Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ramsey and Wenger talk post-Marseille

Aaron Ramsey spoke with pride after capping another fine performance with his sixth goal of the season against Marseille. The Welsh midfielder scored with only three minutes remaining on the clock to make it 2-0 although he did give away a (harsh) penalty which Jordan Ayew despatched to reduce the deficit.

Speaking to Sky Sports after the game, the 22-year-old reflected on the importance of the win and his own fine form.

“Its a tough group and it was important to get three points. I got on the scoresheet here two years ago and like then we got an important win.

“It was a difficult night, the pitch wasn’t too good. It was sticky and slow and our rhythm suffered a bit. It was quite difficult but we kept trying to do what we wanted to.

“I’m happy with the way I’m playing at the moment, I’m confident and getting into positions and I’m putting them away at the moment. I’ve been in the positions before but I lacked the composure.

“I think its important to keep the run going, that’s ten away wins in a row and hopefully we can keep that run going.”

On playing alongside Mesut Ozil, he continued: “He’s a class player. The things he does and the way he caresses the ball and picks passes is second to none. We’re delighted to have him here.”

Arsene Wenger added about Ramsey’s recent goal-scoring record: “It’s outstanding and that’s linked with confidence. Now every time he’s in a good position he scores. Scoring goals goes in cycles.

“I believe that it was important for us not to give the first goal away,” continued the boss as he analysed the win.

“Marseille were excellent in the first half and we were timid. They dropped in the second half and we took advantage. We start with three points and that’s good.

“We have all these players who can make something special. I knew it would be a difficult game, a passionate crowd, Valbuena was excellent and they’re a good side who can beat anybody.

“Walcott scored the most difficult of the chances he’s had since the start of the season. He’ll take confidence and I’m sure he’ll continue to score.”

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Koscielny to the rescue again

If it wasn’t me I’m happy it was Gibbs to the rescue. Also, I didn’t concede the penalty this time guys!

German Gunner

speaking of Gibbs, really like him but he needs to watch his clearances, 4 of them dropped to Merseille players in central positions tonight, Brilliant performance and delighted to eat a large chunk of humble pie re. RAMBO!!!


are you kidding me? Gibbo was immense tonight. he cleared so many aerial balls, as for the direction fuck it im just glad he got them out of the box. it’s a part of his game he hasn’t been particularly strong at but certainly a beast in the air/allround tonight. Did i mention the certain goal he saved.

and when is the last time he had a bad game? Gibbo one love!

DL Gooner

Time for Ramsey to sign a contract extension i think, the kid is lethal at the moment. Rambo for a hat trick against the Orcs at the weekend.
Hopefully flamini will distroy shawcunts ankle.


Ramsey’s signed up till 2018! As are Chamberlain, Gibbs, Wilshere, Jenkinson and Özil. We are in an extremely strong position, my friend.

Just need Wenger to sign till 2018 now.


i am perfectly happy Gibbo managed to clear the balls out of the box, if you ask me!…….who gives a rat about the direction?….


Up the arse!


Oh A.ramsey do continue this amazing form your in.. COYGGGG

Dick Law

Wenger’s diamonds in the rough are far better than Mou’s ‘beautiful young eggs’

Bould's Eyeliner

Ramsey is our best player.


I asked that we hit the ground running, we didn’t quite do that but we got ourselves going and got the result. Up the ARSE!


with respect, no one cares what you ask for, your not manager.




Ohh no he didnt! xD

DL Gooner



Sorry English is not my first language, I suppose I should have used “hoped”

My point was simply that we managed to keep our momentum even though we struggled at times.


He may be Arsene incognito



Loop A Hole





I foresee Wenger trying to buy Valbuena in January… I mean he’s french and whatnot


So was De Gaulle


It shouldn’t have been a penalty. He got the ball!


How did Goroud play? I don’t think he was mentioned even once on live blog, where I followed the game.


FFS Xperia…


Not his best, but a few nice touches. Marseille defended extremely well in the air – Mendes and N’Koulou seemed to have the jump on him, so he lost a good number of aerial battles. He also missed a free header from 8 yards. He was saving his energy to bully Shawcross and Huth.


