Saturday, July 27, 2024

International call-ups disrupt build-up to Villa

As usual, the clowns who organise international football have scheduled a round of meaningless friendlies in the week leading up to the first Premier League game of the season.

Although not all the squads have been announced, it looks if Arsene Wenger is going to have to cope with a fair number of his first team being away from North London next week.

England face Scotland at Wembley with Jack Wilshere, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Theo Walcott all included in Roy Hodgson’s squad.

France travel to Belgium with Bacary Sagna, Laurent Koscielny and Olivier Giroud all likely to be involved, while Yaya Sanogo is away with the U21s. Per Mertesacker and Lukas Podolski go back to Germany as they face Paraguay; Aaron Ramsey will line out for Wales against the Republic of Ireland, and both Lukas Fabianski and Wojciech Szczesny could be involved against a Bendtnerless Denmark.

Most worrying of all will be Spain’s trip to Ecuador. Having seen Nacho Monreal injured during the Confederations Cup and Santi Cazorla only just return to training after an extended break, Wenger will be hoping that Vincente del Bosque uses the chance to see some new players rather than dragging his men all the way to South America.

The former Real Madrid manager hinted he’d be looking at youth, saying, “We’re concerned about the squad list to be announced on 9th August as it’s quite controversial. None of the players who usually play for Spain have done anything to warrant not being called up, but as the season hasn’t yet kicked off, they haven’t done anything to warrant being called up either.

“Plus, we aren’t going to punish anybody because we lost against Brazil, especially after everything we’ve done and won together over the years, and we have young players pushing hard.”

Fingers crossed he sees sense and leaves our Spaniards alone, but we’re not holding our breath.

It promises to be a quiet week for the Arsenal manager, with just Frimpong and Jenkinson running around playing hide and seek, and Mousetrap on the floor of his office.

“Get outside and play,” Arsene might say. “Can’t you see I’m trying to make important phone calls here?”

“But boss,” Frimpong could reply, “you’re just playing Angry Birds on your iPad.”

“I said OUT.”

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Hahahaha, we are so f**ked…


At least TGSTEL will be rested and fit for action.


I heard gustavo wants out, so you might want to look into that Arsene.


well, it takes a while to win angry birds. patience is the word.


spend some fucking money

White Russian

Think about the logic of this.
If we’d already signed the players of the calibre necessary to improve out squad, they’d also be playing in a stupid friendly – Higuain, for example would be/is playing in Italy in the same round of fixtures.

I’m all for criticising Wenger for not caving into our demands for top, top players (we do all understand the machinations of transfer market well, after all) but surely the signing of Sanogo will here prove to be a stroke of genius?


Looks like Arsene and co have suffered several strokes so far this summer, not the genius kind however.


@WhiteRussian Are you feeling alright in the head mate?

White Russian

Yeah, fine. Thanks for asking. It’s just a bit depressing that all Arsenal fans can talk about at the moment is how screwed we are because we haven’t spent £30m on a player. There’s still plenty of time for that, as far as I’m concerned – I don’t think we have any idea what’s going on behind the scenes. We bemoan rumours for having no substance, but then as soon as there aren’t any we start crapping ourselves. If I’m wrong that’s a shame – but at the same time if we don’t sign anyone significant (and I don’t think… Read more »


You’re right it is depressing, but this depression has some merit. I understand the want – definitely not need – to be patient, but the reality is we are 1 week away from the Villa game and still no sign of us spending a single penny. Other than Wenger’s word that they’re trying ‘very hard’ to strengthen the squad, as it stands, we are currently up shit creek without a bitey paddle in the most ludicrous transfer saga in years. A plan b? Have we time to complete plan b? What about other depth-less positions? This concern, anger – what… Read more »


I say we are fucked for the start of the season. If we sign anyone it will take time to gel with the rest of the team. Maybe they will be able to contribute at a decent level in October and the later we sign them the later they will gel. Now if we get some injuries on key players like Jack (not unlikely), Kosch (recently injured) and maybe Giroud in the coming “friendlies” , where would that leave us? We have Villa, Fulham and Spuds in the leauge. Tough, hard games and three bad results, draw against Villa and… Read more »


as somebody else pointed out, drogba was a ligue 2 player at the age of 25.

and Flamini might be quite a good signing.

and Suarez is banned for a couple of games, anyways.


