Tuesday, October 22, 2024

No quick fix ahead of Fenerbahce tie

It’s just over 48 hours until Arsenal kick-off their Champions League campaign against Fenerbahce although such is the pessimism enveloping the club it wouldn’t be surprising if our latest European adventure ends before it begins.

Or will it?

As has been well-documented Wednesday’s opponents, Fenerbahce, are currently embroiled in controversy with a potential ban from UEFA competitions hanging over them.

Under suspicion of fixing domestic games during the 2011/12 season the Istanbul outfit were, in June, issued with a suspension for the next three UEFA club competitions for which they qualify (including this year’s UCL) by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body.

Fenerbahce immediately lodged an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) well aware that the subsequent delay would afford them a temporary reprieve from UEFA’s sanctions. Since then they’ve beaten Austrian side Salzburg in the first qualifier on the way to setting up the double-header with Arsenal.

The CAS hearing will now take place over two days this week with a decision due on 28 August – the day after the second-leg against Arsenal. In effect even if Fenerbahce beat the Gunners they will be removed from this season’s competition should CAS rule against them.

If that does happen a space in the group stages of the Champions League (draw on 29 August) will be freed up with recent precedent suggesting Arsenal are the most likely candidates to be reinstated. Of course, Salzburg may well have a say in the matter.

Arseblog News contacted UEFA this afternoon to clarify the matter only to be told that ‘an emergency committee will convene to make a decision on who should replace Fenerbahce if they are found guilty.’

A similar situation has already unfolded in recent days with Metalist Kharkiv removed from the Champions League after their ban from UEFA competitions was upheld by CAS.

The Ukrainian side, who were drawn against Schalke in the qualification draw ten days ago, have now been replaced by PAOK Salonika who they beat in the previous round.

Of course, as if often the case when lawyers get involved with sport, the state of affairs remains complicated. Citing ‘new evidence’ Metalist have appealed the decision of the appeal and will find out tomorrow if CAS can be bothered to listen to them again. It’s all a bit of a mess especially as PAOK by that point will be in Germany getting ready to play Schalke on Wednesday.

So where does that leave Arsenal? Well as far as Arsene Wenger is concerned it’s best to just focus on winning the games.

“You cannot gamble on [the CAS ruling],” he told press on Friday.

“What is important for us is the pride of any football club to win on the pitch. All the rest is less important, so that is what we want to achieve.”

He’s right of course, but the way things have been going this summer it’s nice to think there might be a way to wriggle an invite to Europe’s top table even if the worst happens.

Who knows following a summer in which they’ve cocked up over Luis Suarez’s contract clause Arsenal’s lawyers might just have a chance to redeem themselves. What a strange (and sad) world football inhabits these days …

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One of the biggest games of the season this. COYG


As pissed off as most fans are with the management’s shambolic handling of our summer business, we must root for the team to do well on Wed. As bleak as things seem at the moment, we might just repeat last season’s heroic win in Munich when it was backs-against-the-wall, squeaky bum time.

A good Wed result and 3-5 good signings over the next 10 days will surely lift the gloom that currently engulfs all things Arsenal.


I agree entirely, but is it not truly saddening that a win over Fenerbahce in the playoffs needs to be considered “heroic”?


And don’t forget how that Munich win was the trigger that turned our season’s fortunes, culminating with the overhauling of Scum and sealing our place in this same Wed match. It’s a high stakes game…..win it and you lift some of the current gloom, but lose it and the gloom will turn into pitch darkness.

For the sake of us all and of our great club, let’s hope it’s the former and not the latter outcome by evening’s end on Wed.


bless you footie -ninja..sick of all these arsenal ‘fans’ moaning all the time. we need proper supporters.


Yes hunter, we should all just shut up, smile, pretend there is nothing wrong and pop our happy pills….


you could at least show some respect to the manager who built you your new ground so that you and your kids and your childrens kids can go and watch THE ARSENAL for years to come……

you muppets you dont know what youre doing….

and yes buddy …those who know, practice ..those who dont practice, preach and those who cant do either, critisise

which of the three are you again?


Buy a retro 79 shirt and bask in past glory!


Was the old ground about to fall down then? I LIKED Highbury !

