Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jenkinson: we know we can beat Bayern

Carl Jenkinson has admitted drawing Bayern Munich is a big challenge for Arsenal, but the team will take confidence from their win the Allianz Arena last season.

Having lost the first leg 3-1, Arsenal went to Germany and battled out a 2-0 win, something the right back says won’t be far from their minds.

“Beating Bayern Munich 2-0 in their home ground doesn’t happen very often,” he told TalkSPORT. “We know we have the capability to beat them so I’m sure the boys are positive about the draw.

“It could have been easier but at the same time we know we can beat them. We proved it last season.

“I’m excited about it personally. If you want to be the best you’ve got to beat them and Bayern are definitely one of the best teams. It will be a great game for the neutral as well.”

We here at Arseblog News have no time for the neutral, but we know what Jenks means. He also touched on the weekend defeat to Man City, and said that the team will take stock of what happened, but won’t dwell on it too much.

“It was disappointing to ship six goals, but we’ll look back at that, look at what went wrong and then move on. I think that’s the way we have to do it, it’s only one game.

“We’ve done quite a lot of defensive shape work this season. The whole team works better now as a defensive unit, we press together. I know we’re coming off the back of a game that we’ve shipped a few goals in, but in the main I think we’ve been outstanding.”

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Sort out the team shape (which was awful against City due to tired legs) and I fancy us beating Chelsea!

Mesut's Kisses

This match v Chelsea is huge. It can really jump-start the season again. And with Aguero out for a month, we can definitely get a larger lead back atop the table.


2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Last season we had emphatic wins of 6-1, 7-5, 7-3, 5-2 and another 5-2 . Plus quite a few with only 4 goals.

This year we have yet to ‘explode’ against anyone despite the fact that – on paper – we are stronger than last season.

Can’t wait to see this team finally ‘gel’ properly and explode in Chelsea’s face!

Malaysian Gooner

I think that’s the reason why we’re so defensively solid this season. I had this discussion with another Gooner the other day as he was upset that despite being consistent, we weren’t comprehensively trashing anyone.

I argued that it is possibly due to our new formation built on quick counters, pressing high up the pitch and defending in packs. When we’re in a comfortable winning position, this team “pulls up the handbrakes” and just sees the game out rather than chase huge scorelines.

And to be honest, as long as they remain defensively solid, I have no problem with that.


Spot on. And that’s what was so disappointing about the City defeat. We have been rock-solid at the back since the start of the season, but then fell apart when it really mattered in our biggest test. You don’t need to thrash teams if you know how to defend. If we are going to defeat Bayern then we will do it by defending really well, home and away, and then nicking the odd goal. We are not good enough to go out there and beat them by three or four goals. We need to quickly get back to winning ways… Read more »


I know Wenger sees potential in this guy and I believe he can make the grade in coming seasons.. but right now, he is shite.. not even in competition to Sagna.


I remember a year ago when people were on the opposite side of this saying Sagna was past it yada, yada, yada. Is there no middle ground here. He hasn’t preformed badly, he still has a lot to learn. But I see him getting the #2 shirt soon enough. Hopefully Gibbs will have to wait on his #3 shirt for another year or two years.

Bobby the beast

Not many right backs in england would be in contention with sanga. Who would you rather be our back up. Chris smalling? Flanagan? He’s a good lad and I’ve seen a lot more impressive performances than disheartening ones.


I think shite was a harsh word as I can see the number of thumbs down, but all I wanted to say that he is nowhere near Sagna’s league. Just that.
I love Jenko for being the most DIE HARD GOONER in the squad 🙂

Bobby the beast

You’re right he is no where near sagna right now but sagna is the most consistant right back in the premier league, with a rare blimp due to injuries. Jenkinson has huge shoes to fill if he wants to replace sagna. It will take time and people should respect that a be patient with him.

Igor Stepanov's career

Actually Zabaleta is by far the best/most consistent RB but Sagna is def 2nd

Black Hei

No Gooner shall be called Shite. You sort out what’s in your head first.


I’m not his biggest fan tbh but the fact that he’s willing to play his heart out in matches and combine it to the much he’s learning from sagna makes him a more than capable number 2 in my book.

Besides Wenger wouldn’t have handed him a new contract if he thought he wasn’t upto it (see frimpong) and that should be enough for any of you doubting Thomas’


Bit harsh. He was part of the team that beat Bayern last year and did unexpectedly well, Goonerratic.
He obviously needs time to warm into his role but hasn’t had the chance recently due to Sagna’s performance.


I agree, I am expecting him to take the reins from Sagna when HE RETIRES AT THE CLUB.
Always nice to see a Gooner and a Gunner playing for us, just like the good old days when the players weren’t mercenaries.


He isn’t shite by any means. You’re right in saying he is nowhere near Sagna’s league but definitely not shite. When the Jenko gets a run of games, he shows exactly what he can do. When he has his Ramsey moment, I cannot wait to see him boss the right flank.


all this lovey dovey stuff about Jenko is nauseating. We all need to take off our arsenal specs for a second and be objective. I doubt that will happen though! Jenko has been shite the last few games! There’s a big difference between saying a player is shite – which he is not – and that he played shite. In the last game, he lost possession 60% of the time. Translation: 6 of 0 times the passing sequence broke down with him. Yes, I counted it so that my analysis is not based on sentiment but on fact! He’s a… Read more »


I can’t disagree with you that recently he hasn’t been at his best. I mean he’s been playing second fiddle to arguably one of the worlds best full backs, so its a bit of a chalk n cheese moment. But if you recall last season, Jenko got a few games under his belt and I recall how everyone on this blog were singing his praises (I was as well). You’ve got to remember he is young and I for one am grateful he is learning his craft from Bac.


