Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger blames exhaustion (sort of calls Drogba a cheat)

Arsene Wenger sportingly labelled the penalty that allowed Galatasaray to equalise at the Emirates as ‘soft’, blamed exhaustion for his side’s late collapse against the Turks and confirmed he was happy with new boy Yaya Sanogo’s debut.

Speaking after a disappointing 2-1 defeat at the hands of the Turkish champions the boss admitted that his side struggled to cope with cheating c**t Didier Drogba as the former Chelsea man came off the bench to score an inevitable brace, the first of which came from the spot after a very typical tumble in the box.

“Drogba did well when he came on,” the boss told the post-game press conference.

“He still has the resources, you could see that yesterday as well. He has kept that physical strength and his intelligent game and he finished well.

“I must say we were exhausted in the end, especially Mertesacker who played the two full games and was just back from Asia.

“He [Drogba] took advantage of it. Honestly the penalty was very, very, very, very, very, very soft! It was classic Drogba.”

In more positive news, Yaya Sanogo, who’d no doubt love to emulate Drogba’s influence on English football, looked lively despite missing a couple of chances to open his Arsenal account. Reflecting on the 20-year-old’s 60 minutes on the pitch the boss, who yesterday marked his compatriot out for big things, said:

“Yes [I was pleased with him]. Considering he just came back from holiday and only had three or four days of practice, what he did is encouraging.”

On the subject of transfers Wenger confirmed that Roma and Crystal Palace would be taking Gervinho and Marouane Chamakh off our hands respectively, dismissed suggestions Cesc Fabregas would leave Barcelona this summer and again underlined that while he’s definitely trying to do business he’s happy with the way his squad is shaping up ahead of a vital Champions League qualifier.

“Let’s count first on what is here, and if we can add something then we will do. It’s very difficult to predict that that will all be sorted out before we play in the Champions League qualifier.

“I think we have enough quality to achieve it with the players we have at the moment, if we can bring more in before that it is even better.”

And on the importance of that double-header in Europe he added:

“It’s difficult, it’s a stressful situation, but we did fight very hard to be in that situation and now it’s time to take advantage of the fact we finished fourth and we have an opportunity to qualify. Of course it’s always a very tricky period but we have the experience, we have done it before.”

All straight down the line from Wenger following a frustrating afternoon at the office. His side had periods of decent possession but for the most part they looked like they were running through treacle. The Ox in particular had a bit of a mare.

We could sit here with our heads in our hands but it’s been obvious since about 2005 that we could do with some reinforcements. It was nice of Drogba to remind us. Again. The prick.

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Drogba = Massive prick


That’s what she said.

A shit joke and stereotyping in one post…do I win the internet?

Norn Iron Gooner

Here we go again, into the season with the blindfold on. Seat of your pants stuff.

Arsene, i doff my cap.


Your reply doesn’t appear to have anything to do with my attempts to get on the 1970s Northern working mens club comedy circuit.


Doesn’t what happened we are sore losers. We used to win the amsterdam tournament and celebrate to a capacity crowd. The emirates couldn’t empty sooner enough


I don’t get all the Drogba hate, hes just an amazing striker who has a ridiculous record against us, he dives but who doesn’t these days. Maybe Giroud could take a leaf out of his book on how to be a complete striker.

Arshavin's Dietician

Well yeah if it’s amazing to cheat your way to stuff.

We should all teach our kids that diving like Drogba is the correct thing to do, win at all costs.


You should watch Gary Nevilles talk on diving, theres no point spouting this hollier than thou approach, unfortunately you don’t get rewarded for honesty in football. If you get fouled in the area, unless you go down you won’t get a pen and weve seen that many times.

On a side note about Drogba diving, I can’t have been the only one who was loving it when he kept diving against Barca.


thank you sir for saying that.


How will the fans react to Luiz Suarez, we could win the quadruple on his diving alone

DL Gooner

Will Drogba ever just get back on his predator ship and fuck off!


