Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger: Suarez deal dead. Our transfer window starts now

Arsene Wenger confirmed this evening that Arsenal’s pursuit of Luis Suarez is over despite his side looking nailed on to qualify for the Champions League proper following their 3-0 away win against Fenerbahce.

Speaking after the game the boss was quizzed on his next move for the Liverpool striker only to make clear a move for the Uruguayan was a no go.

“Absolutely no chance of that,” he clarified.

Looking ahead to a potentially busy couple of weeks in the transfer window – and with reports of interest in Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema surfacing – Wenger did make clear that he is now ready to start adding to his squad.

“It is like a poker game. People hold their cards as long as possible and see what is happening out there. In the end, they go for decisions.

“First everybody goes on holiday and nobody wants to do anything. Then in many clubs there are manager changes. They need to know the squad before they make a decision. Many, many things but it is always like that.

“You have to understand there is still a long way to go. The transfer market starts for me now and a lot of activity will happen between now and September 2. From August 21 until September 2 you have 12 days, so a lot will happen. It starts now.”

After a terrific win, the boss was, as you might expect, in a far more buoyant mood than his previous two press conference this season. Reflecting on the quality of his side’s performance in Istanbul he concluded:

“I believe we played in a very, very heated atmosphere against a good team but we had a proactive attitude from the first minute on and that was certainly was very important tonight.

“We did not come in shaking but came in resolute and determined and with a desire to take the game to them and overall we were in control. This team has shown a lot of mental strength.

“I told you yesterday that you had forgotten that this team has lost only one game since March under very, very special circumstance. Of course the environment we faced was difficult but the only way to do it is to go out there and play football like you want to play.”

Arseblog News suspects it’s going to be a very busy couple of weeks…

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I hope i am wrong but same old story…

Arsenal were the only club on vacation during the transfer window.


Hoooray we won (seems to have gone unnoticed).


What a load of bollocks.

Buy a player, then maybe we’d believe your shit.

Mills (the other one)

Huh, didn’t know buying a player was necessary before confirmation of our win last night, let alone the fact that it is actually lettraggad in charge of transfers. You learn something new every day …

Dave Gooner

Could it be that the level of player AW requires will only come to a CL team? Like us, after last evening. In other words, there are players that Levy and Henry can offer all they want for, and they never ever ever get. Including their own overachieving players Suarez and Bale. Face it Spuds and Liverpool Museum of the 70s, you are neither of you in our league, with your shitty grounds, your tier 2 purchases, and your big mouths. Arsenal remains an elite club in Europe. And I hope Bale STAYS, and the Spuds go down the same… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Um, until last night we weren’t in our league either, and we still have to play Fenerbahce again yet (Not that I’m expecting calamity, but we do need to take it seriously).


Hoooray we won (seems to have gone unnoticed).

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We noticed it the first time you said it, but we’re thumbing it up again now because… Hooray we won.


Same old Gutbukkit Deffrolla always thumbing one in.


Hey Wenger can you please never feed us bollocks ever again…..it’s for a school project.


I love when he says MENTAL STRENGTH. I can feel it you know. 🙂

Arsenes Nose

Oh please give the man a break, the ‘world class’ signings we are calling for seem to all play in the champions league, You can’t sign those without a guaranteed spot. Look at the players Spuds have signed which was gonna be playing in the champions league next year? A bit of perspective mate

Now wenger don’t make me eat my words and Fucking sign some ‘WORLD CLASS’

Ghost of Gervinho

I totally agree, Arsene’s Nose. For all the apparent dithering in the summer and the situation we have been left in, there is that possibility that if we are truly seeking ‘world class’ players, then none may have wanted to sign for a club that hasn’t had a guaranteed CL spot. Who would leave a CL club for a non-CL club under normal circumstances? So, we can’t compare our transfer activity to Chelsea or ManCity in that respect. They had their places booked. If you look at the spuds, they’ve been busy, but not world-class busy, for the most part.… Read more »

North Bank Gooner

Lets hope that the players we must have (surely?) been talking to were waiting on our qualification. With a home tie and 3 away goals, maybe they will come this week.

The exodus has freed up wages for 3 tip top tippy tappy tika taka top top splendid special players, and we have around 80m cash for fees. Something must happen, right?


I must learn to play some poker! Sounds like a really interesting game, any tips Arsene?


