Saturday, July 27, 2024

Giroud confident he can be Arsenal’s main man

Having scored three goals in three competitive fixtures – 11 in 10 if you count the pre-season fixtures – it’s understandable that Olivier Giroud is feeling pretty good about life at Arsenal right now.

While last year the Frenchman started life at the Emirates in the shadow of a certain Dutchman, this year the shadow has been cast by the prospect of high profile arrivals potentially taking his place.

Nevertheless, visibly more self-assured on the pitch, the 26-year-old believes that all he has to do is keep scoring goals and people will stop questioning his credentials.

“I am in good [form], I feel really confident in the games,” Giroud told after the 3-1 victory at Fulham. “If I do the job on the pitch [there are] no more questions.

“If there is a new striker that comes in it is a good thing for the squad. I try to give my best for the team to win and nothing more.”

Tipped by Arsene Wenger for a successful second season at the club, Giroud has also been boosted by the news that team selection will be based on performance not profile even if new faces do arrive in the coming week.

“His second season is always better than his first one,” the boss said of Giroud after he opened the scoring at Craven Cottage.

“You could see as well technically today that he was quite impressive. His physical presence up front is very important and I think he looks like he’s much more confident than last year.

“The new guy who [could] come in will not start [every week],” Wenger continued when asked about transfers. “We might be in the position where we buy a big player and he will not play.

“What is good in our job, it’s just about quality. Most of the time, the quality is linked with the price, but not always.”

Naturally, given Giroud is the only tried and tested central striker we have on the books at the moment (ignoring messrs, Park, Bendtner and Sanogo and assuming Poldi and Theo will forever function from out wide) it’s completely natural that the boss heaps praise and back pats on him.

As arguably the most vocal squad member on the subject of new arrivals this summer, it certainly looks as though he’s readying himself for a fight, which is good news. Let’s hope he has more gumption about him than Marouane Chamakh who seriously suffered the moment his run in the first team came under threat. He’s got better hair so that’s a good start…

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He can be my main man anytime

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

Once up in time we had Bergkamp, Henry, Kanu and Wiltord as striker, we didn’t worry who was the “main man” because all were getting games and busy wining things. Do you know (and this is the the young and supporters with short memories) in 2002 we had to go to Old Traford to play the Manures with NO, listen to this, Bergkamp, Henry and Pires to win the title, Yes that is correct to win it with three of the best footballers in the world missing from our team. Did we have any worries or fear? No, we went… Read more »

Arsene's Nose

Doesn’t the Emirates qualify as a Trophy? Might not be silver, but it is shining and its ours, it definately has been the basis of Arsenals growth in past years. Was it worth sacrificing the Arsenal Team for the growth of AFC? Depends on who you ask, but I know we have done well with the resources we have except you can show a club that has managed to do it better in the same climate as Arsenal’s. Don’t get me wrong, I want actual trophys too, but am willing to wait if its going to be done the Arsenals… Read more »


I think a lot of people forget this, im not defending his record the last 2 years in the transfer market because I think those could have been handled a lot better and contracts really should have been a priority.

But when you look around europe at the clubs who have built or are building a new stadium with there own money, ie Valencia, Lyon, Lille so on, they have sacrificed there winning teams and have had no consistency since. Just hope for a brighter future and not become another Liverpool

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

We have waited and stuck by the team all this years and still supporting the team. What we are asking now is WE HAVE THE MONEY and all the summer to build on the great honest player we have. I didn’t bring WE HAVE THE MONEY, our CEO came out and said it, Arsene said it and the whole world knows it. What is happening is not the mentality of a club wanting to challenge, but a club that happy to make money. What frustrate and anger most fans is that, we are so close to challenging we have the… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Gazidis boasted about the money we had initially. He’s a marketing man from a sporting culture where they don’t really have massive bidding wars for players. He had no idea what the money would do for us (fuck all without guaranteed CL this season, and very little until we finally win an important trophy or two). Seems we fans didn’t think it through either. If we had the intelligent fan base we think we have then the chant would have been “Spend some fucking money, if there is anybody willing to join us”. The fact that nobody has chosen to… Read more »


times have changed Mister. back then you only had to fight off united and dropping points against teams in the bottom half was unthinkable, though possible. now newly promoted teams have a budget bigger than Valencia or fiorentina.
did you remember to remind those “young fans” how we would shit ourselves at the prospect of facing a lazio, Ajax, deportivo , Valencia (I still get a cold carew chill down my spine thinking about them)?

