Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger takes ‘big satisfaction’ from Newcastle win

Arsene Wenger says Arsenal’s gritty one-nil victory against Newcastle brought him a ‘big satisfaction’ and proves the Gunners are up for a title fight.

Olivier Giroud’s first goal since late November sealed the points at St James’ Park but it was the defensive performance in the last half an hour which really caught the eye.

“There was a big satisfaction,” Wenger told the BBC after the game.

“We surprised many people and we want to go from there, we played two away games and got six points against West Ham and Newcastle and as you can see the team is ready for a fight.

“Let’s keep fighting and trying to develop the team.”

The boss was also asked for an update on Mesut Ozil’s shoulder injury which kept him from travelling to the North East.

“Mesut Ozil has a shoulder problem. I don’t think he will be available for Cardiff on Wednesday, maybe after that, we will see.”

Arsenal next play on New Year’s Day against Cardiff City before hosting Sp*rs in the FA Cup third round on 4 January.

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What a cross Theo

Runcorn Gooner

Chessers you have had a great season so far but please please stop making those one off potential horror


The perfect response to “what a cross Theo”.

not a proffesional footballer

Winning away at the 2nd best team (in form), an achievement really. Let’s hope it’ll be a draw down at the power plant, and city choking with all their might on new year

Wankstain Frank

We’ve won the 2013-calendar-year-championship-trophy with a 2 point margin to shitty.

That is all.


Against the present top 10 so far:

5 W 2 L 2 D (both losses away to 2 of the so called “big boys”)

Not a bad haul.

Dark Arts.

Took me depressingly long to see why you only gave nine results.

I need a little lie down.


Heh, did the same thing for a minute as I was tallying it.


No, even at 79 points for the year we would have had the highest points, but we got 82. So lets say we led by 4 points and above.

Edu's Braces


(Slack passing was a wee bit scary though)

Me So Hornsey

I’ve got a feeling Wilshire will play his way out of the dip his in a la Ramsey last season. While not at his best by any means I saw some small glimpses of his former self returning today.


I think he was one of our best players today. Along with Rosicky was always busting a gut and driving the play forward, even though there wasn’t a lot on most of the time


The whole team didn’t play well, but they fought well, especially Rosicky.


i have a feeling, wilshere needs to simplify his gameplay a bit, it was good to see him drive forward, but he sometimes got caught up in a clutch of newcastle players. Maybe he should start playing a bit in the give-and-go style, and once some consitency ad form returns, he can again start to drive forward and try that bit extra hard to create something.

Howard's Webb

Agreed, he needs to learn when to pass the ball and not hold on to it unnecessarily, that was also Ramsey’s problem, but once that was sorted it all came to fruition.


Do we have an update on Ramsey injury?


love, best win in ages.

we battled hard


Absolutely agree. I know many of you have said that already, but this team is by far the best we have had since The Invincibles. The attacking is not just tika-taka on the edge of the box anymore, it has much more variety and directness when needed. And the defensive side of our game has just so massively improved that I´m actually a little surprised by that to be honest. It´s not just that we have experienced, mature defensive partnership, we have had them before, but know, we have guys who are fighting for the shirt, fighting for the team,… Read more »


I wonder if he takes satisfaction in leaving one of the greatest players ever to wear the red and white, Chu Young Park, out of the squad every week? Do you think its funny Wenger? I’ve supported you through the most dire situations but this is to far. Therefore I implore Wenger to repay my faith and start Parky against Cardiff- I guarantee he will score at least 3. If he doesn’t then you can all me a green eyed swine that deals in mendacity! Good day fellow Arsebloggians


shut up

Gunner In Canada

What have you been smoking ?


1) I shall not shut up as I have freedom of speech fine sir
2) I have been smoking good ol’ fashioned love brethren.

Peace x


You are a green eyed swine that deals in mendacity!


Get help.


Is he actually serious? I genuinely can’t tell


For fuck’s sake, shut up already.

I need u to believe!

guys really? you can’t tell if he’s joking or not.. it scares me that more people dislike his comment or didn’t get it, unable to see that nobody would be of that opinion, unable to understand sarcasm… come on fellow Gooners thought you were smarter than that!!


Rosicky were it not been for injury could have been best midfielder in the world. technically very astute and an engine that would have seen him at the top of his game for years. He is a unique one this one…


Rosicky was fantastic. MotM for me.


frankly, i thought he played well, but lacked some of his usual energy and acceleration


Living up to your name, I see.

I need u to believe!

should call himslef troll


We also take very big statisfaction Arsene. Let’s keep it up.

Anthony Payne

I think an injury free Diaby would be more formidable than an injury free Rosicky.


Injury free Diaby is just like Santa. Doesn’t exist!


What’s a diaby?


A faculty that teaches “101 ways to kill time while on treatment table”

#1 Arsenal fan in Zambia

Great win though I was a bit concerned with the early defending what matters is the 3points and the win! and being on top for the new year


Jenkinson needs a football brain badly.

No mind the gap jokes please

It’s a shame we’re not playing a nice little lower league side in the cup (yes I know Sp*rs are a small club) coz we could really do with giving our first II a rest!


Well done boys one job is done.
We can do it,this is our year(2014 is for GOONERS) keep it up


I’m satisfied for Giroud as well… great to see him back on the scoresheet, even if he missed another sitter today. Hope he can score a few more against the weaker sides coming up to boost his confidence again.

Oh I almost forgot, Rosicky was fantastic today!

Skeptic Acid

I think Poldi will start against Cardiff; so should Gnabry. Giroud looks knackered though; it was quite nerve-wracking watching him go down again and again clutching his ankle.


“There was a big satisfaction.”

Take that Mick Jagger.


Nothing more satisfying than a 1nil on an away day really, even though the satisfaction comes way after the final whistle (jangling nerves settled by then). Will take it all day long though. Most points in 2013. More of the same in 2014.


How old is rosicky?… Fuck me! He plays like a 22yrs Old.. That guy never gets old! MOTM!

Why didn’t Poldi come on? Was he even on the bench?


1) freedom of speech indeed! But when it’s the same speech over and over again it gets a little pointless.

2) spread the love my friend!… and never ever mention Chu Young Park again… ever.

Whether a joke or not, we’re all a bit bemused as to how he’s disappeared off the face of the planet, and would probably much rather talk about players who are earning their wages and even slightly contributing to the club’s success.

You may as well be asking Arsene to play Diaby.


(No offence to Diaby… it’s just that he’s about as likely to play this week as Chu Young Park!)

Rich T

Any links / articles re the “Park situation”? The weirdest signing I’ve seen in all my 30+ Arsenal supporting years.


Newcastle. Says a lot about french football at the moment that a number of the French first team play for them. Overall decent players, Cabaye and Debuchy are good. Ben Afra’s had to many Geordie pies, still a tricky player but hasn’t learnt when to be selfish and when not to be. But Newcastle, the sort of team that celebrate coming back from 4 goals for a draw against 10 men (not to mention us without one of our main centre backs), then probably castigate us for celebrating achieving top 4 from a deep position last season. Priorities priorities. I… Read more »


what the park!?!

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