Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cardiff 0-3 Arsenal: player ratings

The lead at the top of the table is extended with a 3-0 win over Cardiff. How did the players rate in our eyes?

Like this.

Wojciech Szczesny: 9/10 – That save was top class, kept us ahead and it’s not the first time he’s done it this season.

Bacary Sagna: 8/10 – Solid once again, made some great interceptions, read the game well.

Per Mertesacker: 8/10 – Puuurrrrrrrrr, Mertesacker.

Laurent Koscielny: 8/10 – Great again, stuck to Odemwingie like chewing gum to hair when he came on.

Kieran Gibbs: 7/10 – Another good one, booked early though which meant he had to stand off a bit at times.

Mikel Arteta: 8/10 – Tackles, interceptions, elbowed in the ribs, he was everywhere (check the stats). Mr Consistent in a very consistent team.

Jack Wilshere: 7/10 – Quieter today than in previous games but almost got another ridiculously early goal with a shot that cannoned back off the bar.

Aaron Ramsey: 9/10 – Two more goals, worked his arse off, and won the applause of the home fans who were quite happy to abuse every other Arsenal player. That header, oof, so difficult. You try it.

Santi Cazorla: 6/10 – Tried hard, but things just aren’t coming off for him right now.

Mesut Ozil: 8/10 – Was also a bit quiet but gets extra points for two wonderful assists. The cross to Ramsey and the slipped ball for Flamini to smash home.

Olivier Giroud: 6/10 – Not his day, had that bizarre moment in the first half when he stopped. He obviously knew he was offside and was expecting the flag but play the whistle big man!


Theo Walcott: 7/10 – Not on long but got an assist for Ramsey and Ramsey almost returned the favour in injury time.

Nacho Monreal: 7/10 – Another good cameo from the versatile Spaniard.

Mathieu Flamini: 7/10 – Walloped home his goal with great verve. Rolled his sleeves up and smashed it in.

Feel free to debate and discuss in the comments, but please read the comment policy first and don’t get angry with each other, or me, about imaginary points.


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Fantastic game. Regardless of how the season ends up, we’re living a high right now… and it’s fucking awesome.


Exactly how I feel. Love to know who thumbed this down. Maybe RVP…?


RvP has no class – look as his goal reaction against us compared to Aaron Ramsey’s – says it all.


to be fair, we as the fans baited him enough for it. last season he was the pantomime villain but didn’t realise it. this season, he’s playing widow twankey to perfection…

Gunneracross the atlantic

I know who those 3 people are.. RvP, Nasri and adebayor.. 😛


Yes its RVP,Michael owen and shawcross


Love the feeling after a solid away win


dat feel
*sweet jesus*


Wenger was wise to keep Walcott largely on the bench, what with there being a Theophile on the pitch and all.


A God-lover?




What a luxury it is to have a class player like Nacho on the bench, he always does really well when he comes on.


Agreed. We probably have the most quality competition for the central playmaker position, but the depth at LB is a close second.


Nacho certainly did a deliciously good job out there.


Definitely one of the success stories of the last year or two. The lack of trophies- while not necessarily the be all and end all for fans- stops players like him hanging around, which in itself has a big part to play in the lack of trophies.. Oh the irony.


And Jenkinson cannot even get on the bench right now, and in 3 weeks or so aha! Another problem.


Nicklas Bendtner : 7/10 didn’t get arrested yet today.


Well, the night is still young.


there’s still time


Its amazing how Cazorla our best player last season is not playing well and we are still comfortably top of the league. I hope Arsene uses his subs a little earlier next time


Last year he was our central attacking outlet, less so this year – perhaps that has contributed to a slight dip in form? Some players really revel in seeing lots of the ball and being relied on. His contributions have perhaps been less consistent because we really on him less consistently?

Either that or it’s a slight dip in form, or both. Either way I’m sure he’ll play an essential role again sooner or later.

jack jack jack

He played on the left a fair bit last season as well and did brilliantly, although it’s certain that his best performances came form the middle. Either way I think he’s just taking some time to find form again. He’ll get there.

Adam Richards

Cazorla played every game last season and he almost deserves to have a slight dip in form.

But………that said; anyone else scored a goal this season by setting themselves up off of the post? Up the Santi!