Bring back Eboue

Doesn’t it feel like this 10 million bid for Cabaye is just a way for Arsene to say, “see we are trying to sign players?” As if they would ever accept that bid, it’s an absolute joke… I don’t know what the end game is and to be honest I cringe every time I read another Arsenal related article, I have always backed Arsene even in the toughest times, I can’t justify it anymore, he’s got to go. even if he is being hamstrung by the board, he should make a stand and leave, the same way other managers at… Read more »


Fenerb. —— Arsenal 1–3
Poldi 2
Santi 1


naw man, santi has never scored for us outside of the PL. and the way giroud is playing, he has to get at least one. Fener 1 – Arsenal 3
Giroud 1
Poldi 1
Ramsey 1

Gooner in Spain

I was in Istanbul for the 2008 5-2 win we had over them, despite the result it was a very intimidating atmosphere…


Here is the thing – we are only Sagna and Arteta away from full strength. 2 players everyone knew would miss parts of season due to injuries and fatigue. If we lose this one, it won’t be due to some injury crisis – it will be because we aren’t good enough.


I wouldn’t consider Podolski at left-back as ”full strenght”.



I wouldn’t consider a cut as that serious enough injury to keep you out. Some players would’ve got bandaged up and carried on. Also, strength*.


Can’t judge a blow to the head mate he may have been a little dizzy and suffering blurred vision aswell.

Mikel Artekkers

The cut is on his eye, if he can’t see due to swelling or bandages then he can’t play. And god forbid he needs to head the ball.


And if we had already done our transfer business we would be good enough. We have now put in a bid for Cabaye, likely to be rejected, we have effectively handed the rest of the premier league our balls on a plate. Whoever we bid for now will require stupid money to get, because we have only 2 weeks left in the window, or face going through to January with the current squad. So much for Wenger and his economics degree he won’t be finding much value for money in the next couple of weeks. What a bunch of fucking… Read more »


eh? what about a left back? or a centre half? or back up for either of these positions? how about a midfield that isn’t carrying knocks or fatigue? or a back-up striker? or a back-up winger if Podolski or Walcott end up in the middle if (god forbid) HFB gets injured? we are so much further away from full strength than “only Sagna and Arteta” it’s scary


Fuck it. Wenger, Gazidis and Kroenke deserve all the pressure in the world from us fans before the game. SPEND SOME FUCKING MONEY But for those 90 minutes, whoever it is on the pitch – be it Vermaelen, Bellerin, Fabianski at left back, Ellen White, Steve Bould, the U14s… fucking support them, no boos (except to the referee), no moments of silence, no frustrated sighs, no hateful invectives (except to the opposition). Then after the players have departed under a chorus of applause that is as loud and proud as they deserve based on their honest effort, and only after,… Read more »


As Keven Keegan almost said:

“I would love it, love it, if we sign someone.”


we need a full back who can play on both the left and right, a centre half, a defensive midfielder, a creative winger and a striker.

plus a whole new reserve team, a whole new board, a director of football, and a new manager.

its going to be a loooong season…


@ Gerald HA !!!!!!!!!!!! Picturing that clip, in that geordy voice, with those headphones on…. “I WOULD LOVE IT IF WE SIGNED SOMEONE”

Keegan meltdown over Demento, fuckin classic


No chance we get Cabaye. Yohan Kebab, however, may be available.


Didn’t work out for keegan.

Chopra Gooner

I hear Kevin Doyle is available.


No matter how shit things are, at least we can take some pride in supporting our great club. I don’t think Fenerbahce supporters can say the same. The bent fuckers.


Thanks Exiled, I needed to hear it and I need to say it ‘we are a great club’. We were a great club long long before this current incompetent nonsense was making us all miserable and we’ll be a great club again when we have all this shit behind us. COYG


We were a great club long long before

like when? it is only with wenger at the helm that this club can lay any claim to being great.


What a Spud-like comment. Go and do some reading on our club before making a foolish opinion. For instance, there is a reason why we have a statue of the great Herbert Chapman outside the Emirates.


I think the sunshine has got into yours eyes Hunter


what a strange thing to say hunter, considering most of your comments are usually bangin’ on about how the rest of us aren’t “real arsenal fans”


oh piss off you wollies with your brollies…. 10 league titles in 110 years of history is not what you call big or great…go check what the great clubs in europe have and then talk…

and before you talk…..before arsene we would also lose finals with comical goals..seaman saragosa ring a bell ? and we would also get disqualified by weaker opposition…at home too…. paok salonica…. ring a bell ?

at least with arsene we get disqualified from barcelona bayern and united… u mugs…


Fuck off man. I mean, no one needs your pessimistic attitude right now.


