Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger on an ‘exceptional quality performance’

Arsene Wenger gave a glowing assessment of his side’s gritty performance against Sp*rs and hailed Olivier Giroud’s growing impact after the Frenchman capped an all-action showing with the first half winner.

Tackling the press after the 1-0 victory, the boss joked that the prospect of a high-profile striker joining the club (something which now looks unlikely) appeared to have spurred his compatriot to step up his game.

“You [the press] spent a lot of time in finding another striker for us! Maybe that woke something up in him.

“I like what he did today, because technically it was good, he had a huge physical presence. He looked to me today that he had a exceptional quality performance of a real centre forward.”

Mathieu Flamini, thrown into the action just before the break in place of pooey-pants Jack, was also singled out for his impressive ‘debut’ given his lack of match practice.

“I said it was a no-brainer [to sign him],” continued Wenger.

“I am just sorry that he did not cost £25 million! Overall his performance was exceptional. He hasn’t played since May but his performance was very convincing.”

Naturally very pleased to have secured his 19th league victory over Sp*rs and to have gathered further momentum with a fourth successive victory, the boss also spoke glowingly about his squad’s team spirit.

“It was a very important game for us. It was our fourth game in two weeks and I knew in the last 20 minutes we could suffer a bit physically. But overall it was a convincing win in a very intense game.

“It was a bit uneven technically, we had moments where we lost some balls that we don’t usually [lose], but in the end we hung on.

“There were aspects to our game that people are not used to seeing from us – that means commitment, desire, defending. Their keeper was their best player, and that shows we had the chances to win really comfortably.

“This team has lost one game since March in all competitions. You don’t do that with an average spirit.”

A fine day at the office all round…now all eyes turn to the transfer market. Is there a boggly-eyed German cherry on top? Arseblog News can but dream.

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Santo cazorlas coming to town

I can’t believe you’re going to label Jack, pooey pants! Ya big meanie


at least he didn’t shit himself on the pitch ala Lineker




Gosh damn if there was ever one rumor I wished came true it is this one…

We need more than just Ozil, but holy shit that would be beyond super quality addition.

Wenger. Do it.


Pleaseeeee. I just cant take another transfer disappointment.
It will all be over soon. I think AW will impress


Ozil is an incredible player. I hope the rumours have some truth to them.

If it happened, when was the last time we signed a truly world class player at the top of his game?

Cazorla, I suppose, but then…Arshavin? BERGKAMP?


Fred Hermel (french journalist living in Spain and With very very good contacts, in particulat at Madrid, a bit like the french Sid Lowe if you want) talks about it as if it’s a done deal. L’equipe also report that news… Really hoping it’s true but I’m worried Man U will come in and snatch it from us, he’s exactly the player they need (arguably more than us as we have more/better creative midfielders anyway…) Him plus Michu or Demba Ba (who on his rarely updated Twitter account says he was watching the game this afternoon), the Italian goalie and… Read more »

Dick Swiveller

Gotta say, that is the most tenuous of links to a player…football player watches match.

I’d love Michu, I really would.


The whole world knows Ozil’s brilliant, but I always think fans know their own players best, so I looked for Madrid fans’ reactions to these rumours. These are the top 5 rated comments on Marca’s article: 1. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. 2. The magician has to stay. 3. Serious error by Madrid if they sell him. There’s all this euphoria about Bale, but I don’t think he’s worth this. 4. Letting Ozil go, and for so cheap, could be a mistake we’ll regret before long. 5. What was the golden day for Madrid (getting Bale and Kaka leaving) has let me down completely.… Read more »


(The translations exhausted my school-level Spanish).


Ozil signing would be exceptional to


Koz had Soldado in his back pocket all game!

Jamerican guy

every times you thought kos pocket is full, he add another player to it. lol


@Jamerican Guy – Hahahahah !!! Classic son


Nar he has that wee pocket in his levis, inside that bigger one. That’s where Soldado was kept.


