Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger: We’re still…meh, blah, blah, blah

Arsene Wenger has reassured supporters that Arsenal will make signings before the end of the transfer window although he has refused to specify the number of new recruits he’s chasing.

Having so far only signed Yaya Sanogo to cover the gap left by the 30-odd departures from the club this summer, the boss belligerently swatted away suggestions that he spends his days at London Colney smoking pot and playing Playstation from the comfort of a beanbag.

“We are active,” he mumbled to Arsenal Player through mouthfuls of Doritos and peanut M&Ms.

“We are in a situation like Manchester United, like Chelsea [he said pointing to a stoned Moyes and hungover Mourinho] where everybody expects signings and at the moment not a lot has happened.

“There are 18 days to go, so that is a long time in the transfer market and we will be active.

“I cannot certify what the number [of players coming in will be] but we will be active until the end, that is for sure.”

Arsene, the mopey teenager.

It’s like he’s got an assignment due at school and he’s leaving it until the night before the deadline to do it having put it off for three months.

On releasing Gervinho, he added: “He was just a bit sh*t and in the end I couldn’t bear the sight of him.”

Arseblog News apologises, we started this article with good intentions but got bogged down the moment we read what Arsene actually said.

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Emannuel Eboue

On the bright side, no major injuries. Right? Right? RIGHT?


Heh .. I worry more over Arsene refusing to mention if any of the promised transfers were INCOMING.


Who needs new players when you’ve got new ordering systems for hospitality guests? Football is, like, so passé.


I can’t begin to explain how angry reading this made me. So I wont..


Interviewer: ‘Are you confident you’ll add to the squad?’ Arsene: ‘We will. We will.’

Is that not reason for optimism? This summer’s nowhere near as bad as 2011 – by this point Fabregas had gone, Nasri was leaving and only Jenkinson and Gervinho had come in. But we ended up getting Mertesacker and Arteta in the last 2 days of the window. If we sign 2 players who have as much influence in the next 2/3 years as they have done, things won’t be so bad.


Yeah but it’s all relative. If you directly compare this summer to that, yeah that was worse but there’s a feeling we’ve missed a trick here. We ended the season strongly, have a pretty good core of players and our best players aren’t in the last year of their contract. In 2011 things were out of our hands to some degree, this summer that’s not the case. A couple of players and I really think that we can compete but it’s looking less and less likely and with others strengthening significantly, this summer could potentially be more damaging than 2011.… Read more »


its more ike COYW


I agree, if Arsenal sign no one we’ll have missed a trick. But the fact is, in spite of his reputation, there hasn’t been one season in 18 years that Wenger’s signed nobody significant, except 97/98 and we won the league that year. Look at the major signings of every year since then: 98 – Kanu and Ljungberg, 99 – Henry and Lauren, 00 – Pires and Wiltord, 01 – Campbell and Toure, 02 – Gilberto, 03 – van Persie, Fabregas, Reyes, 04 – Flamini, Eboue, 05 – Rosicky, Walcott, Adebayor, Diaby, Hleb, 06 – Eduardo, Gallas, Song, 07 –… Read more »

Glen Helders soul-glo

I’m sorry but Arshavin does not count as a significant signing.

In terms of value for money, Arshavin has been Wengers worst signing.

£15m transfer fee, almost £19m in wages.

He had the anfield 4 goals & Barcelona winner but not much else.

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

Glen Helder you’re forgetting that without Arshavin we would have finished outside the CL spots. He saved our season and single handedly raped other teams after his second game, before tailing off.


Yes, after getting spanked 8-2 by Manure. He also signed Park and Santos


its a rare man who can stick to his optimism at a time like this, much less express it so easily and confidently…….


Also take that very selective list Redondante and break it down to players we’ve signed since we last won a trophy. Then offset it against the players that have retired, let go or been sold. Then add the waste of money you have omitted conveniently from the list. I would but I couldn’t be arsed


Sack Gazidis. What in the sweet, sweet, sweet fuck does this men get paid to do.


