Saturday, July 27, 2024

No Gervinho or Chamakh in Asia tour party

As Arsenal announced the names of the travelling party, it has emerged that Gervinho has not been named in the Arsenal Asia Tour squad because of sickness.

Whether that’s sickness or “sickness”, we don’t know, but there’s no suggestion in the official bulletin that he will join up with the squad at a later date.

Thomas Vermaelen is an expected absentee as he receives treatment for a back injury, while Nacho Monreal and Santi Cazorla are on an extended break having taken part in the Confederations Crap. New boy Yaya Sanogo is still at the U20 World Cup with France.

There’s also no place for Marouane Chamakh, prompting suggestions that he might be on his way out of the club in the near future, while Andre Santos is another ‘first team’ absence.

As Arseblog News youth correspondent, Jeorge Bird, revealed on his own blog, a number of young players have been included, giving the likes of Kris Olsson, Chuba Akpom, Thomas Eisfeld and 16 year old Gedion Zelalem vital experience.

The Gunners play against an Indondesia Dream Team on Sunday, in Vietnam next Wednesday, before heading for two fixtures in Japan against Nagoya Grampus and Urawa Reds.

The full squad list is:

Mikel Arteta
Lukasz Fabianski
Kieran Gibbs
Olivier Giroud
Carl Jenkinson
Laurent Koscielny
Per Mertesacker
Ignasi Miquel
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
Lukas Podolski
Aaron Ramsey
Tomas Rosicky
Bacary Sagna
Wojciech Szczesny
Theo Walcott
Jack Wilshere
Serge Gnabry
Damian Martinez
Kris Olsson
Chuba Akpom
Thomas Eisfeld
Chuks Aneke
Gedion Zelalem

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Brian Mendoza

Dem photoshop skills

Also, I like this ruthless Wenger.

Arsene's Zip

He looks like a cardassian (as in Star Trek, not reality TV).. although a particularly camp one!


Why does Chamakh have Ronaldo’s neck?

North Bank Gooner

I thought he was a dead ringer for ET, does his finger light up and glow?


I think we’d all be very pleased to see him “go home”.

Adam, Watford

You should be a double-act at the next AST meeting or even the AGM !!!!



Sick? Not as sick as I felt after THAT Bradford miss.


No Gerv=no pre season goals :0


saving on em flight tickets..


So happy Gervinho is apparenly leaving. Not even Hleb was so frustrating.


That might be, because Hleb was actually a vital part of a team that led the league by 7 points in February. I don’t know why did you bring him up, or what is your point with it.


Eh, Hleb was a frustrating player in some of the same ways Gervinho is. They are vastly different players, and I agree that Hleb was more integral to the squad, but I think their frustration Venn diagram has plenty of overlap.

Arsene's Zip

Any use of a Venn diagram gets the thumbs up in my book.


Well, gervs goal return is better than hleb(but obviously hleb’s overall game was better). In my opinion gervinho is a good player, but he isn’t quite made for the premiership.If used in the right way, he can be deadly because his off the ball movement is fantastic(something which cant quite be said of theo and poldi). If you watch the games he has featured in, you will see that he is always involved when a chance is created and very often is at the end of those chances(shame he cant put them away). A move to roma might be best… Read more »


Yennaris must be disappointed


Yeah I would of liked to of seen him in. Was under the impression he was on the rise in the u21 squad and would be competing for senior spot at some stage soon. Thought this would of been good for him


Would have liked to see him*, this would have been good for him*

How hard can it be? And I’m only Swedish… I guess it would of been easier if you all learned text book English like we do here…


Don’t be a dick.


I wonder what happened to his development. I still remember his very good performance in the second half against Man United, when he changed Djourou, a few seasons back


probably is close to loan move


My feeling is that Yennaris got caught in an unfortunate sequence of right-back succession. Jenkinson is currently understudy to Sagna, while Bellerin is currently understudy to Jenkinson. At almost the exact same age as Jenkinson, Yennaris is looking either at warming the bench for Jenkinson until Bellerin arrives to push for a start (at which point, I think the Spaniard will–if rumors of his ability are true–relegate Yennaris back to the reserves), or finding another club. He’ll do the latter. He’s a talent, for sure, but I think Jenkinson and Bellerin are probably better prospects. Then again, Yennaris could just… Read more »




Well, yennaris isn’t exactly a full back. He is a defensive midfielder very much in the mold of le coq. He was played in the full back position because at that time we didn’t have quality right backs in our reserve team

Gunner From Another Mother

Well Yennaris is a midfielder after all. Although I guess that would really compound the problem, seeing as we have even more midfielders than right backs…


No Joel Campbell?