Exhausted? Already? I thought we were going to win the league with this squad and they’re exhausted after just a handful of games. Maybe we will tell our opponents in the EPL to wait a day or two more because we are feeling too tired to play. These players train all year round, they have the best physics and doctors money can buy, and they are tired already??? I play footy 3 times a week in humid 40 plus degrees and I don’t get that tired, if I was getting paid 100K a week I would gladly play everyday !!… Read more »


Don’t forget Per played 90 mins yesterday too.

Sweaty Testicles/Scrotum

Na, I think it’s just you who’s dumb. I sometimes look at a comment and wonder whether the author has actually tried to be wrong as much as possible. Your comment is one of those comments.


Not heard of jetlag have you poppet. Ah bless xx


My employers would fire my arse if I would complain about jetlag from a trip I took a week ago. That too in a private jet with beds and shit.


They were not on a private plane. They flew Emirates.


I like that you were the captain of that emirates plane…..yes?


Plus two games in two days for some plus the effects of jet lag


There is physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion. What you do physically exhausts you. What these players do takes a strong mind and body, because they have to concentrate hard for 90+ mins under enormous pressure from fans, manager and friends. The proof is in the video “Arsene’s XI” where Wenger chooses the best 11 he ever had. The common theme is mental strength, and not technical ability.

And please don’t spout the shit that “if I was paid X amount I would happily do Y”. It demonstrates true ignorance.


Mookie, it’s not exactly a fair comment, given the football you play is so shit, your team would celebrate a draw against kindergarten kids.


We could do with you in times like these

Original Gooner

u r super dumb…well said 😀


I meant physios not physics


Pity. I wish you’d actually meant physics.

Though perhaps you’d be better off with psychics.


Kos the Boss would have shackled the Drog. Well maybe. We’ll never know.


I’d rather we kept him away from Drogba – he’s already destroyed enough of our centrebacks down the years that I’d prefer not to risk adding Kos to the list.

Bacary's right leg

This sqaud is good enough for 4th again’ I’m pretty sure of that but to properly challenge we need players which, well we all know. I don’t see why Giroud can’t be as good as Drogba consider he only scored more then 20 in the prem league once he is still labelled a world class striker because of his strength and power. So i don’t see why he can’t be almost as good. People need to remember that this is still pre season as well. I know if we had won people would be saying that so the same applies… Read more »


Giroud works hard, but he will never be as good as Drogba. He isn’t as good as a 35 year old Drogba and we saw that today.

Is he almost as good as a 35 year old Drogba, possibly, but really, is that the sort of quality we want at Arsenal?


Giroud is 26. When Drogba was 26 he was just signing for Chelsea, and lets face it he wasn’t setting the world alight then if I remember rightly. Lets get behind him, he’s had one season in one of (if not the) toughest leagues in the world, he may just be ready to kick on and become as good as or better than the divey one


I do not think this squad is good enough to finish 4th, it is extremely thin. I think there may be about 15 players that are Premier League quality. We need to strengthen quite a bit if we want 4th place this coming season. We need a centre back, a solid backup for Arteta, possibly another winger, and another centre forward. We could also use another keeper as well. The first XI is pretty good but the bench just isn’t. Players really need to step up and we need to add some depth too.


Say Bale stays at Spurs? They pushed us as close as ever last year and have strengthened. I don’t think 4th is in the bag at all, Wenger has gambled for the last 5 years and has won. A bit of bad luck this year and we could drop like a stone. Fingers crossed we have more good luck or strengthen but i do admire your optimism.


Im glad somebody has made this point. I have been thinking the same for 2 weeks if Spuds keep Bale and with their new signings they could be a threat. Brendon Rodgers imo is a really good Manager he is rebuilding and has brought in some good young players hes doing the right thing with Suarez at the very end he will stay or go but if he goes he knows hes going to get a very good price for him a win win situation, also he finally did what every liverpool Manager has failed to do and thats get… Read more »


Let’s not forget that Spurs were pretty unlucky with injuries (Sandro, Dembele, Lennon, Defoe) last season, where as Arsenal were reasonably lucky, apart from an injury to Wilshere.

With Sandro and Dembele fully fit, I think Spurs would have finished fourth.

jack jack jack

MiQuel. MiQUEL.

While I’m here, Wiltshire is a county, and a Carzola isn’t a thing.


