Friday, October 18, 2024

Little Mozart ready for swan song

Tomas Rosicky says he’ll play every game like it’s his last this season as he counts down to a possible Emirates exit next summer.

Having not won any silverware at Arsenal since arriving in 2006, the Czech international, who has only one-year left on his contract, underlined his desire to go out on a high while also promising supporters more plaudit-winning performances.

“I’m trying to play every game like it’s going to be my last,” the 32-year-old told the Mirror as part of media duties in Japan.

“Everyone can see that and I’ll continue to play like that. This is my last season. It’s not in the back of my mind that I’m playing for a new deal.

“I’m just trying to give my best for my team and my team-mates.”

A dynamic presence in the midfield when fit and firing on all cylinders, Rosicky’s experience has proved vital in the last two seasons despite the usual injuries taking their toll on his game time.

“I’m enjoying playing football again and we will see how it goes,” he continued.

“I’m not in a rush. I’ve said many times already that I would love to finish my career at Arsenal.

“The big part is the experience I have. I’ve been through happy times, bad times and everything. I’m 32 years old so I have a lot of stuff behind me already. All these tough games are the most interesting ones. You want to play in them and I’m no different in that.

“If you look at the last two seasons and what I was able to produce I think I played a big part in us coming back for a top four finish. Obviously for me the challenge is to make the pre-season which will help me for the whole season and contribute straight from the first game.”

It’s strange thinking about the players who have arrived and departed since Tomas signed on the dotted line seven years ago. He’s had incredibly bad luck with injuries but Arsene, to the chagrin of many, was indulgently patient with a player he obviously respects. In return Rosicky has waited for his chances in the last two years and rewarded the boss with some stunning displays.

Hopefully the old maxim ‘good things come to those who wait’ proves true. As one of the club’s longest serving players he more than anyone certainly deserves a cup or two to add to his CV.

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Bilal Mir

He’s a good lad, is Tomas


I know this might come as a little too optimistic, but:
If he shines this season and manages not to pick up any injuires, we can always offer him another deal of a year or two, right?? and since he would “love to finish my career at Arsenal.”, wouldn’t he gladly accept??
who knows, maybe he could folow in the footstepts of giggs and scholes and play another 5 years……
because, “his footballing age is still 30”, right ??

the only sam is nelson

DB10 was the same, happy to stay on and take a paycut and play fewer games.

TR7 is proper captaincy material, really.

I’m hoping we’re going to see TR7 cameos for 2-3 years yet, helping the younger lads out of a hole now and then, inspiring the youngsters in the COC, leading the FA Cup charge, etc. Would be great just to keep him at the Arsenal.

And of course, who doesn’t want to see the contract extension picture of TR7 grinning in the special Ashburton dungeon build just for him?




Not to worry Thomas. This will be the BEST season of your career!!!

glory hunter

My favorite Arsenal player, 1 more year please


Top Man!


Be an awful shame if he finished with Arsenal empty-handed..its hard not to imagine what could have been for him if it weren’t for his injuries.

damien joyce

Such a shame his injuries have to some extent scuppered his time here, he really could have been a player of the ilk of Robert Pires and Freddie, He has always had a knack of attacking weak defenders and making good ones look weak. Don’t think we can have same regrets wiv Diaby just yet, but it is such a shame when seemingly nice and good men have such troubles but ‘orrible cunts like JT, Rio etc overcome their woes to inflict woe on the rest of mankind instead. Whatever happens Tomas, I hope u sign off wiv the big… Read more »

Indie Gunner

He surely has a few years more in him.


Yep, but also it’s good that he’s not taking them for granted.


dont worry tomas you are only 29 in footballing years 🙂

Big Dave

I do hope we offer him a new contract. I don’t care if he’s getting on, he’s a mighty fine player to have in the squad and still with bags of energy. There’s a place for older players, we don’t always need to ship them out.


