Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Liverpool owner: we will not sell Suarez to Arsenal

John W Henry, owner of Liverpool, has said this evening that they will not sell Luis Suarez to Arsenal under any circumstances.

The American has told Ivan Gazidis that they won’t listen to any further Arsenal bids, and says it’s ‘ludicrous’ to consider selling the Uruguayan to a rival for the top four.

“We’re not in Europe this year and haven’t been in the Champions League for a while,” he said. “Obviously, to sell Luis to a rival for those positions, or one of those  positions, would be ludicrous.

“We are not going to sell Luis. I’m unequivocal that we won’t sell to Arsenal, whatever the bid is. I have not said it to Stan but I had a personal conversation with others at Arsenal and told him we would not sell to Arsenal.

“He won’t be sold even if a foreign club comes in because we do not have time to sign a suitable replacement. It’s a football reason. It’s not about finances.

“That’s why at this point, so late in the window, with everyone who’s already moved or isn’t moving, we can’t replace him. So for football reasons we can’t sell, and especially to Arsenal.”

This, on top of the ‘What are they smoking?’ Tweet, means that the American will look like the least credible man in football if he backs down now. He’d look like Grant Holt at an Anorexics Anonymous meeting.

Henry also expressed his unhappiness that Arsenal were privy to a confidential contract clause. Asked if it concerned him, he said, “How does a club who doesn’t have permission to speak with your player see his contract? It should have been confidential.

“Unfortunately it’s the way it works in football. People don’t speak about it publicly but that’s the way it’s run. It’s how things are done,” he said, ruling out any kind of official complaint.

Maybe it’s all part of the dance, but it strikes us this is going nowhere fast from an Arsenal point of view, and perhaps we might be better off looking elsewhere.

Or, at least, we might have been better off had all the other top strikers in Europe been moved on already.

Oh, Gonzalo. It should have been you.


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Indeed. We should test Dortmund’s resolve with a nice bid for Marco Reus.


You’re Mr. Current Events. You mean Lewandowski, right?

Wrighty's Gold Tooth

Not a striker, but yes I’d love to see him at the Arsenal

Remember the invincibles because we aren't good anymore

Could be the winger we need. But they won’t sell this season. And we’ll be in a suarez situation again

Exclamation mark

I can’t understand why people think we, or any other club, can land Reus. He told Bayern to gtfo last year. he has a nice long contract with BVB – without a release clause (at least until 2015). The way they told Lewandowski to shut up and play, you think everyone would understand their best player is not for sale.

That said I’d love to see him here.


Same thing goes for the Gundogan noise this week.


With the departures over the years from Arsenal, conventional wisdom is always ‘oh, you can’t keep a player against his will’. So there’s Dortmund who’ve told the player to do one and see out his contract, Liverpool are insisting on the same. What’s our excuse been? Just to put it in context, Liverpool are demanding at least 50 million pounds for a player who wasn’t the top scorer in the league after having finished 7th. We sold the league’s top scorer (after finishing third) for 25 million pounds. Both receive four year contracts, and you wouldn’t bet on the biter… Read more »


And we already were given an unequivocal “No” when asking about Lars Bender a couple months back.


it was kind of different with skunk, as his contract was running short.

still, i find this liverpudlian punk from america commendable in a way. as much as i’d fucking twist his neck and watch him twitch, i feel some kind of respect for him not having what somebody else wants.

it’s all about money, though.


Right now, i honestly think the best thing in the world would be for us to vs manchester city and get absolutely fucking thrashed this weekend in our last pre season game.

How did we become the laughing stock of the transfer market AGAIN.

Only Arsenal could take away that pure excitement that we were all feeling when we thought Higuain was all wrapped up, and replace it by sheer Anarchy.

Dave Gooner

I disagree. I don’t think we are acting dishonourably. It appears Suarez agent let us (and no doubt, many others) know that he wants out of the Merseyside Museum of 1970s Football and the terms they believed they had agreed with the Mausoleum of Dreams, and we acted on it, because we need an out and out striker. We triggered the clause, but Rodgers is a dishonourable wretch and clearly lied to LS at the start of last season. How that one will resolve itself now at the Merseyside Mausoleum is anyone’s guess, but its difficult to see LS playing… Read more »


Are you sure that it’s Rodgers who is lying? It might as well be Suarez acting like, well Suarez.