Drogba is a acheating obnoxious cunt. (To put it lightly)


The Man City game will be more illuminating I recon. If Arsene really thinks we’re contenders, we need to be giving them a right old good game. May be a friendly but that game has some weight to it for sure now, will be interesting.

99 problems but being a Gooner aint one.

Drogba = What a quality striker looks like. (despite his prikishness)

Agree with vino i will wait until the man city game as that will be the real indicator of where we stand.
Regardless we stiill need a centre back , centre mid, an actual winger and a striker. Maybe a keeper. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial


If only we could have kept King Henry for a few more seasons. Mind you then RvP wouldn’t be the player he is….




When will Drogba stop being a diving c**t? Shameful tbh.

Merlin's Panini

When he retires?


Drogba scoring against us was so utterly predictable wasn’t it?

I can’t help but respecting him for doing it either. Eff it, despite the dives, cheating and his record against us, I quite like him.

What’s that? Thumbs down? *blows massive raspberry*


A lot gooners feel the same. Of course we hate the prospect of playing against him, but that’s only because we have such a huge respect for him. That plus he would have looked like a god in an Arsenal shirt.


He never wore an Arsenal shirt, therefore he is a cunt.
Players who play for other teams are called “cunt” or “some other cunt”. If you followed Arseblog’s Liveblog you would know this by now.
Drogba is a cheating cunt, that’s the difference and I wish he played for us


Respect for a cheating,diving ex chav cunt?Oh dear.
Sign some players or fuck off Law,Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke.
Joke club,joke board,4th place trophy out of reach this season….


Speaking of respect, your ‘fuck off Wenger’ comment exudes such. It concerns me that your username would suggest that you are a man in your forties.




Listen you fucking worthless shitstain. cuntene cunteger deserves no respect. and neither do you. I would enjoy forcing you to watch me poke cuntene with a cattle prod until he shits himself, and then scoop his shit onto a toothbrush and brush his teeth with it in honor of the hypocritical shit that comes out of his filthy lying mouth.


very shakespearian.


Drogba is a saint compared to Luis Suarez. To think that people, Wenger included, would want Suarez at our club is ridiculous.


Well considering that there aren’t a lot of other options out there right now because of our dithering, I don’t think that we have much of a choice.


Wouldn’t mind a diving cheating cunt of our own to inflict on other teams.


if you cant beat them, join them. as the saying goes

The only olivier is giroud

Bit of a no-win situation here. I could HEAR the ‘they can only win the Emirates cup’ jokes before kickoff already, and well, the general vibe for losing is pretty much what we expected, innit?
I didn’t see the game so I’m sad for missing Sanogo, but I hope the lad does well, he’s already the butt of jokes and he’s done nothing to deserve it. Here’s to qualifying for the UCL and maybe a gem of a signing a la Cazorla/Koscielny. Up the arse.

Rad Carrot

Sanogo was awful today, truly poor. He had three shots, one that hit the corner flag, one that has made it into low Earth orbit, and one that was offside from three yards out, which, of course, he missed anyway.

He looked slow and uninterested. I’m sure he’ll get better, but I hope we don’t see him in the senior team for a while.


I hope we don’t see too much of him (this season at least) either – don’t get me wrong, I hope he comes good and has a great career with us and all that – just if we see a lot of him it’ll mean we didn’t sign anyone ahead of him in the pecking order and that’ll disappoint me.

Rad Carrot

Drogba is a disgusting cheaty cunt.

But, what? Wenger is saying that we’re tired after a few friendlies? Jesus Christ, this man needs a slap. What the fuck are we going to do when we play the CL qualifier then?

We’re going to have a lot of shit teams rubbing their salty balls over our pasty white cheeks this season, make no mistake. Robbie Savage and Jamie Redknappy will cream themselves in joy when we lose 4-0 to the might of Doncaster in the League cup.


Some of the players might be tired after two full games in two days.

Arsene should probably speak to whoever it is that is in charge of managing the playing squad about signing a few extra players to allow for a reasonable level of rotation to cope with these kinds of things.