Exactly. Its not like we need to pay him huge wages or anything. Im sure he would love to stay and contribute and we can reach agreement.

Why bother getting new squad numbers when you have an experienced one willing to stay and he still has it!

Arsene's zip

Love this guy. He’s the model professional.


I love TR7 so much. Just a all-around fantastic player, makes his teammates instantly better and has the eye for wonderful passes. That outside booted cross against Indonesia for the Olsson goal was a just another display of his brilliant.

Hope he stays on for a couple of one-year deals to tutor Wilshere, Ox and Ramsey on how to be a superb player and professional.

Yann M'Vila

I love you Tomas Rosicky!


When you see his name on the team sheet, it’s always a good thing.


He is an obviously talented player , and after his performances last season, you can see why having old heads around is important. I hope he gets a shiny medal around his neck.


Wow so much love in here for Tomas thoroughly deserved aswell. He’s the epitome of professionalism and Wenger must be happy to have him around. Bet young eisfled enjoys having him around the trainning ground aswell.


I love Rocisky

petits handbag

Great lad, probably wrestling with Santi for fan favourite.
The one abiding memory of Tomas will always be the slow motion celebration against Spurs. Glorious moment that brought him to the hearts of all Gooners.
Hopefully we give him the exit he deserves if this is his last season

wenger is blind

If giggs can still play and contribute then Rosicky has plenty of more football within him

aliyu musa

The team need you TR7.We the fans love you as well.


How I’d love Rosicky to finish his career at Arsenal. My favorite player. Think he still has a good 2-3 seasons of ATTACKING MID left in him. After that, he can continue to play in the Pirlo role, I think he’ll flourish in that role.

Super Tom Rosicky. Here’s to hoping you lead us to a few trophies this year!

Denilson's back pass

I thought Giggs would call it a day last season.

Switch on the television, lo and behold, the old man is playing Manure pre-season games.

Like a roach that one.

Anyhow, I’m sure Tommo still has a few years left in the tank. He is only 32 now, he can surely retire with us in a couple of years.

Wonder if Bendtner will be gone by then 😀

Midfield Corporal

Just been reading an article about Rosicky on Sky Sports News App. One thing that stood out was that apparently ‘Arsenal haven’t won a trophy since 2005’. Really? I’m surprised no ones thought to mention that before.

Ivan Drago

Does he mean his last season with us, or is he planning to retire?

Arsene, make sure this one retires with us

Tapscotts testicles

True pro is TR7….

Rectum Spectrum

when you talk about squad players who can come of a bench and have impact, is there a better one at arsenal than Tomas? hope he gets game time this season and can convince all of another year at the club.

when you see what he contributes when coming back from injury, it makes even less sense that diaby is still at the club.


“Good things come to those who wait”…oooer, just after we botched the Higuain deal…

Bob Gould

What does CV stand for?

master floda

“curriculum vitae”, the latin word for your resumé or vita.


I dont know but maybe cunt vanpersie?




absolute legend, him and sagna are now the experienced players in the squad and we need to get them another year on their contracts, players in the last year always seem to struggle with whether they leave or to wait for a new deal, come on arsene, I will accept sagna and rosicky as “like new signings”

rj gooner

Possibly (until recently) the most underrated player for us! The dynamism he brings to 99% of games is immense. U know when he is on the pitch and running at defenders that he will always (99% of the time) make something happen!

RC Motors

Absolutely love little mozart for resurrecting arsenal’s last two seasons in the final run in. Hopefully this season he’s there to take arsenal all the way from the first game to the last.

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I fucking love Rosicky! He has been injured for most of his career but we stuck by his side and he clearly wants to pay back for that.. Unlike a certain Dutch man I knew.


What could have been… Great little player and we got him for a great bargin price. This year if he does get injured it is up to the team to welcome him back for a title run-in not a scrap for 4th. COYG


we got him for bargain price becasue of his injuries,he would have cost lot of more if not.