Yes my friend, avoid the little bit playing with Lady Gaga, She has the unreadable poker face.

I’m here all week 🙂


We can only hope.


True. Though it is interesting to hear that FIFA imposed a different transfer window start date for Arsenal only.

Blatter OUT!

Wrighty's Gold Tooth

Emotional Rollercoaster


Why not go for Christian Benteke? who has cast doubt on his long-term future at Aston Villa by scoring lots of goals.


Not convinced. Why should the activity start now?! Wenger is king of spin!


Why not go for Christian Benteke who has cast doubt on his long-term future at Aston Villa by scoring lots of goals.


‘Cause only when we go through all this pain and depression, we can appreciate life as it is… I guess :/


‘The transfer market starts for me now and a lot of activity will happen between now and September 2.’ He just means that now is when it starts to heat up, when teams and agents and players start getting a bit tense and new possibilities open up – hence ‘It is like a poker game. People hold their cards as long as possible and see what is happening out there.’ It happens every year, I don’t know why people are surprised – remember City signing Robinho on the last day of the window, West Ham getting Tevez and Mascherano, Everton… Read more »

Loop A Hole

Hate it when people compare our transfer window with Chelsea and Man Utd. They were title contenders last season. And Have no dearth of attacking talent, have enough defensive midfielders, got a goalkeeper they can rely on and have a long bench. We are top of the injury list and limped to fourth last year. I call bullshit. But yeah we will strengthen, but there is no way we have to be satisfied simply because they didn’t strengthen.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yeah, Man United in particular have absolutely no problems at all. It’s not like one of their most influential players doesn’t like their new manager and wants to leave, is it? United not strengthening yet, and Chelsea for that matter, is partly a result of what has slowed us down. Nobody wants to commit to anything too early. The window goes berserk in the last few days every season. That’s because everybody starts buying and selling players. It’s not just us. We may have talked to dozens of players or their agents, but until now the best we would get… Read more »

Ghost of Gervinho

Agree Gutbukkit – I think most top echelon players care most about being in the CL. Do they want the prospect of traveling to Barcelona to square off against Messi & Neymar, or would they rather face Dinamo Tblisi on a Thursday? If you use that as a measure, then you can see why ManCity and Chelsea could have closed earlier deals for top players. @Loop A Hole: Chelsea finished 2 points above us, so we are definitely comparable (and were no more contenders than us), but I think the guaranteed CL spot is the difference. No-one is saying you… Read more »

Dave Gooner

Chelsea weren’t title challengers last season.

Francis Jayadurai

Agree in toto, always giving out rose tinted comments. Good manager but too rigid in his ways which is not good for arsenal.


I thought that was Ashley Giles?


“It starts now.”

I’m sorry but that line is fucking inexcusable. Other teams have been able to make moves, why haven’t we?


Maybe because Arsenal needed to know whether they would be in the Champions League for budgeting and player recruiting purposes.

I know the board has said otherwise, but, you know…


Because we were waiting to see if we were in the CL? Really? Really? There’s another club not too far away who already know they’re not and it doesn’t seem to have stopped them breakig their club record twice and about to break it for a 3rd time now does it?


spurs are getting and obviously already knew they were getting a ridiculous amount of money (£93m+ ?!) for selling the monkey, no wonder they’re breaking club records in transfers

Ghost of Gervinho

I doubt that we were waiting to see if we got into CL. But if we are chasing ‘world class’ players, then they will be likely already at CL clubs. Why, under normal circumstances, would they want to sign for a non-CL club? It would make sense that any top player would want to see qualification first. Transfer that logic to spuds and please tell me which of their signings would have been in the CL this season? I’ve been as angry/sad/depressed as any Arsenal fan. But given the above I am willing to make my final judgment of the… Read more »


no, because the players were waiting to see if we were…


you mean the club with the chicken on the basketball logo ? oh dear….havent you learned not to take that lot seriously ?