I'm a fan

Gedion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for him

Solid Gooner

We will assume it’s “sickness”. Bye Gerv.


What about Higuain??? Or Suarez??? Or Rooney??? Or Felaini??? Why aren’t these guys on tour too???

Dr Baptiste

Because we haven’t signed them?

The '92 Away Kit

Threadbare at centre back – only Cos, Big Per and Miquel… fingers crossed for good health!


According to his last interview, Jenkinson could play as centre back

Hoosier Gunner

Is it a case of Yao Gervinho turning into ciao Gervinho?



Ryo Fan

Really excited to see Ryo in action. If he was English, he would be lauded as the next big thing and “a really nice lad”. Seems like such a nice lad for real though in those videos on Arsenal player. Would love to see an Asian player make it at Arsenal. 🙂


“If he was English, he would be lauded as the next big thing and “a really nice lad”.

As opposed to all the people saying he’s a no hoper and a bit of a cunt?

Ryo is a no hoper and a bit of a cunt

Ryo is a no hoper and a bit of a cunt.

j/k, he’s actually an exciting prospect and seems like a really decent guy. He’s going home to Nagoya with his team, one of the best in the world. That must be massive for him.


Nice to see Zelalem on the list….and probably a goodbye to the deadwoods of Gervinho,Santos and Chamakh


Arseblog, it’s not your fault. You don’t make the news up, you just report it. I just cannot get excited about anything that isn’t a strengthening of the Arsenal first 11. This is more “meh”.
in doggie parlance: You can stroke my balls and fluff up my tummy but I still won’t show you my lipstick.

twisted cuntloks

bloody hell, you have painted a very clear image in my mind with the doggie bit

Zorro in the box

Dog’s wear lipstick?


I think you all would like Gervinho a lot more if you played FIFA


Yeah, let’s not loose Chamakh. He was really good in FM2012!


If he spends any more time on the hubbly-bubbly then he might get a little too “loose”.


Finally Wenger is back to his ruthless self. Gervinho is a good, tricky player, but not consistent enough. We have Chamberlain and even Gnabry who are both better than him. People say he should be given a 3rd season, with no AFCON in order to prove himself, I understand that but we have better younger players breaking through and if we can still sell Gervinho for a few million, then that’s an excellent deal for us.


Remarkably clean bill of health this squad are enjoying at the moment. Mozart and Wilshere being fit at the same time is like a solar eclipse, spoilt for choice. Let’s hope it stays this way.

twisted cuntloks

perhaps he is really in talks with potential suitors. Get well soon Forehead personxx


We need a bloody center back addition.

And where’s Joel Campbell? I had just been bigging him up on the other article…


Pretty funny how not even a mention of Diaby…. one just assumes he is injured all the time…

Shame that Campbell and Wellington are not going on tour. Any idea why not?


Presumably you have a button mapped somewhere that fires a macro to post that response.

Arshavin's Dietician

Diaby is out for at least another 6 months before he can even do soft jogging?

Why bother taking him on the tour!!

Wellington & Campbell will never play a premier league game between them

twisted cuntloks

returns next year sometime after (earning another 3m ) Wenger said last season it was make or break for him. Well its certainly ‘break’ imo but wenger doesn’t have the balls to move him on.

I can picture the scene as Diaby walks into wengers office to get the bad news. Diaby gives him a little puppy dog stare and wengers says ‘oh alright you can have a new 4 year contract 75k a week but this one is make or break ok?’

William Hancox

No Verm also…


… which was announced in a pretty straight-forward fashion earlier, back treatment.

Ninad Kuchekar

I have mentally prepared myself for zero transfers this season! So it does not matter if we play the same squad as last season, maybe throw in some academy players. All that matters is carrying last seasons’ end form into this season!!


I think they know they will struggle to get Gervinho’s forehead through Indonesian customs. And with regards to Maroune, I think they just got tired of waiting for him to do his hair and left for the airport.

twisted cuntloks

I never realised Chamahk’s neck was so long, has he been wearing one of those neck rings whilst smoking his shisha?




Wake me up when we sign someone decent.


I think you would have been put in a box and buried six feet under if you were left for that long.


now why you gotta go and put qualifiers like decent!


They’ve been left at home to clean the shitters

arteta's perfect hair

What happened to Nico Yennaris?? Or Jon Toral? Are they injured? Because i would have thought that Yennaris would have gotten a chance to impress in preseason


Nico just didnt make the cut, potentially about to go on loan i guess. Toral is injured but probably wouldnt have gone on the tour anyway


I hate to be positive, and I want some signings just as much as the next guy, but how different does it feel to see us going on our first tour with a full starting line-up plus subs? And solid youth as always. I am used to seeing us go with a GAPING hole at some position because we sold our top player and haven’t done anything. I mean I want some new blood in too, but it feels great to see that none of the stars are gone and we can get a solid training going now. GUNNNERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


I always thought Gervinho as a good squad player, maybe arsene though different. if he does leave I will be utterly confused especially after seeing the bendtner fiasco going on for so long only for gerv to depart 1st.