Please complete something, please… anything, Saturday is looking less exciting by the second


If you cant get excited about the prospect of a brand new season and the first game of the season, then you have completely missed the point.

I pity the fool!


I’m not saying its not exciting, just its not as exciting as it could have been, no new faces and a lot of injuries, yay…


I see what you mean, but I got stupidly excited just watching Wilshere play for 45 minutes yesterday! Ramsey, Cazorla, Chamberlain, Walcott, Zelalem… I’m excited by what we already have. I want to see new players brought in to make the squad deeper and the team stronger, not just to ‘excite’ us.

William Hancox

I can hear the chants already.

“You don’t know what you’re….


Smoking ???

William Hancox

I can hear the chants already.

“You don’t know what you’re….

William Hancox

Haha. Yeah.

Or someone at this site needs to spend some money on bug fixing 😉

Arsene's stylist



Blogs is waiting for a top-top quality bug fixer. Or a complete site meltdown before fixing things.

A N Other

its not an exaggeration..but a top top quality bug fixer is even harder to get than a top top quality player..

Gooner Splat T Spuds

The frustration level at the Emirates on Saturday was high enough to fragment the space time continuum in a localised area around the stadium and he’s hearing echoes from the future.

Gooner Splat 18/8/2013


Did we lose?


I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its exactly the mood Im feeling yet our beloved arsenal kick off in two days. I should generally be excited about that, but these guys for the last few years really feel it neccessary to replace excitement with depression…

Just give us something to fucking cheer about once in a while arsene. We are the best supporters in the land! We deserve it.

The Alsacien

How about Theo signed a new deal and no other player has jumped ship.

I, for one, am excited.


Yep all that is great but If we don’t make any significant signings the players who called for additions will realise they can’t influence arsene to get in new addition and they will leave to look for that team with players they wanted to see at the club.

damien joyce

He must be a real narcissistical (made it up) fecker.

You could not make up the BS that comes out of his mouth, am sick of it all now. All I care about is results now, and that should be the defining factor of his season, if it’s successful, like I hoe, then fantastic. If not, then please shut the door on your way out and thanks for the memories

White Russian

Did you see how he was smiling? The boss is a fucking boss. We’ll be fine come September. 7amkickoff’s analysis this morning was brilliant – most squads (including City, United, Chelsea) don’t use more than 20 players a season. We have 18 – at the moment this is made to look more threadbare because of injuries highlighting specific weaknesses in certain areas. The core of the team is fine, but wee do need to add players – which we will do. The narrative on twitter, comments, unscrupulous blogs is that we’ve trashed our reputation this summer and Wenger should be… Read more »


Well White Russian, it’s either as you say it is or Wenger is becoming a senile old fart. Je has set himself up for the mother of all reprisals is he doesnt pull it off this time

jack jack jack

Thank you, O delicious boozy one. Great post and just the pick up I needed before Saturday. Can’t wait to see the lads step out in the great red and white again, this summer has been far too fucking long.

White Russian

Quite right.

Has the absence of competitive football, and the relative lack of signings in the first part of the transfer window made us forget we’ve got a team to support? I guess that might be true of Piers Morgan’s acolytes – those prepared to boo and hound the club because Spurs have spent more on a striker than we have.


Now I understand why the club has not made progress in the last years. Arsenal has some utterly mediocre, no hunger for improvement, completely visionless supporters like you.


Wenger’s smiling because he is the ultimate troll with LAN and mental strength nonsense
We just managed 4th place after a monumental effort and with Spurs spending I can’t see us finishing 4th place with the current thin squad

White Russian

Yep, Wenger’s invested 17 years of his life in building this club up and driving us to a new stadium and new financial platform just to troll us.
You sir, are a moron.

Dick Swiveller

This squad is still better than Spurs, if Bale stays then it’s pretty close but I think we’ll finish 4th without reinforcements; only thing is that with a few players we could challenge for the league and top trophies, why we’re not doing that is beyond me but hopefully ‘being active’ will get us *something*.


Dont worry, ManUre are gonna drop out of the top four this season.