I dont think we should be budgeting for champions league? We should be making moves to ensure we dont miss out on the champions league!! Its not like those fuckers across the road are budgeting on a good Europa league run. All they want to do is knock us off our perch, but you know what we should be aiming for? Not beating Sp*rs, but getting above those other 3 teams. It’s like we remain forever stagnant and think that finishing above Sp*rs is an achievement. We’ve done that every year since wenger took over…. it doesn’t really give me… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We weren’t budgeting for the Champions League. We have the money to afford some CL level players but they won’t want to come to us until we can guarantee we will be in it. We haven’t failed to spend because we didn’t want to spend. We’ve failed to spend because the players we approached didn’t want to be bought by us, or because their club didn’t wanbt to sell them to us. Now there will be more players on offer as some of them will be getting twitchy feet and wondering if they wouldn’t be better off somewhere else. We… Read more »

Twisted cuntloks

Bloody spin master . It starts now because he is now under severe pressure to buy. Bring in more dross and waste the money is the wenger way of late. I would love to see benzema come to our club but why would be leave Real Madrid for us? We’d have to double or treble his wages to make him show any interest.


Ok so that means we getting Suarez now?? You know the Wenger “no definitely not”..

COYG from Fareast

Apparently Wenger ‘rumored’ to step up Benzema chase. I don’t know if it’s rumor or not but it seems he also keen on Di Maria.

Wenger said he’ll only sign 2 world class player and others are addition (for number-wise our squad).

As far I don’t believe the ol’ man and it just a rumor though.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Suarez was a gamble that didn’t pay off. Wenger has now done the right thing and said “Fuck him”, perhaps with the unspoken suffix “the bitey racist cunt”. I am certainly glad that we are finally doing the morally correct thing, whatever the real reason. Bidding for Higuain was probably an opportunist move too, but we didn’t have the certain CL Group involvement that might have been enough to lure him to us instead of Italy. He may have been keen to move and get settled quickly so wanted a deal done and dusted. Unless he or Wenger tells us… Read more »


that’s one bloody long suffix.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Ha, yeah. If it were something you could learn at Uni he’d be Luis Suarez M.Brc (Hons)


Why does the transfer market start for you now, afterthe start of the season, when you have previously said you want to do yur business early and that the transfer window shouldn’t be closed when the season starts? Odd that

giorgios karelias

He is saying that the transfer window livens up when it nears a close – the shortage in time puts pressure on the negotiating sides so they tend to make the deal. He is only proposing that this deadline should be shifted to before the season starts, so that everything is settled by then. Not odd, but rather elementary, Watson.


he’s also saying that clubs go on holiday before now. so is that why almost all clubs have already done so much business and nearly completed their recruitment ? Liverpool, Tottenham, Man City, PSG, Monaco, Juventus, Southampton, Sunderland, Swansea, Norwich ffs do i need to continue ?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It’s not almost all clubs though, is it? Spurs have done some deals. Chelsea and Citeh have used their unlimited funds to get some people who may have arranged to go to them months ago. Liverpool got a couple in though I can’t remember who the hell they were. Who else has done anything we should be even remotely worried about or jealous of?

Didn’t your mother teach you not to be jealous of what other children have got? We have already got a handful or two of players most other PL clubs would be pleased to have.

Ghost of Gervinho

Tytee, split those teams into two groups. CL qualified and non-CL qualifed. Now look at the signings in each of those groups. 99% of the signings for non-CL clubs are B-grade. The only exception that springs to mind is Falcao, who is probably earning more than the GDP of Colombia. Only next week (all going well) will Arsenal become CL qualified (like CFC & MCFC). Then we can start to sign world class players from CL clubs. I’m still pissed off about the whole situation, but that actually makes a little bit of sense to me. If we don’t sign… Read more »


This deserves a thousand recommends.

Bale’s gone, Real Madrid need money and the rarely-wrong David Ornstein’s saying Arsenal are ‘working on deals for Benzema and Di Maria.’

Arsenal might be awful at negotiation, or maybe we’ve just been waiting for the chips to fall in our favour, but anyone thinking Wenger’s not trying does him a grave disservice.


so we’ve got 2 fit CBs. one fit RB. two LBs carrying knocks. no cover for Arteta in the DM position. no big strong midfielder at the club at all.

and you’re suggesting Wenger’s about to pull a rabbit out of the hat by signing Benzema and Di Maria.

bravo. which one of them would you suggest we play at CB ? …


also, ‘chips to fall in our favor’ is not a quality of top clubs with any ambition to win titles. its a sad pathetic excuse for the unbelievable naivety this club shows year after year


