Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Report: Wenger set for 2017 extension

According to various reports in the media this morning, Stan Kroenke has offered Arsene Wenger a new three-year deal which could see the Frenchman’s reign at Arsenal continue until 2017 – just shy of his 21st anniversary at the club.

Reports surfaced about a new deal as far back as May but it looks as though the Gunners hierarchy are pushing for a resolution sooner rather than later against the backdrop of the first team’s current fantastic run.

Wenger’s current contract ends this summer and while he’s always maintained that he’d be happy to put pen-to-paper on an extension he’s also spoken about being judged by his results. After nine years of milk and honey at Highbury, the eight years since moving to the Emirates have seen the terraces force fed ricin-infused-Stevia. It’s time for a trophy and it looks as though the club still believe Arsene is the man to deliver.

Speaking last week about speculation of a new deal, the boss noted: “Honestly, I would love to be here forever because it would mean I am immortal. I am not naive enough to believe that, but as long as I am here I’ll do the best for this club as I love this club, of course.

“I am very honoured to have the support of Stan Kroenke and that he thinks I can help the club. That’s a huge confidence vote. Something for me that is very positive.

“The good thing with me is I don’t need a lot of talk to extend the contract I have. I don’t think that’s the most important thing at the moment. I said I want to focus on the quality of our season and no-one can question my commitment to this club. I want to do well and the question of me staying will be secondary for that.

“I turned many offers down because I rate what I have got here. I always thought this club was special and it is important to know what you want. I rated the qualities this club has shown.

“I am very grateful to this club because during my 17 years here we have had ups and downs, but they have always shown faith in me. They let me always do the job like I felt it was supposed to be done. I am here because of the consistent support inside this club.”

Wanted by big-spending Paris Saint Germain it’s also claimed that Wenger will get a pay-rise to ward off interest with his annual salary set to hit the £8 million mark. Of course, nobody really gives a fish’s tit about how much he banks when we’re winning nor for the most part does anyone think it’s his salary which keeps him at the club.

The ball therefore certainly appears to be in Arsene’s court…

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Sign da ting!

jack jack jack

Fatgooner is going to shit himself! (:


Glad to see so many positive comments here. I love Wenger, and like most of the people here I would be more than happy to see him sign and stay on longer. I genuinely don’t think there’s anyone better to lead the club at the moment.

However – we shouldn’t forget that very recently everyone had doubts about Arsene, even the most staunch Wenger supporters weren’t sure whether he was the right person to take the club forward.

If this news story would’ve come out a week before transfer deadline day, I’m guessing the reaction would’ve been a lot different.


Not everyone had doubts about Wenger.


I think he will agree to sign only if he wins something this year. And secretly, he’s confident of winning the title and having a good go at the CL too. You can see it from his body language and answers in press conferences.


I agree that he must start pushing more for trophy’s but I don’t think that this should be the reason why he gets a new contract. As long as he uses the resources he has to the best effect on the pitch then I think he should sign but this does not make winning trophy’s a given. Things all look rosy at the moment and that’s great for us fans but it’s how we cope when we loose a few games and the pressure starts to mount. Cool and clear heads from the board would be of benefit too them… Read more »


This group of players is special: a bond of friendship forged in the fires of yesteryears difficulties. The last two seasons were a test for the squad, helping in exposing those who had the mental strength to become champions or not. Mesut Ozil would not have signed up if he knew that Wenger would leave after 1 year. And Wenger has always maintained that he would leave if he thought that he did not get the best out of his group of players. All this points to a big January window where another Ozil-esque signing will be made to ensure… Read more »


Having seen how frustrated and distraught he’s looked at times, it’s great to see him enthusiastic and happy again.


He’s even laughing in press conferences! Fantastic to see Le Boss back on form.


His excitement after the Özil goal vs. Napoli was a nice sight. When he is that happy it seems like he is 10 years younger.


Is it me or has some colour come back into his face and hair recently lol
He looked like a withered, pale shadow of his former self at times in recent seasons.

