Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chamakh channels his inner Edith Piaf

Marouane Chamakh has admitted his own stubbornness saw him stick around at Arsenal longer than he should have done but stressed that he doesn’t regret his disappointing spell at the Emirates.

Signed on a free from Bordeaux in 2010, the striker made a strong start to life in the Premier League only for the form of Robin van Persie and trouble in his private life – a long-running and complicated blackmail case – to take its toll on his confidence.

Speaking to L’Equipe (translation by ESPN) the 29-year-old reflected: “The first season was very good. After that, I played a lot less.

“I was behind Robin. It was difficult because he was on fire. As long as the system didn’t change, there was no comparison between him and me. He was the number one. I understood the manager’s choice.

“When Van Persie left, I said to myself that perhaps I would have the chance to play, but I quickly understood the manager wanted to put Olivier, who’d just arrived, in the best possible environment. That’s why I went to West Ham in January.

“I would have liked more playing time at Arsenal. I respect the coach’s decisions, but I didn’t always get my chance. When I came off the bench and things went well, it didn’t necessarily pay off afterwards.

“It’s a little frustrating, but it’s also my fault. Perhaps I was too stubborn by wanting to stay there for so long despite the fact it seemed they were pointing me in another direction.”

The Moroccan international, who recently moved to Crystal Palace on a one-year deal, also hit out at Sam Allardyce for being a Walrus c*nt lying to him ahead of his loan move to West Ham United.

“I made a bad choice. It didn’t go well at all. The manager promised me that with Andy Carroll’s injury, I was going to be able to play. He did not keep his word at all.

“Alou Diarra had warned me. But I just did what I wanted and went anyway. I was had. That’s why I took a bit of time to say ‘yes’ to Crystal Palace. I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.”

It’s hard to mark Chamakh down as anything but a Wenger flop. However, like quite a few other players who’ve failed to make the grade at Arsenal in recent years you suspect the downturn in his form was a result of confidence issues (born out of a lack of playing time) rather than ability.

Granted he didn’t do himself any favours getting caught on camera smoking shisha and there’ll always be those who point to him earning £50,000 a week for four-years but he seems like a reasonably intelligent chap who for the most part kept his mouth shut and didn’t cause trouble in the squad.

Best of luck to him at Crystal Palace. They say opposites attract…and Arseblog News can’t think of anyone more different to Marouane than that mentalist Ian Holloway.

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Nice to see a player leave and not be such a cunt. Good luck to him


Isn’t it, and the irony is of all of those who’ve left in recent years he probably had a bit of cause to have a moan, got pretty much shunted aside for RvP the second he was fit again and then didn’t get a look in. Can understand the confidence going in that situation because he played bloody well for the most part when he first arrived and RvP was injured – well enough that there were mutterings he should have kept his place ahead of RvP, which really shows just how much confidence the guy’s had knocked out of… Read more »


His barnet is still god awful


Sorry, how have I missed this “blackmail case”?

And did we really have him for 4 years?

This transfer window has made me unsure of every little thing. Our manager Arsene Wagner has a lot to answer for.


nah we had him for 3 years

Midfield Corporal

Try googling ‘Morocan forward/las Vegas/ Swedish blokes/ orgy and blackmail’ ……let me know what it comes back with.


WWouldnt mind getting some of that blackmail action

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It told me that I had spelled Moroccan wrong. You deliberately tricked me into making myself look stupid to a software program. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.


He may not be TGSTEL but thats pretty humble from him. Good luck to him.


Partly true, I thought after the impressive two goal cameo he had against reading we would get to see atleast more of the fella. you’re only judged by your last game right?.

But hey look here, a 2 goal haul aftere almost a year without scoring doesn’t suddenly make you good enough. Fair play to him though, he exposed sam for the lying, fat, mouth breathing cunt he is.


all these years and his still hasn’t sorted his hair out


Blackmail case?

Also this all rather nice and humble :~) good luck to him


Hey hey hey now. Holloway is the best type of mentalist. Have you not seen his ‘take your partner by the hand, then bump and grind the bastard’ dancing. Genuinely hope chak does well for himself and the west country wizard.


Not entirely comfortable with the inference that Holloway’s not some sort of a cunt.


Sounds like such a humble chap, and glad he accepted that he stubbornly stayed at arsenal one year longer than he Actually should have done. Knowing when to leave some times could save a life of regrets. This reminds me of when I had my first meaningful love relationship, it was during my university days. This girl was a bomb in my eyes, and my reason for living. After a year together, we were already the talk of the campus, and many a toss went up in our honor, but the more time laid to waste, she woke up and… Read more »

Arsene's stylist

Thank you for sharing that. Love makes us do stupid things.

the only sam is nelson

ersatz rambling pete


Arsene's stylist

Don’t be a Dick Law.

Midfield Corporal

I think I’m gonna cry.


… back to Bashing?


I am so sorry, you should really consider dating 2 girls at once…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You can’t leave it there. Go on. Then what????

glory hunter

Good luck to him.


At least he can own up and admit that some of the fault lies with him. As much as van purse strings annoys me no one would have been picked above him. Some footballers just don’t have the mental state of others in situations where the fans and everyone gets on top of them (another reason i admire Ramsey after the Crap he got).