Obviously Mersaille were all set on clamping HFB and Ozil. He didnt have much space….but that means Rambo and Wilshere were freer to prowl…


For our second goal, Giroud did well to draw away defenders, giving Ramsey enough time to kill 😉


He played ok, but not as well as we’ve seen recently. But his movement dragged the defence out of position to allow Ramsey to watlz into the box and score the second. Easily missed but Giroud should get an assist for that run.


How did Giroud play? I don’t think he was mentioned even once on live blog, where I followed the game.


He battled hard to hold up the ball but he was pretty much surround by their defence most of the game.


Also his movement pulled a defender away to give Ramsey the space to shoot to score.


Great result good on ya,well played lads!


Hope Theo starts finding the goals. If not then his misses could prove fatal later in the competition


You know he scored a spectacular goal…? And only had one other shot, which was well-saved. His corners were also bizarrely better than Özil’s.


Welldone boys. Stoke city next.watchout city!!


“He’ll take confidence and
I’m sure he’ll continue to score.” … Le Prof has spoken.


We need to extend Ramsey contract quick b4 RM refund bale to de spuds they have a 60days return agreement & come in for Ramsey

royal empire

Big fives for the welshman. Get it going Rambo Ramsey


PFA player of the season 2013-14 –> RAMBO!!!


Service to giroud was crap tbh. To busy defending. Frustrating to watch at times. But great win and grinded out a gd result. Thought ramsey, gibbs and schezzers played well.

Clock End Mike

Good summary. I thought Ramsey’s point about the sticky pitch worth noting too, Gunners nowhere near as fluent as usual. Pin it on the dressing-room noticeboard: “Must stop giving the ball away.”

Richie Waweru

Great results but I’m really nervous every time I see any one go down after a rough tackle.


2-1 away is great result. Arsenal were not at their fluid best but got the result when it mattered. Playing ugly and winning, I will take that all day long. 10 away wins in a row in all competitions as well! The future is looking bright! COYG

New Haven Gooner

Once again.


New Haven Gooner

Might wanna read my comment on this article before the thumbs down, guys.

New Haven Gooner

Ah, screw it. Here it is.

“Our group used to have some people that would come in and yell “Fuck you, Ramsey!” the last two seasons whenever he did anything remotely poor. Often unfairly. A good core group of us always believed in him and knew he’d come good eventually. So now whenever he does something brilliant or has a great match, we cheer “Fuck you, Ramsey!” as an ironic chant.”


Sadly I (and from the thumbs down a fair few of us) just reflexively down-vote that sort of comment after seeing so many of them.

Especially as there are a few fuckwits/Spurs supporters (is there a difference?) that still do it as a windup


For someone from Yale (probably), you’re not too bright. George W., is that you?

Joey Sixpack

New Haven. You have failed.


Kudos to you boys more grease to your elbow. Up gunnerss


How did he ‘give away’ the penalty? He got the first touch on the ball after a heavy touch, means he’s still in possession when ayew (?) tried to streal it away and Ramsey stepped on it.

Someone makes a challenge on the ball player, misses, then gets clattered. Since when is that a pen?


It was a good, dogged performance against a decent but not great side. We defended really well (until that bit of madness by Ramsey) and took the chances when they came. This is going to be a tough group so this win was vital. There is still tons of hard work ahead of us, but this was a great start.

The best bit about tonight was the Chavs losing at home to a crap Swiss side. Hilarious.


Last season after loads of bollocks from your part, I asked you ” Who would you want as a manager with 8 years of financial doping, building of the new stadium and a limited budget?” I didn’t get an answer and I’m just wondering about your views now?

Btw; Ramsey is shit!!!


And by shit, I mean shiznit!


Was about to down-vote, until I strangely realized I completely agreed — except the bit about Ramsey.

He made a great tackle and, well lets say the East German Judge gave the Marseilles player a 5.6 for artistic interpretation.