I liken him to how that King of Rohan was in Lord of the Rings when he was being controlled and now the life has come back into him /end nerdgasm

That classic Wenger double hip-fired fist pump celebration he unleashed when Ozil scored against Napoli warmed my heart haha


Even if he doesn’t win anything this year, it’s hard to see him abandoning what he’s built as it finally comes to fruition.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Sadly the current attitude towards football, and loved by media, billionaires, and most football fans, is “It’s whether you win or lose, only trophies matter.” Wenger is the opposite, and I like to think that on the whole Arsenal are too. When he came to us he embraced Arsenal’s values and brought the Club up to date in method, but he hasn’t changed the culture of doing things the right way. This is where we Gooners tend to be split, in my opinion. I value the idea of doing things in the “right way” and doing your best.” Just because… Read more »


He has to say. His name is practically in the club!


One arsene wenger. Sign him up!!

I found it hilarious that after the napoli game I heard alot of pundits say “arsenal havent really been tested this season”.

So whats the fuckin excuses for the manchester clubs losing to the clubs like cardiff and west brom? And chelsea to basil? Its almost as if its a sin to say Arsenal look the business this season. Where are you this season stewart robson?!

Gombak Hillbillies

Where the hell is the guy on Arsenal Truth? Did he get writer’s block or something?

roh top gun

He is still writing, to everyone’s displeasure… But he hasn’t posted anything since the end of the transfer window… Expect him to come crawling out of his hole the moment Arsenal have a blip or a rough time, which he will label as a “Crisis”…


Thought he went to Barnet, the tosser.


AT is a troll, not a fan. Happy to have the right to respond to true fans but not to debate anything. Good riddance to the c-nt, I hope he never posts again.

Why not

You also forget how all these same pundits are waxing lyrical over tottenham and how they look solid.

I swear we have already beaten them this season.

Wengers spare change

They said that before the spuds game,then before the Swansea game,then before the Napoli game.Some of them are beginning to change their tune a bit now(Neville),soon they will all bow down and give praise to this mighty gunners team.And rightly so.The only way arsene would say those things about Arsenal in his press conference and not sign a new deal was if he was going to retire and he loves football and Arsenal to much for that,so don’t worry folks he will sign,He is not going to let someone else come in and take the glory for seventeen years of… Read more »


LANS of the season!


Get Sagna to sign a new one too, he’s back to his best. Would make a nice photo too.


And Rosicky

Parisian Weetabix

PLEASE Rosicky. I’ll probably cry when he leaves 🙁


Silent Stan = The Man
Sign him up til he can’t physically do it anymore

Wenger is of greatness.
It will be a sad day when he goes but perhaps he will leave a far stronger legacy than Ferguson.


That won’t be hard utd are poo and if I was a utd fan I would be cacking then now.
Moyles is a good manager but only AF could get the best out of that bunch of shit kickers 🙂


Moyes is at best a “not sh*t” manager…
He’s hardly innovative or fresh. Everton where workmanlike and every player of any class left there as soon as a decent offer came in..


Agree totally but he had limited rescorces and that can’t be over looked but managing utd could be his down fall

Wenger McCloud

Martinez is going to be a better Everton manager.


the usual excuse of limited ressource of moyes . he has to take some of blame to some pretty expensive (well for a club with little money) bad signing he has done at everton. how many time everton start the season as relegation form under him . his team rarelly perform against top 8 team too,and got out early in cup competition. Everton under martinez look already better,and has little bit more strenght in depth too without overspending. with even less money and far much smaller team like wigan he won more than moyes at everton. United got the wrong… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You can’t run him down over his best players leaving. Even Arsene giving us top four finishes and guaranteed Champions League couldn’t stop that in the last 8 years. You can’t judge a manager on whether his players leave for higher placed teams or better money. It’s their choice. Managers who are any good think in the long term (Wenger always, Ferguson one upon a time), but players know they have short careers and so they think in the short term. Wenger is a true Arsenal man and puts the Club first.


Don’t knock Moyes, after many years of trying at last he has got Everton above United in the league.