It was a massive pleasure to watch. I walked past the arriving Spud fans who reminded me of the marching Orcs in LOTR. Their misery is my joy.


Crumbs, after the opening day I seriously thought twice about going to this one, but then I realised that to sell back a ticket on the back of one bad result was a bit twatish; I’m so glad that common sense prevailed. That was a fantastic defensive display and a treat to watch. Spurs looked very average and with a couple of good signings we could really go places. Come on you Gunners!


…Sky sports exclusive. ARSENAL IN ADVANCED TALKS TO SIGN MESUT OZIL……OMG….okay il stop shouting now.


They have blown £100m on some very average players. They are a joke side.

Two decent signings and I will be a very happy boy.

Glad we have not signed the bitey ‘I could eat an apple through a letterbox’ racist.


If Oezil doesn’t come, there is still me!


We’ll see you in about two years, when it’s legal.


Ozil would be immense.

oh robin

immense passion and spirit that guy shows, you just cannot hate him!

A Yank

Still here… which is to say I am one of the folks who called Giroud ‘a bit shit’ last season. I was also down on Ramsey. Happy to be proven wrong. It’s only three games into the season (of the Prem), but both have looked excellent to start. People who are critical of Arsenal players aren’t pulling for them to fail. I understand they aren’t perfect but when we sell really good players year after year and replace them with less good players, it’s not unreasonable to be critical. And Giroud missed many makable chances last season. Get back a… Read more »


I seriously hope your honesty and humility isn’t overly thumbed down. Today was a good day of football, and it would also be a good day to pull together a little bit more as supporters. Cheers.


So true! That’s something that really bothers me. I don’t know any other football team in the world with fans being so spiteful towards their own team/manager. Surely there had been several reasons to be upset as a supporter. And the media surely fuels the fire. But who is to support the Arsenal if we aren’t?

oh robin

Lets just hope they keep this superb form going! some reinforcements to ease them off some burden hopefully! COYG!

Rad Carrot

Ozil and Di Maria… a keeper, even that one on loan… then maybe a defender too?

Well, I’d still say we’d need another striker… but Jesus, I’d be happy with Ozil and Di Maria, the way this Summer has gone. Hell, I’d be happy with Ozil even if we’d just blown £120m on 8 players. But what sort of cunty team would do that?


Don’t think Di Maria will come, he played for Madrid today, they wouldn’t risk an injury if they were planning to sell him… Ozil however didn’t start (or come on as a sub)…

Scott P

Great victory today… and rumors are starting to proliferate already about tomorrow… I’ve been hearing the name Ö… Öz… Özil!!!…. *hyperventilates and passes out*

Now that’s the kind of player to buy, Sp*rs. You’re about to be taught a lesson.

Scott P

For the second time in 24 hours.


Spud gimps atrolling. Dry your eyes spud gimp.


Thrilled with result today.I’m not going to ruin day by speculation on transfers.All I know is that this squad has great spirit and love for this club.that’s something some “fans”need to embrace more.oh and finally suck my balls to the spuds who gave me abuse since the villa game


Still cannot stop laughing at the match ratings where soldado was valued at being £25 million too much!


Well done Wenger.


money can’t buy you everything
spurs cunts


…..yep…….cant sleep


Soldado: over priced diving cunt, and he loses the handsome contest with giroud by a long shot

Squinty eyes.

Hold on tight people…ITS FUCKING HAPPENING !


Sagna breaks his leg at WHL and leaves the pitch to spitting and boos. Capoue breaks his leg at the emirates and leaves to applause.

Class 2 Cash 0


I’m very happy with the Ozil bid, just wondering, with the rumoured 50% cut of the sell on clause could we have bought Cesc – a player almost at the same level, for about £20M. Used the reminder on a good striker (even if it was Michu), a CB & GK?


You’re overlooking the fact that Cesc never wanted to leave Barcelona.


Pah, details


I am secretly wishing he doesnt go beyond average in his numbers this season and the barca crowd boo him towards the end of season…will make for a tasty addition next year when rosicky leaves.


