Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: it’s not about the managers

Arsene Wenger has played down suggestions that Monday’s clash with Chelsea is a battle between himself and Jose Mourinho.

Although their relationship is much more cordial these days, the pair have famously bickered in the past with the Portuguese referring to Wenger as a ‘voyeur’ and compiling a 120 page dossier on him.

But the boss says it’s about all about what happens on the pitch, not in the technical areas.

“I just want my players to be focused on the game and not what’s happening between the two managers,” he said. “That is not interesting.

“We had three disappointing results – Everton, Naples and Man City. That’s why it’s enough. I don’t feel the doubts have crept in.

“We have been in much more difficult situations. Three big games in six days was difficult and I knew that somewhere, at City, we were in trouble. I feel the team has the power to respond.”

And with Mourinho lauding Arsenal’s capture of Mesut Ozil – who played under him at Real Madrid – Wenger feels that it’s more even between the two clubs these days.

“I think it is more of a level playing field. We had restricted financial resources for years. Everybody knows that. It’s simple.”

There is, of course, the record of Wenger never having beaten a Mourinho managed side. A record that’s perfectly set up for being smashed tomorrow night.

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As much as he’s an egotistical twat, I admire the fact he is respecting Arsene and Arsenal in his interviews.

(Notice I said admire the FACT, not Mourinho!… all this just makes me want to hate him less)


And then he says he doesn’t regret the ‘voyeur’ comments. But there is respect. But footballing respect. This bugger is as cocky and cuntish as ever, it’s just for the first time he isn’t sure the Russian dom’s millions will be enough.

I hope Arsene’s got all those comments pinned up on his own wall. I really want us to thrash this guy 6-0.


Bit them and make him shut up, sugar daddy’s manager.


biting them should work too……it could well slow them down but i feel suarez is well equipped for such and he’s not been signed


After monday night:
journo: what do you have to say about the players tonight?

Mourinho. ” i dont know…i….i dont know really but did u see Ozil? he’s a phenomenon what a player”

journo: no sir, what did you think of your own players?
mourinho: i hate them i hate them all….


i think u shud create a twitter account like @JoseCompalints like the one @wengerknowsbest…it would be a hit for sure


I’ll get to that as soon as i finish having a life.

the only sam is nelson

mourhino has looked totally fucking clueless at times this season, which appears to have surprised him as much as anyone else i hope we’ll be seeing more of that tomorrow night after he’s been asked “how do you explain theo walcott managing to score five times, Jose?” when we all know that the answer is “john terry is a cunt”. at least in part. AW on the other hand is looking more and more like he’s got his mojo back. perhaps he found it in the dusty depths of stan’s fucking wallett, who knows. still, more knowing quips and trollish… Read more »


What ever happens on monday, Fact is “we just cant afford to lose” and to be honest, I’m very confident we won’t

Runcorn Gooner

Crucial game but being refereed by ………….Mike Dean!!! Fingers crossed


I should empty my mind now. If we don’t sign a mobile backup/first choice striker in january I won’t bother watching arsenal whith giroud leading the line when we take on the big guns! I hate being frustrated


We’ll look, it’s the season for forgiveness and all that, so despite some of the things that Maureen has got up to in the past…..

Ah fuck it – I just can’t do it. He’s a cunt, Terry’s a cunt and I fuckin hate Chelsea.

Happy fuckin Christmas.


Never forget and never forgive maureen and the whole bunch of em. Happy fucking Christmas to you too and JT is indeed a cunt


COYG… We can do it…3points tomorrow not to proof for any body but for our selves

Trex d Gunner

Lets show them that class can never be bought. COYG.
And as always, John Terry is a cunt.


We’re not gonna lose tomorrow. Period.

I’m confident because I expect Rosicky to start and Walcott to give Azpilguetta a shitstorm.

And Podolski to come in and finish things off.


i know wenger is just saying that for the camera but after all the smug, arrogance, mourinho has shown him over the years he’d love to get one over him. do a knee slide. bust a michael jackson move at the end of it and shout……BOOM!