I really hope he takes the opportunity this year. One more striker in January and I honestly believe the league could be ours. Yanited and City are fast asleep but the Spuds will not crumble. He is one of two who have won it and it seems this side has a bit more about him. Arsene has a contract for life basically, he makes millions for the shareholders so offering him £8million/year is nothing to them. I just want him to REALLY go for it. This is the first time since 2010 where we have a shot.


This is good for the club 🙂

It’s a telling sign that Ozil joined the club after a long conversation with Wenger. Never let it be said he can’t attract top, top, super, excellent, top, top, better than we have, tippy top, quality players.

In Arsene I trust, In Ozil I trust, in Ramsey I trust, In HFB I swoon!

Parisian Weetabix

“In HFB”.

You wish.


He has kept us in CL football with one financial arm tied behind his back since we moved to the new stadium. I think he deserves to see the project through. I want him to be the first manager to bring a trophy to the Emirates. Sure, we have not won a trophy for 8 years but I love Arsenal regardless of what we win and you can bet those mugs up the road would love to be in our position.


Eight years without winning the league, they said.

Liverpoo – 22 years without winning the league and still counting
Spurms – 52 years without winning the league and still counting
Man Ure – 26 years, 1967-1993
Man Schitty – 44 years, 1968-2012
Chelski – 51 years, 1954-5002

They never said.


I do hope Chelsea don’t win the league until 5002, arsepedant!


You should put an asterisk in front of Chelski and Man Shitty.

*Title bought with overseas funding from oligarchs/sheiks


What about the leveraged buy out of Manchester United that allowed them to pip us on deals over Ronaldo and waste 18 mill pounds on shit like anderson?

Arsene's handkerchief

We should be honoured to have Arsene Wenger, he could’ve gone anywhere and doubled his salary during our transition to the emirates. Where would the likes of Wilshere, Gibbs and Ramsey be without this guy? A net spend of £75 million in his 17 years, compared to Chelski’s £880 and the practically the same amount of trophies won and consistent champions league qualification? Arsene Wenger is the best premier league manager, period. We love you Arsene, and we welcome you to stay for as long as you wish! C’mon the Arsenal!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

The transition to the Emirates was largely done on his urging. He went into it fully understanding what the consequences were likely to be. It was a long-term plan developed by Arsenal but including him at every step. He knew he would have to operate for some time on a budget, and as an economist he also knew that a recession was a possibility, and he developed a plan to cope with all of that. The part he didn’t anticipate was the rise of the oligarchs and sheiks, and that meant he had to work so much harder to stay… Read more »

Small boy

When I was a young and naive boy, I actually thought Mr Arsene Wenger was the founder of Arsenal FC…

I was thinking, “I mean, just look at his name, isn’t that cool? A club named after Arsene, he just extended it, thats all”

Looking back, I realised how dumb I was


I’m glad it wasn’t only me. :’)


Did you think ManCity were named after ManCini?
Or United after Sir Alex You-Sh*ted?


Named my second son Arsen!


Srbostuta you pyromaniac you.


The burning question is: Will the AST approve?


They are a bunch of jokers who no longer know what they stand for


Disagree with that statement and what is your logic behind it?

Silverstre for the Ballon d'OR

Can you elaborate please?


I must say that is not the usual AP with the default avatar! And I don’t know enough about AST to either confirm or deny.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Somebody here is playing silly buggers with their name… mister AP, or mister AP who isn’t mister AP, or mister AP who isn’t AP answering his own post when pretending to be AP and getting himself confused.


As much as I am loving Wenger right now, I would want to wait until the end of the season. As blogs has said, eight years is too long and it is high time we win a trophy. So don’t sign da ting right now Mr. Arsene Wenger.