It’s not true that his best performances came from the middle. He spent half of the season on the left wing and had better numbers from there. Surprised me that from the day he came all Arsenal fans were saying that he’s best position is number 10 role when in fact he had been playing on the right wing for Malaga before he came here. He doesn’t make runs in behind the defence and doesn’t open plays for others like a “10”. His best position (and best contribution) is from the wings. So the place on the pitch is no… Read more »


He just didnt have a proper preseason. Then got injured on Intl duty. Its just been a very stop-start thing for him. Needs game time to get sharpness back.


And off the ball, he really does put in a shift. He’s deft at nipping the ball off of people and does it surprisingly often.

Clock End Mike

Don’t forget his magnificant goal against Liverpool, though. I loved that one…


Also, this is Santi’s first month since his return from injury. He will take time to adjust to this team which is playing vastly differently to how we played last season!


Nicklas Bendtner : 7/10 quiet day today, but best performance since he smashed one in against The Pool.


Arteta was IMMENSE.

raron aamsey

When are people going to realise that Ozil isn’t Fabregas? He doesn’t dominate games, it’s not his style and it’s not meant to be. He actively thrives (and makes it easier for the rest of the team) by operating on the periphery of games.

He got two assists and played brilliantly, saying he was ‘a bit quiet’ is kind of a stupid thing to say. No offence.


Very true, the point of his game is to be almost invisible, then BAM! He cuts you apart!

pensive gooner

fabregas the warrior and ozil the assassin?


i am stealing that line but i will fit ramsey’s name in the stead of fabregas


Agree, doesn´t actually matter if plays brilliantly or not, class is permanent !

Wenger´s post-match interview with Sky: He has that in him, at any moment he can kill you with a pass.


A complete performance. Well done lads. Another happy wkend


Ramsey and Szczesny being fcking awesome tonight.

Flamini's battered sleeves

Ozil’s assist for Flamini’s goal is even better in slow motion. Smash it in… and flamini does just that. Similar stuff with the Ramsey assist. you can only score with those.


Here’s hoping for a 0-0 at WHL, some more “I didn’t like my team today” from Mourinho and a home win for hull tomorrow.


I’m wishing for a bloody head butting 4-4 at the shite lane, sir. Your other predictions are well in.


a 10 all draw so that they are both knackered or a 1 goal win for the potatoes. both qualify for Europa League. that ensures that their season is ruined


2 out of 3 aint bad


Here’s hoping for a 0-0 at WHL, some more “I didn’t like my team today” from Mourinho and a home win for hull tomorrow.


2 out of 3 aint bad.


Was very nervous heading in to today’s game but yet again another amazing performance & another clean sheet. We can do nothing wrong at the minute, what impresses me the most is the togetherness in the squad. Enjoy your weekend folks I’m away to the pub with a big smile COYG

H. P. Arsecraft

Ramsey is fucking excellent. Best in the league along with Szcs and Mert.


I’d say there are a few other who would compete for that title, namely Özil, Gibbs, Kos, Sagna, Giroud, Arteta and Flamini

Michael Preston

Watch the angle of Ozil’s passes. They are rarely what you – or the opposition – expect, and they keep us moving forward. Understated class.


Allow me to disagree. I think they are exactly what is expected–what makes him so deadly is that he has the vision to see those balls and, what’s more, the ability to weight them perfectly.

When watching games I generally see 8-10 of these moments where a pass with the right angle and weight will open up the defense, and what’s amazing to me is how often Ozil manages to execute these (more often than any other player currently in our squad.)


what’s amazing is that we see these passes from our macro view, he’s sees them from within the whirlwind of the game…


The timing of many of his passes is also interesting. He will often make a pass on his half-step (or during some other “awkward” timing of his feet) when it’s not expected. This often occurs when the defender’s weight is on the wrong foot, or in mid-stride. In addition to his profound awareness, he seems ready to release the ball at any moment… whenever the development of the movement warrants and often at the oddest moment for the defense. His “odd timing” is not obvious and he makes it look so effortless. His languid style makes it look like he… Read more »


Going to be extremely interesting to see how the other teams respond to arsenals extended lead at the top


Wish Flamini had ripped off his sleeves in his celebration…


Top of the league by a handful of points. Second in league in goals for, second in league in goals against.

A good run against Hull, Everton, Man Shitty, and the Chavs and we’ll be very well positioned for the second half of the season.


£42m… for what we’re getting!!

Adam Richards

Especially when you compare the spending of Chump FC, TOPshite FC and Moist FC this summer. He was a bargain and a great tactical steal.


