Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss: We’re still confident despite defeats

Arsene Wenger says the morale in his team hasn’t been adversely affected despite two consecutive defeats. The Gunners lost 2-0 in Napoli, before shipping 6 in a defeat at Man City.

But the Arsenal boss is backing the Gunners to use those disappointments to get firing again ahead of the Christmas schedule. Speaking about the Man City game in particular, he said, “It was not all negative because we could have scored six as well. On the offensive front we have shown that we have huge potential.

“I believe that we should come out of that game even stronger in our belief, even stronger in our resolute attitude, because we have shown until now that we can be very strong defensively, and as well on the day we have shown that we can be dangerous against anybody.”

And on the last two results affecting the mood in his squad, he said, “I don’t think they have affected the morale.

“We have made good results until now because we have a good solidarity level and a good togetherness in the squad, and I don’t see any sign of that dropping.

“I think even more that the players are focused to respond on Monday night. It can happen in a season when sometimes you have a bit of a weaker period. How you respond to this kind of problem is what matters.”

Monday should tell us more.


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Igor Stepanov's career

Beat Chelsea Monday & it would be a massive boost to our realistic chances of winning the league.

Manchester Gooner

It would seal it.


Translation :”Let’s cunt them in their bastards”.

Big Dave

Yea! Let’s flange them in their shits???


No matter what you say I’ll always thumb you down cos of your name.





Clearly not.

giorgios karelias



I’m calling it 2-0 to The Arsenal tomorrow night. I’m certain after the City match, Merts is going in to beast mode and won’t let Torres, the £50m wonder-why-he-cant-score-goals out of his sight.

Arteta and Flamini will keep the Chelski midfield trio in check, breaking up play, passing the ball on to the Wizard, who will pass the ball on to Theo, make the Chelski full backs look stupid, cross it to Giroud and boom! That’s the first.

Igor Stepanov's career

2-0 sounds good but I’ll take any score that gives us the three points.

Perry S.

Lets just win.


Sorry off-topic –

The Gent has outdone himself with his last review. Absolutely-armpit-ticklingly funny!
Thank you sir!


Hear hear…I raise my hat to you Sir

The Öwl

It must be very difficult to bring your morale down when you’re constantly training beside Poldi and Santi, never mind having the BFG scolding you for not joining in the traditional grin.

giorgios karelias

Or it could as well work the opposite way, as you’re constantly being dribbled the fuck out of you, outsmarted, out-visioned, and repeatedly mertecepted to exhaustion.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

He goes easy on them after the first six hours of training.


I predict a man of the match performance by Mesut Özil. He just seems to be the kind of guy who uses adversity and criticism as motivation.


I think the whole team including the Manager drifted back to the old ways of all out attack and no tactical positioning. Man city shocked us the first few minutes the way i remember barca did the first time we played them at the emirates. We stopped playing our game but then slowly came back into it. Arsene then paniced and took off Flamini so basicly cleared the last remaining midfielder from our half. Keep your head please and play on the counter if u have to as long as you get the three points. Ozil needs to be benched… Read more »


I hope for an early Christmas present with Poldi putting two behind Čech, while Szczesny keps a clean sheet!

Francis Jefferson Airplane

Cashley to score a hat-trick of own goals in protest for not being paid £1 Million BY Roman


But you are aware of what happens to players that refuse to do the Mou’s bidding? Thrice-shining John Terry’s boots with a nail brush (instead of the regular tooth brush). Oh it’s too horrible a sight to contemplate ;•)

Gutbukket Deffrolla

The £1 Million wasn’t the problem. Abramovic paid that, but wouldn’t go an extra £5,000. Ca$hley was so stunned that he threw up in the nearest car, then threw up over the woman driving it. She felt privileged to have helped him through such dark times.