Are you being serious? Stop commenting nonsense all over the site you show your lack of knowledge about Arsenal with that nonsense comment…

It Is What It Is

That’s the spirit.


thanks to a certain misinterpreted clause, I’m as confident of our lawyers as I am of the team..


It’s depressing how low we’ve fallen as a club to depend on a ruling, with this mediocre squad I doubt we can be Fenerbahce.



Merlin's Panini

If Fenerbahce do get banned we won’t take their place in the Champions League if they beat us. It’ll go to another Turkish club. It’s a total mess on UEFA’s part. They should have had this sorted before Fenerbahce even got to kick a ball in qualifying.

Merlin's Panini

Given Platini’s loathing of Arsene Wenger it’s almost guaranteed we won’t be given a second chance and that either a Turkish side or Salzburg will be given the chance. In my opinion they should have to play out the whole thing again or at least have a one off play off between Arsenal and Salzburg.


As much as I dislike UEFA, they actually sorted their mess. Fenerbahce knew the situation situation, so that’s why they only appealed recently. It’s just bureaucracy.


It’ll go to another Turkish club.


Not if they follow recent precedent. Remember, Metalist Kharkiv (Ukraine) were just replaced by PAOK Salonika (Greece) in a similar situation, meaning that if Fenerbahce beat us, and they get kicked out, the spot goes to the team they just beat.


My condolences to those who travel to turkey to see this shambles of a team.


It’s not exactly as if Fenerbahce are fucking Barcelona


Well Fernabahce fans dont get to travel,…… you know spending some money to go see your team that ironically isn’t spending any.


I hope they support the team like mad and have loads of fun.

Insane Wanker

We just had a £10 million bid for Cabaye rejected, is this the type of players we’re going for now not even a proper DM. I have no problems with Cabaye but come on ffs.


1) We don’t need a Cabaye type of player.
2) 10M is not enough, are we still just dithering??
3) This would make Wenger look rather ridiculous, going on about quality all summer and then signing Cabaye when we’ve lost out on far superior players.


Cabaye could fill Arteta’s boots perfectly, someone who would be the deep lying playmaker next to Ramsey. Actually, Cabaye is a bit more mobile and yet experienced and disciplined enough to do the job. Not our first need, but he’s a class player and I’d be happy if he joined us.

Then again, I’d be happy if signed pretty much anyone.


Good news is that Cabaye has been conveniently dropped tonight. Hopefully that’s one on the way.


i would much rather have got Check Tiote. he’s somebody who can play the deep lying playmaker role better since he can actually defend. he’s a proper central midfielder who can play DM as well as CAM. he’s got a ferocious shot from distance as we saw in the 4 – 4 as well as tonight against City. against us it was his left foot (weaker foot). against City tonight it was the right foot. he moves quick too. he’s got power. and he can pass it around too. Ben Arfa’s quality too. consistently gets past players. he has pace… Read more »


And what must Cabaye think of it all, he’s not been good enough for Arsenal all summer and now that we are desperate, I despair at this so called management.


Cabaye is an excellent player, and is Prem-proven. We were linked really heavily with him a few years ago when he was still playing in France. I would have no problem at all if this goes through (it won’t).


i’m not as convinced by Cabaye to be honest. what we need is a defensive midfielder. not another creative central midfielder. although now with injuries we need all sorts of players just to make the numbers, so i hope this is just a way to get the numbers in. i hope we don’t miss out on a defensive midfielder because we’re already going for one central midfielder. but if we’re actually serious about winning a title from this position on there needs to be a big change in our transfer policy. we need to stop going for mediocre players. we… Read more »


Cabaye seem like a good all round player with good set play but I do’t think he is the type of player we need. The game against Villa showed we need a positionally disciplined midfielder to cover the defense like Arteta. We had Aaron and Jack both chasing, closing down type of midfielders which meant there was no defensive shape in the middle and left huge gaps exposing the the centre backs to the pace of Villa. I thought that Wenger would have given Flamini a year offer but he is also the chasing type of midfielder. Some have said… Read more »


Forgot to mention, £10m is no where near enough for Newcastle to sell to a Premier League team.


Have we sacked HIM yet?


Here is a prediction….Wenger in for Gallas….free agent unattached….I can smell it.