Still remember the pub erupting when Jenko took out Robben when it looked like he was gunna break through on goal in the second leg. He’s a great lad who is a more than capable back up right back in my opinion.

Manchester Gooner

Last ditch brave challenges look great, but reading the game and positioning are more important. If you do to those jobs well, you might not have to do the last ditch challenges.

I support Jenko, but he has to improve his left foot, his getting away down the wing, first touch, alertness to danger in the box when defending set pieces (not jumping like a spectator) and a bit of muscles. Just look at Valencia of Manure! We have a tiny and skinny team, so he could contribute more with a bit of height and muscles.


I’m just hoping our players find that superb form again! if we do we’ll be unstoppable…

Manchester Gooner

Liked you sentiment. But, have we ever been unstoppable so far this season?


For a while now it looks as if the players in general have dropped quite substantially in form and perhaps in a bit of confidence. Our first performance against Napoli demonstrates the kind of form that the players have lost.

Perry S.

Jenks is an arsenal boy through and through. He will show his fine form over the haul of the season.


At least someone does. Hate to be that guy but I really can’t see us progressing through this one. It’s just not the kind of game we win. When push comes to shove we are always left wanting in these fixtures. I can’t see this one being any different. Silver lining – full concentration on the league if it all does go tits up.


I think we can win it, but with our squad size, it might be a blessing in disguise not to. I really think we can do the league this season. Other team’s performances contribute to this.

Liverpool, for example have no Euro action and they are looking stronger than when we beat them. Beat Chelsea and we will make quite a statement I think.


How dear you be objective on here! You’ll be lynched boy!


An interview too many. Its time we allowed our football do most of the talking. Its no point talking all the talk and when the time comes to walk, we are nowhere to be found.

Manchester Gooner

It’s the club media team that wanted to bang on it. What else should Jenko say? should he say that we are shite and now peeing in our pants?

Bobby the beast

Yeah I remember he play sooo badly against them last year. Typical short memory fan.


I have goosebumps thinking about this tie. Call me an idiot but I’m excited. I mean of course I’d be overjoyed winning the Champions League but I feel like it would be that much more satisfying if we beat Bayern and Barca in the process. To paraphrase Jenko, to be the best, you’ve got to beat the best!


Jenko is a good lad and definately our future right back for many years to come he really played well last season in the absence of Mr Sagna and he is still young.


Seriously I love these guys but they should just shut up, knuckle down and let their feet do the talking.


Every time we come out with ballsy bullshit like that, I get that feeling that we are gonna lose. I had that before City, and I’m starting to have it now.

Just keep the media stuff to a strict minimum or at least hire Djourou back. He’s the best at that.

The Öwl

I see your snub and raise you 3 cheers.


I can’t wait to see more from a hungry theo, he looked up for it against city and I think he will have a key part to play this season! Honestly if i had to choose one trophy this season it would be the league – but I’d like it even more if we did the treble COYG


P.s check Tim stillmans article, excellent overview of the city game and leaves me optimistic the boys can learn from it and come back stronger


Let’s just focus on Mourinho boys for now Jenks, if we stay consistent then we’ll beat Bayern.

Black Hei

BTW anyone feel sorry for AVB?

He did a decent job last season. He lost his best player and somebody bought the replacements. And then they sacked him.

More importantly, he is no longer a Lily White, so I guess I am entitled to feel sorry for him.


Levy jumped the gun. Spurs were actually in a decent position, with CL qualification still possible. Nobody likes getting beat 5-0 at home, but they had a couple of decent results before that thrashing.

They won’t get a decent manager before the summer, anyway; so AVB should have stayed until then.


Avb probably would not have joined the spuds if he knew he wouldn’t be able to buy the players HE wanted lol only an idiot would do something stupid like that…. then again, he did choose to manage the spuds lol least said

Mach III

I like Jenkinsons enthusiasm! Last season we bent over to Bayern at home, and beat them when it was already gone. I think we can approach this game to win it! COYG!!


Wenger clearly see’s something in Jenko and if anyone has the enthusiasm and drive to fulfil their potential its Jenkinson. Proper gooner! He WILL be future Arsenal RB after Sagna, no doubt!


In the 25 games Arsenal played between Champions League and Premier League this season, they have jumped out to an early lead 20 times and their record in those games is 17-2-1 — the one loss being to Villa on opening day. In the 5 matches Arsenal have gone behind, the record is 0-1-4 — with the one draw to West Brom. It’s possible that Arsenal just slipped against City. That a combination of fatigue and chasing the game meant they reverted back to some ugly form from a few years ago. But if I have to be brutally honest… Read more »


Beat Bayern? Give me a break. I know it’s hard to take, but I think Real was the only team we could possibly beat. For some reason we just suck against big teams. Seems to me Wenger does not really have a game plan in these games. The way our defensive midfield played against ManCity was suicide. Ramsey and Flamini just ran upfield and left miles of space between them and the back four. If we do that against Bayern, well, just think of their offensive midfield..

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