Sagna has excelled at centre-back every time he’s played there, so it doesn’t worry me so much. How many centre-backs do Chelsea have? Terry, Cahill and Luiz, with Ivanovic doubling up as a right-back as well. How many centre-backs do City have? Kompany, Lescott and Nastasic, with Richards doubling up as a right-back as well. We have Vermaelen, Koscielny and Mertesacker, with Sagna doubling up as a right-back as well. Our situation is really not that unusual, it just doesn’t take much to make us panic. Even so, we probably need one more defender (either CB or RB), and I… Read more »


how many of Chelsea’s CBs are injured ? how many of Man City’s CBs are injured – Nastasjic. and what do they do. they’re looking to bring one in. even Liverpool are looking to bring another one in because of one of their CBs picking up an injury. there’s good reason that ‘it doesn’t take us much to panic’ because Sagna, recovered from two-broken legs last season. which one of Chelsea’s or Man City’s defenders has done that ? Sagna also nearly snapped his neck and its a miracle he was fit for this game. we don’t have Vermaelen yet.… Read more »


Kompany, Nastasic and Richards are all injured to one degree or another, as a matter of fact. City have their own ‘defensive crisis’. These things happen – Man Utd have the most defenders out of anyone in the league and they’ve still had their share of injury crises – they had Ferdinand, Vidic, Jones and Evans all out at the same time, and Carrick at centre-back on occasion last year. In any case, you’re right – we need a fourth choice centre-back or a third choice right-back – we’ll probably get one. But I don’t think it’s going to be… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

tytee, you make extravagant claims about the naivety of Wenger based on information primarily gained from where? I’d try to explain to you about player availability on the market, but I get the impression you are just ranting and not listening.


Because now we are confident of qualfying for the champions league group stage


Why does the transfer market start for you now, afterthe start of the season, when you have previously said you want to do yur business early and that the transfer window should closed when the season starts? Odd that

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Wanting to do business early is no guarantee you will be able to do it early, and the bulk of everybody’s business was always going to be done in the last 10 days of the window. We were lucky to be able to get rid of all our dead wood so early.


The deal has been dead for weeks. Finally Wenger has realized that, Its a positive


‘The deal has been dead for weeks. Finally Wenger has realized that. It’s a positive.’

I take your point, but I think Wenger probably knows better than us or any journalists when a deal he’s working on is alive or dead, and (despite the accusations…) I doubt he’s been sitting on his hands for 2 months waiting for Liverpool to give him a ring back.

jack jack jack

Thanks for the reasoned, rational comments Red. Keep fighting the good fight.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

When people get this angry words rarely stop them ranting. It takes an Alsation or CS gas. It’s their RIGHT to complain and they fucking well mean to do it long and loud because their personal happiness has been infringed by the cunts who run Arsenal, and those bastards have to pay by being slagged off continuously in a blog that those particular cunts probably don’t read. (Sorry Blogs, I expect Gazidis pays somebody to read you. You’ve been very fair to them really, so they wouldn’t have been worried until the last few days when you finally cracked and… Read more »


Push the transfer talk aside for a minute and you will see Arsenal showed some great midfield steel today. A rotating holding midfielder. Transfer market? Bah. A happy Wenger is an erm, well, happy Wenger.


agree that there were some positives on the pitch. good pressing from early on. wasteful as usual in the final third. keeper had a good game. but lets not kid ourselves. fener are not certain to go through even if they won the tie. that would’ve had an effect on the players and their fans. certainly i thought they were poor in the midfield for long parts. we were given lots of space and time to pass it around. they didn’t press as we did. i dont think they were a tough side. they had strong intelligent strikers who caused… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Fenerbahce want to win the tie so that they can claim the high moral ground in their fans eyes. If they can look back on this season and say “We beat Arsenal but the place we earned was stolen from us” it will sound better than “We were thrashed by Arsenal but it is still unfair that we have been banned from Europe”. If you are a Turkish fan then respect to your club and self-respect in your club means a lot. They are not a shit team who think it’s almost too much trouble to bother trying against Arsenal.… Read more »




Perhaps it is linked to CL qualification and now we are step closer we can buy.he seems a lot more certain we will get deals done. It shouldnt be like this but you know what we are like with money


Maybe super dick should of told arsene august the 21st was over a month ago. Load of horse shit, if the transfer window starts now why was he making shit unrealistic offers for players before now? The truth is were through to the champs league proper now so the bean counter feels we can afford to spend money. Guess no one told him we have massive cash reserves


Never going to trust Wenger when he says we won’t be signing anybody
“I’m not interested in Cazorla, I do not know who he is” or words to that effect


We shall see, Arsene, we shall see.


