 8m a year and can't win a thing

Is it worth getting excited just yet? We’ve just played a poor conference team!


hello, i’m came from indonesia, i can’t believe this, could lose badly from Arsenal club, but we are proud & salute to Arsenal would visit to indonesia. our locaL official managing football competitions has very crappy..

Ryo Fan

Zelalem showed impressive passing ability. Cautiously excited to see him develop with The Arsenal.

Thanks for another magnificent post. The place else could anybody get that kind of info in such an ideal means of writing? I have a presentation subsequent week, and I am at the search for such info.

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