“and Flamini might be quite a good signing. ”

Are we deluding ourselves now? Flamini might not be the bottom of the barrel but pretty fucking close. I don’t want that cunt back here. One good season and he did like Nasri, Hleb, RCP…


you’re the same person who wants to speed up the process of getting Suarez, who is right now doing the same thing to his club as Flamini did to ours? come on, get off this loyalty bandwagon. there’s no such thing in modern football, irrespectively whether it’s good or not. i’d love there to be some, but there is none. and i don’t want my club to suffer from the fact that we’re trying to play clean when everyone around is playing dirty. it’s fucked up, but it’s reality. Flamini might be one of the best available options for a… Read more »


First of all Falmini is not good enough!!!! He is a third rate player I dont care about Suarez loyalty, he hasnt screwed us ower yet, I Think he will and we wont get him.
He is using us as puppets to get Real or Man C to bid for him. But Flamini has screwed us over and I dont want him back because of that and that he isnt good enough.

Compare Paulinho to Flamini.

some dumb american

It’s not that we haven’t spent £30M on a player. It’s that we haven’t spent even £1 on a player.


Arsecrew, sure Flamini is nowhere near Paulinho. but we aren’t in the market for a 1st team squad def mid. we’re for a backup. Paulinho wouldn’t go for that, or Fellaini, for that matter. at the same time, Flamini has loads of experience, both in pl and in cl, is a mature player and can’t really be a third rate player if he had a contract from milan on the table this very year. i do however get your dislike for him because of his past behaviour, and won’t argue with that. guess we’ve two different personal opinions that can’t… Read more »


There is also Bendtner having a cig in the corner.


We just have to hope they come back injury free.


Call me crazy but actually if a player does get injured he might be forced to spend some money on a replacement. Like last year when Gibbs got injured and santos was loaned and we got in Nacho. Maybe if Giroud and Podolski got injured he would surely have to buy a new striker, an injury to any position other than full backs and we are very thin.


What we already have a new striker! We have Sanogo:

“We have signed Sanogo. He has not made the headlines. Why? Because he is not £50m to £100million but I am quite confident he will make them soon on the pitch, and that for me is the most important.”



Seen this? Projection of how the leeague will turn out. Form smaller groups and discuss!


Well then I guess it’s all settled then. Looking forward to 14/15 season.


How the hell can you put something at 100% and at 0%… what a crap..

On the other hand, it says we are title contenders =) but then so are Everton..


Well, seems like quite a big apparatus has been used to get these results. Every game in the league was simulated 10000 times. And all teams were assessed in regards to their prior seasons, squads (depth, experience) and new signings. Not saying it’s accurate, but interesting figures. And let’s not kid ourselves, without additions to our squad, fourth is (again, unfortunately) a reasonable expectation..


the sad truth of this summer was that I felt relieved that Arsenal was projected for 4th place and not 5th or 6th.


So league football in fact all sports as a contest are essentially a fraud because the same group of teams win, the same teams finish mid table, and the same teams are at the bottom. No matter how good teams are no matter how much money you spend only one team actually wins the title. But there are prizes for 2nd – sixth and FA cup and Capital One, and for some avoiding relegation is a trophy. Its like 5 tiers within one league masquerading as a true contest but not. It is as if all supporter knows their place… Read more »


Gervinho, Dgourou and Manonne would actually make this squad stronger now. Thats quite frightening honestly

Zorro in the box

Really don’t understand allowing Djourou to leave.


Such a waste having these pointless friendlies now. Hopefully everyone comes back okay including all our new signings. … oh wait

Emannuel Eboue

I thought it was words with friends. It could be the only reason why there are no signings made. Yes, only reason. I am sure about it. There is no other reason.


Jenkinson Miquel (?) Nacho
Arteta Frimpong
Santi Rosicky Gibbs

Wenger will have a fun week.

Dr Baptiste

That’s one hell of a league cup team….




rather play with 10 men than have TGSTEL. good call, i should say.


Perhaps it will give Wenger an opportunity to focus 100% on getting someone in


na he’ll probably go and do French TV like always.


And we lurch from one problem to the next! Funny post though.

A N Other

Last bit was brilliant.

Hoosier Gunner

Maybe the boss is thinking of knocking those piggies off using his angry birds in an amicable and feasible manner.


Who gives a f@ck about internationals anyway. England never win anything

Dr Baptiste

Except in 1966….