Adam, Watford

I am sure Ian Wright won’t be backwards in coming forwards, either, on his co-host spot for Sunday’s round of 606 on Radio5 Live, this season . . . and he’s supposed to be an Arsenal fan. clearly not a Wenger fan, though.


two games in two days in the summer heat in the middle of pre-season, which is when you are doing maximum physical work (and far less technical or tactical work). give them a break.

the observation that a bigger squad would have allowed for greater rotation is completely with merit though.


Another valuable warm up game . Villa, the ECL qualifiers, Fulham and Spurs loom large. Our main targets may not want to sign till we have qualified for the ECL group stages. So the squad we have are going to have to do the business beat Villa qualify for the ECL, beat Fulham and Spurs before reinforcements are ready. I believe the squad we have can achieve all that. The England Scotland game on the 14th is another hurdle in what has become a congested and challenging start to the season. Its all good . COYG 🙂

The year of Tom

Can’t help wondering which players we’re after in secret. Bartstuber, Pastore and Suarez would be fucking superb!


Pass whatever it is that you are smoking over here mate 😉


Who cares about the result, we know we need better players, nothing has changed. As usual though we assume “Wenger must know from this loss that he MUST sign th right players”, but he doesn’t. Same as how at the end of every season we scrape past spurs into fourth or third and assume “that will show him he needs to change”……yeah right.

Swedish Goon

I really enjoyed watching Zelalem with his nifty direction changes today. His movement and vision is incredible for a little man his age. Great potential there!


Zelalem was probably the only positive from that match, seriously.


Wenger, it’s too early to say your players are exhausted! The season hasn’t started yet. That is why you need squad depth. Why is Per playing back to back? What is Bakari’s natural position? I think players give the best when they play in their natural position. Go buy some players so that everybody plays where they are comfortable. We have resources. We can do it. Trial and error for eight years is too much. We need to win something.

block 9

Not that I give a shit but who won the cup.


So Galatasaray were less exhausted than us? If so I am deeply concerned about the fitness level of the team as well as the squad depth. Smells, as always, like bullshit from Wenger.

Spend the fucking Money Scrooge Mcduck



Funny that when you only have 15 decent players in your squad 😉


Yes Drogba is a big c*nt. So is Suarez.

Imagine Suarez diving for us late in a game to earn us a penalty and three points next season. I’m not sure how I’d feel about that victory, to be honest.

But hey, better to have one in our team than playing against one. Right…?

Fingers crossed

santi did that last season. but followed up with a magical hat trick in the next match.


Arsene wenger is a cheat ! He only knows how to sell and save monies for the club leaving the fans heart broken.mscheeew.


And at least we finished in the top four once again. No need for signings then


But there were only four teams in the…wait a second. I see what you did there. You clever clogs you


Drogba is everything Giroud isnt.A great centre forward.
To all those saying Drogba is a cheat please tell me what Suarez is?
We still need 5 new quality players to even compete


Didn’t think Ox had that bad of a game personally, no-one else was really much better, Ramsey’s still impressing me the most and the rest of the young players pleasantly surprise me every time I watch them. Thought we did well and controlled the game for the majority. Tbh when it came to the end of today’s game where the players were a bit leggy I think of when we played Newcastle at home last season. They were knackered from Europa League when we smashed them 7-3, yet put up a good fight for the majority. Tiredness plays a big… Read more »

block 9

And so the great arsenal rip off is about to enter another season.


Wenger out,
Fatgooner in..


Think suarez was watching, taking notes on his next scuba diving class. Ironically though, it might be in an Arsenal shirt at the emirates.


we are still weak in the gk,cb,dm and striking positions
putting all our eggs in the Suarez will not improve us if we lack quality elsewhere
Think finishing 4th will be a big struggle this season


They have had the summer off – how the fu@# are they exhausted? Bollocks wenger


take the time to learn what pre-season actually is for a professional sportsperson before you stout spouting ill-informed bollox.


Drogba at 50 years old would be better than Giroud,Podolski and Sanogo….a mismanaged club struggling to stay in fourth. Wenger out.