Just a small comment. I’ve also thought about Lewandowski. But, he’s determined to go to Bayern, as we all know, so I think Bayern told him to wait until his contract runs out at the end of this season and he can join them on free transfer, rather than move now for one season, probably with a very large fee, and thus forcing Bayern to pay an even larger fee for him the next season. I reckon Bayern told him to sit tight. And players have *some* say in whether they will be sold to another club, like Arsenal.

Dave Gooner

Arsecrew, the 40m + 1 bid from our side would appear to corroborate Suarez side of the story – it is clearly what he and his agent believed, and what they led us to believe in turn. (He needs a new agent by the way). Rodgers is just a liar, and not a very good one. I fail to see how someone as bad as his word could continue in a high profile club like Liverpool. Clearly he is NOT a man of his word, and a double dealer. Say what you like about AW, he has proved time and… Read more »


excitement for higuain? hahaa..

some dumb american

The sad thing is, in no way will this end the speculation.

damien joyce

no, i think it will, because next time AW is asked he will confirm that we have got the message.


Bid higher and see if the tune changes.


To late missed the boat !


It’s over. Your move Wenger.


Don’t see what has changed really. They have been saying all along he is not for sale.

But they still have an unhappy player in their squad who could do serious damage to the team. And money talks. I remember the same thing being said of Cesc and Nasri.

Not saying it will definitely happen but if every club backed down when a bid was rejected, even as emphatically as this, then you would not get many big transfers.


This is turning into an angry, drunken game of poker. At this point I’d bid 55m just to watch that cigar fall out of his mouth.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It wouldn’t. He’ll play well for Liverpool this season as his career depends on it. He will still be worth the money next season, but the unsavoury part of his history will be a year older and there will be more teams in for him. He won’t choose us next year when he makes his bid for freedom. We were manouvred into making a move by him and his agent because they thought they could bluff their way through a deal to get him out of a long contract, and we wer stupid to bet 40 million and a pound… Read more »

Bolarinwa Mayowa

John.w.henry: we will not sell suarez to arsenal.
Like we were expecting u to say u will. But for suarez being suarez, i won’t be giving up on the possibility of this deal going through. Plus, we now know what u’ve been smoking over there at anfield.


It’s not beyond the realms of possibility Suarez will stay. There are some similarities with what happened with Benteke this season. He was also very vocal about wanting to move, but was eventually convinced to stay and sign a new deal.

Ok, there has been a lot more drama and sh*t-slinging with Suarez, but still, it just shows it’s not impossible for Suarez to stay at Liverpool




Fuck it. Let’s just give them a right thrashing when they come over to the Emirates. Oh and the snack bar at the Emirates should serve rat pies and rat meat burgers to cater for the away supporters too


Better than Tesco’s horse meat burgers… The waitress asked if I want anything on it. I said, “A fiver each way.”

Santi Claws

But Dave we don’t have Tesco’s in New Zealand.

Something is afoot here


I wonder if he was complaining about Liverpool knowing the details of Diego Costa’s contract. Or Mkhitaryan’s.


Did Liverpool know the details though?


Funny all these gooners getting very twitchy and desperate ! Big club are you’s missed out on your 2main targets and got no 1 ! What have you’s got to say about your owners now and wenger? Ha


Still your player wanted Arsenal move. So f**k off

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

I love the way Mugsmashers even type in scouse! So funny.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

They’re never here for long though. Have to keep moving to stay one step ahead of the law.




That’s clearly an overkill from AWs perspective. More like £


Ah 49

What a fantastic number


I hope Arsene goes to the press and says, “I am going to make him an offer he can’t refuse”.


Dats not wenger area of duty. Its left for the shy spending club my club. Club don’t talk to coaches, they talk to club likewise the coaches.
D man concern is ivan dats y he was called. They are the ones making or putting the bid not wenger understand it now.



