Saturday, July 27, 2024

Santos on Flamengo radar

Andre Santos (pictured above with Oprah Winfrey) is wanted by Flamengo, according to reports in the Brazilian media.

Arsenal’s ‘false three’ spent the final months of last season on loan at Gremio, but after their elimination from the Copa Liberatdores, the deal was cut short and he was sent back to London.

With the development of Kieran Gibbs and the arrival of Nacho Monreal, the cuddly maverick’s chances at Arsenal are non-existent and a move away is almost certain.

There has been interest from Fenerbache, his former club, but Globo Esporte suggest that Flamengo would be interested and that initial contact has already been made.

They, however, have an issue with requires them to move on-loan Corinthians defender Ramon, and it remains to be seen if they can afford to make a deal with Arsenal.

Santos played for Flamengo in 2006, on loan from Figueirense, and was not included in Arsenal’s Asia tour squad which left for Indonesia this afternoon.

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Yann Le Pentrec

The ad on the mobile site was for Krispy Kremes. Is Google Ads that specific?


Not to mention he appeared on a radar.


Even though Arsenal haven’t made any big summer signings yet it’s good to see they are actually doing a summer clearout. If this goes through, there’s just Bendtner and Gervinho left.


Yeah, the ruthlessness is very good to see and has been the defining change of approach so far this summer.


One will remain, he goes by the name of Park but is legend amongst the players, never seen, never heard. The only way any of us can know that he is actually a part of Arsenal is that you can buy his kit in the store although nobody ever will.


pleaase just leave and take bendtner with you!

twisted cuntloks

he can’t leave, he is one of wengers better signings over the past 5 years, who’s going to take our penalties?

please stay


come on flamengo! Sign him up!


2 most useless Brazilians on a football pitch???


Even when his formed dipped and he played badly, I always wished Andre Santos well. However, this photo with that colossal c*ntface Anderson, has just put me off Andre Santos forever. Leave now, and never come back.


This picture? You had to wait till now? The consignment was done when he almost ripped the shirt off van Pursestrings at OT.


No, he’s a cunt.


The flaming flamingo. It is almost too perfect.


Flamengo is the perfect place for a left back who defends like a flamingo.

Feel free to ridicule. For I expect it.


I lost it at “false three”


Or, he’ll dance the flamenco like a flamingo at flamengo.


Park’s contract looks set to be terminated. Bendtner will find a club somewhere (i hope) Chamakh should hopefully go back to France. If we can get Santos off too we will finally be rid of all the “deadwood”

Top Gunner

I knows it’s a bit late, but what happened to Santos & the Brazilian national team?!?
I remember him being included in a squad & thanking Arsenal!!!
I’m guessing the manager saw him in training & realised he made a big mistake!
But does anyone know what actually happened?!?


Rumour has it that he actually ate some of Scolari while shouting ‘I’m just getting my fil’ (but I wouldn’t believe it until Caughtoffside confirm it).


Just leave you stupid cunt.

nikolas bentner

You all dislike me, all I am doin I suckin your club dry, I am the best striker in the world, I deserve top money for watchin the games week in week out, ok well I admit im a useless sunbathing tool who gets paid for doin f@ck all, but no-one else wants to pay me 80k a week so im staying

twisted cuntloks

ok stay you thieving bitch


I’m not entirely convinced Gervinho needs to be apart of this summer’s purge. He’s a suitable squad player in my book..


Both santos and gervinho can’t possibly leave the club can they? either of them and thats it. Dont want to get mid-season, the usual [insert common injuries] fuck up our season coz we lack options on the bench.


Nelle scorse settimane si era ipotizzato un sondaggio del Napoli per Higuain, il Real ha proposto un suo inserimento nella trattativa per El Matador? No, non credo ci sia stata questa possibilità. Lui comunque lascerà Madrid, quando un giocatore decide di andar via riesce sempre a farlo. Il Real però non accetterà offerte inferiori a 25-30 milioni. Translation- Q: In recent weeks there’s been assumed a possible approach by Napoli for Higuain. Has Real offered him as makeweight in the deal for Cavani? A:No, the possibility hasn’t been there. He will leave Madrid, however, since when a player decides to… Read more »


Sauce? (source)


Pass the mustard would you. Thanks.


Wait. How did you correct your mistake before you made it?! Inception.


All that makes me sick of arsene. wtf is he doing playing around?. pay the darn money. get us what we need. HIGUAIN.

We have 1 pain in the arse manager alright!


But when are we going to get rid of the most money-draining, useless, pointless person at the club? Why can’t Arsene Wenger go now, too?

Brian Mendoza

Some days I feel sad for you, for it must be draining being so overwhelmingly negative towards everything regarding the club you allegedly support.

Today is not one of those days.

I seem to recall you bitching and moaning constantly for Wenger to clear out the deadwood, it seems exactly that is happening and now the gripe is “why can’t he leave too”? Are you serious?

Merlin's Panini

I think he’s hoping you’ll go first 🙂


Wenger goes to the doctor complaining he is unwell. Doc takes quick look and says ” I’m afraid you have got a bad side” My 9 year old made this up to convince me of the need for change.


DJ Santos on Flamengo RADIO 🙂

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Dancing Cannon

Great transfer to the flamingos gays!

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Merlin's Panini

Oprah Winfrey. Heh.


She’s lost quite a bit of weight, hasn’t she?


More like gained a lot of wait.

[…] as stated by Arseblog here Flamengo are reportedly interested in Brazil. He impressed when he went on loan to Gremio and made […]

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Dark Stein

The burning question for me is not when he’s going to leave but what’s with this sideways V sign all footballers seem to do when posing for photos? Serious question, what’s it all about?

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