Midfield Corporal

Jesus, listen to yourselves, you are actually talking as if 4 th place is a trophy. The lack of ambition by the club and some fans is pitiful.

Rad Carrot

Sorry White Russian, but I disagree. We’ve got 17 senior players now, and while they’re solid, they’re not going to win us the league. Besides, that ‘only-used-20-players’ is bullshit – it’s well established that the champions of the past eleven years have used at least 23, if not 26 players in their season (obviously teething a few youngsters). We’re not just talking about the 38 games of the PL, but the 60+ games that a top-four team like us is expected to play. We need signings, at the very least three immediate-impact ones, or else we are well and truly… Read more »

White Russian

‘Well and truly fucked’ – I admire your pessimism, even if it is tabloid-ludicrous. Been to Portsmouth lately? My optimism, such as it is, isn’t based on the thought that the players we have are good enough to win us the league, but that we will make signings that will radically improve the squad. We lurch from elation to despair too easily at the moment. The core of our squad is good – something very few seem to be saying is how great it is that AT THE VERY WORST our squad will be only as good as it was… Read more »


That I will give you, and that is one of the optimistic points of the Summer. Mind you, we did play Gerv and Arshavin when we had to. And Yennaris, Miquel and Le Coq. Who are we going to play now? The massive frustration is that, had we done our business early – even with just one or two signings – they could have gone to Asia with the rest of the team, and now we’d be sitting pretty. Instead, we’re barely able to field a team of 11 seniors on the first day of the season – just reeks… Read more »


“We lurch from elation to despair too easily at the moment. The core of our squad is good – something very few seem to be saying is how great it is that AT THE VERY WORST our squad will be only as good as it was last year – when was the last time that was true?” Some achievment. The reason our squad is the same is because every “matured” world class player has already been bought. This is not a positive achievement by the club. Not ONE player has been chased by other clubs, apart from a few admiring… Read more »

petits handbag

It’s surely a fact that if we don’t get Champions League a change is needed. Reading the Swiss Ramble….I don’t recommend it. It’s brilliant stuff, but as an arsenal fan I’m just pissed off at this stage with hearing how rich we are.


Yeah but we’re fucking rich! I mean, millionaire rich.


Surely you mean Stan is rich


What do you mean, in a week’s time or next season? Because if you mean now, it’s probably too late to do anything, and sacking right after the transfer window closes (or a few days before it does) is pointless. If you mean next year, fourth doesn’t cut it for me anymore. There’s been a lot of changes at other clubs, new managers, unhappy players etc and if we don’t mount a serious challenge, it’s solely the manager’s fault and should leave after his contract runs out. We were in an unique situation to get back in the game and… Read more »

Lady Eowyn

What about Gustavo! There’s still time Arsene! There’s still tiiiiiiiiime!!!!!

Oh Arsene you beautiful fool! How I want to believe you so!

Oracle: Morpheus believes in you Arsene And no one, not you, not even me can convince him otherwise. He believes it so blindly that he’s going to sacrifice his life to save yours

Dan Gunn

Loved the Oracle quote there Eowyn. Well done. totally captures the mood.

Slaine McRoth

In the first sentence you wrote ‘signings’ when I’m sure you meant ‘savings’.


for the sake of my own sanity i’m going to reserve judgement on wenger/gazidis/the board until the 2nd of september. unless of course we fail to qualify for the champions league, in which case shitfuckcuntballs.


I dunno, I reckon you made that Gervinho bit up.


I’ve lost faith in this man. Change is good.

Rad Carrot

Oh fuck off Wenger. Seriously, only the extremely deranged believe you and your shit anymore.

I back the players to ignore you completely and get the results themselves. That’s the only possible way they can win anything. Ignore your fucking stupid substitutions in the 70th minute, ignore your lies, your absolute lack of sense, your inability to do anything.


On that note: I hereby wish to register my membership to the ‘Extremely Deranged, Arsene Wenger Appreciation Society’

In Arsene I trust
In Arsenal I trust
Gooner till I die

Up the Arse!