This. That wasn’t a moment of madness from Ramsey, that was a totally uncalled for decision by the ref. Did you see the game? If you did I’m pretty sure you’d agree with me.

Black Hei

Fatgooner talking like this is kind of surreal. Like Arsenal’s form at the moment.

Inflatable tube man

That’s right Jamie Carragher, Stop criticizing Arsenal…leave us alone.

German Gunner

never know what the prick is saying


German IS easier to understand than scouse

Frank Wilcox

We did what we had to do,not a thing of beauty by any means,but great teams are opportunistic and win ugly!!great job gunners,and fantastic job yet again, Aaron Ramsey

Neil #2

Wow what a match. Great 3 points for the Gunners. Football manager was right about Ramsey!!! (haha!)


Yeah, I think my faith in Ramsey (when he wasn’t in great form) was subconsciously higher than it otherwise would be due to playing football manager.
Hopefully his real life form & development will continue to track what he does in the game – he is a monster midfielder in 2017..


Arsenal winning… Chelsea losing…life is getting better and better…


I one of those who thought last season Ramsey was crap.However I am glad say that I WAS WRONG!Well done RAMBO KEEP IT GOING


The penny dropped tonight re Carragher and his negativity towards Arsenal
Arsene do know more than you. Who would have thought it


Brilliant defending by Gibbs, captured here in a gif:

…but that 4th official looks seriously crazy


That’s why they say: Ram It Like Rambo


I think Wenger literally got so much flack up until after the villa game. I can just imagine right now a lot of fans feeling guilty for jumping the gun whilst the pundits are now left scratching their empty heads with their expert opinions looking redundant and desperate after Arsenal have got off to a cracking start to the season. With the rich form of Giroud and Ramsey in particular it’s good to see them receiving praise – both received unnecessary criticism last season for no good reason, keep faith in this team. All in all, a good start to… Read more »


It’ll be nice if the media start talking about the Chelski crisis and call for Mourinho’s head. Lost 2 in a row, something we haven’t done done for over half a year. We’re looking really good, with nowhere near a full strength squad. The future’s bright, the futures red

Ariana Goon

A record, RECORD 10 away wins. And we have the best and can I say absolutely beautiful Welsh player there is and some weird folk named Özil, Wilshere, Mertasacker and Gibbs. Someone named Walcott scored today, and then these odd characters Arteta, Cazorla, Rosicky, Chambo and Poldi keep harping on about ‘coming back into the team’. What’s going on?


don’t worry Chelsea, europa league has treated you work lately


well lately*

I want to say a few things. But a month ago people were throwing all kinds of vitriol at Wenger. He should go, etc. Now suddenly he’s a hero. Is it down to Özil we’re playing so well? Partially, as he set up Giroud, and every little helps. Still… I want to point this out. (I think Wenger does know. He knew about Giroud; none of us would have been happy to rely on him going into the season. Also when Nacho catalysed out great run of defense last season he still made way for Gibbs. Wenger does know, IMO).… Read more »

Black Hei

I think we need some perspective. We did have decent options in the club. For varied reasons they didn’t work out. Bendter and Chamakh are honestly not a couple of club foots. Bendter problems are all in his head, IQ, EQ whatever while Chamakh seems to have lost it after that black mail. If you watch some of the highlight reels in 2010, he is a very interesting player for Arsenal. What happened? A combination of many unpredictable things. Now that we have gotten Ozil, I think Wenger is no longer after a striker that can play alongside Giroud. He… Read more »


Ramsey, I’m so sorry for calling you a shitty player. You are a god!

Black Hei

Myles Palmer should not be allowed to celebrate any Arsenal victories. Thumbs up!


With Ramsey’s form & Flamini’s impact, Wilshire & Arteta have a challenge in winning their place back but I’m sure both if them will be happy with competition for places


Would love nothing other than to see him continue this excellent form against the Orcs this week. Go Rambo!


Barca got the wrong Welshman

The only Olivier is Giroud

You mean Madrid, surely?! 😀


Marseille Ramblown away !


Tots go top of the Thursday night league,may they last till the end of April,a pleasant 3 injuries.

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