Titsan Arse

Vincent you are a doughnut.


well, at least he watches good movies.

damien joyce

Well now we will see if there really was a plan for this summer, I truly hope so.
I honestly think we are “only” one top player in each position (GK,CB,ST and a big/tough midfielder) from competing with the 3 above us and also putting the shit behind us even further behind.

Come on Arsene, speak with ur scouts, or txt me and I’ll send u my FM2013 shortlist!!


I really love Wenger as much as the next arsenal fan, but this summer has been a shambles and someone has to take the rap for it. Someone hasn’t been doing their job properly and I have the worrying feeling its as much Wenger as Ivans fault nothing been done. I hate to say it but if this year no progress is made in the league or cups even with the time and resources we had this summer they both have to go. Surely someone can do better than this, I really expected more this summer, maybe I will be… Read more »

Toure Motors

Despite all the public statements from May onwards i think you would have to question the willingness of the manager and the club to spend the required money to improve the team. I think we’ll spend before the end of the summer but it won’t be on ‘marquee’ signings, and as a result we ultimately won’t be competing for either the EPL or the CL. I can see a scrap for third or fourth place this year. It’s a real shame because there was a genuine opportunity to become more competitive this summer


Same as every window, so fucking annoying.

7M profit, how much saved in reduced wages?, no new players (sorry Sanogo…, you just don’t count).

Bunch of headless chickens!

and Liverpool showing how you deal with a want away player


and someone has to take the rap for it.


has the transfer season finished ?

what is it with all you “experts”….? ….. always looking to blame someone……

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

We’ve been hear before. What’s to say it’s going to change now? After everyone saying they’d learned from summer’s past, we’re already supermarket-sweep level.


All eggs in one shitty basket. I hope not so much. I want Arsenal players! I don’t see Suarez as Arsenal class, all very weird.


Well, we won’t sell Chamakh to you!!!!

Juventus uche



The cunt just wants more money.. Wasn’t Torres “Not for sale”?? And Henry is all about money.. So the ball is in Arsenal’s court to increase the bid and see??


he who cant be named had a 50 million release clause in his contract thats why he was sold, thats what john henry ment when he wanted to know how arsenal knew about the 40 million clause in the contract of judas the second coming and chelsea knew bou the 50 million buy out in d oder cunts contract, ynwa


Cool, here’s some rat stew.


Wake up man, your desperate need for a classy striker is clouding your judgement, Liverpool will not sell Suarez to a rival for the CL spots next year, time to move on. I see tonight you’re linked to Eto, can you see Arsenal paying £20m wages to a player? I can’t.


A statement from the owner doesn’t make liverpool suddenly Arsenal’s rival for a CL spot.

Arshavin's Dietician

Exactly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Aren’t Swansea, Everton & $purs your direct rivals.


a rival !!!! try everton norwich and the rest of the chasing pack if you want to find your rival…


Rival? Heh


Some of you’s never learn ! Dumb arse’s


either way you’re fucked with him.

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

Do they have computers in kindergartens nowadays?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You be careful or Mack will steal your computer off you.

Arsene Wenger

Good .. Keep your eyes and all the talk about the unattainable Saurez and come September when we don’t sign players , I can claim that we tried but didn’t.

Next year, I’ll put in a bid for Ronaldo and drag it all summer.


It has suddenly dawned on me that Wenger is both a hoarder and a miser. He can resist picking up pieces of tat he finds in the street and he has no intention of spending money. He practical fell over himself to pickup Yaya for free but spend real money? Like heck! He’s fooking known all along that Suarez was not for sales.


dont be so ridiculous


“He practically fell over himself to pick Yaya for free”

Umm, did he? I don’t recall him going to that much trouble. Why sensationalise?


yaya and kolo went on trial here but at the time we have plenty of DM so we decide to sign only Kolo .
Stop creating your own fantasy story

Arshavin's Dietician

Sanogo not Toure


oups my bad i read to quick :(…forgot we have already a yaya 😀


Wenger is ok with receiving 7 mill a year himself.