Rad Carrot

I love the Arsenal mate, and I’m a Gooner till I die. Doesn’t mean I want to watch Wenger sink our ship.


Never Questioned yoru love of Arsenal, we just differ on who the Captain of HMS Arsenal should be 🙂

White Russian

‘I back the players to ignore you completely and get the results themselves’

Yep, it’s everyone else who’s deranged, not you.


Heading to ‘Bar Sanogo’. I need a stiff drink

Arsene Ill

From the multitude of stoned Football Manager evenings I’ve conducted over the course of my university career I can assure you Newshound that pot is no inhibition to making signings

that french bloke!

Dude wenger, what the fuck man!


Haven’t Chelsea signed about 3 players already on top of an already good squad now with some proper world class players, can’t really compare us to them, they still have 3 strikers and only probably one striker off being the favorites!!

Sort it out Wenger!! Like we have the midfield options of anyone in the top 3!!


I don’t know why Wenger needs to make such dishonest statements in order to justify not signing anyone. A couple of weeks ago, he said it was only Man City that were active in the transfer market.

Andy Mack

3 signings. If I understand it correctly they signed a reserve reserve keeper and a very young guy (good but if AW bought him everyone would be moaning about signing kids) and a player that they’ve been working on buying for over a year….
I want some signings but the Chavs aren’t a great comparison.


So no news then.

Randy Pan the Arsenal Fan

Arsene is to action as Sloth Boy is to superheroes…


It could be worse. We could have spent £5m on Downing

Merlin's Panini

It is pretty funny that West Ham paid £20 million for Downing and Carroll after Liverpool spunked away £55 million on them only a couple of years ago. Liverpool didn’t improve their squad buying those two and they lost the cost of a world class player in selling them on. You’ve got to wonder what they’re smoking at Anfield.


Butt end rolllys after that loss.


Is that the smell of burning banknotes?


Wenger, you have to be active till the end, you have done fuck all so far. It’s frightening how mismanaged we are at the moment.


Couldnt help but laugh throughout the entirety of this. It is also laughable that we are going into Saturdays match with 4 fit defenders. We may need to enlist the services of Steve Bould if someone picks up a knock during Saturdays game.


Ramsey can slot in at right back, let’s not forget.


Quote “There’s still 18 days to go, loads of fucking time to bring x amount of players” (or something to that extent). Well what was wrong with the 50+ days just gone. What was wrong with them?????

Where x=<1.


its depressing but we’ll just have to trust wenger for now. But if on september 2nd no one has come in then i will be the first one to criticise wenger and the board.

Amidst all this shitty transfer season I am still buzzing for saturday. Can’t wait for the arsenal to get back on the pitch, even if we may only field 7 players with new signing ivan gazidis up front.


How does on so successfully take what really should have and could have been a summer of delight and ecstacy for the fans over outstanding, high quality signings due to the huge financial fortune we now sit on, and turn it into such a disaster and a farce? We had a chance for the first time in years to be all happy and deepen solidarity with the club, but they go ahead and cock it up this bad? In any other business, heads would already be rolling over such an incompetent approach to such a critical organisational task as hiring… Read more »


If AFC was “any other business”, heads would have rolled at least 5 seasons ago due to poor management performance.

Andy Mack

Oz, quite the reverse is true. To build such a stadium and pay off such a large proportion in such a short time would be lauded from a business point of view.


Especially if the business was able to make the shareholders pay for it entirely and tell them the profits would be fine and it would all be worth it and everyone kept believing them.

This stadium bollocks is a tired old argument. Much the same as the one the same people who espoused this for years, where they claimed it was not that Wenger was not spending it was the Board holding him back.

Well hasn’t that turned out to be a right load of old bollocks.

More revisionist excuse making.


I ask this question in all seriousness, without sarcasm, and hoping for a genuine answer. When Wenger and Gazidis talk of “being active” and “working hard”, what do they actually mean? At the end of the day, the only way to get a contracted player from another club to Arsenal is to offer the relevant team a TRANSFER FEE and hope they accept. So if “working hard” means identifying suitable players with the ultimate goal of BIDDING for them and seeing that bid accepted, then I would venture to say that we’re not working hard AT ALL. If anything we’re… Read more »

Andy Mack

In most businesses there is a lot of work involved before an official bid is made.
I don’t know what’s involved in the football business but in mine it can take 6 months of hard work before a bid is made.


