Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bendtner returns to training as striker search continues

Arsene Wenger says he’s still looking to bring in another striker during the January transfer window, but also talked up the team’s goalscoring options with the return of two forwards imminent.

After having his ankle twisted against Cardiff, Nicklas Bendtner returns to full training today, while there’s good news regarding Yaya Sanogo too.

Talking of potential January moves, the boss said, “Ideally, if it’s possible we’d like another, though we have not found anyone. We are open to strengthening our squad if it’s possible. But as well we have Bendtner back in the squad on Monday.

“Sanogo is back in the squad on Monday week. But for us, it’s important to know everybody can score. Ramsey is a goalscorer and he’s not playing at the moment. Arteta can get us a goal and he’s not playing. That’s very positive, I think.

“That’s the best thing that can happen for us. If you depend on one player then you have to put him in cotton wool to keep him fit.”

Speaking about the young Frenchman earlier this season, Wenger said, “We have signed Sanogo. He has not made the headlines. Why? Because he is not £50m to £100m but I am quite confident he will make them soon on the pitch, and that for me is the most important.”

Clearly he’s seen something in him and would surely have used him more this season but for the unfortunate injury. However, the continued striker search is probably a hint that Wenger realises it’s a lot to ask of him to have any kind of impact in a title chasing season, and it may well be the next campaign before we really see what he’s about.

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Afsal P A


Bergkamp fan

Oh please don’t be like those annoying United fans. We’re mature and can write sentences so we don’t need to say crap like that.

Bergkamp fan

I mean most of the ones I’ve seen can’t even spell, all they say is: geygeymanutd lawl arsenal sacks no traphy

And now


Afsal P A

Ha ha ,

Runcorn Gooner

Love a comment I read yesterday.

Media end of season report.This year the table is as follows:-
2) Man Citeh
3) Chelski
4) Liverpool

That’s how much they don’t want us to win it.


arsenal are leading..thats a tight slap right on the face of stupid punditry and media….media should actually critisize man shitty for spending 100 mil having 4 strikers and still not on top


How retarded/paranoid do you have to be to think that the media is pulling against us?

Just because some of the pundits don’t think we can win the league?

Like it’s not a better story for the media that Arsenal win, instead of one of the oil money clubs or MU?

Get a life!

Unyoke the ox

Everyone seems to point to his 20 min cameo to say that he isn’t ready. 1. It was his debut 2. He was still involved in a goal.

I have high hopes for him, it just might not happen this season. Other than diawara and chamakh wenger rarely gets Ligue 1 striker signings wrong.

Black Hei

Poor Park, people remember Diawara and not him


Ah Diawara – he sure could hit a post!



The only Olivier is Giroud

Hope Yaya makes an impact somewhere, and sooner rather than later. He was the butt end of a lot of jokes before we signed Özil without even putting foot wrong. Come on you Gunners!


Welcome back TGSTEL, You’r going to bang in a hat trick against conventry and show the world you deserve to be up there with the likes of Suarez,cavani,falcao nd zlatan.. Signing out.. COYBBG


Emm! Hopefully I think


Add Messi, Ronaldo, and Pele to that list. Super Nick will undoubtedly surpass their goal-scoring records.




If he’ll be fit for the FA Cup game, then let’s watch him again… Have never been a fan of writting Players off…. He’s an Arsenal Player afterall so he deserves our Support #COYG


Our next 3 games.. Conventry, Southampton and crystal palace.
Chelsea- stoke, westham,man city.
Man city-(insert the fa cup team),tottenham,chelsea.
Point is, if all goes to plan I can see us being 4 or 3 points clear at the top.


After all 3 games before stroling into our daunting february fixtures

Too Drunk To Be Offside

saints away is not 3 points for sure game !!


He said : if all goes to plan

The Ox is a fox

Saints’ Dortmund style of play has become simplistic due to the lack of top qualities and already been found out of late.

I am more worried about teams who are set out to block us (Pulis’s Palace) than those who have a bit positive nature about them.


I agree. I think Palace will cause us more problems than Southampton will. But I also still think we’ll beat them both.


looking at how our team is playing i am confident arsenal can beat anyone


Alphabet man gets it.


Park is in the squad and he can score.



Sanogo is like that Cheap item at the auction, you passed by and saw it and instanteneously knew you have to have it. So you purchase the thing and they say it will be delivered later on to your house

After a delay, you call and ask why its taking so long to arrive you hear there’s a been a flat tyre…so still you wait half excited, half anxious hoping it will work out.


You live different life to normal people. have a biscuit and think about that

teddy salad

Cheyu lives!!!


He cuts a striking visual resemblance to an 18 year Diaby.
Here’s hoping thats where the similarity ends

Bould's Eyeliner

what, because they’re tall, lanky, black, and French? I too hope Sanogo does not end as injury prone as Diaby but I don’t think they look alike at all..