If we really do sign Ozil, then I think this will be the most excited I’ve EVER been over an Arsenal transfer. I remember Bergkamp but I was probably two years too young to appreciate how big a deal that signing was (I think I was about ten..). I think this might be our moment boys and girls. Even if something falls through on this deal I can see us going for Draxler instead. To be quite honest, even that would be something of a coup – the lad looks like a class act. But, Ozil……… Wow. Get that cannon… Read more »


AVB “a draw would have been a fair result”

Shut up you tit. Your keeper kept you in the game.

A N Other

It might just be an early Christmas for arsenal fans tomorrow.


Im in Bangladesh atm its 3.57am and i can’t sleep coz wenger got me thinking about transfers! Cheeky bastard lol COYG! !!!! Great game. £0-1 £107mil-nil! NL is RED you dirty rotten potato!!!!!!!!!!


Watch “Wojciech Szczęsny Trolls Spurs fans with Facebook piano video after Arsenal win” on YouTube –

Richie Waweru

Really proud of the lads today.Giving them added talent by the end of the window will really be like a Christmas gift to them and the fans.

fel the gunner

Mesut ozil 42.5m yeeesssssssss. Boys im turkish and im watching this shit live on turk sat. Its advanced talks. Hes coming to us not man utd!!!! MESUT OZIL IS COMING TO THE ARSENAL OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!

Canadian Gunner

So, here’s a thought.

Arsenal has made a bid for Suarez, which was accepted, on the condition that it not be announced until the last day of the transfer window. That way, Liverpool is able to look for replacements, Arsenal doesn’t get gouged on other transfer bids, and Luis is happy. All around, everyone is happy, except the scouser fans, lol.

Any chance this might happen tomorrow ?


Brendan Rodgers doesn’t strike me as the quiet, understated type. Nor does John ‘what are they smoking over there’ Henry


Feel the love HFB.Class goal.
Happy Christmas eve all.
Ooooh to be a Gooner.


Canadian Gunner – Suarez will not sign, he was at the Utd game today.

This is a good thing as our club act with class and he lacks any class.


I promised myself I wouldn’t get excited about another transfer rumour…but Ozil 😀 I just can’t help it.




Avb has no footballing brain, spent all that money thank fuck he ain’t my accountant! I still can’t sleep!!!!!


Remember its Baldini who spends, Director of Fuckall at RottenHam.


Apparently Wilshere came off today because he needed a s**t. It wasn’t fair to do it on the pitch because then Spurs would have 12 players.


hilarious !


Yeah but one of them would not be very mobile, and probably not Lilywhite 😀


Love how Arsène cracks half a smile in the post match interview after saying “their goal keeper was their best player”. Love this guy!


Özil would be the best player in the Premier League without a doubt…. best CAM in the world IMO


This ozil stuff will have me without finger nails until I hear a definite how fast they can spend 70+ million before deadline.and just to repeat what I posted earlier spuds lick my balls………stand by for Sky sports wank fest on final day.


That’s funny you called Jack “pooey-pants” because while watching the match, we heard that Jack had some sort of stomach ailment, and I legitimately while jokingly said that he must’ve shit himself. Unlike, Linekar who dragged his ass across the pitch, Wilshere’s final play was a slide tackle clearance and a more effective way of being discreet about it. Feel bad for the kid, but it reminded us just how badass Flamini is. : )


“A boggly-eyed German cherry on top?” Haha! One can hope. To be fair any cherry would be good right about now. Except a shit cherry.


Ozil would be amazing — though I just read that the player would prefer loan rather than permanent move (and if this is the case, hopefully the Gunners will have an option to buy at the end of the loan period, presuming that the player will be open to it at that time). I’d love to also see some defensive cover. Di Maria — given that he played today — looks unlikely. Draxler would be incredible, though I believe Schalke are asking for 40m+ for him.


Ozil on his for some more joy before window closes.

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