It has suddenly dawned on me that Wenger is both a hoarder and a miser. He can’t resist picking up pieces of tat he finds in the street and he has no intention of spending money. He practical fell over himself to pickup Yaya for free but spend real money? Like heck! He’s fooking known all along that Suarez was not for sales.

A Yank

Heard you the first time.

Dial square

FFS, what now Arsene? The old “we tried to strengthen, but there was no one available” chestnut!!! Arsenal are going to come out of this shambles looking like absolute CUNTS!!!!!!!!
Spend the money Arsene or fuck off…


you forgot about TGSTEL… we still have him, so why to spend money…maybe they will serve free chips during match days with the amount of money they have..bless yourself for that free chips and enjoy the goals from TGSTEL..


Yes who needs Suarez Higuain Messi et all when we have B52 the blonde bomber 90 goals from Sir Nick this season 🙂


Higuain has already gone – why would you bother bringing him up?


The point about Higuain is that he is the one we should have gone all out for, look at the facts: Cheaper than Suarez Younger than Suarez Better goals per game record than Suarez Not a fucking psychopath Doesn’t have a 6 game ban hovering over him for the start of the season The only enjoyment I have had from the Suarez ‘saga’ is the meltdown from the drama queen bin dippers, desperately clinging to the past to show they are the bigger team. It’s clear that currently we’re a far better draw than they are, and we haven’t won… Read more »


Looks like sour grapes to me! Funny though


Are you still here?


We eat sour grapes, you eat rats


Another master class performance by AFC. Reminds me of when Utd tried to buy Ronaldhino and went on to tell all they’d more or less signed him…


I don’t get the contract thing though? Suarez and his agent signed the thing, they knew of the 40 m limit thinging mijig? Surely they can tell who they want?


there is a confidentiallity clause written in contracts that states they are not allowed to make any such clause known to another club. happens so often that its obviously not worth the ink that signs it, but technically suarez and his agent are in breach of contract.


hmmm, well if he’s in breach of contract then fire him tomorrow, thanks

Andy Mack

It’s probably possible to fine him wages instead of sacking him and mercenaries don’t like losing money (ask Na$ri and Ad£bayor).
It’s the same reason they will not put in a transfer request unless the absolutely have too.


Can tell who they like now because he is going no were !

Pete The Gun

I was bored of the story, then frustrated by it, now I couldn’t give a witches tit about it. We are one of the worlds biggest clubs and the way we conduct our business is nothing short of farcical, even if he does end up signing. Up the Arsenal, just want to see some football now.


This is the man who sanctioned £35 mil for carroll…. #idiot


He’s obviously learned his lesson well.


And there it is… What a lot of us thought / feared would be the case weeks ago. Where to from here then? Any club we now approach for a striker will hike up the price because they know we are desperate and we don’t like to pay a penny over our valuation so ….


I get the impression management never cared. They put the bid in thinking it would trigger the clause and when it didnt, sat by waiting to see if pool infighting and/or legal action might go their way.
The media ultimately tried to place arsenal in the center as if we purposefully tried to agitate this saga.


Heh, this is currently the fourth most read article on the Guardian website.


You know what jonnyboy you can stuff him in your you know where.you will not get anywhere near top 4 for alooooog time to come


Things are getting a little messy now. Oh Arsenal


Things have been messy for a while now.


Very sad. this is completely opposite of the summer we were expecting. but who’s fault?


we praised dean for his transfer work not wenger, so why do we now blame wenger not ivan???????


and another issue that pisses me off is the fact that when all other clubs were signing players,, ivan was not, he was too busy at every chance he got to be with the team in asia. training – ivan was there press conferences – ivan was there matches – ivan was there each time dressed in his arsenal training gear as if he was the f**kin kit man.. now i understand he got to be there sometimes but not 24/7 … levi was certainly not prancing around at spuds training,, that twat was doing his job.. sry for the… Read more »


So, he prefers having a player that oozes bad team spirit in his squad? And he expects Suarez to perform better than any replacement? Fine, we have El-Jadeyaoui…We can do without one of the world’s best forwards. You are a complete mug Henry, you know that right?