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

You said time has change, yet now we shit ourselves paying WBA, Swansea, Stoke, Fulham, Spuds, Bradford, Blackburn Brimingham and the likes. I would rather “shit” myself at the prospect of facing Lazio, Ajax, Deportive and Valencia.

BTW, we still “shit” ourselves playing poorer side than those in Europe.


GFG – Gay for Giroud


A bit unfair to mention Sanogo along with Park and Bendtner..


Not convinced Yaya has what it takes just now. Hopefully my view will change. Right now he’s just meh.


He is just raw. Let’s give Arsene some time to polish him, he will be good.


he’s barely kicked a ball for us and is only 20 years old! are you mental? you’ve made your insightful assessment based on…


For someone his age (and injury record, touch wood) he is actually not “meh”.

Nigel Flamini

Agreed. Not ready to use this season. It’s maddening to say (because he’s our only signing) but a loan move to someone like Palace would be good. Unless Chamakh takes him under his wing, of course…


great sample size too… erm 10minutes on the pitch.


i watched a bit of the U20 championships in june and Sanogo looked really decent target man among his own age. hold-up play was good and he’s also quite technical and quick for his size. let him mature a year or two. he could really become a world class striker if his injuries are behind him. fingers crossed.


Yes because Bendtner was much better at the same age. Looked like he had a future here.


So sanogo has played what? 30 minutes in an arsenal shirt and that’s a basis enough to judge him? hmmh sounds reasonable!!!, you muppets!


His finishing has been very good lately but his hold up play needs more work. Maybe the stats guys will correct me here but he seems to lose the ball when he tries to hold it up.
But you have to have a heart of stone to not love our HBF.


Its funny, but I’m sorry to have to disagree with you there. His hold up play is in my opinion, his main asset. For some reason in my mind I can picture him always bringing in other players. How many assists last year?


Actually, in BPL I think had only 5 assists last year (but 4 in CL), it’s just some of his assists are quite awesome so people tend to remember them well.

oh robin

remember that podolski volley in ucl? a beautiful chip frm giroo and a lethal finish from poldi :’)


Keep it coming Ollie!…….I am ordering my 2014 home shirt with your number and name on it! COYG!

Peter Lavelle

“We might be in a position where we sign a big player”! Hahaha, wenger cracks me up!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He’s only telling the truth. Most of our players are little guys. Mertesacker is getting lonely with nobody up there to talk to.

Notts Wilko

Getting a bit bored if the homo-erotic comments now. Was funny for a while. Move along. Move along.

Nigel Flamini

If only it were that easy to quell a stiffy


30+ goals this season

oh robin

30+ goals frm giroo wud be an awesome season. as much as i hope for it, i see him getting 20- 25. 30 wud prove him world class though.. come on giroo!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I’m not completely fixated on the number of goals he scores this season, but I really would like him to score more than Ripped Von Penis gets.


anyone notice that Chamakh scored this weekend, against Begovich of all people, heh


So did Vela, again


But Adebaywhore is still shit.


van Persie, anyone?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

On toast? Yes. Feed him to the trolls.



Demolition diaby

So much love for this man my girlfriend has left me…


Who could blame her

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Go after her. You don’t want her getting to him first, do you?


Cant wait till transfer window is closed and we can concentrate in the football. Hopefully with a stronger squad

Cristian Benteke

Call , maybe?


I see Yaya Sanogo becoming the new Henry. Yes i said it!!!

The Next big thing i.e 5-2 at the NLD

while i like your optimism and acknowledge his raw potential. let him first settle. Get a couple of run outs and when his confident starts to peak then we will see his main characteristics come out. He seems adebayo-esque in terms of talent (hope he never gets his attitude)


Hope we sign a ‘big’ player like Oezil, Benzema or Suarez.


That post has got to be tongue in cheeky, surely


I will gladly eat the humble pie if he keeps this run of form going.

He just needs to produce against the big clubs and I will be converted to a believer.

Die Hard Gunner

What a Gay! You can’t help it loving Giroud, I hope God bestows on him his quality and great goals.


Whats your fucking obsession with hair!?


I support Federico’s comment. I still doubt his quality on the pitch. It’s when his goal-scoring form is shown against the likes of ManUre, Chelstick, Noisy Neighbours and Kidneypool that I’ll believe him.


Hope he will continue doing dat every week, to give us atleast 30 goals


Everyone should see Stuart McFarlane’s picture of Giroud in the rain yesterday. Even Notts Wilko.