Wenger Carter Holy Fail

@don well said


Instead of complaining about Drogba’s diving in a meaningless game(he did), perhaps we should thank him for exposing our weaknesses at the back ,again. Miguel and Jenkinson are nowhere near ready to step in and deliver the goods. We have two pretty good shot stoppers in Szczesny and Fabianski who are both terrible at decision making when to come out and when to stay and we are in a dire need of a prolific striker. The season hasn’t started yet and we are already in the injury crisis and talking about players being fatigued. I myself am a “glass half… Read more »


Am thoroughly depressed by today’s game. It is the latest installment in a pretty crap Summer. Ivan and co built our hopes up and have delivered nothing. Without reinforcements it is going to be another trophyless season battling for fourth place. How many are man city going to put past us. That should be a nice confidence booster before the new season. Can’t believe I am so desperate that I now actually want us to sign suarez who hitherto was not the sort of player I wanted at our club.


@Tomas….Wenger DOES believe we have a title winning squad. Therefor, Wenger OUT!


Well Arsene, Per wouldn’t have to play 90mins in the space of two days if we had squad depth. This after claiming we’re good enough to win the league with this squad. I have nothing against the squad, they’re actually very good. It’s the lack of depth that’s killed us every year. Every year we fall out of all the major competitions in February when the games come thick and fast. We’d have to play 3 big games in a week etc. If by his logic his team lost today because of exhaustion, how do you think things are gonna… Read more »


Has Wenger ever done an interview without saying “it is very difficult” or some version thereof?

Danish Gooner

So wenger would rather risk Mertesacker getting a serious injury then fork out 10 mil for Ashley williams.I do believe we have the worst penny pincher at our club ever !!!!!

Danish Gooner

Warchest update : Stands at 80 mil and 600 grand a week less in wages.


Make ANY Arsenal fan Arsenal manager for a week and see how things would change for the better. What the f*ck are they doing? I feel ripped off, lied to and cheated. Same Wenger bullshit, different year.


Budda got enlightened, cause he didn’t have to listen to arsene


I can’t believe you lot. Who gives a shit what the manager does? Even with the wages our players are getting, they are under more and more pressure every year, because we need to win a trophy, i was at the game, and i agree, exhaustion did play a part, also we were not the same team as soon as cazorla went off. It’s too early to tell what we need, because our full strength squad is good enough to win the league, but with all the fans calling for the manager’s head, how are they meant to kick on… Read more »


Can’t believe the amount of praise i’ve seen for Drogba on here after his horrendous dive in a FRIENDLY! I thought they were called that for a reason?! Maybe I’m being biased because I spent about £150 this weekend to travel from far west Wales to see the game today (don’t get to go often obviously) only to get the game marred by that diving prick. Won’t knock the second goal, that was absolute quality and showed what the guy is (still) capable of. Also didn’t like the GS defender’s two footed mega lunge at Theo (again, thought it was… Read more »

Pak Gooner

Drogba may be a diver, and it’s wrong that penalty happened, but we all know that on his day, he’s an unstoppable beast. And it’s his day most of the days, so you can figure why he’s still a quality striker. Giroud could do tons learning from him, but we still need reinforcements. Still believing we will land some top quality in, wondering WHEN it will happen 🙁


Wow…Are these the same Arsenal fans who dislike Drogba for all his playacting and diving but are ready to overlook these qualities of Suarez.

God save Arsenal.

Tony Hall

We have had our share of players in the past who went down easily/dived just as every team but at the moment *touch wood* we appear to be free of all that shit. Long may this continue and if Suarez does end up joining I hope AW reads him the riot act on his behaviour!

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fel the gooner

Guys i dont fricking know anymore. i just know i spent £160 on tickets for this weekend infact that crappy spicy chicken burger and a white foot-lomg hotdog, think about that what hotdog comes out white??. Anyway i saw a shambles of a team i support the badge and i have done for nearly 30yrs not players and im ashamed of players not being at a level i expect of our beloved club which is not their fault. i ashamed to have a board and chairman that got lost in the business side of football. im ashamed our manager comes… Read more »

Parson's nose

Wenger must go, sweet and simple.
Offer Laudrup from Swansea a good contract and 100m pounds to spend. A year from now, team will be unrecognisable


Wenger is really Screwing you guys ass hahahaha!!!

Danish Gooner

Just wait till Mourinho have made your blood and shitstained club in to his own circus,then you wont be laughing.

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