Problem is, I don’t know if Dick Law will be able to find him. Oftentimes, when asked to go sign a player, Dick just stands on the roof of the Emirates and yells their name a few times. It’s embarrassing, and while I applaud the club’s sense of charity here, we may need to get someone to ‘help’ Dick.


Help him down from the roof do you mean? For all his apparent worth you may get a few volunteers for that task.

Glen Helders soul-glo

Fuck no.

Promote a youth player instead


jesus. he’s joking

Arsene's stylist

On the 10th anniversary of the Invincibles’ season.
How the mighty have fallen…

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Can’t believe it’s been 48 hours since the horror and disgrace at the Emirates, and still nothing.

God help us. For the first time in a generation, Arsenal are at risk of losing the most important aspect of its great fanbase – its enthusiasm.

Now is not the time to nickel-and-dime over a few million quid here or there. Spend some fucking money today and put’em on a flight to Istanbul.

the only sam is nelson

God help us from the lurid catastrophising of people who think one defeat is the end of the world

Get behind the team, whatever you think of the board and manager. This ought to be so fucking obvious that nobody should have to say it but looking around, and the worst thing about the Arsenal at the moment is a significant portion of the fan base right now. What a fucking embarrassment.

Mind you, other fans are fucking lapping it up, so well done there.


Well, aren’t you yourself reading and commenting on arseblog? Hence, indirectly supporting the very section of the fanbase you refer to in your critique? What are you doing here?

I’m ‘outta here 😉


sorry i didnt get that…does arseblog represent the moaners all of a sudden? do the rest of us who still support not have a voice then?

sounds like youre a spud laughing your arse off with the state were in….of course youd want things to continue this way wouldnt you ?


It’s not so much about defeat as it is about having only 12 senior players fit. I’m all behind the team as far as team means players. Manager and board fucked things up in the most idiotic and preposterous way football world has ever seen so excuse me for not being cheerful.

Stroud Green Road Boy

Do you really think this is about one defeat? And do you really think the fan base reaction is worse than the thing causing the reaction? Sounds like someone looking to deflect the focus, to me.


right. it’s what the defeat and the injuries it entailed and the lack of signings signify.


I don’t know why you’re so upset. The talk in the last few days has been directed chiefly at the manager and directors, NOT at the players. We are all firmly behind our players, and in fact, we feel for them. This is a wonderful group of players who just need a little more support in terms of reinforcements. I’m sure they’re as frustrated as some of us that we haven’t augmented the team this summer.


I’m afraid that even if AW did splash some cash today, whoever he splashed it on would not be eligible for the game in Turkey (though they could be signed in time for the return leg).


Oh, but there’s been a ridiculous 10m bid for Yohan Kebab.

Merlin's Panini

Great news everyone: We’ve just signed a defender! Bad news is he’s 15 years old: Kristopher Da Graca. Unfortunate timing for him really. The next 13 days are crucial to our season. It shouldn’t have been allowed to come to this. The under-bidding for big players is just show pony bollocks and everyone can see straight through it. They just want to be able to say “We tried” in press conferences. No you fucking didn’t and no one believes it anymore. I really feel fucking cheated by the club I love. I’ve been trying to see sense in everything that… Read more »


Well, I’m still looking forward to the match on Wednesday night as it’s one of the few times I get to see Arsenal live (I live in Istanbul). I’ve watched the latter half of the Turkish football season and I can honestly say that the standard is absolutely dire. The play-acting in the last derby between Galatasaray (they’d already won the league, but winning this game was the icing on the cake) and Fenerbache was shocking. I struggle to maintain an interest in Turkish football, but I did so with the hope that Arsenal might draw a Turkish side. That… Read more »


im actually going to turn off the tv if i see podolski starting at leftback. i mean COME ON REALLY

Toby C

With the way things are going, we’ll lose badly to the Turks and then they’ll be kicked out of the competition, so everyone can say we sneaked in the back door

Still, I love Arsenal! Come you Gunners!!!


Not really, their last result was worse than ours and as the most recent game is apparently the only one that counts, we’re better than they are.

Toby C



We really are almost full strength. Gibbs, rosicky and ramsey declared fit by Wednesday, Kos too just minus Verm. Sagna, arteta we knew, and Ox who isn’t a starter yet. We can field a strong enough side to do the job. If they don’t, some of the blame has to go on them because Fenerbache is a weaker team.