I said on this site about 6 weeks ago… He was waiting to confirm champions league football for the season. Correct me of I’m wrong but these games against the Turks are worth around 12-20million pound to reach group stages.
We are going for the wrong Newcastle player, a fully fit Ben Arfa would suit us. A match winner.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

So we open negotiations by saying we want the other guy, and then hit them with a double whammy. I’m happy with that if having Cabaye come with him convinces Ben Arfa to come.

TO THE GUY WHO WORKS FOR GAZIDIS and is reading this blog, Please take note. We’d like Cabaye AND Ben Arfa when you go up to Newcastle.

Henry GoonerLegend

It’s one thing to be patient and hold your cards, and it’s completely another to walk away from a table when its hot and come back when the games over.

Sure hope Wenger bolsters the squad. We definitely need at least one player in each position. A good GK to challenge Szczesny, a solid CB/ RB, A proper DM (Not Flamini) and a class striker.

Knowing Arsenal, I’ll be surprised if we get atleast 2 of these in this window. Hopefully the trolleydash begins now :-/

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You missed last night’s game while you had dinner? You should buy a stable table and ask your wife to bring your dinner to you.


Finally, looks like we’re actually ready to bring in some new faces.. Let’s hope they’re “top, top quality” and not signings like Park or Santos..


still got love for the old dog Dr Wenger.

in his own world.. and what a great one it is too =-)

Oleg Luzhny

In fairness, it was never alive.



For years and years now, I’ve always believed in Arsene, and after everything has happened, I still have my confidence in him and his abilities! His 03/04 squad was probably best squad in EPL in last few decades, and I know he can make team like that again… It’s the board that I don’t like, full of false promises and excuses… Leave Arsene to do his bussines, give him support but don’t mess in his job. Give Usmanov control, he can be like Dein was before! COYG!


This blog has always been a great supporter of this current board and management (not the club itself, necessarily)
We have tons of money but we will finds tons of excuses so we won’t spend a penny! Is it greed or pure stupidity? Never matters. Well It’s their kinda mentality, sadly


@stefano u are on same page with me. Its true wenger don’t lik excessive spending bt he is really lacking the support of his board when he picks a particular player he wants.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I was with you til that bit about Usmanov. Can’t thumb you up when you finish off with that.


Such negativity even after a great result. I’m buoyed by Wenger’s comments and in many ways he is right! The vast majority of signings are in the last few weeks. I know things have been rubbish but pma and all that. I’m sure a few players watching our spirit and resolve tonight might just reconsider their position! Get behind the team and management and not on em! Up Arsenal!

damien joyce

When you say busy blogs….do you mean busy being linked with every Tom, Dick Law and ‘Arry.

Or ANS (actual new signings)


Arsene knows


Like fucking shit he does.

Glen Helders soul-glo

What’s hilarious is that you twats thumb someone down when they say Arsene knows, then thumb some one down when they say he doesn’t know.


I don’t think it’s the same people doing the thumbing!


What’s hilarious is people thumbed up your comment, since by your logic, ‘you twats’ refers to all Gooners with an opinion on ‘Arsene knows’. Which is pretty much all of us.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Glen Helders soul-glo loses the Internet and has to sit in the pelanty box with Anton.


i love that sarcasm in the last sentence.

wait. you really mean it?!

Arsen Wenger

On 9/2: We do not need any defeders added to the current squad. Look at Sagna, his quality is absolutely stunning. I can assure you we will challenge for the league title. As far as striker position is concerned, we got Giroud, Podolski, and Yaya.


Nice win…problems still remain.Arsene still thinks fans are dumbos or have gold fish memories…given the way he comments…
Yes everyone was in a holiday till now..so spuds/manc did so much during there holidays, imagine what they will do when they actuallynstart working…?
In trying to sound too clever Arsene sometimes /almost everytime now actually is embarrassing himself…
Arsene…be honest and keep it simple


While I am glad we are not going to sign the racist cannibal, the part of me that involuntarily laughs when an old lady falls over, is kind of sad.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yep, it’s all fun and laughter til the old lady rolls around and says Arsenal kicked her in the box, and then it’s all penalties and gloom.