No new signing for the far east tour, unlike last summer. abit dissapointed with things on the transfer front so far.


We have the money, the attraction, the history, we also have Arsene wenger and that explains the mediocre bids for grenier, lars bender, higuain e.t.c

will he ever splash the cash? SICK!


I thought Wenger loved Gervinho so im a bit surprised he is seemingly on his way out, I think its a little absurd taking a 16 year old on the trip, we should have taken campbell or yennaris in order for people with a more immediate chance of playing this season, 16 is far too young to be playing proffesionally imo


Yeah that kid Fabregas had no place on a football pitch.

I don’t think Zelazem is going to get much first team play time, at most 2-3 Capital One Cup games. I still doubt it, but it’s good for him to get some time playing w/ the big boys so he can see what is attainable for him if he keeps working hard.


Good squad, although could obviously do with 2 senior additons at least.

To those with a better memory than me: have we ever signed someone when the team (and Wenger) were on tour abroad? Cheers


Chamakh is obviously being ditched, but I don’t recall seeing Zhervin’iu in any of the training pictures the club site had up this week… Maybe he is really sick? Don’t count your chickens people.


That is a good point. Don’t think he was in any training pics.

Verminator's Mojo

Saw him in one, but he was wearing a breastguard or something that looked like one.


The uncertainty attached to a Gervinho run. “…He beats one, he beats 2 more…, oh he falls face flat in front of goal!” Don’t we fancy another season of that?


I would really like to see a bit of Ryo this pre season maybe give the guy a chance, also Serge Gnabry, I have hihg hopes for him!!!

Silent Stanley

Blogger, when are you going to write about the Mathematics of Arsenal. Depatures(potential depature) minus Current Squad(last season squad minus loanees/injured) Required Number of players for squad depth plus potential number of buys.

Am I making any sense?


What was the question again?


In Marca today there’s a story about Coentrao and Higuain being the only two RM players that want out of the club this summer (the latter’s for sale for 30m euros… hint, hint), and a little down the page there’s another story quoting Perez saying that RM only want players with an “insatiable hunger.” You all know who that means. Chomp, chomp. Anyone remember what Kremlinology used to be like? In any event reading the tea leaves I’m hopeful that Higuain will still happen, but we might have to hold our nose and deal with some cuntery. There’s no way… Read more »


Ramsey is going to kick ass this year, you can see it in his eyes.


I agree. He’s also getting more and more handsome every year. He is to me what Pires is to Arseblog.

Finally–and while I don’t normally pay much attention to Bleacher Report–this is a fantastic take on Ramsey:


Not to sound like a fan girl, but I really don’t get how he just continues to get even more good looking as each season passes. Think he’s the best looking of the team right now.


But then there’s also an article in Marca today saying Pep is going to stop playing with wingers at Bayern, so they might all just be smoking crack over there.


While the squad tours Asia, Gervinho’s doing a tour of his own:


How was hleb a flop, he was part of the 5 man midfield employed by Wenger that went all the way to the final,also, probably the first manager to introduce a fluid 5 man midfield, but that’s beside the point, how is hleb a flop?


Kondogbia to be the ultimate understudy for arteta! That’s depth for you


Arteta wilshere-1st choice
kondogbia ramsey-2nd choice

Double Canister

Shitbird, The tour is, while not ideal very important for Brand Arsenal. We have to go to Asia and save those Asian kids souls before the manc scum suck their brains out. Every new gooner is a welcome gooner, and buy the merchandise kiddos!! That way we can buy the Top Top players. No irony intended. I’d agree that the old training regime at altitude in Austrian was a far better pre-season training camp, but that ain’t going to sell a lot of t shirts or woo new sponsors. That’s the world we live in and we have to keep… Read more »


Nice to see Bacray on board!


Chamakh got shaft


Clearly we are resting Gerv, Cham and Santos for the bigger games. They are the core of the team while others like Wilshire, Koscielny , Walcott, Chamberlain, Podolski, and Gibbs are fighting for a place in the squad. Makes sense really.


Can’t wait to see them on Sunday


Chamakh.. His lanky frame and remarkable head; always helps in visualizing that phrase – “Shit on a stick”


Why isn’t Sanogo’s name on the list?


Representing France at U20’s

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