Henry knows we can get £60 million pounds next season lol because Suarez knows now,and he can’t fuck about ( BECAUSE IT’S WORLD CUP YEAR ) lmfao And he will be playing out of his skin lol Just think,if use didnt take the piss with that bid £40,000,001 he might have been wearing the arsenal colours now lmfao 😉


£60 million next season your having a laugh. Doesn’t have any worries about a world cup place who’s taking his place over the hill Forlan? He is going to be a bad apple. Enjoy!


LFC fan


LFC fan

A Yank

[Looks at table for the last three years]

Arsenal fan

Also, even money if I could link you to your Twitard account there’d be a tweet from 2-3 days ago indignantly saying some shit like, “He absolutely cannot play for our storied club ever again.” Enjoy that history, because that’s what your club is. History.


HahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahaha oooooh ooh HahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahaha

I’m in f*cking stitches here, stop it Hahahahahahahahaha

Dave Gooner

“…in stitches”? Why? Did one of your family stick you for the last 50p of your benefit?

Arsene's bottle of water

Gonzalo for €37m? No thanks. He’s not worth all that. Dare I say Suarez is more worth £50m than Higuain €37m.
But now forget it. Arsenal just pissed them off with that ridiculous +1 quid bid.


they’re pissed off because they are way below the other teams, struggling for money and players, and there star player wants to leave

nothing to do with our £1, we didnt make that public, they did


and they’re pissed off because people write ‘there’ sometimes


does it matter who made it public? the point is the bid was made surely??


Henry is pissed off because he doesn’t like coming off as an idiot on twitter. Brendan Rogers is pissed off because emotional blackmail and his arrogant messiah-like attitude to management doesn’t work in the world that exists outside his ego. Liverpool fans, well, they spent the best part of the year telling their kids its OK to be racist and bite you colleagues, only to find Luis Suarez, like the rest of us, considers them a mid-table club.


Utter horse shite. Suarez is not better than Higuain. The Real Madrid team does not revolve around Higuain, the way Liverpool revolves around Suarez. If anything, RM revolves around Ronaldo, which makes Higuain’s record even more impressive, on top of the fact that his figures for minutes per goal, shots per goal etc. are significantly better that those for Suarez.


Never paid any attention to this Henry chap before, but he seems quite the brazen twat. Would like to see us just pack this whole thing in now and move on to other, less contentious, signings. Then smash Liverpool home and away.


i also enjoy poking them with a stick and making them froth with anger – lets just keep bidding random amounts, sometimes less, sometimes more – just for fun


Hahahaha……….now that would be hilarious.

Mikel Artekkers

£40,000,000.01 – Rejected? OK fine, £40,000,000.02?

Toby C

We should make a play for Benteke. He may have just signed a new contract but I’m sure if we bid £30m we’d get him. He’s young, talented and with Premiership experience but not so big a star that he’d mind being rotated or not first choice. It’d be worth the money.


One season does not maketh the man.


^So much this

Arshavin's Dietician

C’mon Toby, £30m for a squad player don’t be ridiculous.

Benteke is no more than a £15m player

Toby C

Transfer fees are ridiculous Mr D but I don’t care. I’m not interested in saving the club money! I want us to have a large talented squad that can cope with injuries, suspensions and enable us to compete for 4 trophies.

Pete The Gun

RVP, 24M to a rival, I mean what we’re we thinking? ( even with a year left we should have maybe sold him overseas?) doesn’t help us but fair play if Liverpool hang on to him.


we’ve been over this 100 times


100,000 times


What’s this about RVP? Don’t think I’ve heard this story..


Ivan Gazidis is dreadful when it comes to the transfer market. In all seriousness, that man’s job has to be in question. I am not just worried about this season, with the thin squad vulnerable to injury. What happens next year when some of our top players jump off because they feel we are not ambitious enough in the off season? I really hope that doesn’t happen, but this administration will have made their own beds if it does. On a brighter note, the trust meeting should be lively…


I thought Dick Law was the transfer wheeler dealer/broker (i mean that in the loosest sense)?

damien joyce

Dick Law is a lawyer I thought, he just writes things down, AW and Gazidis make the decisions, no-one else

Mikel Artekkers

Yeah he breaks transfers alright.


