Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cazorla: we deserve to be top

Santi Cazorla says that although Man City have been ‘superb’ this season, Arsenal are top of the league because they deserve to be.

The Spaniard’s two goal salvo against Fulham ensured the Gunners remained top of the pile, and speaking to beIN Sport, the former Malaga man spoke about how the season had gone thus far for Arsene Wenger’s men.

“At the start of the season, nobody put us up as high as Manchester City or Chelsea, but at the moment, we are showing that we are up there with them,” he said.

“Right now, in the Premier League, we are top because we have been the best team. City are big favourites for the title. They are a superb team, with a brilliant coach and they are on great form. The hope is we can stay with them until the end.”

And Cazorla said he and his teammates would be doing everything they can to put an end to that trophy drought that nobody ever mentions.

“Every year the pressure has to be at the maximum. In the end a team like Arsenal, that is striving for trophies, and has gone a fair few years without winning any, the aspirations we should have are to win as many trophies as possible and challenge the best teams.

“This season, the team is much more solid, we are much better at closing out games. We need to continue this form, because of Chelsea and Manchester City.

“In the Premier League it is about consistency, who has been the best throughout the season and, right now, we are at a very good level.”

The reality is that City can score 10 goals per game and as long as Arsenal keep winning, it won’t matter one bit. Plus, when we give them a solid thrashing at our place, it’ll feel all the sweeter.

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“The reality is that City can score 10 goals per game and as long as Arsenal keep winning, it won’t matter one bit. Plus, when we give them a solid thrashing at our place, it’ll feel all the sweeter.” – We love you Blogs!


I’m looking forward to that game very much. But I’m gonna be nervous as hell. A couple from Cazorla and Giroud, one from Ozil and Zorrosicky and we should be fine..

Nasris wallet

It will be tuff. I think city will pinch it…


Are you talking about leather or someone’s ass?

Make up your mind, damn it!!!

Kanu's Gold Medal

Ugh…did you even look at the writer’s name before down-voting him? Comedy, people.


Good comedy, too – but Na$ri must always be thumbed down. And so must his wallet.


To cement our place at the top, we’ll have to beat City and Chelsea when we meet them. After last night I am sure we can’t rely on mid-table teams to take points off them.

Igor Stepanov's career

Haha United now considered mid-table team, classic!!

Igor Stepanov's career

Finally some revenge after they ruined my career!!


I am ready to bet that this will be the year with the highest cumulative points of the top 3 teams.
It’s not only the games versus Chelsea and Man City that are important, but let’s not forget that Man U, Everton and Sp*rs are in a race of their own for 4th place and will inevitably take some points from the top 3 somewhere along the way.
Let’s hope for a dose of mental strength!


Excellent point, except that Man Ure are no longer in the race for fourth place.

Stevie boy

Manure in the hunt for forth lol in the hunt for Europa league football more realistically LOL


I feel sorry for Moyes to be honest but I don’t feel sorry for Man Utd. I Everton pips fourth this season. They deserve it.

Arty's Art

Why do you feel sorry for Moyes? He is a footballing dinosaur.

Basically he is the herbivore version of Sam Allardyce .

Virginia Goon

I’m not feeling sorry for moyes but one has to wonder if that C*nt ferguson set his countrymen up for failure. There’s no way anybody with a logical football mind could look at United squad and see a seriously competitive bunch. They lucked out with a fit van purse string last year, and had the pleasure of playing a full league season with all capable teams playing on a slide. I’m gonna get stick for it, but I seriously don’t think anybody could do better than moyes is right now. That team is just over the hill, and far, far… Read more »

Canadian Arsenal Fan

I knew that as they signed Van Persie, that he would probably just get injured again. I mean, he only had one injury-free season right before he left, so good riddance if we got Ozil for RVP plus 20 mil.

Rosicky's sprints...

Tell em santi this year is ours…Theo will lift the trophy on his crutches coz we doing it 4 him…


According to the papers, Chelsea have ‘closed the gap on City’. Are they aiming to finish second?!



Cazorla out montolivo in.


Rakesh are you really serious?? You want to take cazorla out for a guy whose team is 11th in the worst league in the world?? i mean seriously??!!!


Bro, you srsly need to stop eating too much tikka masala.


Oh man… turn off FIFA for a sec and come over watch our mighty Arsenal. Beers on me.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

“Plus, when we give them a solid thrashing at our place, it’ll feel all the sweeter.”

At first I thought Cazorla said this! Oh well, I’m sure that’s how he feels insides anyways.

Me So Hornsey

It truly is bizarre that, having been the best team in the prem, not just this season but for the past 13 months, pundits and journos still seem intent on the race being between Chelsk and City. I don’t get it, I thought to get a job commentating in football you had to know what you were talking about.