Why now? Was we waiting for cl qualification. If so how fucking scary is that. It’s like we had no plan at all and whatever happens now will seem like panic buying. Other clubs have done great business despite being in holiday as wenger said.
Crazy world that we arsenal fans inhabit around this time of the year.
Lets hope we can still buy any quality that is left and in the right positions.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Why now? Because the rest of the football world have been holding fire on transfers, with a few minor exceptions, and after the weekend all hell will break loose and transfers will be happening everywhere. When that happens Arsenal will step in with their 70 million pounds and do the business. Arsene has had to wait til now to do most of his deals because people weren’t dealing Before now. It’s the same every year. Have you not been following football very long? Have you forgotten how fucking shocked we all were when he brought in three players so early… Read more »


I don’t understand the need or desire to leave these things ’til the eleventh hour. Firstly, and most obviously, it gives the new players no time to settle, ruins preparations for the new season and causes apathy within the fan base. But also, which Laudrup pointed out today, it gives the selling club no time to find replacements. Swansea would be fools to sell their two best players as would Pardew with 10 days to find adequate replacements. And the managers who are willing to sell now surely would have been happy to sell two months ago. Who knows. I… Read more »


Are we really SO dumb? Do we really believe that a club like Swansea, or one like Newcastle would not realistically expect that their best players would be targeted at ANY TIME during the transfer window??? Do we genuinely accept the crock of bullshit spouted by Pardew and Laudrup that they could/would not be able to replace, should these players be sold?? Well, here is the deal, for the moronic and uninitiated among us: 1. No manager worth anything is going to just cough up his/her best player without a fight. 2.Said manager will say ANYTHING to dissuade the buying… Read more »


big-up uself morefiyah….I have to fighting that battle to bring this across too!




OK, well I’m sure even with your vast experience in sales (I’m guessing either Carrphone Warehouse or cold calling for Injury Lawyers for You) that if you have a three month period to negiotiate, or in your case annoy members of the general public, you don’t sit around with your finger up your arse for two and a half months watching all the other teams, or in your case phone companies, snapping up all those 18 month iPhone contracts on a high tariff while you sit weeping into your greggs stake bake like a massive tool. Slight deviation but just… Read more »

Dial square

He does it every time, yet again I’m exited about the big signings of top top quality players, and after all the shit that’s gone on I’m right behind Arsene again, how does he fucking do it


It’s easy. He lowers your expectations!…

It Is What It Is

The media do that, and a lot of fans gobble it up. Our fans are not exclusive though.

How can a form of media that reports past events, seem to be able to predict future ones? Be that transfers or impendin catastrophic implosion. The tabloids are full of shite and are never taken to task.

Whoever we have on 3/9, we’ll have to make do and support them.

Good win, job done.


Not my point, just remember us celebrating 4th and you’ll see what I mean… (if you’ve been a fan for more than a decade)

Andy Mack

I’ve been a fan for over 4 decades and I was very happy that we still managed 4th in a poor year instead of 11-14 we dropped to in ‘the good old days’.


Exactly! A decade ago you wouldnt be happy even finishing 2nd, thats what I meant exactly… Lower expectations 🙂


Good result, but doesn’t change the situation. This summer and the club as a whole is a disaster. He needs to go and big changes to the board and club setup need to be made. Let him see out his contract, enough is enough.


Come on guys lets wait until September the 2nd before we judge him. I’m frustrated just as much as the rest of us gooners but a part of me believes we will be busy because you’d have to be a complete idiot to sell 18 players and not replace some of them for the start of a busy season. I just think he’s waiting and unlike Chelsea we have class and play our cards close to our chest. Sometimes it’s not what we want because we want to be linked with players in the papers but its not how we… Read more »


This the type of revisionism of the situation we face I hate. I appreciate the result is a relief, but is just about papering over the cracks. There is no grand plan, and let’s not delude ourselves into thinking there is one.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Or… the Grand Plan isn’t the one that you talked yourself into believing when you spent the summer reading all the “news” the Press were putting out about us. I’ll give you one thing though. The summer sounded like it was going to be much more extravagant than it has been based on Gazidis boasts about our funds. I suspect Wenger knew exactly how the summer would pan out, and he quite possibly was pissed off with Gazidis mentioning hard figures, but to show a split in the ranks would have been a bad move too. What we’re actually having… Read more »

j mccalla-bennett

Did you happen to catch the game featuring them up the white Hart lane 5 – 1 I for one am looking forwards to that game next week Thursday with a good deal of trepidation I mean that team AVB had out according the commentators featured 3 players are not expected to feature much in the first string I so hope AW has a gander at the dvd before he wheels out the trolley their holding MDF looks a bit of a player from France I think called capoe or capoea cop something he looks decent why didn’t he .… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