“What are they smoking?” Well, Mr Henry, from that picture it looks like you are smoking a rather large phallus.

And BTW, you can keep Suarez. I can’t wait for him to go out of his way to ruin your season.

Dave Gooner

It looks like a big fat turd coming out of an American asshole.

I fucking hate hockeyball owners pretending they know anout footbal.


Here here! Arsenal, in theory at least, are a club which is meant to represent decency / class. I detest his vile behaviour – would rather we finish 5th without him than 1st with him. how does our kick-out-racism agenda stand with him in the team? feel sorry for Liverpool too. I’m hoping if we do finish outside the top 4 there will finally be a major shake-up at the club (hopefully the boardroom) or not. I’m certain we’ll sign a decent striker before deadline, but who….? and if not the emirates crowd will be awash with jeers, hopefully not… Read more »


In a world cup year it’s a bit unlikely he’ll try to ruin his season at Liverpool, if he stays.


I’ll say it again… Arsenal’s motto is ‘victory through harmony’… In no way does this wasteman fit in with the club’s ethos, his stats aren’t even that good (chances V goals, assists etc etc) let alone the baggage…. PLEASE Arsene buy some quality, don’t waste our hard earned cash on this pile of trouble, look elsewhere now


totally agree. class/decency come first.


haha gotta love all d gooners gettin back on their high horses now that henrys told ye to jog on, ye wouldnt touch luis the last couple of seasons due to your “class and decency.. not an arsenal type player” until ye thought ye could get him of course, then ye wer fallin over yourselves to have him! now that boat has sailed ye have 2 much class for him again haha typical clueless gooners ridin their high horses to the gallows, if there was a trophy for the club thats all talk and no gonads ye would, well… ye… Read more »


Ye ye ye ye ye
What are you?
You sound like someone lost in time.


Agreed. We considered it complete ludicrous when Suarez’s name was tossed in the fray. Considered it insanity that we bid 40 million and one for him (albeit hilarious). So how is this bad news?? I would be fucking relieved if I thought this would change anything. It won’t.


You say look elsewhere but where? Like the article stated almost all the strikers have moved and the ones that are available are not realistic/will never happen… The fuckery that is Arsenal FC is beyond me, like since we waited so long who else is available?


Wenger out..a complete and total fuck up. A complete mismanagement of our club….he deserves to be sacked. A proper manager would prepare his team for the new campaign. We are now faced with a Groundhog Day of a season. Wenger is a complete idiot who will never win another trophy with any team ever…twat.

Oguntuase Amos

This is very uncharitable of you and perhaps you have no good home training and no elders in your family.


“A proper manager would prepare his team for the new campaign”

and perhaps a “proper fan” would not enjoy every opportunity to attack his own club


And that’s the problem.

He isn’t attacking the club is he? He is attacking Wenger.

It is the likes of YOU that confuse those two things that have it Arse about face.


“Wenger is a complete idiot” – glass houses, hombre.


I’m wondering how you got Arseblood in the first place….. Dodgy name, dodgy fan.


Arsenal don’t need idiot fans like this guy. getting their jollies from booing our team. seriously, go piss off and support some other side.


How do some of you have the audacity to tell someone else to go and support another club.

Let’s have it right. Most of you will fuck off and be Real or PSG fans when your beloved eventually leaves when even he sees he has run out of steam at Arsenal.

You came with him, or during his time, and no doubt your passion for Arsenal will wane or migrate with him when he leaves.

So save the typical BS comments and focus on where your own loyalties lie, the club NOT the manager.


I’ve been supporting arsenal since 1985, when I was 10. first and only club I’ve ever supported.
I agree wenger is nearly due to leave, but don’t agree with fans who abuse him considering what he’s done for us, titles, stadium (viable sustained future, when? soon -haha).
Probably a little heavy handed saying you can piss off to another team – obviously your entitled to your wenger opinion. I just don’t think twat is fair.