The Alsacien

Blogs also touched on the 9 years of milk and honey. We clearly don’t realize how lucky we are to have this manager. No other manager would have been able to achieve what he has on the limited budged of the 8 barren years. This is our first year of actually being able to compete financially with the other top clubs and the results are there to see. Yes, it’s early days but there is clear progress. We could of course adopt the Chel$ki/Man$ity formula (sack sack sack!) if that’ll make you happy. I for one, love the way our… Read more »


I also have much respect for Wenger has done to Arsenal,be it the Invincibles,the move to a new stadium etc. etc.But even though we had financial cap, we still had the 3rd or 4th highest wage bill in the league. Now,I am not saying that we should have won the Champions League or PL, but we should have atleast won 1 FA Cup or League in all these years. Now that the financial shackles are broken off,we have spent big and bought one of the most talented players in the world to add to an exciting core group of players.… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Bollocks. Our high wages were the only way to keep our players in the long-term, and even then many were swayed by even more money to leave us. We had to make do with a low turnover of playing staff, while the Clubs above us could buy any new player to fit into their team at a whim. We were never going to do more than challenge occasionally for a trophy when the oil money had the top of the football tree sewn up between them. Wenger is on a long-term plan developed jointly between himself and the Club to… Read more »


On a side-note,are there any other fans as fickle as arsenal’s?Two months ago these fans were calling for Wenger’ head(myself included,I will admit),but after only six games(Six!) into the season,it’s again Arsene Knows!


@MoNK you have hit the nail on the head and I was one also but we must not just skip along and start firing contracts out just because we have had a good start to the season! Yes give Wenger the rest of the season before we hand out a new contract but I don’t believe a trophy is a must but as long as the team shows real improvement and we make the best attempt that we can at winning things then that for me would be impressive. Far too many people jumping the gun and that includes the… Read more »


Absolutely right. We finished last season 16 points behind the winners. If we can cut that by 10 points I will be content.

Humble Gooner

Not wise: letting contracts run out on your best employees is always foolish—we’ve done it too many times to be ignorant of that fact. Sign him up now, not for the last 6 games but because he’s the best manager we are going to get. People talk about Klopp as though there was any interest in him moving. No way; not for a while. You want the best you can get, knowing no one is perfect as an employee. That’s Wenger. No one in the PL has a manager with the weight of Wenger now, who can actually convince players… Read more »


Monk – I would say that the fans who wanted Wenger sacked where in a significant minority, but their agenda was all the media went on about so it felt like that at times. There was certainly a level of unrest through out the fanbase but it was disjointed, we didn’t know who to focus that at, who to blame. for my part I trusted in Wenger, as tough and as tempting as it was to be washed along with the media retoric and I’m glad I did. But I certainly understand those that did turn on him, those that… Read more »

Arsenal-induced Heart Attack Survivor



Only one man could have kept us in the top four on a shoe string budget. I’m sure it wasnt easy every year to sell your best players and maintain a positive net spend each year.
This man is a visionary, we wouldn’t have moved from Highbury if it wasn’t for him. Or at least would have suffered afterwards.
Its now time to reap the rewards. I don’t think there is anyone more capable And willing to see Arsenal flourish and succeed other than Arsene.

Humble Gooner

Nit-picky here: “sell your best players and maintain a positive net spend each year” is REALLY easy. That’s actually the easiest way to maintain a positive net spend. But I agree with the point entirely. I’ve my disagreements with the manager (who knows more than all of us together), but sign him up.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

The plan wasn’t to sell the best players. The plan was to hold onto them and develop them and perhaps win a trophy or two through team spirit. It was the players who chose to leave because 8 years is a long time in a 16 year career. They went because they wanted to go, and that was always where the biggest challenge to Arsenal’s plan to transition to the Emirates lay. Despite the players who left Wenger kept us in touch. The club know they have a gem and they will not sack him. They are hopefully working on… Read more »


ricin-infused-Stevia. lol. proves the terraces can take more than Lydia


And if we think it has been that bad since the Emirates move then, frankly, we are spoilt and don’t know we are born.

One of Arsene’s positive qualities is that he doesn’t listen to the bawling from the more entitled sections of our support, and just gets on with doing what he thinks is best for the team.


Let him go and get Klopp in, let this season be his swansong time for change to take us forward


You say that like Klopp would be certain to join us. Don’t get me wrong, after Wenger he would be my choice, but I’ve not seen or read anything that to me suggests he would want to come here.


Klopp is the ‘Wenger’ of Borussia Dortmund. Don’t think he will leave, not when he’s doing well at his club.


Klopp is a clown. Does anyone else watch his press conferences or read his interviews? Did you not see him behave disgracefully with the fourth official in the Dortmund-Napoli game?