Mmmmm… cotton wool

Hilary Montana

I still feel a hungry goal-scoring attacker shld be brought in, I trust bendtner, but d Bpl need decisive and constant goals to convince and make your rivals nervous, which is good


Grant Holt is pretty hungry. That’s the kind of player you think we need?


He doesn’t hungry!




We have lots of players who can score special goals all over the park. In my opinion,we need a 30+ goalscorer. The ones where they bang in the messy type goals,the tap-ins and most importantly,the goal poachers finishes. I believe we have the squad to push on for the title,so I won’t be disappointed if we don’t sign anyone in January.

We have the prospect of the summer transfer market to look forward too. Exciting times ahead. COYG

Igor Stepanov's career

30+ a season goalscorer’s are very hard to come across.

in the premier league only Shearer, Henry, Ronaldo, RVP, Andy Cole & Kevin Phillips have managed it.


“In my opinion,we need a 30+ goalscorer. ”

Oh, is that all? Sure you don’t want Cafu 2.0 to slot in at right back, and a winning lottery ticket besides?


Once again, when Arsene talks about all of our striking/goal scoring alternatives Park’s name doesn’t even get a mention. Must be soul-destroying for the kid (although I’m sure his wages help soothe him!!) but it’s a mystery why he keeps putting this guy on the bench when he clearly has no faith in him at all. Why not put one of the prospects from the reseves on the bench instead as it’s clear it would take some sort of major catstrophe to happen for Park to get a run out. I just wish one journalist would at least ask Arsene… Read more »


seoul destroying… Sorry


OK, maybe I should have spell-checked my post before submitting it, but before any other smart-asses have their say I have to clarify that when I said “it would take some sort of major CATStrophe to happen for Park to get a run out” I am speaking about the sort of scenario where a huge wild feral cat ventures into the stadium, and hides under the Arsenal bench until the next game. It lurks there until Arsene has used 2 of his 3 substituations, then reveals itself and savages the remaining subs to death – with the exception of Park… Read more »


You’ve got a pretty good crystal ball there, mate. I have no doubt every word of it will come true. It’ll be in the match away at Everton on April 5, with us sitting fifteen points ahead of Chelski and Schitty and needing only a point to clinch the title. With the match nil-nil in the seventh minute of time added, Everton will get a penalty. That big cat will purr and snuggle up against Park in our goal, and between the two of them they’ll not only save the penalty, but punt the ball all the way down the… Read more »


you meant to say Cat’s-trophy (catstrope)


All jokes aside. Im welcoming bendtner back with great optomism. He has already had a big impact in his 200minutes or so this year. He could be the difference from pipping the league by a point. Praise the lord.


I guess we can simplify this conundrum to one single factor. Is Bentdner good enough to lead our line? If we don’t bring in a striker, he will have to in some massive games as even a Giroud with a clean bill of health can’t play 2 games a week ’til May. I’m not at all comfortable with that. It’s a specialist role that Giroud plays and just because Nick is a similar build doesn’t mean he can do it. Nick hasn’t proven much in his 7-8 year career to suggest he could or should be an integral part of… Read more »


“I guess we can simplify this conundrum to one single factor. Is Bentdner good enough to lead our line?”

You forgot — “and if not, is a replacement that would be good enough available, willing to come to us, and not cup-tied for all the competitions we need them for”.

Personally, I think Bendtner, for all his past faults, has already exceeded our expectations for him this season.

Infidel Castro

I think the self belief that Bendtner possess in abundance might be rubbing off on his team mates and even some of the fans.


Completely off topic, but cant resist posting this gem from Vucinic’s Wiki page:
“In recent years, Vučinić has become known for removing his shorts when celebrating goals he scored. He has done so with Roma,[2] with Juventus[3] and with Montenegro.[4]”

Is it wrong to start praying for his joining to happen?

Afsal P A

celebrate by removing your shits – caution yellow
celebrate by removing your shorts- FIFA troll.

Afsal P A

shirt*,, oh fuck it was definitely a typo


Damn good typo, though.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Wow the Feb fixtures, L’pool, (away), Man U (Home), Bayern (Home) As for Liverpool, its about the right time to play them I suppose,a good gap has built up between top 3 and 4th, L’pool, and they seem ripe for the picking, but not an easy game by any means. United have this voodoo thing with Arsenal and for some reason Arsenal have not beaten Man U all that often, in the recent past, so another diff one. Bayern lol, don;t know quite what to make of them. Last year they were at another level, but I doubt they are… Read more »


Nice to see Bendtner smiling and happy at Arsenal


Arsenal still needs to strengthen,especially upfront,we need a goal mäd attacker,not the mostly goal shy one we have,mainly in big games

Rosicky's sprints...

