Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jens lauds Ozil capture

Jens Lehmann has applauded the signing of countryman Mesut Ozil but also suggested that Mathieu Flamini could have a big role to play if Arsenal are to achieve success this season.

The former keeper was in light-hearted form talking to reporters about the £42.5 purchase from Real Madrid, and hinted that the level of expectation is high.

“At the end Arsenal has to win something with him, so there’s no pressure!

“I think he could boost the other players, boost the supporters and even the club. Making a big signing, finally, after years of not signing a big player for big money, could be a boost for the whole club.”

Asked if he was surprised by Arsenal spending that much money on one single player, he said, “I think it was a conclusion of some of the some of the signings of the previous years when the supporters asked for spending.

“It’s quite unlikely that they will make money on Ozil. Arsene Wenger well known for making money on players – buying cheap, selling expensive.

“On Ozil this could be a real challenge, to sell him for more than he has bought him!”

Lehmann, who was Arsenal’s invincible keeper, was quick to talk about how Ozil would fit in, but also pointed to the impact a former teammate might have.

“He’s a fantastic player, one who really fits into the Arsenal style,” he said of the former Real Madrid man, “but Flamini is an important signing, and he’s a package that could make a real impact, that’s my hope.”

Ozil arrived in London today and it’s up to the manager what part he’ll play in Saturday’s game at Sunderland. With Tomas Rosicky out injured, the odds on him starting are certainly shorter.

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Hope all the hype doesnt affect Mesut on the pitch.

some dumb american

I think if he could handle the Bernabeu he should be OK.


He’s been through it before. World Cup 2010 and then joining Real Madrid.


He’s playing for Germany, a team who’s been in the top 4 for an eternity and 80 million germans are just waiting for them to bring the titles back home. He’s more then used to it.


Lets hope the refs give him the protection he deserves. Hopefully we wont have a cock of a ref like we did against Villa.


Did you just call that “hype”

Hype is for monkey boy bale, Mesut Ozil has done it, will continue doing it. just you sit back and see


hate to admit it, but bale has got too strong of an attitude to get affected by hype. whether his abilities are worth 85 million pounds is a different question entirely, but he has got a strong a mentality, he won’t be affected by hype. about ozil, evidence suggests that he must be used to all this by now, but hadn’t really watched him enough till now to make a judgement. but we don’t need to worry about it. arsenal fans are a different kind altogether. they will support him fully even if he has five bad games on the… Read more »


Really doubtful about how Bale’s going to take the expectation; not sure about his ‘strong attitude’. Ronaldo has a strong attitude; not so sure about Bale.


Never really fancied Bale even as a Welshman myself (Spuds probably have a lot to do with that truthfully) but why do you think he has a strong mentality? I only ask because I can’t really think of big occasions where he has showed strong mentality. The weight of expectations on him at Madrid, especially since a lot of people saw him as the catalyst to loosing Ozil, one of the favourites of Madrid fans, will be absolutely massive. That and his new teammates aren’t pleased about the circumstances around Ozil leaving as well.


…”arsenal fans are a different kind altogether. they will …”

They ARE diferent, It doesn’t take much for that lot at the Emirates to start booing and jeering at their own players.

Opposition cunts must LOVE the Emirates when they hear the fans booing the home team, it maks their job so much easier.

Please don’t boo our team, boo the cunts who have the temerity to walk on our halowed turf.


Bale’s mentality is so strong that when asked to do some simple keepy-uppies in front of 20,000 supportive er, supporters, he cocked it up. Keep-uppies being something that your average 11 year old is quite good at.

I will be amazed if the stage managed handshake and smiles of Ronaldo yesterday continue for long. Half the dressing room at Madrid is clearly of the “you better be fucking good if you want to replace Özil, pal” mentality. Anybody would struggle with that, especially a member of the ape family.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Bale is likely to start slowly as he hid from Spurs for two weeks so has had only a few minutes of football this season. If he doesn’t hit form very quickly the Real Madrid fans may not take to him, especially after he was the main cause of them losing Ozil. If he doesn’t get their fans on board then he will flop in Madrid. Here’s hoping.


can’t help but think he just roared with manic laughter after that ‘At the end Arsenal has to win something with him, so there’s no pressure!’ humoresque.

love having him around!


Me too. I also agree completely with his point about Flamini. I think we’ll be surprised at how important he’ll be for us this season. Our midfielders–with the exception of Cazorla–are quite injury prone. I think Flamini will play a big part.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Even if Arteta were to escape injury the rest of the season, at the age of 30 he shouldn’t be playing 50 games a year, or twice a week, in a single season. Especially considering the intensity with which Arteta plays his DM role.

By implementing a rota between Arteta and Flamini, hopefully they can both play for the Arsenal well into their mid-30s.

The two possess different qualities so Arsene can pick-and-choose either of the two depending on the strengths and weaknessesof the opponent.

New guy

Yes. This. Also both of them will be good for Ramsey’s development.

People laughed but Flamini was an awesome signing. And he was free. It’s not a bad thing (even if it felt like it a little bit prior to deadline day when we spent 50 milllion euros all at once). By the end of the season I bet there will be lots of players who were purchased for a lot more who delivered a lot less, and plenty of other teams who will look at that signing with envy.


