Saturday, July 27, 2024

Szczesny takes heart from topping table

Wojciech Szczesny admits he was disappointed to leave the Hawthorns with a solitary point yesterday but is happy that Arsenal again straddle the top of the table heading into the international break.

The Gunners 1-1 draw against West Bromwich Albion ended the club’s 12-game winning streak away from home and six-game run of consecutive Premier League victories, but despite the setback the Polish keeper is confident he and his teammates can rebuild their momentum when Norwich visit the Emirates on 19 October.

“It’s time for us to start a new run,” Szczesny told Arsenal Player.

“Hopefully we can win the next game and the few more after that, and create the momentum again. We’re still top of the league so the momentum is still with us. We won’t lose our confidence.

“We said to ourselves before the game that we want to go into the break top of the league. Obviously we would have preferred to have done it with a win but we got a point which was enough to keep us on top.”

“I suppose when we come down a little bit we’ll be happy with that point, I was disappointed after the game because we felt confident, we had the momentum. It was a tough game so we’ll probably take it. But I’m still disappointed.”

You suspect part of Szczesny’s frustration stems from the fact he put in another decent shift without sealing a clean sheet.

As @Orbinho tweeted this morning, for all the praise earned by the defence so far, the solitary clean sheet kept after seven games is our joint-worst shut out record of the Premier League era. Indeed, as things stand ten teams all the way down to Stoke in 16th position have conceded either the same (eight goals) or fewer since the start of the season.

While the Premier League is a very different beast to that in which the famous back four/five operated in back in 1992 it’s fair to say that we’re going to have to tighten up the defence a bit if we’re going to seriously challenge for the title. It’s food for thought as the interlull kicks in and reason enough to stay grounded despite swelling expectations.

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And top the table till the season ends.


the blogger knows all about sucking cock, he regulary sucks the penis of arsene wenger and fists his asshole

the blogger loves to swallow hot cum and lick the shit off a hairy asshole


Cheer up. Just ’cause your mom told you the person you used to address ‘Dad’ is actually your brother doesn’t mean you can take it out on Blogs.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Poor lonely bastard’s suffering from unrequited love. Must have heard Blogs is married and can’t forgive him for it.


I’m just happy that I didn’t have brown pants by the end of our matches. I’m happy with the improvement & long this may continue.

I’m with AW on this one, get another good finisher, we can still win 2-1 rather than 1-0. Please note, I’m not saying win 4-3 or 4-4. It’s not really AW’s way to win 1-0, so not expecting much more improvement definsively from our team, except for individual improvement like that of Gibbs, Jenkinson & Szczesny.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Brown pants? I almost got brown pants when that shot by Berahino hit Flamini in the arse and wrong-footed Szczesny while seemingly accelerating straight into the bottom-left corner!

Top, top, top save by Szczesny. Next May it will surely be included in the ‘Top 10 Goalkeeper Saves’ of the 2013-2014 season.


I’m not a big fan of winning 4-4 either

Aaron Ramsey



It’d be interesting to see a list of players in the PL sorted by the amount of minutes played.

Paul S

NBC Sports have those stats team by team on their website: It would take about ten minutes to load each team into a spreadsheet one by one, then sort. Only one Arsenal player has played every minute (no prizes for guessing who). Every other team except Sunderland (also their GK) have more than one ever-present. Three teams are joint top for the most ever-present players – 5 in each having played every minute: Everton, Stoke, Tottenham and West Brom. There are no strikers/forwards who have played every minute. Sturridge has been worked the most, two minutes short of the… Read more »

Paul S

I see they’ve counted Michu as a midfielder. If you count him as a forward he’s the only one to play every minute of the season, which pushes Giroud down to third.

Si in Galway

workmanlike reporting. upvote this man!


One thing is for sure here Szczesny likes 3 fucking points!!

Ivan Drago

How many clean sheets has he got for Arsenal?


If you think its only the keeper who gets clean sheets for the team you clearly need to read more technical blogs this season and start commenting sometime next year. Right now you deserve to be in the reserves.


You took the comment as a dig as opposed to a genuine question. Breathe.


Well this season 4 in all competitions i think


I believed at the time and still do that during the window we needed to buy a decent, experienced RB to cover for Sagna like we do for Gibbs in Monreal at LB. I love Jenks workrate and desire but he really could have benefited from a season on out loan to a Hull, Norwich, Villa type team. He’s definitely got it in him to succeed but stepping up from non league and league 1 is a bit of a task right away for the lad and he looks abit out of his depth postinatially wise and also on his… Read more »


13 thumbs down… that does’nt feel right man.. jenkins really could benefit from 1st team action on loan.. n not just for one season, a couple of seasons specially if Arsenal can get Sagna tied down.. get in a exp under-study who battles for 1st choice.. I dont know about u guys but when he plays i just get jittery when teams attack that side.. I love Arsene’s philosophy.. I have always backed him.. but dont think jenkinson is there yet


P.S COYG needs to be banned

Silverstre for the Ballon d'OR

In that case, “P.S” should be banned too.


need to start another run??
bloody the hell this group is brimming with optimism…so happy to see that…


need to start another run??
bloody hell this group is brimming with optimism…so happy to see that…


Well, to start a run, one has to stop a run.

Or something.





If the EPL gets more challenging each year, and Arsenal still consistently ends up in top 4, it only means one thing.

Spurs are shit


Inaccurate. The last statement in itself is an axiom. It doesnt need any if conditions to become true.

Sarson Vinegar's frightening sarnie


Anyone else getting fucked off with the americanisation of the prem? Especially sky with their fucking ridiculous line-up infographics where players look at their feet then directly into the camera!? What the fuck is that? You know the last people to use that cheesey bollocks? Gladiators. In the fucking 1990’s.

Piss of sky. You game ruining shower of cunts.

Zorro in the box

Oops, didn’t mean to thumb-down.

Although it broadens the appeal to an international fanbase.


Remember how Stan kroenke said that England is a bit behind the US in terms of ‘commericalizing’ their sports leagues? this is what he was talking about. soon it’ll be the ‘taco bell’ half-time show, and the ‘nandos’ pre-match programme, and the ‘insert whatever soulless corporation you’d like’ man of the match award.


pretty sure he mean the levels of expenditure compared to income, i.e. players wages being a large % of turnover is impossible in America but very likely in Europe .

Si in Galway

choose some fast food i don’t like and i’ll agree that this is a bad thing.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

The awards are already sponsored. They are the Barclays Player of the Month and the Barclays Manager of the Month awards.

Sarson Vinegar's frightening sarnie

Jesus I’m a grumpy bastard.

Sorry arseblog news, keep up the sterling work!


Better than Spuds though, who doesn’t manage to score. And concede over half of their goals against West Ham without a striker…


Dunno about needing to improve at the back to be taken seriously. ManU won the league easily last year and they were crap at the back. The key for me is how well the team mesh when everyone is available, or at least not missing ALL of its wide players.


Awesome week, Arsenal top of the table and spurs raped by striker-less west ham 😛

Yankee Gooner

This American commercialization IS shit! What’s next, ads on the fucking kits?!?!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Oh, maybe the Budweiser FA Cup?

You know, Anheuser-Busch, the Company that sponsors the FA Cup through it’s Budweiser (but it’s not made in Budweis at all) product (I’m not calling it beer because it has rice in it). That’s the same Anheuser-Busch that are sponsoring the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup of Death (The one the migrant workers are dying in droves to build cities in the desert for).


And we ought to consider it for writing “postinatially wise” or for depositing an ‘x’ at the end of your post.

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