He’s a joke – obsessed with creating a persona of eccentricity. He doesn’t have a tenth of Arsene’s class.

Black Hei

Yeah, piece of cake. Of course Klopp will sign. Let’s derail the season by making a move for him now.


I appreciate everyone can have an opinion on these discussion forums etc and therefore I say with all due respect, fuck off you twat. I heart Arsene Wenger.


Who do you think your talking too you fuckin prick, get your head out of wengers arse you muggy little cunt


Keyboard warrior ahoy!


I think he’s talking to you…


Here’s someone who needs not only to be banned from this board, but banned from the human race.




Lets just wait for the double header before pronouncing Klopp as the next Moses (not Victor)


If Wenger was a Brit, the English media/press would be dickriding him and singing his praise. They hate him for his guts and success. AW has done more for eng football than all these clown pundits/commentators. Up the Arsenal!


Sign him up, but please make sure he spends in January. If he doesn’t it will be used as a stick to beat him and AFC if we lose or fall away for lack of a sticker in January.

We gooners need to stay in the happy medium of hoping for the best but prepared if things go against us. We need this current optimism to remain and the fans to make the Emirates a fortress like vs Napoli.


I wonder which top, top, top quality striker wouldn’t be cup-tied by January??

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yep, this is a big part of why Wenger says January is not a good time to buy top players. If he gets a player in in January he will likely be second string (World classly speaking) or at best PL quality and from outside the very top teams. A young player who has not played in European Comps and who can be brought in to rest Giroud when needed, but not necessarily the mega-striker so many fans are hoping for. That will have to wait until next summer, I think. Of course, Bendtner may have proven himself and turned… Read more »


“ricin-infused-Stevia”? Bit harsh. More just plain porridge, with some occasional lumps.


Not one in a thousand, not one in a million. You are one in seven billion Monsieur Wenger. One Arsene Wenger. Sign dat ting.


So nobody wants his head now?? eh.

okay Arsene sign da ting den….


For the last couple of seasons i have been wanting a fresh start. I feel the standards slipped and complacency was rife. I wanted Arsene to step down and didn’t trust the hierarchy of the club to put football ahead of profit. But this season things are different. The signing of Ozil has been a great fillip for the club but only the icing on the cake for me. The whole team has stepped up to a new level physically, mentally and technically. Obviously Arsene has set them all programs designed to get them there. I’m now sure again he… Read more »


Humble Pie with Ice Cream isn’t half bad.


Fair play.


yeah man – fair play on your honesty 🙂

the club is clearly at your heart, not who plays for it or runs it

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

In other words, Arsene and Arsenal’s long term plan is running to schedule.


The last 3-4 years were part of this plan?


Breaking bad reference. Love it.


“ricin-infused-Stevia” – I am guessing that won’t be the last of Breaking Bad references we will be seeing here!


Our most important “player” imo, sign him up!

And then give Bacary a new contract to!


I want Arsene to stay as long as possible. (2023) He will leave us after winning 7 league titles in the next 10 years as well as 4 FA Cups, 3 League Cups, and 5 European Cups. This is Wenger’s side, and I am sure after waiting for so long and getting us through the tough period, he wants to enjoy many seasons of success with them. Journalists like Jeremy Wilson and Amy Lawrence have also noted that Wenger is more relaxed now and has the spring back in his step. When I first became an Arsenal fan, I was… Read more »


If Wenger is being Wenger, I bet he won’t sign until the end of the season and will leave if this season is a failure. But with the way things going right now, I think he’ll stay. *fingers crossed*


Not winning anything this season won’t necessarily be a failure for Arsene in my view. If we completely fall apart and just scrape into 4th again maybe (I can’t see that happening), but as long as we can remain genuine contenders for the league and really have a say in the matter come spring then that’s a massive step forward, even if, Dennis forbid, we eventually come up empty.