Ox started against villa…

archit gautam

I have finally completed my transformation from a human to a potato…
tubers everyone..


Not qualifying for the CL is exactly the wake up call AW needs. He boasted about his team after the friendly win against Shitty.
Thumbs down all you want but sometimes a tactical advance to the rear is exactly what is needed to make you regroup, take stock and lunch an effective counter.
It wouldn’t be as bad financially as it could have been especially as we have all that money in a cash ISA.


Let’s just wait until the end of the transfer window shall we? I get that people are frustrated but whenever these kind of arguments come up I just shake my head. No fan would ever want to see his team lose. Remember that


It’s not that you really want your team to lose, you just feel it might be a wake up call.

For instance, no Arsenal fan can possibly sit through a gunners game cheering for the other team, it is simply impossible.

Toby C

Maybe they’re waiting for the ISA to expire?

le potato

spend some money monsieur wenger..spend !!

It Is What It Is

He’s trying very hard.

Steve McQueen

The CB situation is really frightening, already letting Miquel go out on loan is proving such. The market seems to be inflated for the moment, with a number of “small” clubs making signings that are equal, if not larger than our record buys (spu*s et al). Wenger isn’t this miscalculating and it appears he may have been led on (Suarez) or held over a barrel (Higuain), but there’s times left. All the hyperbole of the last week takes us back to when we faced Udinese in 2011, we survived that but failed to build on the previous season and subsequently… Read more »


Miquel was let out on loan as he is obviously not ready yet, which means Wenger, knowing Vermalean is injured, should have bought another centre back.

Even if the market is inflated, less cash rich clubs like have spent fair amounts buying some good international players. Some of these players wold have been of Wenger’s type of purchases years ago. Players that were young and just about to make a name for themselves on the international stage but not yet established too long to make transfer and wages too much.


I need a drink!!

Glen Helders soul-glo

Well buy one with with all the millions you’ve earned laying on your backside. (Yes I know your not actually Diaby)

Arsene's stylist

If we don’t qualify for the CL, what do yo think Wenger will say?

“We live in an emotional society, and people forget that we qualified for the champions league 16 years in a row, and this is the first time we dont qualify, but it’s the era we live in, and we have to live with it”

He won’t see it as one more proof of our slide into mediocrity and as a result of our lack of ambition, penny pinching and utter failure at management level.


Since the saturday game I’ve been wondering. Would it be possible to bring Coquelin from the loan?


Pretty sad that that’s what it’s come to though, isn’t it?


People wake up Kos suspended for Fener game.

Glen Helders soul-glo

& santi I believe


My understanding is that only red card suspensions carry over into the new CL competition. Yellow card counts are wiped clean.

Anyone confirm?


UEFA Champions’ League 2013-14 rules, Article 22.05:

“Cautions and pending yellow-card suspensions from club competition
matches expire at the end of the season.”

This should mean both Cazorla and Koscielny are available.

http://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/index.html (scroll down to the bottom and download the pdf of their rules).


As a concerned Gunner, my worry is that even if we sign Messi now, he can not play against Fenerbache on weds as the squad list has already been submitted to UEFA. This actually makes it impossible for me to defend AW and his clueless idealism, because he knew Vermaleen and Monreal wont be available for this match on weds, Arsene himself admitted to managing Wilshere back to fitness even during pre-season, yet no proactive contingency plans in case of any eventuality. Now Arteta, Ox, Ryo, are definite out, not to talk of uncertainties around, Gibbs, Sagna, Rosicky, Ramsey and… Read more »


The players worked their knackers off to get to this point, at the end of last season, so let’s hope they finish the job.

If not quite lions led by donkeys, it’s pretty close at the moment.

Dark Stein

Having consulted my crystal ball I’m not overly concerned about Wednesday night, even after Saturday’s shocker. I think the lads will do a Munich away and surprise everyone by coming out of the blocks fast and with real intent. They have to react quickly and I’m predicting a well earned 1-2. Setting us up nicely for the home leg when 2 new signings (TBC) will make their debuts.

The game at the weekend away to Fulham is another matter however. The starting XI will make for interesting reading.

Alex Manninger

If we go out of the CL, there will be no forgiving Wenger, and his legacy will fall apart in full before his eyes.


it will take a lot more for wenger;s legacy to fall apart mate. you shameless fans….. not even spuds would talk with such venom about arsene wenger.