(certainly a younger wenger)


If the Chelsea players were being managed by someone else, I’d say we have a good chance of beating them. But Mourinhou is not only a cunt; he’s a cunt who has got Arsene’s number as he proved it time and again (just like bacon cunt face did).
It should end with a draw or a Chelsea win caused by some individual mistake or lack of cuntishness on our part.

its all very inevitable

I said we’d lose against United. Also said it about Napoli and City. And I’m gonna be all doom and gloom about Chelsea too. We’re not good enough yet and after this defeat we can go back to concentating on finishing 3rd

Igor Stepanov's career

Go back under your bridge, you should be happy now Adebayor is firing again.


Finally, somebody who talks some sense.. The thing is, Mourinho knows what Arsene is going to do because he is so predictable. The whole world knows our “tactics” (Pass it around, wait for some Özil magic.) and starting XI for tomorrow. And probably our subs, too..


Wenger makes small but significant tactical alterations in every game. You must be one of those who thinks tactics is only about formations.


Given that your predictions are so effective and accurate, why not predict a positive result.


Previgo&SackWenga are yous 2 fucking spurs fans or what? Get behind the team or do us all a favour and do one!

its all very inevitable

I said we’d lose against United. Also said it about Napoli and City. And I’m gonna be all doom and gloom about Chelsea too. We’re not good enough yet and after this defeat we can go back to concentating on finishing 3rd.


We all heard you and thumbed you down the first time, you troll. Now go away.


It’s the battle of the two best midfield squads in the prem. If the Arsensl go into this match determined to roll them over (rather than worrying about a defeat) we will win, no doubts. Ozil, Santi, Rambo, Jack, Matthieu “The Boss” Flamini, Theo, The Ox, Mozart, Poldi, That good looking French Guy and even TGSTEL (ha!)….All match winners COYG!!


The concern for me is the absence of Koscieny to partner the BFG. Throughout 2013 this pair have contributed towards the solidity of our defence and compliment each other. We all know the BFG is not the fastest CD in the prem but makes up for it for with his astute reading of the game and invaluable experience. Kos on the other hand is one of the quickest defenders and regularly in big games makes match saving tackles interceptions and clearances. The pair compliment each other well. Now its time for TV5 to step up and earn the right to… Read more »


Since Porto, Mourinho’s successes have come when he has freely spent loads of cash on new players. This season he has had to rely far more on previous managers’ or the owner’s players and he’s finding it far more difficult. Perhaps he’s not quite the great manager people make him out to be.


Chelsea FC the only PL team that feels at home playing away to Stoke.


We need this game and are good enough to win it. Hopefully AW (we) will get a good result tomorrow and not suffer the lapse that always cost us games against Mourinho and too often against SAF. COYG!

same same

in the last 24 competitive fixtures against chelsea we have only won 4
thats a worrying fact


We will play well, giroud will miss a lot of chances (people will come here and defend him due to his work rate, they’ll moan about how the ref was a cunt, which he probably will be) Mourinho will set his team up to absorb pressure and because we don’t have a scary striker we’ll end up drawing or losing. If they score us first, there’s no way in hell we are winning or drawing that match. If we score first then it’ll probably end in a draw due to something stupid that somebody did (“somebody” might be the ref,… Read more »


we can win this game. right now we are superior. Mourinho’s team are better the second year and he hasn’t find his starting xi yet, he is still searching for the right formula which is scary cause he is second in the league ! what worries me is Mesut. He has played a lot o games. He ‘s got the key to this game.Mourinho said that he will put a man on him during the whole 90 mins. Just like the manager used to do back in the 80’s and 90’s against the likes of platini or maradona or zidane.… Read more »


Time to break our duck with this one. Forget about everything, we MUST win this one. With our competitors winning around us, there is NO room for a slip up. We have been on a bit of a slippery slope for the last 3 games and a BIG win over a ‘big’ team will represent a significant morale boost where a loss will plunge our self esteem back into the zone of self doubt. Wenger’s current team plays best with backs against the wall as oppose to calculated response. He must make sure the players understand that pride and the… Read more »

mesut's eye balls

I think it’s about time Arsene gets one over mourinho. That record of not having beating him ever is disgusting to say the least. Even if he’s very reluctant to admit it, deep within him he’s really itching to beat mourinho flat!!!.. Go Arsene! Prove the critics wrong once again!… 3-1 to the Arsenal!.. COYG!

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