“3:0 away. what a game. I love this team and this Club” – Mesut on twitter

Bombay Gunner

Ozil makes me feel warm and fuzzy!


Ramsey’s so good, he even scores when he doesn’t want!


Well played. Chuckled hard at this. Also, Rambo doing the Ayatollah in response Cardiff fans’ applause? Class from both sides.

Petit's Handbag
False Advertisement on the premier league page…this has nothing to do with Ozil

palace gunner

Well done gunners impressive win, nice goals rambo & who of course flamini well played


Anyone doubting Özil need only watch Culann Davies youtube vid. He’s the sort of player that makes not only defences, but entire teams shit their pants when he has the ball. 2 assists today, and even the commentator was saying he has “a bit of a quiet game” A lot about his game is understated because he makes it look so easy, some of the early plays from Arteta today where Özil took the ball with a Cardiff player pressing him, quick turn and then finding an outlet forward was truly world class. The thing that really gets me excited… Read more »

Edu's fake passport

He was not called into action enough to be MOM but what he did do was excellent.

Has to be Ramsey, his goals won us the game even though Koscielny was outstanding today.

Adam Richards

To be fair Mom did very little during the match either. She wouldn’t even tidy my room!


Forgot to mention. Watch Giroud drag the defence apart for Ramseys first.


Yep, completely missed that live, but it was the first thing I thought of when seeing the highlights.

Trevor Peoples

So much fun to watch at the moment.
I have been waiting 8 years for a buzz like this.sign another striker in January and keep the momentum going


I do’nt know if other Gunners did notice the dislike VanPussy had for Aaron…but I’am glad the lad(Aaron) is pounding hard. I love the team spirit now…COYG!


van who?


as in fuck that guy

traitorous cunt


Lets just forget all about him. As far as we the fans, the players and the manager are concerned. Robin Van Persie was always at Man U right from the start. We don’t miss him and so we shall certainly not mention him.


guess who has more goals at the moment….


Guess who’s the striker and who’s the midfielder?

VeryXerioz dude

Was unable to watch the match or follow the online streaming but once i made a call and heard we were 0-2 ahead of CARDIFFicult i knew we certainly were winning sum cup(s) this season……. C’mon u reds

A N Other

I was at Southampton game when Arteta was not having a good game. Our fans were getting on his back.

I was getting frustrated with the fans as it was his maybe the only ‘bad’ game since he has started playing for Arsenal.

I am so glad he has redeemed himself but not that he needed to.


Curse the day that they removed Victoria Concordia Crescit from the badge…


I have an old badge that I transfer from one Primark shirt to the next. People DO notice.

Si in Galway

No offense blogs, but are you really trying with the subs ratings? Flamini gets a 7 for manfully doing his job AND scoring, Walcott gets a few minutes and an assist… 7, Nacho does nothing wrong, 7. Either be usefully critical, or don’t bother rating them.
Still love ya.


Another great team performance, another 3 points in the bag and yet another player on the score sheet this season with that Flamini smasher. We must have the greatest number of players on the score sheet in the league. I’m sure you knowledgeable lot will be able to confirm/deny this. What a season, literally goals from all over the pitch. COYG.


14 different goal scorers in all competitions so far this season. Arsenal = TEAM. COYG.


Great stuff as usual, but it’s always amusing when people pinpoint him as having “quiet game”. From watching him at RM, that’s Mesut Ozil in a nutshell. Despite what the highlight videos look like, he’s a very understated player. It’s partly because he makes even the most difficult things look mindnumbingly simple and graceful (as he did today, just ekeing the ball past Cardiff players through the lines so many times yet finishing with 94% accuracy) but also because he’s probably the best off the ball player in the world, and spends so much tim dragging opposition players away and… Read more »


Can’t argue with those ratings. Thought ozil was understated – superb. His touch turns bad passes into good ones. His assists were decisive.
What is wrong with santi at the moment? It’s almost like he’s trying too hard?

Brian Eno

Ozil leads the epl assists chart with 6. 🙂


And Ramsey leads Van pussy in goals scored….


Another superb display from the boys. Next three weeks are going to be huge though: Hull, Everton, Napoli, Man City and Chelsea. Hope everyone stays healthy, but Wenger must give some of the lads a rest against Hull on Wednesday. I’d go for: Szczesny – Sagna – Per – Vermaelen – Monreal – Flamini – Arteta – Gnabry – Rosicky – Cazorla – Walcott and have Ramsey and Ozil sitting on the bench scaring the shit out of Hull.