The only Olivier is Groud

OOONE ARSENE WENGER! I got off my face during the Napoli match, met another bloke who also comments on this here very forum (in fucking Stellenbosch, Cape Town, of all places!) and that got me all sentimental about all these personal jokes here. I ended up going to a pub next door to the one we watched the match in, got even more shithoused, and started telling everyone how awesome Rambling Pete, Sir Ball’s cuntishness and Blogs himself is. People thought I was schizo. I then started chanting “One Arsene Wenger!” when my mate finally dragged me home. Long live… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Normal Gooner night out then?


Arsene Wenger is a genius and a man of principles. Look at the finesse with which he deals with everything thrown at him, right from attention grabbing journalists to pathetic fellow managers and the so called pundits.

I believe Sagna will also extend his stay once Wenger’s contract is renewed. He is the USP that the club leverages on a lot.

Utmost admiration and respect for Monsieur Wenger.


No! No! No!

Surely the sensible thing for the Board to do is to wait until the end of the season. We’ve had a great start but everything could quickly turn to shit – especially if we got two or three key players injured.

Wenger has done nothing so far to justify a new contract – except please a few fickle fans.


yeah I hate fickle fans. Happy when they win, sad when they lose – Mugs! Much better to dig your heels in and be unwaveringly negative in the face of so much optimism, right?


Wrong! The best thing for the Board to do is to take a logical, dispassionate approach to Wenger and the manager’s post. As I’ve pointed out in earlier posts, there are a number of reasons why Wenger should NOT get an extension, most of all because he has won nothing for eight years. A three year, 8-million-pound contract is not one that should be offered lightly – the Board should be considering what Wenger has done over the last five years, not the last five weeks. If Wenger gets his new contract and then it all goes tits-up this season,… Read more »

Lifetime Gooner

Sorry, what makes the board more right for this club than Arsene himself? If we did need a change, and i emphasize the ‘if’, then it should be the board and not Arsene that should go.
Sorry, but where on earth would Arsenal be without this man? Serioulsy, we talk about various players being legends, but this is the onlt person who deserves that status.


jack jack jack

We’ve tried explaining this to you a million times Fats, but Wenger has done more than enough to justify a new contract and I hope he signs up and gets it out of the way as soon as possible.


Fat ass throwing his toys out of the pram.

Black Hei

Fats, even if you are right, the board still needs to offer the contract to the man. I don’t think Wenger will accept the offer, right away, unless he achieved something end of the season.
But the offer still has to be made; the players need to know that the board is behind the manager to reduce any form of uncertainty.
What we have this season is stability, don’t let something like this get in the way or that advantage will be lost.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Arsenal and the board are working together on a long term plan to put the Club at the top. Even though Silent Stan bought the controlling interest in the club this situation hasn’t changed. Arsene and the board have said that this year is part of the plan and that in two years we should be right up there seriously challenging for the title. Why would they want to break up a working team when the hardest 8 years of the plan have been successfully negotiated and the plan is starting to come to fruition? Fuck it Fatgooner, can’t you… Read more »

Monkey Nuts

Sorry but as blogs says the board are making the most of happy fans by trying to get him to sign now.

The board are clueless and would have no idea who to go for should Wenger leave so by him staying makes it so much easier for them.

Would you trust this board of clowns to pick a new manager?


You know – whatever Blog’s says isnt always the Gospel??



Especially as I didn’t write this story

Black Hei

BTW we do have more than 2-3 players injured.

Fatgooner is Wenger’s final frontier. The day he wins him over it means something special has happened.


And also the day Sh*t Balls has something good to say about our game!


I’d love to hear what the (reasonable) alternatives would be? I can only think of two, and even with these two I highly doubt they would do a better job. I think the least we can ask of people wanting Arsene out is to name their candidates to take over. Klopp – Visionary, Passionate, proven at a high level. Laudrup – Has over performed with limited budgets, but is he ready for top toppetiy top club? There is of course the lads in the current Ajax coaching staff (hint hint) as well. While I disagree with FG, there is an… Read more »


