Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger hails ‘important’ Flamini

Arsene Wenger has praised Mathieu Flamini for what he’s brought to the side since his arrival on a free this summer.

The former AC Milan man had offers from a number of clubs but delayed making a decision to prove to Wenger he was worth another chance at Arsenal, and the manager’s faith in him has been rewarded with a series of outstanding defensive performances.

Not only that, after 5 years in Italy, he’s mastered the dark arts, the sneaky foul, the not so sneaky foul, growing in a role as midfield destructor.

“Mathieu Flamini has given us a balance between attacking and defending,” said Wenger. “He is someone who accepts the ‘dark’ role in the team.

“Before, in big games, we looked frail defensively sometimes and he gives us more in that sense. I don’t know if he will turn out to be one of the most important signings I have ever made. But I think it was ‘an’ important signing.”

Flamini himself told the Observer he viewed Roy Keane as an idol and that his ‘bossy’ nature on the pitch stems from a desire to both win games and help his teammates.

“Defensive work is maybe a bit more difficult to see than when you score or make an assist,” he said. “But it’s very important as part of the balance of the team. I am a defensive midfielder, trying to find the best balance in the team between the defence and attack.

Winning games is a quality of effort. It’s teamwork.  It is inside of me. I am not trying to be bossy, just to be myself, and of course to help my partners on the pitch.

“When you start helping each other, fighting for each other, this helps you to win games.”


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COYG.. Another 3 points.. Rözilsey to do damage today!!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I admit that I shall be nervous until we win or are more than four goals ahead. I know in my head from our play and our results that we are a greatly improved team, and that Flamini gives us some bite we haven’t had for years, but knowing it doesn’t stop the heart from fluttering with fear that maybe all this good form is a blip rather than the real thing. I can’t help it. Arsenal have trained me to be nervous in games, and I am struggling to shake it. Please, please can we just be 5-0 up… Read more »


It’s all about having faith in your team 🙂


keep away from the coffee…..


I absolutely love how he claps his hands and gets the team going every single game he has played.
“C’mon guys, make the boss proud now!”


I like that cheerleader attitude, it is something which we have been lacking for a very long time. Most of our players used to behave as if they didn’t care about what happened to the team, when I look back, I believe the departure of players like Nasri, Song, Adebayor and Gallas were a big plus in the long term

Good Omens

Shakes pom poms, high kicks, ra ra ra ? Don’t see him as a cheerleader myself, now Sergeant Major, yes that’s more fitting.


I must confess I have a little man crush on Flamini.
He’s doesn’t have a Giroudesque face but he will fucking blind you if you touch Jack! And that is why I want to hug him.

sofela fatai

Flamini always the man in arsenal fc did a great job and always cool having in a team thou you don’t see him in a match but what you dnt know about him was that he displaced ball from the other teams

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I get the impression that he has been keeping an eye on Arsenal while he was in Italy. He knew what he brought to the team in his last year with us, and he knew that five years down the track we still lacked that little something. It’s no coincidence he came back to us to train. I think he saw that a player like him was what we needed, and who better than him to do it? When he was here last time he maybe felt that he wasn’t appreciated. There’s no chance of that happening this time. He… Read more »


There was that match we played against Man U in the champions League and we had just conceded a goal. Flamini and Beckham (at Milan then) were together in the stands. While Beckham looked happy after their goal, Flamini looked distraught like he wished he was out there playing and wished he hadn’t left. So when he says he has ‘unfinished business’ I believe him.

Adam, Watford

Wenger :- “He is someone who accepts the ‘dark’ role in the team, [ because there are cookies ] ”

Darth Flamini ?????



Glad to have Flamini Back. He’s the protector our defense has needed for the last few seasons and he will be the enforcer for anyone who wants to mess with our Creative men further up the pitch, particularly Wilshere who seems to get hit every second dribble attempt.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

If anybody gives Wilshire or the team any trouble he’s always right in there. Wilshire doesn’t need Flamini’s protection, but heck, what a Double Team they’d make if trouble starts.

Double Canister

Nobody is going to kick the shit out of Jack anymore.

That is nobody who wants to live.

Adam, Watford

That’s all too easy to say at 10:24am before we played West Brom and Lee Mason !!!!!



This says it all:

Eboue's tears

Best. Gif. Ever.


I also remember two instances where an impostor by the name of John Terry tried a head tackle…

In the first instance he fails to make contact with the ball; in the second (more famous) instance he performed a clear foul on Abou Diaby’s boot. What a cunt


Cheers for that mate.Top,top,top quality Gif!


Lets here a blast of this at the emirates today he’s French he’s free he,LL break your fuckin knee flamini flamini


We’re playing away!


Flamini, the former Arsenal star, has become an important player to his new/old employers. He will be instrumental in the push for the title. Thank you for proving me wrong, now go tackle the hell out of the Westbrom.

Double Canister

So he’s a

the I is for Important.


I still can’t work out how Flamini didn’t absolutely boss Serie A. What happened over there? This is a country where Gattuso is considered a midfield hard man and he’s a proper pussy. How was Flamini not owning that slow paced, minimal contact league? If he’s a big physical presence in England, he would have seemed like a scary, lunatic, Chuck Norrisesque mentalist over there. Not that I’m complaining, great to have him back.

Mark The Spark

Gotta be working his way towards being the first name on the team sheet now. Coming on against spuds, he had them all in his pocket after 5 mins. I knew then how much he’d buttoned up the rashness to his play when he was here before. Not that I wanted him to go then, having been a deputy at LB for half a season you could see his versatility.
For every DB10 in a team, there has to be a Flamster too.

Dial square

Would be great to get another three points today and keep our brilliant run going, also if Benzema follows Ozil to the Asenal in January, could be the final piece in our jigsaw.

Edu's fake passport

No thanks on that one.

On that front, Wenger really should have pushed for Loic Remy for the years loan/permanent deal. Would be a top quality backup for Giroud.


Flamini is better this time around because he developed his tactical awareness immensley. Its all well when you are skilled on the ball, have great pace or great tackler. But without tactical awareness your team is vunerable because of your positioning. If watch Flamini in any of the matches he played so far, you will see him constantly looking behind him and adjusting his position when the forwards have the ball in the opposition half. Never over commits in search of a goal.


Why did it take 5 years for Wenger to realize the value of a Flamini type player?

Anyone who ever cried out for a classic “Vieira-type midfielder” over the last 5 years was right basically. Lovely. Already want him to sign an extension.


Because he’s the hero Arsenal deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they’ll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Flamini.

Dutch Skunk

Hail the Arsenal Guard Dog !!! He makes Roy Keane looks like a pussy.

Arsenal-induced Heart Attack Survivor

Ihave unnecessary nerves before today’s game.


Me too.

But think about it this way: We are likely to remain top of the table, even if we draw today.
Then, next match, a certain Santiago is back.

But we won’t draw, we’ll win it convincingly. 🙂

Dunmorul Gooner

Besides Özil the next player I want to see in the starting eleven when we’re looking to absolutely win a game is Flamini. The dude is a defensive beast and pretty much captains our team even without wearing the armband.


Bang on Dunmorul, fucking love Flamini. He is to our defense what Ozil is to our offense.

Looking for Mr. Wright

I loved him. Then hated him. I love him again. The circle is complete.


£0 buy of the season!

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