Yes, and WWII.


blogs, thanks very much for fixing the issue with the newsbar at the bottom of the page. really appreciate you listenening to the feedback of us internet trolls, and I personally think the site is more user-friendly now. cheers.


Most of fans think that arsene don’t know what he is doing, and this is untrue, wenger is a fox and you will see in the coming days, mark my words.

White Russian

The photo speech bubbles aren’t quite right, really, are they?
If we’d already signed the players of the calibre necessary to improve out squad, they’d also be playing in stupid friendly – Higuain, for example would be/is playing in Italy in the same round of fixtures.

I’m all for criticising Wenger for not caving into our demands for top, top players (we do all understand the machinations of transfer market well, after all) but surely the signing of Sanogo will here prove to be a stroke of genius?


If we’d already signed those players, then if 3 players got injured in either scenario (present or with additional signings), we’d be okay with signings, but we’d be utterly screwed as it stands. Please remember that we’ll be playing pretty much every 3 days [starting with the City friendly, counting this int’l friendly and UCL qualifiers, until the derby], with our thinned-out squad.

the greatest hemroid that ever lived

great post blogs. Im curious. Surely we are going to get a new CB. but who? how come no rumors? and nothing of a plan B for a striker? Rumour mill i think has officialy given up on wenger.

Dr Baptiste

I hear that with Anzhi Makhachkala in financial trouble, we’ll finally sign Samba…….


Pls sign Samba mista Wenga his tall

the greatest hemroid that ever lived

how could you thumbs down this comment?

Silent Stanley

Bendtner stretching his feet and talking about how they will be firing soon and that he is him in Hashtag.

Who organizes this friendly games? It’s football season Worldwide(or about to start), what is the point of playing friendlies after several major tournaments? Gold Cup, Confederations Cup, U-20 and U-19 World Cups.

It’s not as if the players don’t remember how to play or forget the countries they come from.


Amaury Bischoff


Dr Baptiste

Why? Why does it have to be a huge price? As shown with Anzhi Makhachkala, owners do get bored of just throwing money at a team and so want to sell their highest profile players. This means that their value drops as they look to get them off the wage bill

some dumb american

If it’s any consolation, Man Utd haven’t bought anybody worth mentioning either.

Zorro in the box

They did just win the league. I’m sure they’ll be fine.


So “they didn’t sign anyone” is the argument to use when we sign no one?


Czech Rep. are playing against Hungary on August 14th as well.

Unless Rosicky is injured (is he?), he might just get called up.

Merlin's Panini

Why won’t they get rid of these pointless disruptive friendlies? They’re of no help to anyone. If they don’t have them it wouldn’t effect the international sides because none of the teams would have had that bit of time together. It would all work out evenly. FIFA can seriously piss off.

Dr Baptiste

Unfortunately they won’t get rid of them because of the money that can and will be made to not go into any sort of development at grassroots level


We wouldn’t be so bothered if our squad was strong enough to cope with an injury or two..but no….it’s paper thin and we are shitting ourselves.
Wenger has jeopardised our whole season with this compete cluster fuck of a transfer window.


Knowing our luck Arteta will probably get his first call up and break his leg!

TO Gooner

The comments from del Bosque, in my case, just reignite hope that he will finally, finally give Arteta a run in the Spain shirt. That, and Jack eventually getting the English captaincy, are the two things I want desperately to happen on the international stage. I understand neither will have any benefit to Arsenal, and footballers are mercenaries etc., but can’t stop the feeling.


Hopefully everyone comes back injury-free!

Tapscotts testicles

What cunts Fifa are…they fucking knew that any new signings we made would have punishing away games just before our opening game of the new season and they still scheduled them for next wee…….oh…..right…….ok…


I personally believe that Arsene is an android man…
No! He probably has some sort of tablet with ubuntu on it, since he likes things complicated and wants to be part of everything from the root up.




Lambert lol


Villa, I remember a guy from France


Sanogo 2013/14 = Anelka 1997/98

I can dream can’t I?


Looks like we can look forward to the scatter gun approach again. I see we’ve been linked with a romanian striker just been released by shalke. This sure is the top top quality we’ve been promised

Its just incredibly frustrating! Other teams have no problem signing players. Where is the planning ivan promised? We’re jokers

Dial square

@gooner girl, thumbed you down by mistake, apologies…it’s fucking ridiculous that we have these games just before the new season kicks off, the timing of these games is on a par with our transfer policy…

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