Experience with Arsenal’s youth set up is neither here nor there as it’s so far removed from management at the top of the game. It should be irrelevant for vetting a successor. I think going with a proven manager who has performed well at a big club and shown he can attract and utilize top talent is more important than whether he’s ever worked with Arsenal’s U18s. For an example of what I mean, working with David Moyes at Man. United didn’t get Ozil’s juices flowing, but Wenger convinced him to leave Real Madrid. We need a successor with that… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Actually, he’d spend his time better if he was superglued to Wenger and worked directly with him at all times. Even a Klopp or a Laudrup would be willing to spend a year as second-in-command knowing it was the precursor to the greatest job in football, wouldn’t they? After an initial training period of a year or so I’d personally be happy if Wenger took up a position as a Director of Football, for a couple of years, to oversee/support the new guy, but knowing his own views on DoF I don’t think he would do that. I just want… Read more »

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Can’t this nation figure out a way to give this guy a knighthood? Would be pretty fucking cool to refer to our manager as ‘Sir Arsene’.

Wenger McCloud

They gave one to Wogan, Geldof and other Irish guys.
So giving one to a Frenchie can’t be that hard.
I think the problem is that the French are banned from accepting titles.
Liberty – Egality- Fraternity and so on.

He has an MBE.

H.P Arsecraft

Two months ago I wanted change, I still do, but maybe Wenger himself is bringing the change by taking that Özil step. Spend big and reap the rewards….. He proved me wrong about Flamini, for me that was a backward step, and he proved me wrong about not being able to spend big and maybe he proves me wrong by changing and evolving with the football World. We did fail in bringing in a striker, cd and a keeper and we are only one injury away from TGSTEL leading the line and thats a big “what the fuck”. I say… Read more »

H.P Arsecraft

By keeper I mean someone to challenge Szsc, not a third choice.

Black Hei

I think our keeper signing isn’t bad. You think any proven keeper wants to come in and play “competition” for Szsc?

Ak 47

I understand why some fans are asking the board to wait until the end of the season to decide whether to give Wenger the contract extension. However, this is a risky business as Wenger as the longer it drags, offers from PSG, Madrid will come in to tempt Wenger. We know that Wenger loves Arsenal, but he himself has his own principles and he would have felt he let down on us if we do not win anything. Lets be honest, if we were to challenge the title and end up second in the league and go up to the… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Wenger is still mid-plan on Arsenal’s development. He won’t voluntarily leave within the next two or three seasons unless it’s for health reasons. For the same reason the board won’t sack him. They are in this thing together. Arsene goes when the job is done and he says it’s time. Hopefully he will choose and train his own successor (but do a proper job of it unlike Fergie).

A. Wenger

I must win over fat gooner before I make any decision on my future.

Arsenal-induced Heart Attack Survivor

You look different in matches/press conferences.

Dr Baptiste

It’s the sunglasses


he is too fat. you will never be able to hug him arsene 😉


The only problem for me was that we were not competing in these last 2-3 years. It appears that has changed now. He doesn’t have to win anything. As long as we’re up there, doing our best, I’m a happy guy. Cheers


No trophies until 2017 then , terrible news


Stop mixing him up with Moyes, you nut.

Silverstre for the Ballon d'OR



Am I the only one hearing goodbye bells in AW’s statement? Come on : “as long as I am here I’ll do the best for this club as I love this club, of course” “I turned many offers down because I rate what I have got here. I always thought this club was special and it is important to know what you want. I rated the qualities this club has shown” ““I am very grateful to this club because during my 17 years here we have had ups and downs, but they have always shown faith in me” It is… Read more »


If that was true, PSG would have fifteen or sixteen managers right now.


Picture this scenario:

Ozil signs for Arsenal, only to see their legendary manager change after 1 season.
The team’s confidence crumbles as they adjust to a less capable manager with no record of winning major trophies. Suddenly he’s stuck in a mid-table team which has almost overnight become a media laughing stock as they look uncertain to even qualify for next year’s champion’s league.

What a nightmare that would be. I think the little boy inside me would be crying himself to sleep if such a thing was to happen to me.


So lo g as Arsene and the board are determined to keep pushing the team forward – like with Ozil – then I am more than happy for him to continue. I like the man, I like the football he wants us to play and I think he deserves the opportunity to use the new financial strength he sacrificed so much for to help us acquire


8 million is a lot of money but if he gets us trophies than it is worth it


Of which not a single dime is yours.


