Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss confirms Ramsey’s absence will be ‘weeks’

Arsene Wenger has confirmed that Aaron Ramsey will be out of action for ‘weeks’ after the midfielder suffered an injury setback in training earlier this week.

Despite telling the media he hoped it was short-term after the 2-2 draw with Southampton on Tuesday night, the Frenchman has admitted the Welsh Jesus is going to be out for a prolonged period.

“He had a setback and it doesn’t look too good,” he said. “It is matter of some weeks for him.”

As we reported on Tuesday night, the initial prognosis led to fears it could be as much as 6 weeks, but let’s hope he can recover more quickly than that as the games pile up.

However, there’s better news regarding Jack Wilshere who should be fit for the trip to Anfield next weekend, while Tomas Rosicky returns to the squad for Sunday’s game against Crystal Palace.

The club also confirmed that Mathieu Flamini will only miss 3 games through suspension, meaning he’ll be back for the FA Cup clash with Liverpool at the Emirates on February 16th.

That’s one we’re glad we got wrong!

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Dr Baptiste



It’s not even ‘3’ weeks. Just weeks, I am scared.

Dan Gunn

Yup, I fear Wenger is being economical with the truth on Ramsey.

How typical that our squad thins as our fixtures thicken!

This Arsenal team keeps fighting and surprising… It can often seem darkest before the dawn. A few signings could give us a boost… Wenger loves leaving it late!

Remember the invincibles

Draxler deal is off. Thanks to Wenger. Seriously stubborn man.

The Doctor

Get well soon, Rambo!

This is a real shame, he offers us something different to the other midfielders.

Come again?

A chance of redemption.


Is it just me or does this seem to happen way too much? Players who are almost back to full fitness but then have a setback. Maybe a case of trying to get players to play again too fast?

Bould's Eyeliner

Players are already almost always skirting with the fine line of ‘perfect form’ to ‘overdoing’ it. He’s 22, young, eager, and has spent over a year recuperating his body and form. Understandable, but also frustrating. I’m sure he’s gnashing his teeth the most.

Dan Gunn

Disagree. Wenger is more cautious than most. Footballer’s these days are like finely tuned cars. Take Aguero for example. Once you get one of these calf/quad muscle tears they are really tricky to shake.

Daft Aider

I don’t believe that Wenger is over-cautious about players coming back from injury, over the years he’s admitted to bringing Vieira, Bergkamp, Platt, Overmars and Wilshere back from injury too early only to see them get injured because of that………

Bould's Eyeliner

Finely tuned cars remain finely tuned because they get all their parts changed constantly to brand new ones, and tires multiple times per race. If only we could do that with ourselves we wouldn’t have to have made a lab of Diaby clones…

Joking aside, being ‘finely tuned’ means pushing it as far as you can go without injuring yourself, mainly because there are no ‘replacements’


C’mon Wenger, please sign one or two players by tomorrow, you can see Cfc and Man city are playing.


Blue sky thinking. 2 weeks out. Comes back fresh as a daisy for a 2 month title push.


Get well soon Rambo!

If you can finish the season like you started it, there will be silverware at the Emirates!

No name

Here’s to hoping ‘weeks’ doesn’t turn ‘months’…


Ramsey: When you turn a corner, you really turn a fucking corner!

Suddenly Looks like all hopes rest on this young man staying fit, couldn’t say that afew months ago!. Get well soon we miss seeing you brushing your hair off your face every other time….and the goals…those massve goals!


I sincerely do not like the sound of this. Weeks have very often become months but I hope this one is different as our title challenge needs a breath of fresh Ramsey

It is very disheartening if the Manager can not make @least a loan signing of two back-ups,till the return of the injures!


Hurry back rambo your truely missed.but good news about flamini


hope that Jack and chambo can deputise well enough,get well soon Rambo.


Sorry to diversify but that’s a Newcastle goal disallowed a spurs goal disallowed and a penalty given that never was
Do you think their is some Arab backhanders going on. Man City are good enough without getting help from inept ref’s and linesman.
There is to much money involved in modern football to have these people make basic mistakes week and week out

Özil's Eyes on Arsene's Hot Thighs

Never thought the day would come when I would rue the absence of Aaron Ramsey. Likeable person and massive, massive player. We were way too wrong on this one… H.pie still being scoffed since August.


Forget signing new players, we should shift our focus on signing a new medical staff team.


Totally unrelated.
Mourinho: Westham are playing 19th century football.
(conveniently forgets the Boeing 747 he parked not long ago at Emirates)

Alardyce: They can’t take that we ‘out-tacticed’ them, can they? I like it when Chelsea players moan and try to intimidate the referees. When Mourinho jumps up and down animatedly on the side walks. I love it!

We too Sammy! We love it to no end!!

In Soviet Russia, WENGA sacks YOU

Viva Samuele Allardicci 🙂


Bloody officials are weighted toward City and Chelsea, favorites to the title.

Walrus was absolutely right to complain about the dodgy penalty call.


Ramsey is not the main issue. Jack is. I think our issue in midfield will be decided by how serious a knock Jack has. Otherwise midfield shortfalls currently is manageable. Arteta is exposed for 4 games at the moment. there is no viable third choice back up to him with Diaby still on the perennial mend. If jack is fit, I feel he is more critical to the overall shape and balance of the team than Ramsey as much as Ramsey is the player in better form. Otherwise Jack , Chamberlain and (when his nose recovers, Rosicky) should be ample… Read more »


I think the other issue of adding a midfield player early this January would be Rosicky. Granted he has been an absolute warrior this season, he won’t get any younger and the wear and tear will show in availability in coming seasons. Personally, I’d much rather give Sagna the added year extension (the bloke is solid) than add on for Rosicky. We are currently extrapolating that Sagna is the hold up. For all we know, it could be Rosicky that may be let go earlier despite the noises to contrary. if Draxler did come in, I would expect Rosicky would… Read more »

A Yank In King Arsene's West Stand

That would have ended differently if ol’ Pete had written it.


Thank Fuck your wrong Blogs!


Fair play to Rambo for doing some modelling, although he’ll never look as good as he does smashing the ball into the back of the net!

Can’t wait til he’s back.



First thing I always do when I start my FM; sack all the club physios. That’s just me. Darn!

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