Chavski aren’t the team they were without Drogba.They’ll soon find out what it’s like to play against that beast and fuck ’em when they do.The way their strikers are (mis)firing this season I reckon we can do them with just Flamini in defence.I’d go with:


Gnabry Zelalem Arteta Ramsey Rosicky


Theo Giroud Pod

If,by some freak,they do fluke a lead we can always bring on Bendtner for Shez…


Zelalem, though looking like a huge talent for the future, is a fair way off first team games, let alone against Chelsea. Let’s not get carried away, let him get used to U21s until we start calling for starts.


And that’s why you read the whole of a comment before hitting the reply button. Apologies, slinking away tail firmly between my legs.


Really?That’s your only issue with that team????

Trex d Gunner

COYG! Let’s tear them a new one. Oh fuck it, lets just rip ’em to shreds.


Oops.Santi for Serge.My bad.


I’m not scared of Chelsea!

Although it is just a one mile square of land containing overpaid yuppies and a shit football ground.

3-0 to the Arsenal!

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Stamford Bridge isn’t in Chelsea, it’s in Fulham. Rumour has it they were named Chelsea in 1905 by their owner, the first yuppie.

Zaharaddeen Getso

Please gunners beat chelsea on monday


Im just staying quiet on this game. Fingers crossed, touching wood etc…….
P.s I fucking hate chelsea fans…..I hate the club , I hate mourinho. I just hate that club and everything it represents. No class.(breathes in)


It’s 9 games Wenger has not beaten a Maureen-ho team… 9 games ffs! (5losses, 4draws)
Sort it out Wenger… Tired of being the Butters/Barrichello of the Top 4.


Let’s be honest: Chelsea will be a massive challenge; it won’t be easy. The big worry for me is the loss of Kos, who has been brilliant all season.

I thought we were pretty pathetic in the Capital One defeat, so we really have to up our game if we want to win this one.

Chelsea have looked very average recently and I expect us to beat them.

But it won’t be easy.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I hope that the League Cup was a case of the regulars who played deciding that “it’s only the League Cup” and taking it easy. They didn’t seem to be trying all that hard.


Chelsea is not the same as before. They struggle. Even I score goal vs. them.

I think Arsenal win.


Also, anyone have extra ticket to match?

I come watch from seats, just like old times.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Haha. You’re having us on, mate. We’ll get you a ticket near the Chelsea goal so you can shout “Remember me!!!!?” at their goalie. If we should happen to go a goal behind how would you fancy a 30 minute loan spell, and come on and show Bendtner how it’s done?


Monday game more crucial than Citeh game. Liverpool will be on top of the table by Monday courtesy of Tan. Arsenal and Chelsea can go top of the League to show who wants the League.


I went to school in Chelsea in the late 50s early 60s. We won fuck all and finished in the middle of the table every year. The huge compensation was that we always beat Chelsea. Didn’t matter where we played them we always kicked their arses. Please dear God of football, let us win this one match. If we do I think that we can go on to do great things again. It doesn’t have to be pretty, lucky or downright horrible. A win is a win is a win. Go you beautiful gunners and stay on top where you… Read more »


Whatever the outcome of Monday’s game Arsenal must look for and buy a striker in the mold of Suarez who can score, create his own and provide assist. Arsenal must spend in January. Not just on the manager. As fans or supporters, we must demand that the club go the extra mile to put the rest of the puzzle pieces in place otherwise, despondency Will once again ravage the team like a disease with players demanding to be sold all over again. Monday’s game goes beyond being a litmus test, albeit it is a game changer depending on which side… Read more »


The morale will be sapped if we don’t win against Chelsea.

I don’t care what others say that we should be even grateful we are a couple of points off them even if we don’t win, there are simply too many competitive teams around us and if we slip, it may be a difficult and slippery slope back up (the momentum thing)

We need to play with backs against the wall. No hedging over points here.

We can win it and if we do, then we will power on for the second half of the season.


Even though Chelski have lost twice this month to teams in red and white, we really have to be careful not to underestimate them. It could be one of those games where we dominate them without scoring and then they pop up with one from out of the blue. Maureen is no fool and we will need to be at our very best to beat them.

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