I’m ready 4 bayern….#COYG#


I’ve been following French Ligue1 and Ligue2 for a some years now, and they do have some hidden gems there. Problem is, that French players, or rather players coming from French youth selections are selected predominately on physical attributes before given intense technical training. By the age of 16-17 these players are strong, fast, and technically equipped for their positions. But, maturity, and tactical understanding is what comes later, or does not come at all. Players break into the first-team by the age of 18-19, or get shipped on loan to get more time or get lost out in a… Read more »


I have a good feeling about sanogo too.

The only Olivier is Giroud

@ Guitareth: are you Rambling Pete in disguise? 😉


No, but I’ll look out for his posts as if you think I’m him he’s clearly a very sensible (and probably handsome) man.


Rambling Pete is probably the best commenter on these pages. I would love it if there could be a weekly “article” from him.

Yeah, I know, it’s not happening, but just putting my thoughts out there.


Just did a Google for Rambling Pete’s comments and have to say he is brilliant. I am honored to be compared with him but defintely not in his league. I’ll get me coat!

The only Olivier is Giroud

The comment about the feral cat mauling our entire bench reeks of Rambling Pete!


Bendy looks like a poor mans Ewan McGregor don’t you think chaps?


If all Sanogo does in his Arsenal career is have a Chris Weah FA Cup semi-final moment I’d be more than pleased with him!


Poor Sanogo. Some fans will never give him a chance, because of who he is not, rather than who he is.


I think Guitareth’s comment was more hallucinatory than rambling,Lol


i appreciate wenger trying to boost his players moral, but lets be real- having sanogo back is not going to improve our chances in any way. Kid’s been injured for how long now? and has only played 20mins for us. He is nothing more than a “prospect” and wenger needs to stop patronizing us with this “because he’s not worth x amount crap”.If we don’t win the league, it’ll be because of having an average striker like Giroud.

Igor Stepanov's career

Zanusaj was only a prospect this season but he has been United’s only positive out of their season.

Fabregas was once only a prospect, playing is how prospects become talent.

Give the guy a chance


If this season is anything to go by (Ramsey) we should always bear in mind that nothing remains static in football (The media’s number one assumption and mistake) and that young players always carry the capacity to improve.


How soon before we have Vermaelen playing as striker


Park bench never gets a start. You mean Vemaelen is ahead of him?:D


The Kingslayer

Stewart Robson's therapist

Three goals in his last three games (because that linesman at City was WRONG). Say what you like about the B52, but he’s coming up with the goods at the moment.


I think he does a great job replicating what Giroud gives us in terms of physicality. If he leaves in the summer, then Sanogo may have to step up then.

What we need right now is a slightly different striker type who can add a bit of breakaway speed or react quicker in and around the box.

if we take indicative from our summer pursuit of Higuain and Suarez, then we know what kind of capability we are lacking at the moment on the apex.


All this talk about strikers, defense is what will create the platform for us to win the league.

MOTD Lineker felt pertinent to remind messrs Murphy and Shearer that we have kept 8 clean sheets.

Grudging noises from the ‘pundits’ who instead of taking note of evidence would rather hold to (selective) opinions about who are favorites in their mind.

Suits us just fine.:D


Signing on a striker (on loan or otherwise) could be a delicate thing this month since there are others in the hunt which may be reason why it won’t happen till the very last minute of the window for fear of a hijack.

I think the player we need to look at should carry a bit of pace preferably just to add a different capability up top and provide another option for us in the wide area (albeit Gnabry looks a fine prospect and Ox, Podolski are coming back in)


according to that picture, training looks GREAT!!!!

Bendtner's ego

Hoping Yaya really ends up making the grade at the club because he already has one of the BEST pre-made songs available.

Would love to be able to sing it on North London derby.

Gazidis' bald patch

Honestly, I can see why people want us to buy a striker, but provided our strikers remain fairly injury-free, we are well off with them. Bendtner’s last games were really encouraging (never thought I’d say this), and Giroud isn’t as bad as people make him out to be. Buying a striker would most likely disrupt the balance we have, and stutter Bendtner’s development (lol)


I just wanna say. Hope we get draxler. Not a striker, but what’s hightened our need was the loss of Walcott. A winger who scores goals. What I’ve seen of draxler makes me think he can do that fir us. He’s got something of the G.Bale about him. And I know he’s injured but having him for March April May could be much needed.

Black Hei

I think Bendter can do the job, against lesser teams. I get that he scores a few goals so far and won us 6 points, but his movement is too ponderous. It is probably a lack of fitness; guy needs to shed some weight.


I think that we need a poacher type of striker that has a nose for goal in the vein of… Eduardo… might be a good option, there was alot of talk about him being interested in coming back to the Gunners last week. As an alternative I suggest Chicharito.

Az Ahmed

Someone with skill, finesse, strong finishing abilities on a par with the likes of Suarez, young, agile, quick, and I reckon available at around £20M-£25M at most – the only con against all these pluses is he can be a bit of a problem child type player, much like Suarez. I refer, of course, to Mario Balotelli.

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