Walcott’s knock has disappeared. LANS.

poliver girolski

Typical Wenger playing a playstation… does he not know all the best players are on Xbox!


Footage from the Prof’s presser:

Bacary's right leg

I know it hard times at the moment but damn blogs you have really changed the mood of this place
At least at Le grove you can still have a somewhat facts based and resonable debate with the usual negative slant.. but atm here just seems like mass hysteria and people that are about to top them self ha
I guess this season will be a very interesting one anyway.


It’s not Blogs that has “really changed the mood of this place”. It’s not Blogs that has £70 million to spend on “top, top, super quality” but has bought nothing. It’s not Blogs that has let talent slip through his fingers during the transfer period. It’s not Blogs that boasts “look at my wad” at press conferences then puts it back in his mothy wallet. It’s not Blogs that makes it look like we’re going to finish below Sp*rs this season. And it’s not blogs that has not won us anything for eight seasons. That’s whats “really changed the mood… Read more »

Dan Gunn

Le Grove is an ill informed cretin that writes his blogs with the journalistic flair of a metro columnist. If that’s your preference… troll on. Blogs didnt create this hysteria. Arsene et al did. It’s a total clusterfuck and it comes at the end of a horrendous period for the club and has become harder and harder to defend.

Bacary's right leg

it not about defending the club. I’m not defending the club. I’m just saying its hard to even have a reasonable discussion on here at the moment and writing blog posts like this doesn’t help have any sort of a decent discussion about the club. Why even bother write it. The writing from blogs was a decent read till a couple weeks ago: it would expresse his positive or negative opinion without it reading like he is sitting in a dark room with a blanket over his head and a bottle of pills next to him.

Bacary's right leg

all I’m saying is this place feels like a cult party recently and blogs is readying up the punch with the posion in it for the suicide party

Bacary's right leg

sorry didn’t see because blogs has been posting a lot recently.. but the same thing applies to you alway then hound.. your writing is usually pretty witty… my point still stands for me.. and I wasn’t trying to lay into anyone.. just saying this place is a bit life sucking in the last week

The Alsacien

“It will happen. I have no doubts about it. It takes time but I know the boss is working really hard on it and the board as well. It will happen, for sure. I am very convinced but the great players normally come at the end of the transfer window. The clubs work hard to keep their best players and I think Arsenal will do well in the transfer window.” – Mikel Arteta

So for the love of Christ, would everybody just chill out till sept 2nd.


Meantime I’m bringing my boots Saturday. My time has come.

What’s that, nurse? Time for the lithium……

loius vegas

wenger will be the biggest failure if he refuse to sign any player,i hate this man is like he lost is brain,he is not doing any thin,all he does is lie to us


It’s pretty obvious we wouldn’t bring in players until the champions league qualification is guaranteed. It’s the price you pay for finishing 4th but wanting to sign top quality talent they would be looking for that reassurance/prestige.

Calm the fuck down people.

IF we are no better off after 2nd September by all means reach for the bleach.


Wasn’t that an album by the Fixx?


No, you are thinking of S Club 7


Or was it what Harvey Keitel said in Pulp Fiction?


Sp*rs bought some quality Players without even beeing in cl…that’s just another excuse for wenger


If a player was that good (I mean top scouts from all over Europe would have watched ‘him’ play) he wouldn’t have ended up at Spurs. He would have got a better offer from a better club.

He didn’t.


Appalling how this transfer period has been handled. If Arsenal wants to be seen a professionally run business, management should face the consequences. Most of us would not get away with such abject failure in our jobs, wether burger flipper or senior manager in a large organisation.

Arsene's stylist

Guys this is a call for help: everything I’m reading is making me laugh. This is not normal.


All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy.
All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy. All summer and no singings makes blogs a dull boy.


