Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: home wins in a big games vital

Arsene Wenger says it’s vital his team wins their home games against title rivals if they want to maintain their tilt at the Championship this season.

Away defeats to Man City and Man Utd are one thing, but the manager believes his team have to show their mettle when they face contenders at home.

Ahead of the Chelsea game tonight, the boss has called on his players to cope with the pressure of the big games, and show they’re the real deal.

“Of course we have to win a big game when it matters. We were in that situation before but people are only keeping in their mind the big matches that we lose.

“We have won some big games. What is at stake is if you want to win the Premier League, you want to win the big games at home. It’s as simple as that.”

Having responded well to previous set-backs this season, there is a weight of expectation on the Gunners to do it again tonight, but Wenger says that’s just part and parcel of playing in the Premier League.

“You cannot play in the Premier League without pressure,” he said. “There are periods where the pressure is a bit bigger and periods where it is smaller. You have to live with that and resist that kind of stress.”

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crunch time


Happy fucking christmas arseblog and me arseblog mates. Do not drink and drive mates..ya might spill your drink!


And some blood as well.


Xmas aftermath.

DOCTOR: Excuse me goonies but im afraid you’ve got alittle blood in your alcohol system.

Rambling Pete

He’s absolutely right. These are the games you have to win if you want to be considered the real deal. Three points tonight would send a clear message to the rest of the Premier League: we are Arsenal, and you’d better watch out because we’re the real deal. Much like an incident in my youth when I encountered some trouble with a bully called Mark Stenson. He’d stop me on the way home from school with his gang of ruffian pals and they’d torment me. Chinese burns, wedgies, the whole lot. Of course it was safety in numbers because Stenson… Read more »


wtf did i just read?


A routine Rambling Pete post. The legend is back!

Hc the man

Paralysed from waist down??

so thats what happened to diablo.


Reminds me of a similar story involving a monkey riding a dog being chased by a unicorn … conclusion was the same: JohnTerry is a massive cunt.


We’ve missed your ramblings Pete


sooo happy to see you back!

not a proffesional footballer

I’m sure that Arsenal will win. All I want is a win, all wins, wins, wins, no losses, especially against this choking Chelsea side


Mourinho may come here to park the airbus and hit us on the break. Any naïveté on our part will cost us dearly. Hope CZSCZSCZZSZC remains alert throughout the whole game and TV5 keeps a cool head and plays as a centre half only.

If we stick together we’ll go back to where we belong: Top of the league.

Come on Arsenal.

why is my name required

Prove it on the pitch and don’t just talk..then we’ll see if this Arsenal side have what it takes. Win, and top spot is ours. Lose, and we go back to fourth and same story all over again, and hopefully it won’t come to that


If we can at least match our rivals’ points gain against us over the 2 games, it comes down to who’s most consistent, and picks up points against the smaller teams (Palace, Hull, Sp*rs etc).

That’s the key to winning the league this year.

Oh, and having more points than anyone else come the end of the season, of course.


Chill out guys, we will win.


We have to make sure we don’t get 0:1 down from a corner this time. It has cost us against both United and City. Pretty annoying considering it looked as if we had improved our set piece defending.

Still confident about this one though. We’re the better team, no doubt about that!


ofc we will lose we make it easy for them we will attack and they will hit us on the counter attack simples…..



“ofc i am a troll i will come here and get on your nerves coz im a bloody troll”


Translation: “I disagree with this valid warning/criticism of past performances against same opponents therefore is TEH TROLLZ “


And WTF is “ofc”….Ostrich football club?

No mind the gap jokes please

Thanx for pointing the blindingly obvious AW!

H. P. Arsecraft

“A win would obviously be the ideal but a draw tonight isn’t the end of the world either.” A bit pissed about that line in todays blog. Making excuses before the game is even played. A draw against Everton was not good enough, the 0-2 against Napoli was really poor and the 6-3 against the “homegrown” team was down to individual errors both up front and in the back. That one was fatigue and we played against a better “squad” but the Toon result was really flattering for us, “I don’t think a draw would be a bad result” (arseblog… Read more »

H. P. Arsecraft

No i didn’t miss anything I left it out on purpose because one line sums it up for me:

“A win would obviously be the ideal but a draw tonight isn’t the end of the world either.”

You have prepared yourself for a draw and thats not the mentality of champions.

Bould's Eyeliner

As fans we have the luxury of only having to emotionally preparing ourselves for a draw. In the case that Chelsea pulls a fast one on us, and the scoreline is even, which is very possible, I would much rather that Wenger and the team on pitch goes for a realistic 1 point rather than 0 while going for all 3 just to prove that we’re “title contenders.” Honestly the pundits will never shut up, and as the team grows in character and stature, they will eventually look more and more foolish. Our job as fans is to back the… Read more »


Losing away at Man United and Man City were not disastrous results; the results that have really hurt are the defeat at home to Villa and the draw against Everton. To win the League you should be taking maximum points at home against the weaker sides. That’s why we need a win tonight. I fear, however, that Maureen will set his side up for a frustrating 0-0 draw, as he did at Old Trafford earlier in the season. So it’s going to take a lot to break them down. If you look at how the season has gone so far,… Read more »


Beat the Chelsea down and get the fucking trophy!!!!!!!!


I just want us to get above Liverpoo.

A mate’s doing my head in about his one man team of a scouse bunch of gypsy cunts.

3-0 to the guns.

American Gooner

COYG!!! I can feel 3 points!

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