The Ox is a fox

I understand your sentiment, but why should the media talk us up? On the pitch, we have had some big disappointment along the way: – Villa (h) : badly reffed, early season – Manure (a): timid first half, sickness – Dortmund (h): naive – Citeh (a): mixed bag, slightly embarrassing – Chelsea (h): cautious, tame – Everton (h): first half outplayed by our own game, two points dropped right at the end And a series of stomach churning wins. Off the pitch, Arsenal will never be the darling of the media because we have been pretty much against reckless spending.… Read more »

I miss Bergkamp

I can agree with much of your post fox, but to say ” only us among the top three crying for new signings now” is a stretch too far. Chelski fans have been crying out for a striker since the summer even if they are starting to score a bit now. Man City fans are so spoiled they want massive signings too.


Thing is as much as we can depend on other teams to take some points off our rivals our head to head against both city and chelsea will be crucial and we simply cannot afford to lose all 6 points, the least should be 3 or 4 it would be naive and blind to expect all 6.

The boys simply have to get a result in one of the big ones but first, we must take care of the small ones: im looking at you Tottenham.


Hahaha naievity at it.s best hornsey! U only need 1 of 2 requirements either have played for l’pool or be good at talking utter bollocks – most pundits have the unhappy knack of fulfilling both it seems

Kon fee dent gun

We deserve some decent transfer too.


Ozil and Flamini weren’t decent enough for you, then?


We need to beat united and city at the very least. And then hope we don’t get complacent. We also need to kill games quicker.

The Ox is a fox

Yes, we need to do this and we have to do that.

I bet, if we win the league this season, it’ll have been the most painful one our the lots.

Trex d' Gunner

This team accumulated more points than any other team in 2013. We also have have the meanest & stingyest defense in the entire league this season. And lest I forget the little issue (sarcasm) of being top of the league for the better part of this season, despite the absence of some of our key players. The table does not lie. With consistency the title is ours. COYG.

The Ox is a fox

That’s an encouraging stats, but don’t fool ourselves. We had a good second half of the last season but the order in the league table at the top was very much done. Some game became stalemate and almost irrelevant. We managed pip the neighbours for the fourth place and that’s the only objective set out back then. Earlier this season, City, Chelsea and Manure suffered a bit from transitions and restructuring. We took full advantage of that. That’s itself an improvement. The run in will be much tougher. Just hope we have improved a lot too and will ride them… Read more »

Naija Gunner

Totally agree with you Santi!



Bayern (a) , Tottenham (a) , Chelsea (a) , City (h), Everton (a).. Should we win the league this year it’d might exceed everything I’ve experienced as an Arsenal supporter (only 20 years old though). Yes, we won the double (Old Trafford) and went the season unbeaten (WHL). Still, this was at a time when our team were so good, and had been so good for a long period of time, that it was “expected”. This time, however, we’ve been struggling for 8 years, written off even midway through the season when at the top of the table. So many… Read more »

The Ox is a fox



Loving all the vibes and right reaction:

““We will let them talk, we want to make the difference on the pitch and show we have a good quality team and be consistent.” – Sagna

Sarson Vinegar's frightening sarnie

Norgooner, this will be the first title you can celebrate by getting totally smashed (legally) round highbury! Something to look forward to. When we won the league at WHL, the atomosphere round Highbury was amazing, as good as almost any game I’ve been to.

Look forward to buying you a championship winning beer!


I wish I could relax enough to enjoy this season for the ride that it is but every game is adding years to my age lol
Technically I’m 26 but i guarantee my football armchair gooner age is 346.*

cant wait for the city and the Chelsea games if we want the job done right then lets do it ourselves, obviously the rest of the league aren’t up to them. We can’t expect any favours

* not a guarantee

Yeah Right

Yes, I can only imagine! Am from Norway, but nothing could stop me from making the trip if we look likely to win it. If not for the game, then just for being in the streets celebrating.

Cheers mate!


My nickname changed there, but Yeah Right was answering Sarson Vinegar’s frightening sarnie.

Gooner Dave

I don’t think Arsenal will lose again this season.

The Ox is a fox

We have a lot of encouraging signs for the run in. Santi, Podolski and Jack are all hitting form at the right time. The back line avoids injuries and has come out of the cold winter almost unscathed. Ramsey and Arteta are coming back and will consolidate the midfield and provide options for rotation. Bendtner comes back to help the team. How I wish Theo’s knee had not twanged! That’s probably the biggest heartache AW has suffered. Gnabry is the remedy?


I am full of optimism for the second half of the season. We have every ingredient we need to win the league, even in Theo’s absence. Same goes for the FA Cup and the Champions League. I feel a treble coming on. I wish I could be in England to celebrate come the end of May, but there’ll be a good party at Arsenal Vancouver too.

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