Odd Wenger putting off perspective new ‘big’ signings by saying they’ll have to sit on the bench.

Personally I’m happy without big signings but just talented quality players who can come in and challenge for places immediately and provide cover. World class quality isn’t necessarily linked to price.

On another note, just want to express my disappointment at Arsenals lack of transfer activity making some part of me actually want Suarez near our club.

That is all


No team can compete with 1 striker. The same people who are fawning over Giroud’s face will be abusing him when he struggles as the games come thick and fast.

Jack's Right Foot

Saw the words “Giroud’s face” and “come thick and fast” and got a bit excited.

The fool of a Took

His finishes has really impressed me lately, I get a sort of “Eduardo wibe” about the beautiful devil.

Jack's Right Foot

How is he so damn handsome?


I’m buying the away shirt with GIROUD’s name on it. that’s how much he’s improved and how much faith I have in him.


get in!


With Arsenals wins at Fenerbahce and Fulham and the recent addition of the three defensive LANS players Monreal, Vermaelen and Koscielny perhaps Arsene believes the defence is ok. The only deference to defence may be Flamini and GK . There will be another striker because no striker plays 53 games in the EPL without injury or fatigue . Arsene is looking more cocky than I have seen him look for years, and Man City losing would have helped Arsene’s strut immeasurably. I reckon Arsene has his mojo back, I also believe Arsenal are now favourites to win the EPL ?

Glen Helders soul-glo

I don’t think any striker plays 53 games in EPL due to the fact there are only 38 games.


G.I.R.O.U.D jst kip bringing in d goals lets say evry match especialy against manjuice,chelshit,livaswanp


It’s great to see Giroud finally finding some real confidence.

He works hard for the team and has a great attitude.

I can see him staying with us for many a year.


Juan Mata available? imagine a front four of Mata, cazorla, Walcott and giroud, sweeeeeeeeet! Ramsey/wilshere and arteta/cabaye the deep lying midfielders,ain’t that some line up, how did we miss capoue? He is a beast in midfield!


Keep on hitting the back of the net big fella, it wont be in doubt.


To be fair, he looks like he can handle himself well. My wife says he’s ugly. Says cant believe you guys go for that! I dunno. Every time he scores I think he gets more and more attractive.


Your wife thinks you’re the jealous type.


My manc supporting cousin posted out in the rain giro and his sick pack wow

Marty Eire

Michu is much the same mould as giroud,tall,holds up play, left legged.When buying a striker arsene seems to be looking for a different option to giroud Judging by our bid for suarze,he’s looking at maybe a player who can hold his own as lone sriker and play wide if needed. Sound like he’s looking for poldiski.


He is looking a individual forward ho can dribble and turn defenders inside and out and score goals on his own I can only name two type of forwards in that mold suarez and aguero.


I meant in the PL, not that there are many in others league, difficult to find that type of forward maybe messi 🙂


If you look at HFB’s time at Montpelier, you will discover that his only ‘defaut’ so far has been his confidence. Last year he wasted lots of opportunities which he used to put away in France for fun. Is it because the league is different? may be, but when you count the number of times that he either shut straight at the goal keeper or against the goal post, you will discover that it is not about the league (the goal posts in France are of the same size as those in England) but his confidence. Last season he used… Read more »


Am I missing something, since when do we use ‘EPL’ or ‘BPL’ bollix..

Merlin's Panini

I really like Giroud. I’ve always said he oozes confidence. I think he would be up for the fight too if another striker does come in. The things he tries at times are audacious and his finishing looks to have improved again. So far he’s looking more comfortable in the team and scoring the first goal in games is a sign that he’s an important player. If he starts more regularly this season I think he’ll easily breach 20 goals.


Why the hand behind him has two thumbs?


Because you need prescription glasses.


We beat two shitty teams, and already I’m getting this vibe from our fans that giroud is the world bitter.
If you take your rosé tinted glasses off for a bit you’ll notice that the three top teams in the league have better strikers on their benches.
I’ve nothing against the guy but he his not going to win us anything if we don’t sign better striker.

Marty Eire

Its not a case that we don’t need a striker it’s just giroud is playing well and fans are praising him for that. Surely he deserves credit for his good form, its not his fault theres no competition in our team. With a 20+ striker and a free scoring giroud we will have just as much fire power as our rivals if not more when you count walcott,poldiski and santi’s goals.

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We still need a better striker than him

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