Goodbye Chamakh. it didn’t work out for you at arsenal but good luck at Crystal Palace (not too good of course don’t want him scoring against us)


Lol why do you always bring up the shisha. So what he smoked shisha it’s a cultural thing in some places including morocco. It was down to his game not his shisha , lol


It’s the sad case of “when you’re palying well, it doesn’t matter, when you’re playing badly, it matters”. See also: Santos and his shirt accident.


it didn’t work out for him and I don’t think he was Arsenal quality but he did a decent job for us when Van Persie was injured. Good luck to him!


Now that was some sensible talk!!


We all had grown quite fond of him after his first few months at Arsenal. He had enough quality to be a solid back up but he is the kind of forward who requires playing time and confidence. Not quite good enough for Arsenal, shame he went off the boil so badly. Oh well, good luck to him.


it beats me when people say “he had the quality to become a good back up” chamakh is a world class player in all respects! .he started off his arsenal career flying for crying out loud. In fact, no other striker under AW has had a better start, and he was never for once off steam when he was a regular starter. We all know, that every athlete(no matter how good he is) needs regular playing time to maintain his play level. chamakh was just not treated fairly imo, once van-trashy became fit. its down to poor management if you… Read more »


I’m surprised no one has jumped in and said “Don’t encourage the bastard to not spend”.


Every player has played there part including Chamakh. He scored crucial goals in his first season.

Happy Dave

A fair and honest appraisal of his time at Arsenal wish him well. I still remember the goal he scored at City which was lovely to see.

However things move on and he didn’t cut it for us and I look forward to Arsenal smashing the crap out of Palace.

Harish P

What was everyone’s favourite goal of his? I loved that chipped goal against Reading last year.


6-0 win against Braga in 2010 – Arshavin chips it up to Chamakh on the edge of the box, he shoulders it down onto his own foot, lays it off to Wilshere, Wilshere takes a touch, backheels it through the defender’s legs into the box, Chamakh runs on to it, dodges past another defender and smashes it into the bottom corner. Arsenal at their short-passing best.


Good luck to the guy…


He’ll always be remembered.


He went to Crystal Palace, not The Pearly Gates, though it’s an easy mistake to make, er…

The Mullet

Good luck to the sporting porcupine.
Changing the subject, what the fucks going on with Podolski?
Last season we were told he had an injury which kept him on and off the bench, but after a good pre-season he still can’t get time on the pitch?


He doesn’t defend

Dark Stein

Wenger’s benched him for saying ‘A-ha’ too much


Nice to see a former player being honest about things and not blaming others.

Next up Nickas Bentner “Everything is my fault and I’m an absolute c**t. That’s why no one’s willing to take me.”

We can always hope…


Hope he does well at palace, top bloke


Shame how it turned out for him I suppose, if you can’t remember how he was in his early days, check out some of our games from 2010/2011. He had a lot of postive contributions but you could argue the supporting cast (cesc etc) made a lot of what he did possible.
Shocking hair, hung around too long but that’s hardly going to go against him (who wouldn’t take the money he was getting)

Verdict: not a cunt and so long as he scores against our rivals and not us then good luck to him

Perry S.

I bet “Chamakh blackmail” is trending heavily on google at this time…


Perhaps we should buy him back. Bid $1. Derisory, Rejected

Merlin's Panini

Good luck to him. I’m personally amazed he still has that horrendous haircut. It’s usually the case that a spell over here cures a player of euromulletitis. Cesc had it, Bendtner had it, Eduardo had it, both saw sense and got rid after a classic bit of English piss-taking.
I guess he really is stubborn!

Yankee Gooner

If we’re being honest, Cazorla’s hair is just as bad as Chamahk’s.

Midfield Corporal

Isn’t it nice to be debating who’s hairstyle is worse, Chamakh or Cazorla instead of the lack of transfers. Personally it’s a no brainer, Chamakh looks like he dipped his head in Jizz. Kudos to Sagna aswell for sticking with the braids, I thought they were only for 15 year old girls on holiday in benidorm.


if anyone actually watched the palace game he came on as a sub and looked really good. very involved in play and he was working for the team. good luck to him.


Would say most of us figured out how this would end before we sent that dutch bloke packing.

But the writing was most certainly after the when Giroud came in. And we also signed some guy from Germany too….I think I recall his name was Podolski?

Wonder whatever happened to him….



Goodluck man, even if u aint good enough for us… Well let’s see what bar sanogo has to offer.


He’s not white he’s not black he comes from a place not far from Iraq , he plays upfront and he plays attack
he is our mate maroune Chamakh la lala la lalalalala, goodluck at palace

jack jack jack

Not a fan of that chant I must say, but good luck to the lad.

Also, for the sake of accuracy, London is about 500 miles closer to Iraq than Morocco is.


Always had a lot of time for chamakh and then I found out he was friends with nasri and I kind of lost all respect for him


Good Luck Marouane!


Should have left a season ago for the good of his career. Ditto Bendtner two seasons ago.

They’re too stubborn about the pay issue where it affects their football. Understandable in some ways but in the end, it hurts them more. Take the pain. Take the pay cut and move on.

With the right set up, Chamakh can be effective again.


First of all, I miss you all vey much even though some of you say mean things about me. Especially that fat goon one. It is very different at Selhurst. The benches are not as nice and they do not have a hair gel dispenser in the changing rooms. The little old man is very animated. He yells a lot of weird things and I do not always understand. One time he said something about birds and a shag carpet and I just nodded my head to pretend that I knew that he said. Still, it is better than last… Read more »

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Chamakh did well for us when we were missing RVP, he played a crucial part of staying in the Champions League spots a couple of years ago with his performances. Things would have definitely been different if he wasn’t on such form back then. Thanks and good luck!

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