I don’t know about you but I’m here for the long haul mate.
Come what may.


It was another poster that called him a twat, not me. I would have mentioned things more along the lines of: Manipulative Myopic Tyrant Hypocrite (£140k wages, won’t spend money on players) Deluded – sometimes a facade Selfish – he knows that fans are suffering and couldn’t give a fuck Arrogant Obstinate Stubborn Self-Righteous Has Been Self defeating philosophist Tight arse And I believe you when you say how long a supporter you have been. Take notice that people who do not think Wenger is not the best thing since sliced bread (or was until this new bread-slicing machine thingy… Read more »


swerve stop talking shit ..without wenger youd never have the aspirations you have today….

wenger took your pisspoor club of alcoholics and turned it into a point of reference for football worldwide..if you cant identify with that then yes get lost for a while and when wenger retires and arsenal is back with your average english footballers knocking down pints at ht you can celebrate all you want…..



Who The F**k are Sp*rs?

Wenger should have said the same 12 months ago and RvP won them the title. Of course, the classiest club in the whole entire scouserverse and beyond Liverpool won’t win the title even with Chompy but Arsenal certainly might so to say they don’t want to sell to a rival is utterly laughable. They’re nowhere near being our rivals. Your statement, Mr Henry, is what is ludicrous.


All this is about to make me lose my mind. I really don’t understand how it can be SO hard for Wegner to sign someone with 70 million pounds. I just don’t get it.

Who The F**k are Sp*rs?

Neither does he.


These days 70 mill just aint as much as it used to be, 70 mill is what a top player costs now with all the Billionaire owners about. We are looking for some bargain 25 mill buys 🙂


For one, other clubs don’t have a song and dance about how much they have in their “war chest”. Man City quietly went about spending £90m, and Spurs even have spent £50m without fuss. Why did we tell everyone we had that much money? Ok, clearly we can’t put all the blame for the lack of spending on this, but it certainly didn’t help.


Does the failure of this summer, of course that could change, cause a fissure or rift in the club? Wenger on one side Ivan and the board on the other, with Silent Stan in the middle somewhere. Oh, I fear this is going to portend a messy near future.

wisdom Annger

Common Arsene,show Henry you can
With or without Suarez.Turn to Rooney, Lewandowsky,Eto or any other sharp frontman n 4get d shit naa.

pauly bear

In steps wazza rooney ??


Are we buying defenders and midfielders from the confused mugmashers? Fuck them and sign other players. jeeeez

Oguntuase Amos

What do you expect from a cigar smoking mogul? The transfer saga had been on for up to 4 weeks, so the submission that there is no time to sign a replacement is nonsense. If they ; Liverpool had played ball, all would have been over 2 weeks past. The club is only after frustrating Suarez thinking he could be cowed. I only foresee this saga becoming counter productive for Liverpool thereby forcing them to even sell him at a cheaper rate come winter transfer window. This Liverpool club surely has neither class nor decency to face the reality. What… Read more »


Exactly!! How dare Henry and the whole Liverpool board not do everything to help out Arsenal? They should take a look at us…a truly last club. We’ve been good enough to support the last two EPL champions, and the Spanish Champions too by giving them our best players. That’s what I call class!!

Toby C

Higuain would have been well worth 37m. It wouldn’t even matter if he wasn’t top scorer in the league. It’s about intent. Showing your players first of all and then the rest of the world that you’re ambitious and ready to compete with the big boys. A signing like that from Real Madrid would have given us all a boost.

North Bank Gooner

This confuses me a bit if I’m honest. The situation was a well priced deal had been virtually agreed, and then El Presidente longed things out until Napoli got wedged, and upped the price by 10m. If we then coughed up, what ” intent ” would that show? That we are happy to be screwed over, and pay over our valuation by being manipulated into a dutch auction? Smells more of desperation than ambition. Hig was a good, but not great player and a steal at 27m. But proven premiership at 40m was better value than Gonzo at 37m. I… Read more »

Dick Swiveller

Frankly, it would have got us a quality player and a ‘marquee signing’, over the odds but it’ll shut up the people who want big money spent and it would give us cover in a position where we have ONE player I trust to do the job.