I am getting a tad nervous abut the pressure being put on the poor a lad.
I hope he does not take as long as Bergkamp to scorea goal,
because Twitter and other social media will go apeshit.

We must remember it is a new country new team-mates, new environment….pressure ….Arsene knows


If he is just judged on goals then people are stupid. As an attacking midfielder his primary contribution will be assists, as at Real Madrid.


His monkey boy replacement at madrid should be the one to worry about the goals. Ozil is here to create them and nutmeg afew defenders while at it.

[Not to say he won’t bang in a few himself!]

Our Ozil.

Although I expect Ozil to show his class from the off, we should be prepared for the possibility that it may be a while before he seems fully engaged and starts running games for us. That way there’ll be less danger of us being suckered by the build ’em up/tear ’em down media. We paid good money, he’s ours. It screwed their sensationalist narrative and they won’t forgive that.


Flamini was fantastic for us when he left. I’m thrilled he’s back and now we have a proper DM who’s extremely versatile. Well done Arsène.


can anybody else see jens in the next expendables film?

the only sam is nelson

18 minutes of the 2006 european cup final expendable?

chaaaaaaaaaarge! oh, woops


I know this has nothing to do with this particular story whatsoever, but I think Stuart Pearce is an absolute cock.


I concur

gooner odst

Its every one else’s fault but his own. Really classy.


Even the F.A (who mind you are a bunch of cunts themselves) have come out to put him in his place. so yeah Stalwart Pearce is an utter cock, If he lands a job, I’ll pity his employers.

Did he just blame ox and phil jones for his failures? twat!


The UD21 tournment is to give expereince to English players to help them get into the senior squad, why would players like OX go if their already in the senior squad?

Also could Pearce remind me what happened when he literally forced Walcott to go a few years back?

I can answer he had bad preperation for the premier league season, got injured a lot and was woeful after Wenger begged him not to go.

year later he had a good pre season and had a great season.

Gareth Murray

I disagree, Pearce is a massive fan of the Stranglers and therefore cannot be considered a “cock”.


not one thumbs down….

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

No, it is fine to put this here. Jens Lehmann also thinks he’s a cock.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Stuart Pearce. Googles his own name. Finds Arseblog. Thumbs post down. Cock.


Why isn’t it Saturday yet? It’s been forever since we signed him.


Pearce for Spurs then?


Mesut is going to tear facismo Di Canio a new one on Saturday!

the Only One

“cant wait to hear him sing”…..just wow!


I do not know the identity of this imposter, and deny having ever spoken any of these words. Thank you.


Does anyone else think Jens looks a lot like David Hasselhoff these days?

It Is What It Is

They both like to button up their shirts halfway. Not that I’m looking or anything…


Looks more like Tom Berenger in Platoon.



Ozil is far too experienced to be under any pressure to perform. I think he will get the best out of players like Walcott and Giroud. I cannot wait for real football to start again. COYG


In an interview with German newspaper Die Welt, Ozil admitted that Wenger called him personally to convince the attacking midfielder that he should join the Gunners, while speaking in perfect German.
Arsene speaking in perfect german…thats OUR BOSS 😀

Edu's fake passport

Haha Moyes can just about do English!!

Jay Song

Love mad Jens!!
Looks like we have real German gunners now!!!


I wouldn’t mind a few more world class Germans in the squad.


Did you see them play the last game? Ozil won’t take a long time to adapt. They played just like us.

Eboue's Tiger Costume

I watched both the Germany games this interlull, mostly kept my eyes at Ozil. He looked every bit worth the hype. Very quick to release the ball, knows exactly where others are (even in Germany sometimes his teammates are not quick enough to reciprocate his releases), bulked up in last year and can hold off defenders. Very good at set-pieces (a cool penalty and lots of curling corners and free-kicks), mind that Arsenal needed improvement here. Couple of things he doesn’t bother to do, defensive cover and chasing the ball back. Khedira does it for him. More the reason Flamini… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He said he came here eader to learn from Arsene Wenger. He will learn to track back. It will improve him as a player. He’ll love it. We’ll love it. Other teams and fans will HATE it.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

But he’s so fantastic a player that he is not just eader but eager too.


Can’t wait to see him in red and white. Gooners 4 Life

9ja Gooner

All German (ex) footballers saying nice things about the Club, it seems Dietmar Hamman hasn’t read the Script tho…. Sad beanpole


“At the end Arsenal has to win something with him,
so there’s no pressure!”

Enough said!!


Whatever it is, we must petition for Shawcross and the orcs to be banned from roaming the same pitch with Ozil…fucking cavemen, still cant forgive what they did to Ramsey

Arsenal-induced Heart Attack Survivor

nobody can and should.

Good Omens

Ah Crazy Jens, I miss you.


is it Saturday yettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Be quiet in the back there, or I’ll turn round and take you straight back home!!!!


#germancore #aha


nil is a wonder but i also put my money on flamini love his spirit and attitude cant wait to watch them come sato.


If Jens shaved his head and grew a beard i think he’d look like Mr. White from Breaking Bad!

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