Sign when you’re winning …

Dr Baptiste

Well, what do you think, Arsene? All I need is a title. I was thinking along the lines of… No signings and even more no signings make Blogs something, something

Merlin's Panini

I love how you repeated the same typo over and over again.


“Arsenal have signed Gervinho from Roma for £15,000,000. Wenger says by selling him, then buying him back for a larger price, it has given the winger the confidence boost he needed to get to the top of his game……”


Still haven’t broken our transfer record though, the wait goes on

Silent Stanley

Same bullshit every effing season.

I wonder if he has used the line, “When we sign a player, you’ll be the first to know”

He’s like a broken record every effing summer.


Lady Eowyn

Should have had Arsene dressed up as Treebeard for the picture.

Arsene: Transfer? Let’s not be haaaaaaastey! Baroooooom!



Just under 3 weeks to sign players. Everyone really does need to chill the fuck out.


Save the bashing ’til Sept 3rd FFS.

Rad Carrot

No. No we cannot ‘chill out’. In Arsene we must never trust, never again. Why must we wait until September 3rd, when we’ve already played three PL games and two crucial, CRUCIAL CL qualifiers? Why? Why does he delay? Why does he spin such bullshit? Why do people still believe in this? Why have we not strengthened when the FUCKING sp*ds have spent £60m on building a fearsome team with twice as much depth as us? Really don’t understand this attitude any more. People said this last season around this time, we trusted him, and managed to just – JUST… Read more »


hahah ..our fans are such cowards….


We are rusting away with Wenger.


we must trust him mustn’t we because he has never broken a promise to us before has he? you’re as deluded as he is.

Toby C

Too late then JB


I’m not in the anti-wenger brigade but if we get knocked out of the Champions League by Fenerbahce there will be no hiding place, and rightly so imo

Top Gun Gooner

Poop like a lot…no but really I’m currently taking a shit


I was waiting to hear this from AW that MU and Chelsea have not signed anyone yet conveniently forgetting that Chelsea have signed players as did city, spurs and pools as did Swansea. Plus MU won the title and Chelsea have won in Europe two years running and spent millions last year on Oscars and Hazards of this world. These are pathetic excuses and I just feel like kicking Arse(ne) and Dick (Law) in balls, if you pardon the pun

PS. Blog please don’t delete my comment this time, there is no swear word here

Dr Baptiste

‘spent millions last year on Oscars and Hazards of this world’ you mean like the one Oscar and the one Hazard?

Merlin's Panini

they actually bought two Hazards: Eden and Thorgan

But yeah.

Dr Baptiste


Mills (the other one)



that was figure of speech good doctor

Dr Baptiste

Listen Parker, I’ll tell you when it was a figure of speech. I don’t see you with an internet diploma from the university of phoenix

Rad Carrot

Blogs doesn’t fucking delete fucking posts. Although sometimes it fucks up and doesn’t fucking post properly. Rest assured, Blogs loves his fucking swearing.

Arseblog. Despite all that we’re going through, it’s still fuckin’ excellent.


…more f**kin accountants – just what we don’t need…


maybe one of them is really good up front and if another is a really good holding player/centre half then it may be good news. if my blood wasn’t boiling already from reading the vow to spend interview earlier then it certainly is now.


Come the close of the window and no one has been signed he will point to his attempts to sign Higuain, Suarez, Gustavo as proof of how ‘active’ he was but point out how sometimes maybe a little bit it is hard to find the top top quality to improve the squad blah blah blah.

Merlin's Panini

I wish that didn’t sound so plausible.


I read his comments and earlier and I had to laugh else I’d just end up crying. “We will be active till the end” which implies that we have been active right at the beginning and the middle. Perhaps there’s a typo and they’ve missed the IN off the ACTIVE. The man is delusional now. Apparently he watches a lot of football programmes in his spare time. Does he ever watch interviews of himself? He can’t do because if he did he’d end up thinking to himself “did I really say that?”. It’s embarrassing. Don’t worry there’s loads of time… Read more »


I have it on good authority that Wenger is working hard behind the scenes, Stanley Matthews and Zinzedine Zidane are signing. Wenger says there are no players good enough to play for us, so Dr FrankenWenger is going into the Emirates basement to clone some players from their DNA. He admits that all the children he kidnapped will not be the solution. At the same time we may produce Zidane clone hamburgers too, to make the club some monee. Trust in Dr FrankenWenger.