Definitely need to rotate, but always dangerous to rest players when they’re playing as well as Ramsey. Agree with the rest though, looking forward to seeing Gnabry involved more when the games start coming thick and fast


One question.

What is wrong with Ramsey?


One answer: nothing.

Because there is only One Aaron Ramsey.


Who would’ve thought Flamini had a goal up his sleeve.


i thought he’d come up SHORT! but congrats to him..


The way Flamini celebrated after scoring the goal, he sure does wear his heart on his sleeve.


I’m a sometime goalkeeper. I played last night and kept my first clean sheet in over a year. SZCZ is an inspiration right now- the save from the header in the bottom right (at 0-1) was unbelievable and utterly vital. Love this guy. And this team! Wow.


In this game (and like most other games this team played so far) Giroud become the sacrificial lamb. Just watch the sort of crowd of defenders he have to deal with…and with those he created spaces for our attack minded midfield to hit it right and getting goals. He was constantly mugged in the opponent half, gets fouled and ref ignored 70% of them. Much in the same fate for Rosicky too, doing the same sort of magic to redirect the defenders.

I love our HFB, I love our Lil Mozart – I LOVE the whole team!


Zaharaddeen Getso

Really enjoying being a gunner


Sleeve it.

Mate Kiddleton

Cazorla not at his best and no Theo or Podolski either for the majority of the season. These guys practically got all our assists and goals last season and we’re winning without them. We are gonna have some serious firepower when they come back/return to form. Lack of depth? Pfffft!


The way the understanding has been built between players has been key to our success.

We have brought in two intelligent players who are able to fit in right away and understand our game. But the platform has been carved from the bitter dissapointments of the last 2-3 seasons.

The telapathy we have nurtured is not easily replicated by just going out to market and spending 100m on 6-7 mediocre/goodish players alone ( unless of course you think the way the media do)

Well said.


I cannot wait for Podolski to return with his left foot jackhammer!

Thin Gooner

Chesney is the One and Only


Andrew is very right to make a point of espnsuckernet on the value of the keeper this season.

Seems to be something that has too conveniently escaped the attention of the general rabble of commentators.

Maybe there need be a bit of illumination as to how Ozil has improved our game. 6 assists this season is not shoddy considering …he leads the league.


Sorry, great gag, but the fact I got it (and so still remember that bollocks), means a down-vote.


And on top of that, this straight off of Ozil’s twitter..

3:0 away. what a game. I love this team and this Club. #premierleague #arsenalfc.

Most seasons I can pretty solidly name my favourite player- this year it changes weekly.. So refreshing to have an entire squad (TGSTEL aside..) that actually give a s**t about the club!


Santi is a bit off pace.

But the great thing this season is whenever one dips, there are at least two to step in and take over.

Expect Santi to rediscover some verve when others dip.

Frightening array of options in midfield now.

can’t wait for Poldy to get back in it.


Absolutely loving this Ramsey- Jack rivalry. By all means take turns Gents!

Ozil. If you top the league in assists and are out of form, well…

Szsc. Immense.

Flamini, he can cut his shirt in half and play if all I care.

COYG! 7 points clear, all the statistics I need!

Humble Gooner

Loved the match. Wednesday perhaps Giroud can rest; he’s earned it. Rosicky and Walcott should get starts, but too much turn over and we lose the cohesion that is defining the season so far—not to mention that Hull aren’t that bad a squad. We’ve been entirely together in the back, strong/creative in equal parts in the middle, and Ramsey, Ramsey, Ramsey. Was I the only one nervous at 1-0 up for this 20mins or so of Cardiff pressure? Too many seasons of failing, and then seeing the obvious tired legs out there (subs seemed late to me: Walcott should have… Read more »


Another clean sheet.

We look more solid defensively than ever. That has led us to be a bit hesitant up front at times but clearly, the priority to hold firm in defense first is the correct one.

With that locked down solid, we will begin to get better going forward particularly with more big guns to return.

Hope Giroud can hold till January.

Ak 47

Headline: Ramsey scores but remember his roots, Van cunt scores and stick his face towards his former club that groom him to his full potential.

Class apart


Please bring back the Bonus Rating!


Bonus rating – Aaron Ramsey’s class 10/10

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