Bring back Eboue

Doesn’t it feel like this 10 million bid for Cabaye is just a way for Arsene to say, “see we are trying to sign players?” As if they would ever accept that bid, it’s an absolute joke… I don’t know what the end game is and to be honest I cringe every time I read another Arsenal related article, I have always backed Arsene even in the toughest times, I can’t justify it anymore, he’s got to go. even if he is being hamstrung by the board, he should make a stand and leave, the same way other managers at… Read more »


It pisses me off that every team receiving an offer for one of their players now has to respond by being insulted if the bid is too low; if you don’t like the bid just don’t accept it, don’t start crying about hurt feelings. Some people have suggested this bid for Cabaye was reactive to the Villa fuck up and the discontenting fanbase. To me it is just another example of what arsenal have been doing all summer – bidding unrealistically low for players. Wenger and whoever else is implicated in this farcical summer have responded to our ludicrous situation… Read more »


How could they possibly give it to Salzburg? Or even the 3rd placed Turkish Super League team? Either we should be reinstated OR have to play another two-leg qualifier against Salzburg.


not sure that we should be expected to fit another two games into our schedule because of the shortcomings of Fenerbahce, seeing as they had to beat Salzburg to play us I would have thought we would we would get the spot. but this is uefa..


I know we will sign players, but “Top quality” is out of it cos the very good ones have either been sold or aren’t moving. The words “Arsene Wenger” infuriates me these days.


God help us all.


“What is important for us is the pride of any football club to win on the pitch. All the rest is less important, so that is what we want to achieve.” See who is talking about pride in football, he has lost all sense of pride, he is not ashame of not winning anything in 8years.


I’ve read somewhere that Kos and Santi are both suspended for the Fenerbahce game? Is this true?


Not true. See my comment above regarding UEFA rules on yellow card suspensions (they don’t carry over).


First bit of good news all weekend! Thanks!


I’ve read somewhere that Kos and Santi are both suspended for the Fenerbahce game? Is this true?


I remember the likes of Leeds United and Portsmouth. At one point, you may think Arsenal is heading to the same direction! God forbid. The way this cheap French and pompous gazidis are managing this club, we shall soon be fighting relegation!

Gooner sickunt

Would it take not qualifying for the champions league this for this to change at the club? If so it might just be the best thing for our future as mad as it might sound.

Gooner sickunt

Would it take not qualifying for the champions league this year for this to change at the club? If so it might just be the best thing for our future as mad as it might sound.

petits handbag

They way i look at it is I’m not expecting any new players in so anyone is a bonus.
It’s like getting really shit faced on a Saturday night and waking up beside a nice blonde, well you feel awful, but that’s a nicessurprise


Not a nice surprise if you catch a dose 🙂


As an avid fan I hope we win. No true fan likes it when his team loses. But another part of me wants us to lose in the process getting Arsene and his troops to spend some fucking money before the second leg (at home) where we will comfortably overturn the deficit….its a good thing.

win win!


Well Fernabahce fans dont get to travel,…… you know spending some money to go see your team that ironically isnt spending any.


Chamberlain could be out for 6 months.


cabaye interest is great news as it shows AW recognizes that we lack creativity. I don’t think this is instead of a D M Arteta type.


coq and miquel on loan is a joke, both need game time whilst the whole squad need coaching…even jack is going backwards under wenger, in fact all players go backwards under wenger’s tutelage, just don’t tell giroud that. right now I’d settle for paul lambert and no new players

Casual Gooner

Cabaye left out of match-day squad. Interesting.

I’m assuming this is all a ploy to raise our hopes before seismically tossing them out of helicopter.

Oh to be a Gunner.


Cabaye has been left out of the barcodes squad for tonight’s game, perhaps Mike Ashley and Wenger are playing guess which hand …


I don’t understand bidding for Cabaye, he’s exactly the same type of player as Arteta, Wilshire & Ramsey. We need a big strong defensive midfielder.


ere, not ire


One of the reasons we buy retro football shirts these days is because of all this bs from management – they’re running a business, results come second, not like the 70s when Brady ruled the arsenal!


C’mon wenger get someone, Cabaye is good but he ain’t worth 10 mil atleast 18-22mil. I would of gone for tiote though! Now spend some money please you have 70-90mil!!!! Buy someone or buy something like moisturiser coz your locking greyer by the day you fart!!! Now spend some money and stop acting like a Fucking tramp! 🙂



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