I can’t wait for this to all be over now. If there’s any chance of us signing Benzema I would be very pleased. I’d rather have him than Suarez or Higuain. He’s a bit questionable outside of football, what with his alleged dirty deeds with the Hunchback of Notre Dame but his footballing ability is great. He has a great presence on the pitch and his first touch is fabulous. Could be brilliant up top alone or alongside Giroud. But then this is probably all bollocks anyway. I’m just trying to tell myself we won’t sign anyone so at least… Read more »

Glen Helders soul-glo

Isn’t he getting done for sex with a minor?

That’s what we need, someone who will be in prison for next 18months.


We knew Suarez’s bid was over before it even began, because he is no top top quality player like Sanogo, Park, Chamak that would have cost him lesser amount of money. Stingy Wenger never spend big

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We knew the Suarez deal would never work because he is a scumbag trying to use us to get out of a binding contract with Liverpool, and after all the shit they supported him through they were never going to let him walk away as if they were a nothing team. Not with three years left on that contract they weren’t. If they had agreed to a sale it would have taken all our summer’s funds and we still would have had this injury crisis, but we would have had no money to get in any replacements/backups/alternatives. They were scared… Read more »


here we go, lets show everybody we mean business !! ramsay was brilliant by the way!!


I’m utterly confused !!


What’s to dislike about my previous comment?? Obviously not a true gooner.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Angry people wanna stay angry. No room for clear thought, and fuck anybody who tries to be cheerful or hopeful.

The Internet. This is where the end of civilization begins.

Gooners Gunner

Quick! Someone call Napoli and Wolfsburg and tell them their little charade of buying our targets before our transfer window opens was completely unacceptable. Apparently they didn’t get the memo Arsene did that the transfer window opened today. Sneaky bastards…


Well done lads. You forget how young Walcott and Ramsey are. In the interview, they looked really young. Like teenagers!! Ramsey played his socks off tonight. Get in there!!


Why wasn’t David villa good enough for us? CL, WC, EURO and la Liga winner. Isn’t that top top quality? Plus he’s a champion, would certainly bring that winning mentality we crave so much.

It Is What It Is

Maybe he wanted to stay in Spain? Like most English players want to stay in the PL. Like Gustavo wanted to stay in Germany.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He was looking like a washed out has-been, so was a bit of a gamble? He is a bit of a gamble, isn’t he? If he came here and did a Park then we’d have given Wenger hell and booed at every game this season. Best not take a chance like that, eh?

Andy Mack

Too old.


We have a better chance of signing Tutmoses III than Benzema, FFS wake up people.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He hasn’t had sex with any young people in the last 3,000 years has he? Bring it on baby!

Peter Lavelle

Utter, utter bollox…


Forget Suarez, get Lamela and Sakho to start with, can’t be allowing those spuds to be getting too uppity


Its official suarez back to divey, racisty, bitey, rat-facedy cunt.

Odidi Mfenyana

SPOT ON!!!!!! To me he always was and is.


Good old mental strength. Glad to see you back.


Am I the only one who feels pretty positive following Wenger’s comments this time? I mean, I know he takes us for fucking mugs a lot of the time, but this time seems different? Although perhaps this is his double double triple quadruple bluff.

Also, brilliant 3-0 win! Very glad to see Ramsey get another goal.


Wenger always does his business late because the inflated prices drop at the end of the window. Hopefully Saturday’s escapade doesn’t effect the negotiations!


Let’s hope those prices aren’t re-inflated thanks to the ‘Arsenal Desperation Tax’!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He may have to pay Arsenal Supporter Angst Tax. An extra 40% on each player he buys or we won’t think he’s spent enough fucking money.

Odidi Mfenyana

Damn Fine Result TONIGHT and TODAY. Suarez was a bad idea. African supporters don’t like that man or the player. He is just not ARSENAL. Wenger’s Hubris continues as we again find ourselves picking the runts of the litter. SO OVER THIS TRANSFER WINDOW SHIT! “SPEND SOME FUCKING MONEY”


Yeah leave him to fester in Liverpool’s dressing room. no loss on our part. More money to spend across the squad.

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