WENGER; “we will be inactive in the transfer window and we will definately make more savings”

the only sam is nelson

don’t see what all the fuss is about

we still have TGSTEL, don’t forget. I mean, could the scene be any more set for him to come on and score a glorious hat-trick?

That will seal the season-long loan deal to Hull…

ack ack ack

at this point we need him at cover for right back, so… TGRBTEL???


I agree re too much hysteria and i’m sure some signings like Suarez want to see us qualify for the CL – but surely a couple could have been signed to help us qualify in the 1st place ? Fenebache is an awkward one and it really wouldn’t surprise me if we screw it up. If we pick up a few knocks at the weekend, we could be going to Turkey with some real holes in the starting X1.

Its all very well clearing the decks, but don’t release all of them until you’ve sorted it out.


I’m worried about us taking a few knocks away in Turkey to be honest. They aren’t known for their fair play. But I just can’t agree that players are waiting to see if we qualify for the CL before joining. If we don’t are they going to join Fenebache instead? For instance, everyone’s favourite Mr Men character: Mr Bitey Bite. He won’t be playing in the CL anyway this year, we are clearly more likely to make 4th (I think?) then Liverpool this season, and if he played in both of these legs (yummy yummy legs) we stand far more… Read more »

Andy Mack

“Mr Bitey Bite. He won’t be playing in the CL anyway this year”
What makes you think that? I doubt he’ll come to us but it wouldn’t surprise me if he went to a CL team from the continent. Money talks and Liverpoo will not like the idea of paying him wages and him not playing.


funny how all those really good signings that spurs have bought didn’t have to wait to see if they qualified for the champions league. stop making excuses for the man. face it, it’s a bloody shambles.


Dam fine point. Despite, hopefully, CL football, we’ve put them all off???

Why oh why.


Wenger Will have eggs on his face next week when Arsenal is dumped out of CL by Fenerbache! By the way, has anyone watched the Spurs midfield? Paulinho, Dembele, Capoue… Full credit to Boas! Shame on Arsene..

Humble Gooner

Go home. You’ve not watched those three play—Capoue’s been there for all of an hour now? I’d take our midfield over that one every day of the week. Arteta/Rambo/Jack or Arteta/Jack/Rosicky or Ox or Cazorla. One thing is sure, we don’t have to worry about the Spurs midfield. They upgraded to our second string; good for them.


I ate spuds for dinner.

Merlin's Panini

So did I, then I pooed them out and now they’re where they belong.


It’s just occurred to me, we announced we had shit loads of dollar. Been saving it up in a piggy bank for years and at last we smashed it with a hammer. But now nothing to show for it.

Sp*rs go out, take some of the players that could have fit into our squad nicely, spend a very similar amount to what we had in our kitty……….. And now we don’t dare talk of what was our money. It’s like it disappeared; or taken.

Those thieving bastards.


I don’t give a fish’s tits who sp*rs buy.

When ever we line up against them, I will back our boys to destroy them, everytime..

…Up the Arse!


17 days later: we tried hard, very hard. Unfortunately, there was no one that meets our standard we were looking for. We want only the best quality add to our squad. Our current squard can compete for the primier league.

Merlin's Panini

When Wenger says he is active, does he just mean he’s taken up jogging for the summer or something?
All this talk about learning from that horror summer two years ago seems to actually have been total bollocks. It’s like he’s being asked by his Dad to mow the lawn and he just keeps on saying “oh God! I’ll do it tomorrow!”
Just cut the fucking grass Arsene, and do it nice and straight!


I was gonna sign some players, but then I got high….


…..Now we’re of the CL and I know why, because I got high, because I got high, because I got high.

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