I’d happily take Madrid ‘getting one over’ on us and 10m less in the coffers for that.


Well, personally I think Higuain is better than Suarez (thumb me down with glee), but putting that aside, Suarez will cost us more than £40m, perhaps £50m, which leaves us very little to spend elsewhere. Higuain for around £30 gives us £20m more to spend elsewhere. It’s blindingly obvious to me Higuain would have been a better signing.

Ivan le Terrible

He might be a prick but I doubt he would have sanctioned cesc & nasri in the same season. He’s also buying respect with his own fans while we increase the levels of disappointment with our own hierarchy on a daily basis.

What a shit summer ! Really fucking bad.


@ Arseblog,Higuain is gone. Its high time u remember it and forget about it. Higuain isnt even world class,i watch many real madrid games n he misses so much chances. I mean simple chances he would have scored. If he was that good i bet Real Madrid wouldnt have allowed him to go so i’l advise you just get on with and forget about him. Lets see how good he’l be at Napoli.


maybe he was just having a bad day, but he was crap in the emirates cup 🙂


If you think Higuain, whose record proves he is one of the best finishers in Europe, wastes a lot of chances, I can only wonder what you think of Suarez, who is far more wasteful.


suarez is a character though..can win games on his own…higuain is a pussy….

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I can tell you six games Suarez cannot win on his own this season.


Contrary to some other opinions here, I think this whole episode was an excellent (and by and large successful) plan to neuter LFC – whose ‘star’ striker has now been branded a traitor and looks to have no way back for them. Job done.


It’s World Cup year next summer,so you can bet when Suarez gets back he’ll be playing out of his skin 😉 So he doesn’t miss the party lol Top scorer this season & player of the season lmfao

Bob Truelove

Time for Plan B. Over to you Arsene. There’s bound to be an out of contract Romanian gem out there just waiting to be snapped up.


My season ticket came in the post yesterday.

I feel a little bit unwell.

Danish Gooner

Hint,hint !!!! Lol.


It’s time for Ibra…

Hank Scorpio

It’s a step up but Jackson Martinez is available for €40mil. 34 goals in 39 games last season isn’t too bad.


He is a beast! Would love to see him in an Arsenal shirt


This is gonna get funny. Imagine what Suarez will do now. He will kill and eat Rogers.

damien joyce

I hope he doesn’t kill first.


The thing is Liverpool will not get in the top 4 even with Suarez lol. They are so stupid. Wenger would get top 4 with West Ham squad.


Slight exaggeration

mark clayton

i know because you romped home last year,absolutley smashed it by miles,oh and i forgot youve been so succesfull in winning it,i actually used to have respect for arsenal but listening to the way your fans have gone on and on trying to claim suarez as pretty much your player when all last year in both games against you all we heard was the very boring “luis suarez you know what you are”,oh how the mighty footballing side arsenal have fallen,big stadium,money but a useless manager and chairman,but dont worry youll be okay with giroud and podolski,dont think youll make… Read more »


A bit more time and Wenger will reduce the squad to West Ham quality. That’s the direction things are going in.


well said pure

Goatee of Robert Pires

Not to forget that J Henry is a thick mug, but the way he talks about Liverpool shows that he really cares about his club and is aware of its priorities and ambition (although he hasn’t achieved much due to clueless managers).
And then we have Silent Stan…


him and rogers talk crap, they contradict themselves within a single sentence and hide behind all this bullshit talk about ‘the club’ and ‘the tradition’

they’re politicians

mark clayton

why because arsenal couldnt buy a sweet in a sweetshop,your just jelous because all your players have left and your managment let it happen.

Arshavin's Dietician

Fuck off to your own forum.


You do not under any circumstances want J Henry Ferret-Face running your club. See the last three years for evidence.


well at least we have Marica!!

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