At Dortmund he didn’t have big injury problems

Suker 4 punishment

This is one guy I really want to see win a trophy with Arsenal, I hope he stays as long he possibly can with Arsenal and not just 1 more season. I’d be really sad to see him go 🙁
Best of luck TR7


its about time we started to keep the older players on, even if they end up on the fringes their experience and guidance is invaluable

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Love the attitude and the drive, Little Mozart. Hope this is the season that things finally “work out” and on the back of that you get a 2yr extension. If Lampard can contribue at age 34, so can you mate.

Parisian Weetabix

No-one has a bad word to say about you Tomas.

Please don’t go.

Sir Ali

Tommy and Bac must stay. We all love them. I wanna see them retiring with us.


Rosicky is an irrelevance: he was a decent squad player at his best, but his terrible injury record meant that he was never going to be a superstar at the club. I wonder how many games he will play this season? At Sky Sports News they are saying that Gervinho will be the next to go this summer. This makes me wonder just how much influence Wenger now has at the club. The recent dumping of the Wenger dross, and now a massive 40 million quid bid for one player – something Wenger would never do in the past –… Read more »

Zorro in the box

Are you Adrian Durham?




Good ol’ Fats, always striving for a 0-100 record.


Fuck off fatty. You are irrelevant

vela's right foot

If you would truly prefer Gerv’s forehead and, erm footballing “skills” over Rosicky’s silky smoothness and floppy hair, then there is no amount of reasoning that can be done with you…


Yeah people talk as if Rosicky has played 30 games a season and averaged twenty goals a season. He has hardly played more than 6-7 full games a season. He shows some energy when he does play but he should because he only plays one in six games so averages 375k per game. Nice guy blah blah, what a load of bollocks . Our players should be paid for playing not smiling while carrying water bottles at training like his mate Arshavin did too. He is no more use than Girvinho or Santos. Retire at Arsenal? He has been in… Read more »


Careful, David! You’re gonna get thumbed down to hell for stating the truth.


I’m a fan, would love him to hang around longer.


Bloody love Tommy!

Pele of Romford

Nice headline blogs


His fitness pulled his career down so i hope this year should be the best for him without any injuries also i wish him to stay with arsenal to mentor future stars like zelalem


Somehow don’t like the “swansong” part because, quite honestly, we’d like Rosicky to stay at Arsenal


wow, that’s a whole lot of love for supertom! i think we have finally found something all gooners can agree on…

Viva TR7

Absolute class. He’s my favourite player at the club along with Arteta, Ramsey and Wilshere. I love that what Arteta can be to Ramsey, Rosicky can be to Wilshere. We need our experienced proven players lending a guiding hand and slowly handing the torch over to the next generation of greats. I hope Tomas sticks around for a couple more seasons, our young core has much to learn from the likes of him. Guys like him just ooze class and pride, and don’t come by very easy these days.

wonderful issues altogether, you just won a brand
new reader. What could you recommend about your submit that you just
made some days ago? Any positive?

Arshavin's Dietician

Something is wrong with the arsenal medical team.

Players always out much longer than expected.

So many players Rosicky, Diaby, Van Persie, Vermaelen, Wilshere have lost months (Diaby’s case years) of playing time.

THERE is an issue.


per, kosc, Gibbs, sagna…. i mean the list goes on and on.


They’re all key players for major international teams – the number of times Diaby, Rosicky and van Persie got injured on international duty is incredible. What Arsenal haven’t had in years are solid, non-international quality squad players – Man United and Man City have loads of them. Almost every Arsenal player is a key player for his international team, or will be soon. It shows you how good they are, but I don’t think it helps. No surprise that Arteta plays just about the most games.

Moral high ground

For fat gooner, rosicky is far from an irrelevance, his form when fit has been hugely impressive in the last 2 seasons. And he has NOT been injured all the time. Why don’t you use more informed negativity and then others would respect your views (which are interesting) more?

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