“nor for the most part does anyone think it’s his salary which keeps him at the club.” Really ? Are you serious ? Wenger earns double what Pelligrini earns at City. I’m not complaining about that. But do you really think salary has no impact ? If he went to Real or Barca or even Bayern, he would not be allowed to go more than two seasons without winning anything before being shown the door. Three years on £8 million per annum is worth more than 2 years on £10 million or £12 million (although the tax take abroad might… Read more »


well at madrid even when you win a trophy they sack you. so yes him been sack after 2 season is very big chance at bayern he would get some of the best youngster in europe world class player by the dozen.i can t imagine what he would do with that.pretty much destroy anyone he could have leave anytime in the last 13 years easily .pretty much every big club in europe try to get him. but he refuse .people sound like if wenger left while the 8 years without trophy we would have been more successful,but if you look… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He’s been set for life for years now. The amount of money offered should make little difference. He is here because he wants to be at the Club, making it great. He is legacy building and you don’t drop that before it’s done. No doubt the board will offer him more for the next deal, but does anybody really think Arsenal is now money-motivated? He’d have snatched the two years at Barcelona and jumped on the Benitez/Mourinho job-swapping roundabout if money was an influencing factor for him now.


He’s not won anything, eh? 1.He got you a fucking stadium! 2. If he leaves tomorow, the financial state and hence the future of the club is safe. 3. If he leaves tomorow, you’ve still got two sets of midfield trios – each of which is the best in England. And you’ll still be playing the best football in England. And finally, if he were that interested in cash, he’d have jumped ship at first offereing from one of the big clubs over the years! Seriously, are you people aware that you sound as if you’ve got some mental shutdown… Read more »


Gooood… Gooooooooooood… The rise cannot not be stopped now… Mwahahahahaaaaaaa!


Bolox, messed that up, now I’m truly a tw…

A N Other

I am not sure why people keep going about the money he is going to get.. 8m is only 150k per week for a man that has given us 17 years of great service.. It’s true that we haven’t won any trophy in that 8 years but in return we have a nice new stadium and loads of money to invest in players going forward… It had basically secured us financially forever…Wenger has done all that and more..

150K per week is not a lot nowadays – you can get 2 ashravins or 3 chamakhs..I rather have Wenger.

Dr Baptiste

Also, it’s 8m before tax. That makes it £4.4m home which equates to about £84,000 per week

When you compare it to someone like Rooney who’s wage is, reportedly, £10.5m per year making it £5.5m take home or £106,000 per week, it looks like a bargain. Especially when he’s revolutionised the club from top to bottom and been there for 17 years.


I first heard about Wenger when I read one of our national (India) team player said his biggest dream is to play for ‘Arsene Wenger’. That player was one of the best my country has ever produced. It passed me like any other sports news. Nothing of importance that time. After a couple of years, I happened to watch that spectacular match between us and middlesbrough. That was my first ever Arsenal match and certainly i didn’t know anything about arsenal that time. I didn’t know they were unbeaten the season before. I didn’t know it was Arsene Wenger’s team!… Read more »



Thank you, for a great post.


That post should win an award. Well done, mate!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Stick with us when he goes, Jijo. The real reason that he has been so successful with us is that his way of doing things meshes so well with what the Club have always stood for. Since the days of Herbert Chapman in the 1920s Arsenal have always looked at being innovative in all things. In the 1930s we were the most famous Club in the world. We have had some great managers since Chapman, but Arsene has become the best because he was made for a Club like ours. When he finally leaves, or moves upstairs, the Club will… Read more »


Why not? He will be 66-67, still some gas left in the tank as they say. Plus Jack will be only 25 and just coming into peak age. Ramsey 26. Gnabry, Chamberlain, Zelalem, Szsc. Between now and then he can pack in a couple of titles, it would be great for his legacy. Plus he will likely have a massive say as to who will succeed him. Someone likely to share similar ethos, Laudrup’s continued development will be keenly watched. There is also Blanc, Deschamp, Klopp. Exciting times at Arsenal. I’ve always enjoyed us because we develop our own courtesy… Read more »


…and I don’t even like the man!:D

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